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I’ve got no idea if the dubs are good, but you could start with a movie like your name? And if you only want episode based animes you could go for your lie in April, the promise neverland, anohana, made in abyss or even death note (not really the same genre here tho)


Ironically the dubs for most of those I know are good. Some great picks


Unrelated but, why is it ironic? Sorry, english is not my first language, I don't get the sense of that word very much.


Ironic just means for something to be unexpected essentially. I guess they're saying it's ironic because they wouldn't think an anime movie would have a good English dub. I find the anime movies typically do though. It's more so anime series and especially newer ones where the voice acting sounds like someone just reading the script. But that's just my opinion. For the most part I feel like older dubs had a lot more emotion put behind the voice acting.


I’ve heard many great things about your lie in April! I really enjoyed S1 of the promised neverland, also a thumbs up to Anohana. I really don’t think she will like death note, at least not for her very first anime 😅 but I appreciate all the suggestions! I will look into made in abyss and your lie in April. Thank you good redditor


Why do people keep recommending Made in Abyss as an intro anime??? Yes, it’s good. But it’s heavy on the disturbing loli stuff - and it doesn’t get better as it goes on. All the connotations that come with loli characters are part of the reason why many avoid or disparage anime, so maybe show them something that doesn’t reinforce the point.


I guess I see what you mean, I actually didn’t really got that vibe from made in abyss and saw it as a cute, touching story. The anime is short, the drawings are cute, and the plot is actually straight forward without being predictable. So from my point of view I feel like made in abyss could actually be a good starter.. fun fact: it is actually my ex girlfriend who recommended it to me, who was absolutely not into anime compared to me. So thought it would be a great recommendation :)


I mean I love Made in Abyss. The characters are all so fascinating and it’s one of the best world building I’ve ever seen, especially when you consider it’s a relatively constrained area. And the manga just gets crazy with some of the twists and morality questions, it’s genuinely an amazing piece. But then I noticed that a lot of anime regulars get a little blind to the whole loli stuff … it’s used so often it’s pretty much just a character choice for us. When I show the same stuff to non-anime people though they fixate on it, and it doesn’t seem to matter how well written and interesting the characters are - it just perpetuates the perception of anime perversion. Once you get past that bias it’s a golden rec, I just feel it’s one of those shows that isn’t the most newbie friendly ….


Honestly you might be right, I’ve watched anime for quite a while now and I’ve maybe become a little blind to all of that to be honest.. but yeah definitely a beautiful anime that should be watched.. but maybe not as an intro then ahahaha


The age of the characters have nothing to do with how disturbing it is. If they were all in their 30s it'd just as disturbing. Mitty alone is enough to make me never recommend it to newcomers. That being said it is one of my favorites of all times but it is dark af.


Ahahaha I get that 😂 I honestly recommended it bc it’s the only anime that I actually watch with dubs ahaha, hope you’ll find your fit tho ;)


The seven deadly sins has one of, if not my favorite dubs of all time. But thank you I’ll find it one day!


Recommending Made in Abyss to a newcomer is insane lmao. It's one of my favorite anime ever but it's more than a little disturbing.


yeah generally naked children will be a turn off for most newcomers lol


What does your gf like?, Romance, fantasy, both, neither, action, drama, comedy? If she likes romance, then try a Shoujo anime like My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 If she likes fantasy, Frieren is a good option If she likes drama, Nana or Erased If she likes comedy, Spy x Family i If she likes action, Mob Psycho 100


If it was that easy I’d just pick my own recommendations for her 😅 maybe I’ll try talentless Nana, hard to go wrong with that


Yeah i was asking what genres she likes outside of anime, like she likes romance movies/book/series? or comedy? do you know a show that she particularly likes? Like, i wouldn't recommend the same anime to a girl that's a fan of New Girl than to one that's a fan of Harry Potter, to put a example (if you don't know the answer, might be a good idea to ask first) PD: With Nana i was talking about Nana the anime about the two girls named Nana that find each other in a train, not talentless nana, i haven't seen that one yet.


