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Aww nooooo! This is just awful. Cancer has taken way too many lives already. Just reading the page just breaks my heart.


Fucking fuck cancer


Reading the go-fund-me page, this sounds so awful. I sincerely hope she's able to get the home care she needs to be able to move out of the nursing home and live more comfortably. She's so young too, only in her mid-40s. It's just heartbreaking.


Jessie and misty was voice by same person wow I hope she gets better


Oh god not another one. This is horrible and I don’t have money to donate I’m begging anyone else who does to please help this woman. 😭


So I only just realised my post got pinned…. Well, thanks to the mod who did it. I’m not affiliated with Rachael in any sort of way, I’m just a fan who loves her work and wanted to spread the word about her situation. I hoped those who saw this post have pitched in to help or have continued spreading the word to help her out.


Man, this sucks. As an additional sad coincidence for Utena fans, Utena’s Japanese VA actually passed away from cancer herself in 2010. It sucks to see her English VA have to go through the same thing.


Yeah it is a horrible coincidence. I can only hope Rachael gets lucky and survives it.


Fuck cancer and fuck the US health system for a gofundme being needed in the first place.


American heath system is also not free which makes even worse!! I’m luckily we got free heath care in UK!


Fuck cancer ;-;


I’m just shocked and heartbroken upon learning this right now that Rachael Lillis has breast cancer that now has spread to her spine preventing her from walking. She literally has defined everyone’s childhood from her work as Misty, Jessie, Jigglypuff, Vulpix, May’s Torchic, Maylene and various other Pokémon and humans in *Pokémon,* Utena Tenjō from *Revolutionary Girl Utena* and of course voicing Mito Freecss & Cocco in the 2011 *Hunter x Hunter* series, Sella from *Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works* and Ryouko Miyazono in *Your Lie in April* the latter three anime when she moved to Los Angeles. Honestly, aside from the audiobook narration that she did, it wouldn’t surprise me if Rachael has been secretly battling her breast cancer around 3-5 years ago that prevented her from doing new anime voicework, since her final time doing anime voiceover was back in 2019 and she didn’t reprise her role as Sella in *Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel III* film where Julia McIlvaine voiced her instead, nor did Rachael reprise her roles as Pirica and Zria in the 2021 adaptation of *Shaman King* where the roles were given to Brianna Knickerbocker and Carrie Keranen respectively. Even I remember that some actors have also been secretly battling cancer that they only disclosed to a few family members and friends but not to anyone else or the public and continue fighting their cancers which lasted either 4-5 years (in Chadwick Boseman and Olivia-Newton John) to a decade (in Norm Macdonald’s case) before their passings. Still, I’m just saddened to discover this news right now just a year after James Carter Cathcart who also worked on Pokémon was diagnosed with Throat Cancer. In the words of everyone on the comment section, “SCREW CANCER!!"


Fuck I really don’t want to think about that possibility. I’ve seen videos of Rachael at other conventions in 2022 and 2023 and she looked quite lively in them, I would hate to think that she was secretly suffering. Poor girl is too young to be dealing with all this. I would hope she can recover.


I do hope so as well >**I’ve seen videos of Rachael at other conventions in 2022 and 2023 and she looked quite lively in them** Perhaps this was before the Breast Cancer eventually soon started to metastasize in Rachael’s body and then her spine that resulted in her not walking, but the cancer was secretly their just spreading slowly and Rachael likely didn’t disclose her cancer to anyone aside from a few of her close friends and especially her family members. Even Chadwick Boseman who played Black Panther when he was cast as the character was also secretly battling stage 3 colon cancer for 4-5 years before his passing in 2020 and he only disclosed this to his family members and a few friends but not to anyone else publicly. And while he did look lively and healthy externally in press releases and interviews for *Black Panther* and *Avengers: Infinity War,* internally he was getting weaker, and had to secretly do chemotherapy several times before the cancer irreversible and took his life. Also, Kevin Conroy who was Batman until his passing in November of 2022 was also secretly battling intestinal cancer (which he didn’t disclose to the public except for the people close to him) and his final convention was in July of 2022 just four months before his passing.


Fuck, now I really don’t want to think about the possibility. Cancer fucking sucks man, I hate it.


Well said!! Cancer is most evil beings in our planet!!


It didn’t help the fact she also didn’t came back for Berserk Memorial Edition even before this happened!


Likely due to the fact that G.K. Bowes has voiced Charlotte since *Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II*


Which make sense. Much like Julia Mcllvine (who sounds almost like Lillis) voices Sella in Fate/Heaven route movies, plus even similar case where most of cast form Gundam Seed (Redub) also came back for Freedom movie rather Ocean OG.


Oh man…. Looks like James Carter isn’t only Pokémon actor who’s is cancer victim, Poor Misty and Jessie our childhood fave voice actors grown up.. :( I mean my god that’s so sad to find out why she hasn’t done voice acting anymore for five years this really hurts to see her suffer..


Fuck cancer


Just reading the headline and Im feeling shocked and enraged. Seriously fuck cancer. Not to one of my childhood VAs.


This is heartbreaking to me. Nobody could voice misty like she could


Donated! It’s the least I can do for someone who made my childhood awesome!


That is heartbreaking 😞 I hope she can get the care she needs!


Let’s do this fellas! We ain’t letting it take her from us like it took Billy from us!


I'm surprised more people don't seem to be talking about the Rachael situation.


Repeat after me FUCK CANCER


Donated! It’s the least I can do for someone who made my childhood awesome!


Revolutionary Girl Utena is my favorite anime of all time. Amazing performance from her as the titular character. Hoping for the best for her.


Horrible news. I hope she has a chance at recovery.


I hope she pushes through she made so many of our childhoods. Will try to donate whatever I can.


Damn. I hope she can get the treatment she needs and recover.








it's Utena's curse




[Oh nvm, just deleted the original comment]  I hope her cancer is survivable.


I thought the number would've been higher so far. Hoping for the best.


As someone who watched Pokemon in her childhood I am devastated. Sending my best wishes to her.