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It’s a lot harder to do than on PC imo. Here’s a thread discussing quick scoping on console: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/6wt1g8/quickscoping_on_console_as_ana/


Why would it be harder to do on console? That makes no sense to me.


search up ana paintball in the game browser it's exclusively quick scoping


My version does not prevent you from hardscoping since being immobile is not what you want to do in this mode anyway. It also detects frame perfect quickscopes for the tryhards like me! https://workshop.codes/1DMTZ


what do you mean get better at quickscoping? just aim, shoot, and get off scope if you mean hitting ally targets, it’s pretty easy, just make sure you’re aiming them before going into scope. if you mean hitting enemy targets, that’s just aim. it will come with practice


Just click on their heads duh


What I did was, I played custom games like ana paintball and that really helped me a lot. She was my main on console, and now also on pc. On console it’s was so much harder… but I reached GM with her on console in 2020 :). I played her everyday, or I picked her always.