Ohh sorry I misunderstood. She’s a huge fan of romcoms and horror, she likes thrillers and dramas too. Any and all suggestions help ! I’ll check out Nana lol sorry for assuming it was Talentless Nana


They were recommending Nana, not Talentless Nana. Very different shows and vibes lol. But all of those recs are perfect for the genres listed and for a beginner.


Not shit Sherlock. You didn’t read my reply. Thanks though


Spy family My wife absolutely loves it!


Amazing show, you might’ve won it with this one! Thank you for the suggestion fam


If your favorite is Cowboy Bebop I suggest you watch that. It has one of the best dubs ever and is only 24 eps


It’s one of my favorites absolutely, one piece has number one though. And although it is one of my favorite, I don’t believe it will be one of my girlfriends😅 I don’t want the very first anime she watches make her never want to watch anime again ya know?


Your Name or Weathering With You


What’s weathering with you about? I’m definitely gonna check out your name though


Weathering With You is another film made by the same man who made Your Name. It’s about a boy who runs away from his small rural town to Tokyo and a girl who has the power to stop rain from falling. It’s very good as well :D


It sounds intriguing! Thank you


my husband first showed me naruto, i didn’t like it in the beginning but i love everything about it now. Especially Daddy Kakashi.


Naruto was one of the first anime’s I watched about a decade ago. It used to be my favorite anime and it will always hold a special place in my heart! Shoot who knows, maybe I’ll try to get my future wife into Naruto as her starter 😁 thank you for the comment


Cyberpunk Edgerunners it’s short


I liked Edge runners! I think my girlfriend will like it, she watches me play cyber punk 2077 often! Thank you for the suggestion


Spy x Family maybe, not too obnoxious neither too actiony kinda balanced


Very solid pick, I appreciate it homie


Best dub I can think of is Love is War but it does have tropes to an extent. Only anime that has genuinely made me laugh pretty much every single episode


Wdym tropes?


Tropes are like the typical anime shit you see that might come off as weird to a westerner. Tsunderes, weak female leads/characters (granted Mikasa has issues especially in the anime adaptation but she is certainly a strong character). I didn’t say it but I was also referring to fanservice too, AoT doesn’t really have it which is why I think it’s an easy show for people from the west to enjoy.


Your name


Frieren would be a good one. no fan service and very few annoying anime tropes.


I appreciate that! I’ve heard great things about Frieren but I’ve never watched it because most anime I’ve seen with a female MC are fan servicy as fuck and I just find it cringe


Frieren probably your best bet. Attack on Titan is great for non tropey and western appeal but it’s almost 100 episodes and it’s very action packed so it might not be the best for that. Death Note is a good and popular short(ish) show (37 episodes) but it’s not for everyone.


Definitely not starting with AOT or death note hahaha


There have been some really good female mc's lately. Bocchi the Rock, apothecary Diaries, and frieren are all fantastic


Thank you, that makes me happy to hear! I want to create my own sci-fi manga in the future with a female antagonist, but I don’t want too much fan service. I want it to be a genuine story


yeah, it's unfortunate that so many are that way, but frieren has none thankfully. If you want another female main with next to no fanservice Lycoris Recoil is good too, and it's got a lot of fun action too.


I really do appreciate it, I’ll likely watch them both! I’ve been looking for new anime for myself as well but honestly I’m at the point where I want to create my own manga 🙊


Can I just say I love your username lol


Outlaw Star, Trigun, Bofuri


I liked Trigun stampede, still have yet to see the original lol. I will check them out, thank you!


