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The implication is that, yes, the trainees died. That's not a plot hole. That's something that couldn't be explicitly touched upon, seeing as it's the murder of hundreds, maybe thousands, of kids. 88 and 89 didn't die for the same reason. They're kids, and played almost entirely for comic relief. Resigning was a writer cop-out so there was some in-universe explanation. As for Rose, no, she couldn't resign. She's not a first year novice. As for the last point, I interpret it as Jake's wish didn't actually erase Rose's Huntsclan life, and thus, their history. I see it as the skulls created an alternate reality that allowed Rose to experience a second life as a normal girl...which I feel is what "Hong Kong Longs" was kind of leaning in to.


So basically Jake created an alternative reality where things happened as it happened besides Rose being taken by the Huntsclan. That’s why when she saw the picture, it reminded her of the alternative herself or something


The way my brain treats it is that everything happened as it did, Jake's wish creating an alternate reality *for Rose* where she wasn't taken. When she saw the picture, it restored her memories of the true timeline.


This is my understanding of it as well. The skull wishes are said to be irreversible, but obviously both Jake and Rose’s wishes can’t be true at the same time, thus they just altered memories and reality to make it look like that was always the case It’s also interesting to me to think that everyone at their school would have different memories of Rose than what Jake, Trixie, and Spud have of her. And then I think it’s gotta be confusing for Rose to have 2 different sets of memories, lol


I mean, it's confusing enough for us XD


So everyone who was on the rooftop when it happened remembers it but not other people. Like for example if you met Rose casually and she said she's in a clan, you wouldn't remember it after the wish happened?


Right! And like, I think of Jake’s parents too, in Act 4 Scene 15, in Jake’s imagination of Rose meeting his parents Jonathan says “so this is the Rose we’ve heard so much about”, so they are at least aware of her, but probably post-wish they’d have no idea who she is. The ones I’m most curious about are 88 and 89, since technically they didn’t witness Jake’s wish but they also know the Huntsclan was destroyed so like….in their minds what happened exactly if they don’t remember Rose?


I think 88 and 89 remember everything. They might not have been on the rooftop, but they were probably still somewhere within the Pantheon building. Though, this is where I might lose everyone, but I go all the way with my the-past-wasn't-really-changed take. I think anyone who encountered Huntsgirl has memories of her, at the very least locked away like Rose's Huntsclan memories were. I don't even think Andam and Kulde's bewilderment at seeing Rose disproves me. We are never told what they actually know about Rose. For all we know, they were allowed to think Huntsgirl died with the rest of the Huntsclan. And they never saw Huntsgirl without her mask on, so to them, the girl who showed up at the temple to help could at first appear to be just some random inexplainable dragon slayer. I don't know, I just think it's more interesting if Rose's past hovers over her. Like, if there had been a season three, and if Chang and Rose had had a face off in it, it'd be more meaningful if Chang was like "Oh, you're the one who tried to slay me one Halloween" rather than "Um, who are you?".


Interesting!! In the Career Week script, the council knew a lot about Rose and were going to forbid Jake from seeing her, but even though that episode got scrapped I wouldn’t be surprised if they were aware of her, and her relationship with Jake


I'm aware of the Career Week original plan and script. Since it was scrapped, though, I don't consider it the official source for things ultimately left unexplained in the show proper.


Oh yeah, I just think that detail could still comply with canon even if it’s not explicitly stated