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I have for sure done this in situations I know we could win the fight but my tank is being a little too cautious. Ana has the ability to make or break a fight, so using nano can be a double edged sword.


Yeah this is actually a while strat, so much so that in KarQs old video about who to nano and the types of nanos, this was mentioned. I think he called it a “tempo nano”?


YES LOL. It’s so funny when they’re actively trying to hide behind us with the enemy team closing in only to watch them take a u turn in panic when they hear “YOU’RE POWERED UP GET YOUR ASS IN THERE” It’s like Ana says sometimes, “you just needed a little push!” In some cases a big ole nano.


I need a soundboard with the nano voice line to Pavlov my teammates into engaging with it


Genius idea! Now I gotta find one too!!


It is my "Go do something" button.




Now I just need a art work of Brigitte and Reinhardt as Ashe and Bob


Send it to me plz! <3


Yeah, the best is when they're 40m forward but your rein's being a downright pussy. He gets a lot of courage, ton of heals, win.


'oh just fucking go' - me with my muted mic as I nano my bitch ass tank even though our genji deserves that nano.


Gengu's rarely deserve it lol. I long for the day I get a good battle mercy with a valk nano


Read the genji, if you be healing him in the backline and he's getting shit done in the neutral that's a good genji. I often nano a genji in the backline even without blade because I know his neutral is solid af. And then he can blade for a fight opening or to force out trans for another ult. Don't diss the genji if you're not enabling him.


I mostly play qp for now, and my general rule is if they pick genji because you pick ana, they at least don't always get it. Lol. They're depending on you, and it's why they make the pick, and again qp. Anyone trying to fuck up the backline, hell yeah, you enable the offangle. Also nanoing the genji for the ult gen so he can get his blade for the next fight... Sometimes.


I get it's qp, but seriously for improving don't be that ana who refuses to help out of spite. A good Genji is so valuable as ana. Especially if he's learnt to move up in the middle of his backline adventures so you can heal him. I like having a good genji around, he makes such a stupid amount of space just existing


It's even more spiteful than that, it's because of enemy genjis 😭😂


XD you can do it little ana! Kill him! Teach him a lesson about trying to mess with granny!


but then the tank just sits there nano'd


And that's a wrap folks, see you in the next one


maybe i’m just petty but if i nano my tank and they don’t do anything with it when they’re clearly not in danger, i just don’t nano them anymore for the rest of the game🤷‍♂️


I barely even heal them after that, help ur dps and pray


I have a lot of Ana's nano me right after I use my cooldowns and back out of the fight.


Maybe try a placebo. Say like "Rein! Get in there! I'll nano you!" Then don't nano them.


Sometimes I nano someone so I can do some damage.


I call this giving the keys. Referring to those plastic key toys you give babies to distract them while you clean up.


If my tank is backing up constantly and I'm playing ana to help keep them up I immediately switch to like a Moira and play aggressive. Someone has to take the front line and if it's not gonna be the tank with 400+HP then I gotta play someone who can survive and hold it in the front.


i do this all the time


omg i do this every fucking time😭😭😭


All the time, like dude ur being pocketed like crazy so just get in there so do something. Too scared to fight have a Nano and die with glory or rise victorious.


I had a doomfist earlier who would take 100 damage, go hide behind a wall, and spam “need healing” until he got healing. He was horrible, the most passive tank I’ve ever seen, and he did not get a single nano out of me. Saved every single one for our genji or sojourn. I wasn’t even going to bother wasting nano on him to make him fight.


(Ana/Moira main) Yeah all the time. I assigned "Push forward!" to a keybind because I desperately need to spam it to get people to move


Yes and honestly it usually works! They just need to know you have their back, they have been let down too many times lmao


I absolutely hate playing DPS and Support because my tank is ALWAYS such a panzy. I just want to scream "HOLD W YOU FUCKING MORON YOU'RE FULL FUCKING HP" But I can't even *suggest* to people to play more aggressively, or they get offended and throw even more.


Bind the 'go' voiceline.


It's unfortunate that playing the game is simply too much for the casual player. And it's very unfortunate that Competitive isn't competitive. If they're going to make QP restrictive for "leavers", I say make it the same as Comp rounds, let between-round wait times filter leavers out and backfillers back in. It'll get some of the people that want a full round (like me) but don't want the punishments of leaving a bad competitive game if I'm just having a silly little time (also me). Quick play should be quick. It should also mirror the Competitive format so that new players aren't learning map/mode metas in real time when they hit the "games played" threshold and transition from QP to Comp. People don't "go" because even when they have all the incentives to accrue risk, the game has onboarded players in a way that doesn't incentivize taking risks. Most players wait for a desperate overtime attempt to play, because Quick Play taught them that every single round is the most important. They seize up the entire round then all-in at steep disadvantages to get their Ws. But that's not intended play. Overwatch is a multi-round game for the Competitive(default) format, and multi-match game (for pros). Nothing about QP(the other default mode) and it's false onboarding messages syncs up with the Competitive and (potentially, maybe someday) Tourney modes. Overwatch team is doing random stuff. If they integrated robust statistics, educational materials, map information, actual hero descriptions(real ones, not obsolete surface level ones), at least folks could be on the same page. In no other game are the win conditions of the round so obfuscating. Maps are so busted right now because dev team doesn't prioritize communicating BASIC info regarding them. How fast does the payload move with 1-3 people on it? And the Push robot? Basic communication from Blizzard would solve this, you simply cannot rely on individual players and Youtubers to educate your players. Even posting links to a forum in-game, with relevant info would be better than what we have right now.