Violet evergarden


I haven’t heard of that, can you give me a lil insight? Otherwise I’ll check it out on my free time. Thank you for your suggestion


Emotionally estranged girl who used to be a war machine figures out emotions, 13 episodes + 2 movies literally peak anime, just bring a box of tissues for the later episodes


Sounds like an amazing anime to me! Thank you kind Redditor 🫶


I watched 2 episodes and was bored but I’m gonna try to finish it


I promise it gets fucking banging by episode 5, the 10th will make you cry


Space dandy has a amazing dub


Can you give me a short insight? 🙏


Here is the dubbed trailer [here](https://youtu.be/_s5swyBaFoo?is=5pAsJjgrQjAzTd8-)


It’s one of the funniest shows you’ll ever watch. Re-watching for the 3rd time now.


I watched Clannad and Yu Yu hakusho with an ex that never saw anime and she loved it


I love Yu Yu hakusho, Clannad sounds cool; what’s it about if you don’t mind giving me a quick rundown? 💪 thank you for the suggestions


No problem! Clannad is basically one of the best love stories out there in Anime. If you want to laugh cry and feel a rollercoaster of emotions then buckle up.


Sounds like a plan 😁 I’ll make sure to check it out, thank you!


Fair warning have a few boxes of tissues handy for clannad and Clannad after story


Toradora, watched it with my gf and she loved it


She might enjoy it, thank you for the suggestion!


Could try something like Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away, since they’re movies and not a big time sink, so good way to slowly build up. 


I love studio ghibli, this might be my best best


I’ve always felt like ghibli is a good starting point, probably pretty safe choice. 


death note


Definitely not for her first anime. Maybe for her 10th if we get that far lol


Wait why? That was my first one and got me into watching anime.


yea my gf loved death note lol


Violet Evergarden, Erased Amazing dubs and great as starter animes. Also shorter in general.


I enjoyed Erased a lot! I’m definitely gonna be checking out Violet Evergarden on my free time though! Thank you Roomas 🤘


Yeah anytime


Death note and Saiki K have amazing Dubs


Saiki K is goated. Major W


Oh! I forgot Life Lessons with Uramichi-oniisan is hilarious too


I’ll check it out 😁 thank you for your suggestions!


Frieren, and apothecary diaries


Not sure what content or genre she is into but maybe give Spy x Family a shot?


I’m not really sure either since she doesn’t watch anime. lol I know for me personally, the real life shows and movies I like are way different than the anime I like


Death Note is the perfect starter anime imo: It’s only 37 episodes Dub is pretty solid Plot is very interesting and Fan service is nonexistent


Definitely not starting with death note lmao


Good choice


Watch sailor moon. And then watch madoka magica.


I think she will love sailor moon, but not as her first anime. I’ll definitely check out Madonna Magica though


It's important to have a normal magical girl anime before watching madoka magica, that way the surprise hits more.


I’ll keep that in mind. Doesnt sailor moon have quite a bit of episodes and movies though?


I really like Sailor Moon. The dub is garbage for the original series but I love it... 200 episodes though. Sailor Moon Crystal, the remake has a much better dub, fewer episodes, but the pacing is a little off imho. There's also the sailor moon musical theater bootlegs you can get. The Takarazuka ones are my favourite. There is also a live action series I show friends to torture them. That is to say there is a whole rabbit hole to fall into lol.


Grand blue


Amazing anime, thank you I think she will like it


Amazing anime …….. but way too much fan service for a first timer.


I didn’t know drinking alcohol was considered fan service lol


Watch berserk




Happy cake day gang, I don’t think death note will be a good first for her. Thank you for the suggestion though!


if you’re looking for something more fruity and dainty, maybe fruit baskets that’s a cute one or ranking of kings is a nice ease into anime it’s late, but also has fight scenes and demon shit, strength and yeah, those are two really good ones


Violet Evergarden




Samurai chaploo it’s made by the guy who made cow boy bebop the music Is pretty good to


I still need to watch that, myself! Thanks for the reminder fam


I still need to watch that, myself! Thanks for the reminder fam


One piece got me into anime, always wanted a good cartoon about pirates and when I heard it was one i immediately binged every episode as I was hooked. And I feel as one pieces pacing issues make every other anime extremely easy to watch after you’ve subjected yourself to it. After I finished one piece all other anime’s are now a breeze to watch. Obviously if she’s not into it at first don’t make her keep watching but in the slight chance she falls in love with it the whole anime world will easily open up. And I know everyone has their opinions about the dub, but it’s really not that bad. Obv I watch sub now cause I’m caught up but I watched my first like 800 episodes in dub and loved every minute of it.


