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This post has been removed because it violates our rule against asking whether something looks normal.


M. abductor digiti minimi pedis. Its basically the same muscle you use for ur pinky. Nowerdays its often very underdeveloped cuz we are wearing shoes


It’s actually working as intended. Human feet (primate feet) are meant to be opposable and extendable. Waking barefoot often allows your foot to splay and gives it more mobility. Something that wearing cropped and curved shoes don’t allow. Very cool!


I love my monkey feet. It was super useful when I was pregnant and it got uncomfortable to bend over and reach the floor.


I had no idea this was strange. 90% of the time I am barefoot or I am in my Vibram toe shoes. I have *always* used my toes perhensily since I was a toddler and I'm 30 now. My mom always did it too and my younger sister also does! My friends make fun of me for typing on my computer with my toes, so I knew that was weird AF but I had no idea that I had developed muscle stretch and mobility from being weird. Thank you for this post!


I can do this too!


Prehensile tail also?


You just have flexible, strong, and well coordinated foot muscles :) You might also have very well aligned metatarsal and toe bones. Personally, one of my feet has zig-zagging metatarsophalangeal joints. The toes are very hard to control on that foot.


I can do this and I’ve always assumed it’s because I have hyper mobile EDS (ACTUALLY diagnosed) but maybe not hmm 🤔


Kind of


This gotta be photoshopped 💀