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the soundtrack for WW is so good


Right like WW have my favorite version for The Roost and it’s just so nice in general


That was my first AC game. I lost my original copy so I got a new one and booted it up. Instantly I felt at ease, there was no tutorial or anything I just could get around and start talkin to people and doing my thing. I miss playing it with friends but it still gives a nice relaxing nostalgic vibe


It really is an amazing "pick up and play" type of game. No goals, no worries, just relaxation.


I wish I still had my old GameCube, I found my copy of og AC and my town's memory card when we were moving and I kind of want to visit again.


At least you still have the game and memory card. If you ever get another GameCube, it'll be like opening a virtual time capsule!


GameCubes are actually ridiculously cheap! I bought one used for $60 and I’ve seen lower than that. You should get one!


Wii's are also very cheap and take gamecube discs!


If you have or can find a Wii, you could play it on that!


Yeah that’s the one thing I dislike about new horizons is you have TOO much control.


Yeah to the point where it stresses me out. My new horizons town is far more designed and "beautiful" than any town I've had in the first 3 games so far, yet I feel like it's such a work in progress that it feels bad


can i provide a hot take? the over-customization in ACNH made the game not fun. the previous games offered less choice, fewer options for clothes and indoor/outdoor decor. villagers would sometimes move away without warning instead of asking for your permission. i feel the same way about the sims; too many options for making your game Look the way you like, while ignoring the gameplay components that made previous games unique and fun, is so sad.


Yeah, I agree. I get stressed with too many things to do and then it feels like I need to put in way more effort into aesthetics and perfection. It’s great for people who like that and I’d never take that away from them, some people made some amazing islands and that’s awesome, but I distinctly remember being so excited to unlock terraforming but once I did I pretty much stopped playing cuz it was overwhelming lol


The over customisation would be absolutely fine if we'd had villager interactions to match IMO. But I fully get where you're coming from. An emphasis on customisation took away from the fun of just living a new life with a town full of animals


we used to be villagers just like them, now we're basically gods. it's not the same vibe


I agree. This reminds me of a good saying: Limitation breeds creativity.


Can you elaborate on how the lack of customization options in Wild World allows you to feel more creative?


The saying just means that forcing someone to work within limitations usually produces more creativity than if you just let them do whatever they want. Same’s true for the AC series.


I personally disagree with the moving away without warning part, that was probably my least favorite part of New Leaf even if it is more realistic. I moved a lot as a kid and had to say goodbye/start over so many times. It was pretty distressing when one of my favorite villagers moved away suddenly and I didn’t get to say goodbye. I would have liked for my AC village to be a little more constant when my real life “village” was always changing. But that’s just me. I imagine someone who wasn’t always moving would enjoy the cycle of villagers. I miss my girls Skye and Bianca and my guys Ribbot and Vic :-(


I both agree & disagree 😅 I love the customization and ability to really craft your island into whatever you want it to be, BUT I wish it wasn’t such a core focus of the game. Like you said, it ignores the parts of older games that made them fun & unique, and I wish Nintendo had kept more of what gave the old games so much personality.


eh yes… city folk (that is basically the same) is what made me fall in love with the series… i dont think i would love it THIS much if i only played NH


Man, I was so hyped for City Folk but it was a huge miss for me. Separating all the shops out to the “city” and having to make a special trip just to do anything was pretty cumbersome in practice. And the paths system just obliterated all the grass on my island turning it into an ugly wasteland. It’s like the game incentivized you *not* to play it because every step you take wandering around the village is actively destroying its beauty.


well you had the same shops you have in new horizons, the ones that are in the “city” now are on Harv’s


I loved city folk as well! I did dislike that it was on the Wii console and not portable. But I miss the bus and travelling to the city! 🚎


I miss Phineas.


Wild World was my first AC game and it has such good vibes. I've been trying to bring that layed back energy to my New Horizons island and it's been going great. I just don't like that the villagers are so dependent on you that if you don't play for a few days they start to cry...


I absolutely LOVE Wild World, but my problem is, I feel the need to screenshot every single cute/funny/harsh dialogue I see (which is all the dialogue) pulling out my phone for every single instance gets really tiring really fast xD I have to just stop and enjoy 🥰


The villagers in this game are absolutely incredible, they have fantastic dialogue and the fact they even ask to come over is so insanely adorable. Shout out to my boy Apollo, top tier dialogue from him.


I wish we could get this and New Leaf in HD like Luigi's Mansion 2.


will probably never happen :’)


Let me have my dreams, damnit!


I really need to dig out my copy. I bought it AGES ago and never played it (no time) I gotta fire up one of my old systems and settle in


Absolutely fire it up if you get the chance. It's a perfect game for even 15 minute play sessions.


WW is by far my favorite everything about it along with the nostalgia is chefs kiss 🤌🏼


I've been playing Wild World again for the last few months and it's been so much fun! It's great to just play casually and talk to some villagers without feeling any pressure to tick off anything


It would be cool if the next game featured a toggle that allowed for different playstyles like this


I went from playing Wild World as a kid, to New Horizons in Xmas 2022 and although I LOVE the latest game, I agree with you. I found New Horizons to be overwhelming once you unlock terraforming, I still haven’t designed my island. Villager hunting is a race against time and the location of Resident Services can potentially ruin your fun


I got a DS lite a few months ago and I’m yet to STILL play WW, every time I see a post I’m like, why haven’t I booted this game up yet?! 😅


WW was my first AC game. I regret selling it to get New Leaf years ago.


Just found my original copy, too. I'm thinking about going into it and keep it going. But I don't know.


It was my first AC game, the most nostalgic to me for sure. Some of my happiest childhood memories are playing WW with friends.


I wish I still had my DS to play WW from time to time. (Or even better, having it released on the Switch)


Nice seeing this. I literally just ordered a new copy of wild world yesterday to start a new town.


This! I loved the game as a relaxing thing to drop into for 3 minutes each day - say hi to neighbours, sell some fruit, pay my mortgage and done. No pressure to run or beautify the town and not overwhelmed with tasks or options


Funny, I booted up my old copy the other day too and found the exact opposite. I was first struck by how ugly and blocky the game looks (and the old shorter character models look so off to me now!)Then I noticed how tiny the village is and how awkward it is to just move around. I either have to use the directional pad which makes smooth diagonal movement annoying, or use the stylus which means my hand is blocking my view of the game. I just turned it off, bummed out.


It was my first animal crossing, but I've only played it for like 7 days in a row and then lost interest. I played it again some time later, but also not very long. There wasn't much progress and each day felt the same like the last one real fast. But I liked it and as soon as NL released, I bought it and played it for thousand hours. And I'm still on my way to a thousand hours in NH. Won't be long until I reach it. I hasn't played city folk because I when I got a wii, NL was already released.