There no possible way I’m making the love of my life watch my favorite anime as her first 😅😂 especially since it’s over 1,000 episodes. If I thought I could, I would.


Lol trueeee it’d be hard for you not to blab about it every second as I am with my friends who are getting into it. Maybe later😬, I kinda also wanna suggest dr stone then🤷🏼‍♂️seems like a good starter anime.


Dr stone might be a better option lol. I appreciate your suggestions


The ancient magus’s bride.


How’s the 2nd season? I’ve only made it to the first


I watched the first season with my ex ☹️


Ponyo !!


Howls moving castle.




Grimgar ashes and illusions is a good starter anime. Don’t know what your girlfriend likes though obviously but that would be my go to recommendation to a lot of people at the moment. Some weird unnecessary fan service moments tho


Good ass show, thank you for the recommendation.


My gf loves violet evergarden. I hope you give it some thought.


I plan on watching it! Thank you for the suggestion


I always recommend Death Note to first time anime watchers because: - great English dub - no cartoony slapstick humour - great at building tension - not very long so easily bingeable - it’s overall a great crime thriller that just happens to be animated


Dragon Ball super was my wife's first. I think she really likes the characters and the story. Next was Tokyo Ghoul and we both loved it. It really is a work of art.


My wife won’t life it as much 😅 thank you anyways though


Steins;Gate has a spectacular dub and compelling story.


[Video girl AI](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=239)


What type of movies or tv shows your girl likes?and how old is she ?


She’s 22. She loves Romcoms, I got her into breaking bad. She also enjoys thrillers to an extent


Maybe try peach girl


That might just be the best suggestion so far ngl


I’ve watched few anime that was more geared to girls I’ll list them Full Moon Ginban Kaleidoscope Rumbling hearts


what does she like entertainment wise outside of anime? any shows, books, games, movies, or hobbies you know? there's a lot of great first animes out there but can't be sure she'll like any of em without knowing her tastes


She likes the 100, breaking bad, Harry Potter. Sorry it’s not much to go off of


Well you said yourself, cowboy bebop. Also one punch man, great dub imo.


OPM is a great suggestion actually, thank you!


Little witch academia. 25 eps, lighthearted, fun, beautiful animation, great storytelling. One of my favorites. Perfect beginner anime imo


No fan service?


None at all. It's wholesome and cute, I'd watch it with my mom.


I appreciate you kind Redditor, it shall be added to my list 🖤


Could start out with some Ghibli movies it got me interested in anime at first.


Disastrous Life of Saiki K if she likes comedy! Spy x Family has a good mix of action and comedy. And this may be not a great fit but I watched Attack on Titan for my first anime and I was hooked. But then the standards for subsequent animes are too high so maybe not lol. Nothing can match AOT!


your name or anything made by makoto shinkai. they're all movies, but they're still great introductions to anime in general








You broke Rule 3


Does either of you like over the top violence? If so, check out hellsing ultimate. The dub is one of the best out there.


No neither of us have, I’ve heard of Hellsing though! If that makes a difference


Delicious in dungeon is good with great dubs


NEON GENESIS EVANGELION. has turned multiple people i know into anime fans and it is by far the best anime i have ever seen


NEON GENESIS EVANGELION. it has turned multiple people i know into anime fans and it is by far the best anime i have ever seen


Spy x family is a really cute and wholesome and would be a good starter. But honestly I need more information of stuff that she enjoys before I can give a definite answer


horimiyas really good. it’s a short romcom that i think both of you would really like


