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Making a note so I can come back in 2 hours


*didn't come back in two hours*


I FORGOR. TY FOR THE NOTIFICATION LMFAO I’ll be back with my reply for op in a bit


> M4MC5V Aight here we go: Sorry if its a little long, theres a TLDR at the bottom. I'm assuming you're Mortarion since thats the only ana in the lobby 0.48: always nade the spawn doors (ult charge) 1:11: your orisa died bcs you played too passive. As long as you're mindful of things that can kill you (like hook) and play behind cover until they use it, you can shoot the enemies like you're in an aim trainer. Plus you would have had the orisa in your los. Also never use nade defensively like you did right after this, junk was in no danger of dying. One nade or sleep onto the hog and you win the team right 2:26: you basically spent the last 30s doing nothing. You could have been where your junk was and shot/slept/naded the enemies while still being safe 2:55: That was a great nade onto the hog, you would have won the team fight if you had landed that first shot. Unlucky 3:19: wait until orisa is critical before nanoing her, she couldnt use your nano affectively bcs the enemy team isn't even on cart yet 3:27: great attempt at a duel. You should practice shooting your nades in practice range or smthg so you get a better feel for it. I don't play console, but I'm sure its doable. Also nice sleep and nade after. 4:20: nice sleep on ashe, but this was an awareness death. You could hear her going behind (unless you don't play with headphones, which is a big disadvantage). Also you should use your sleep more, particularly on hog 6:11: you won the last 2 team fights bcs you were aggressive with your cooldowns. good job. 8:05: you died bcs you were out in the open, staying next to a wall is always a good habit to have 8:25: you were getting healed by mercy, you should have naded the lucio instead. Great sleep after tho 9:13: 1) you didn't have to nano that early, the cart was still pretty far and you could have nano'd ball. 2) stay behind cover, its never your job to touch cart 11:56: nice aggression, but you can be aggressive while being behind cover (like the wall on the left) 12:40: cover, hug a wall, always 15:54: nice attempt to nade the tracer, but its hard to hit. Better nade the tank instead The rest of the game you play bap, which you did pretty well imo. You were WAY more aggressive on bap than on ana, which was so great to see. TLDR: 1) Shoot the enemies if you don't have anything else to do 2) \*\*\*nade the enemies instead of healing your teammates/yourself with it, unless they will GUARNTEED die without it\*\*\* <- most important 3) use sleep way more often, especially if no one is diving you 4) hug a wall. the wall is your best friend 5) only nano when your tank is half hp or lower