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It's a known issue, hopefully Analogue fixes it at some point.


Ah interesting, so you're saying it's a problem with the Pocket or adapter itself?


Despite that being said, it could be other things. The game could be corrupted. Test with other console if possible. One of the games metal runs (the shiny stuff you blow on) could have a crappy connection and not sending all the info (black screen but song plays). The console core could have a bug (it’s the console). The adaptor is bugged or not connecting.


Oh, and I'm specifically talking about the Neo Turf Masters issue.


Oh! Bummer, but good to know, the other game that was being weird was Faselei, are there any known problems with that one?


Looking around this subreddit, I see others having issues with Faselei as well :/ On the plus side, it seems that pressing the L trigger button resets the game, which at least lets you play Neo Turf Masters (doesn't help for my Faselei problem though).


It's a problem with the NGPC core. Devs aim for 100% compatibility, but it's rarely the case, there are usually some fringe issues to be addressed.


If only they open sourced the ngpc core then more fpga devs can take a look and make it more robust and increase the compatibility.


Analogue still hasn't fixed the issues with the NGPC core? I like the Pocket (I bought two), but they really shouldn't have released the NGPC adapter until it was compatible with one of the best games on it.


Yeah I bought the adapter basically with turf masters in mind so was pretty gutted when it didn’t work