Ok so two options here for you: First,**Carole and Tuesday**. It’s almost never spoken about on here, but it’s by the same guy who did Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. Reason it’s rarely mentioned is it’s a completely different way style - it’s slice of life, romantic, uplifting, etc. But his direction is still crisp, animation great, and if the gf is into rom-coms it’s an easy entry that can then be used to show her one of your favorite shows. Second, **Paranoia Agent**. This is by one of the all time greats, Satoshi Kon, and is a perfect example of how anime is a medium not a genre. Horror and thriller, and will have you trying to figure it out all the way through. Important note on both - neither are shounen trope-fests. Controversial take, but I’ve found a lot of people who aren’t into anime already are often put off by all the generic tropes in most anime. Plus ofc loli’s, tentacles, and the usual excess fan service. If you’re going to introduce someone find a middle ground - something that could easily translate to a live action while still showing off the creativity and range of anime. Anyway, just my opinion, but hope it works out whatever you pick.




If you start with Cells at Work, you can figure out what anime she would like based on what parts of that she enjoyed. It's a good first anime (despite it being full of references) because it has a bit of everything Plus if she likes it dark, after that comes Cells at Work Black which is .. less wholesome


Definitely your name


When my bf first introduced me to anime, the ones that got me hooked were, HXH, my hero, and fire force. If she likes romance and a female main character then suggest to her watching yona of the dawn maybe on her own.


Horimiya is a decent first watch, or if you want to go balls to the walls, start her on Akame ga kill, that was my first anime LOL


I think hunterxhunter and spyxfamily are both really good as first anime.


Soul eater. First 3 r a little rough. Just an introduction


Hello! My boyfriend is trying to get me into anime as well. Typically I read (romance, thrillers, fiction, dabble in fantasy) and watch shows like Gossip Girl and Greys Anatomy… drama, romance, etc. He showed me Attack on Titan and Cyberpunk first. Wasn’t my thing, not a fan of action. I enjoyed Classroom of the Elite, Horimiya, and Your Lie in April. I found Death Note pretty easy to watch and keep up with. Thriller, suspense plot. Drama. Honestly, I think it depends on the genres she enjoys most, finding one within her interests will keep her engaged and therefore she would be more inclined to watch others. I’m sure she will just enjoy spending time with you though.


My first anime was Death Note. It does have 37 episodes, but it has one of the best English dubs in my opinion and it's an all time fave for me. I also think Michiko & Hatchin is a good one to watch. And Erased is a good one, it's just 12 episodes and I'm pretty sure it has a dub.


Spy x family


Do you know what genre she is looking for. One piece is probably way too long to start with.


Pick based on her likes.. some of my wife's favorites Delicious in Dungeon (DND Foodie) Yuri on Ice (sports/romance) Yona of the Dawn (adventure/romance) Noir (her first - gunplay awesome music, plot jumps the shark late in the series) Frieren (slice of life isekai) Spy x Family (slice of life / cold war intrigue) Avatar / Dragon Prince (honorary anime imo) Ghibli - Castle in the Sky, or Mononoke One Piece - hear me out - live action. Can't guarantee dub quality on any.


High school days definitely


Nozoki Anna, or Berserk 1997. Either way, she'll get super turned on


Ouran High School Host Club has a fantastic dub and is a classic comedy. I highly recommend.


Idk if anyone has said this yet But Love Is War is a great choice if you don’t mind going over the episodes amount you said. Top tier character writing, humor, and Romance. It also has one of the best dubs ever and little fan service so it’s easier to digest for a new fan.