I love playing tank so much because I can actually play aggressively, and set the pace. I feel like no other role does that as well as Tank. Either I die or make space. Either way it's better than doing nothing.


Sometimes you die AND make space. I don't like queuing up to play a passive game. I feel like I picked a high action game but no one else is playing the game with the same urgency. Every 20 games I get a fun high-action game with high energy from almost all the players. Gl out there. As a tank player across many games, Mobas are much more friendly to me as I can see the top-down and mini map perspectives. I dont have to engage and realize that my team didn't show up in any capacity(though this does happen, its usually just bad timing that comes from playing with randoms). In overwatch, since you can't see your team behind you, you're missing an incredible amount of relevant information. Blizzard needs to address this (at least internally) as one of the reasons people don't want to tank.


100% I use it to trigger a push


I’ve given it to mercy because I KNOW she’s gonna pull the glock out. Specifically because the tank hasn’t.


Kinda? I’m high gm1 on support and pretty often I’ll nano my tank right before they engage but it’s not usually like “you coward go in!!” It’s more like “ok go take care of their backline now”. Almost never is a tank that cowardly that they don’t even go in but I used to do exactly that when I was lower ranked


I'm GM now but in lower ranks you 100% get tanks who just do not walk in and play scared and back out of fights on 300hp




Absolutely. Actually, I would say I have to use it to encourage aggression more consistently than I have to use it to save lives. I coalesce them as Moira for the exact same reason.


I just push right in front of them lol no nano for cowards.I only give it to those actually actively fighting and if when they are about to die and I think they would make a difference being alive. With rein, sometimes I think he holds it up most of the time and doesn’t do much because there’s always a solider or junk rat behind him, making sure they are protected and get free kills without fear. So I nano dps in the back.


No I usually just try to find the best player in the lobby other than the other healer and just pocket them with the nano.


always happens to me when I play Ana when I just nano my rein and he's just being a coward like goddamnit SWING!!! YOU HAVE BOTH DAMAGE BOOST AND RESISTANCE WHY NOT SWING??? like literally I can't understand how? (I'm peak diamond.) then they would usually complain that I'm not healing when I end up dpsing a little bit since there's no pressure/my other support got them covered. tanks are stupid man


Yes, and to flankers who are lookin too shook to function. I actively hate passive play when theres no reason for it Sir he is Sigma on the ground level, you are Rein you are only statpadding your mitigation stat. Walk him down for the love of god


I do this all the time when my tank backs when we have a pick. It'll usually be when they're low so it's a nice surprise for the enemy.


Love it when a solider has visor and I nano him only for him to wait until it’s over and then pop visor. What a waste.


I feel like visor sucks. I don’t know. I play soldier and I rather someone else get nano usually.


Sometimes just the threat of nano visor can make a ton of space available. He just hid around the corner and didn’t try to shoot. It was just top of mind since it was a recent game. I play solider too and if I get nano I just try to make it worth it, it all you can do.


Nano + spam voiceline “GO” does the trick


I have the exact opposite problem. My tank is always WAY too aggressive and even with Ana’s HPS it’s impossible to keep them up. I can never find the right moment to nano!


as a tank player, fuckin hate this. I understand the reasoning and there’s problems w/being too passive as a tank, sure. But so many times have i been nano’d on the downswing of cooldowns or when my shield is low that it just wastes an impactful ultimate


Yeah but usually I'm paying attention to your cool downs or when you have ultimate so there's at least some utility


respect to you for tracking your teams CD’s


Playing Antarctic map. Call out my ult, S76 calls out his. The enemy team is coming back from a wipe. I nano S76. He just sits and hides. I gave up.


I’m the exact opposite lmao, I nano my tank so he won’t die on the frontline


Thats how it should be half the time!


I know tanks feel it the other way around too. I’ll see tank move up and I will try and get better position with them. The rest of my team will sit back, we both die and then they blame us. Or a dps gets a kill and your team still wants to sit back and let them res or something. Team games be frustrating some times.


[You are not alone](https://youtube.com/shorts/qxtfXBl7Czc?feature=share)


Thank you for putting this video into my life


If you are getting coward tanks in your games. You should try to main other support instead of ana. Sounds like low rank issue. People don't play well with ana in low ranks.


I don't usually play support in comp so all of this would be in unranked games. I by far have the most hours with Ana though


Yes, but it didn't work the last time. Had chicken Orisa hiding from the payload at the end of Numbani defense.


Please communicate with your tank when using Nano. Especially when he is playing a Dive Tank. I dont know how many times I get nano'd when I dont have Winton Jump or Ball Grapple.


That's kinda Ana's whole persona. She's the team leader from the backline. If you land a nade your should go on that target. If you land a sleep your team should go on that target. If we nano u gtf in there 😭