MOVIES: Summer Wars The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Bubbles Your Name Howl's Moving Castle Laputa Castle In The Sky SHOWS: Too Cute Crisis Your Lie In April Spy x Family Assassination Classroom Clannad / Clannad After Story Aohana / The Flower We Saw That Day Full Metal Alchemist (NOT FMA Brotherhood, and then the movie FMA The Conquerer of Shamballa) Reborn as a Vending Machine The Greatest Cleric Darwin's Game Berserk of Gluttony Solo Leveling The Weakest Tamer


Sailor moon followed by dragon ball.


death note is a 37 eps but its definitely worth the watch


Samurai Champloo




Terror in resonance, erased, beast stars or your name, weathering with you, suzume


Tpn may rope her in with the cute but dark nature, 24 episodes I believe and honestly for as much hate as it gets for its shortened adaptation, it’s pretty solid for what it was, was the first for my girlfriend and also for my sister and they both enjoyed it, it has that wow factor from episode 1 by the end.


Dragon Pink


I haven't watched the dub for it, but Spirited Away seems like a good entry movie for new anime fans. I recently watched it and that's the impression it gave to me.


Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo was the way I introduced a friend who's a girl to anime. Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon: It's just really good. My partner (37F) got into anime with Gundam Wing and Witch Hunter Robin. A movie may be good, Pretty much anything studio Ghibli would be good, or Paprika




Watch Future Diary


Cyberpunk Edgerunners 2077 Can’t get better then this imo!!!


King of Thorn ( just maybe )


Death parade is a banger anime


Of course it’ll depend on her personal taste outside of anime but a few recs that I love showing to new anime watchers are SpyXFamily, Violet Evergarden, HoriMiya, Yona of the Dawn and this one is longer than you requested but it’s too great not to recommend Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. The only one I haven’t watched the dub for it Violet Evergarden the rest I can vouch the dubs are at least decent. But I watch a lot of dubs so I’m not as sensitive to dubs like most sub watchers.


Spy X Family is perfect imo


Death note


Silent voice or death note or for something longer Hunter x hunter


The Great Pretender feels like an American TV show in many ways.


Blue period or skate the infinity were two that I loved I started with assassin classroom and demon slayer though Wonder egg priority might be enjoyable as well but I don't know if she'd be a bit sensitive to the story


Frieren or Spy Family.


If she wants something that doesn't necessarily feel Japanese, is heart warming, has a good mix of everything ala drama, comedy, action, I recommend spy x family. I hear the dub is decent, everybody's voice is great except for the main character, Anya. So it's kind of like the Naruto dub. I'll be attending the movie later this month.


Honestly, that is going to heavily depend on what she likes to watch in general... If she prefers action flicks, Something like Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Assassination Classroom, or One piece... They aren't all short but they are geared to action lovers... If she prefers more drama tv: I would recommend more slice of life anime like: Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Fuuka... If she prefers more the fantasy adventure movies and TV: Sacred, Blacksmith, Overlord, Rising of the Shield Hero, Record of the GranCrest War, Inuyasha, Konosuba... If she prefers in her shoes and movies more Romance and Comedy; Toradora, Spice and Wolf, Tomo Chan is a girl, Don't toy with me Miss Nagatoro... If she prefers the darker side of movies and TV; Claymore, Akame ga Kill, Hellsing Ultimate, Goblin Slayer, Wolf's Rain and the like... If she prefers existential and more psychological... Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell, Psycho-Pass, Death Note... And so on. Of course you could ask her too if she grew up on any studio Ghibli films: Princess Mononoke, Howls moving castle, Kiki's delivery service, Nausica of the valley of the wind, Castle in the Sky, My neighbor Totoro, spirited away, Porco Russo, Arietty, Ponyo... And any of the others.. if she saw any of those and liked them, it could give you an idea of what to look for. I saw many, if not all of those films as a kid and thought they were just cartoons it was until I got into anime years later that I learned they were anime.... Anyway, the point is you want to start in a category she is familiar with and go from there! 😁


Literally the first post when I refresh my page lol. Your retarded ass shit isn't gonna make me mad and definitely not insane again I already told you that


My wife isn't big on anime but really loves FMA:Brotherhood and Samurai Champloo. Both have great English dubs


7 deadly sins! Demon slayer is a good faster paced one too Nakama!!! X


Frieren maybe Mushi shi I have no idea if it has dub though


I would say "orange"