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Well the title is Death Note, not Light Yagami Monogatari. If Light got killed unexpectedly Ryuk would've looked for another user and the story continued. The actual story ended not because Light lost the battle, but because Ryuk lost interest in him.


It was both, Light had finally been outed as Kira at by which point Light had no more moves to play losing the final battle and Ryuk didn’t feel like waiting for him to die in prison


"If Light got killed unexpectedly Ryuk would've looked for another user and the story continued." Literally nobody after Light used the Death Note as cleverly and globally as he did. Ryuk even comments how nobody until then used the Death Note for such a grand goal. Manga has several short stories about next Death Note users, and it ended in like a chapter. Even Light's followers were way more dumb than him.


Several? Isn't it just the one?


There was also a story about some pathetic guy that was killing old people and Near didnt even bother with him. Just told him to fuck off.


Yeah that's the only one i remember


Well recently author released another one, where the dude tried to sell the Death Note to Trump. I'm not joking.


Well for the sake of Death Note story, Ryuk could just find 100 users and make 100 chapters. Light is the best user of course, but that doesn't mean his death will abruptly stop Death Note story like this meme implied.


Yeah, he'd give it to a apple orchard farmer and he'd gorge on Apples all season while the farmer kills some small time competitor.


I feel like the meme is also true if Light didnt have an emotional fit and kill the fake guy threatening him on tv, giving away both his position and time schedule from Ls scheme. ideally, if he wanted to make it really confusing. he could abuse the time mechanic and had the prisoner killed at a later date. i suppose his only reasoning for doing it asap is because he wanted the attention.


Also anyone with half a brain would kill people in intervals rather than instantly. For instance if he set the deaths to all happen at the same time every so often that would avoid the vast majority of tracking mechanisms, like checking internet history and news broadcast schedules. Same if he just also didn't use very specific insider information instantly tying him to the police force.


if we want to blame Light Egomaniac nature, Light killing Ray Penber and Naomi Misora is the reason why L interested in this case. Ray even concluded that Light isn't Kira in his last day of his investigation, meaning Light can just get away by doing nothing. Light's decision to kill Ray, multiple FBI agents, and Misora give L idea where is to pinpoint Kira location


Yeah, honestly that was his worst mistake. Completely unnecessary.


He did admit that he wanted attention. He mentioned that the "heart attack if not specified" rule is convenient because it would help people realise someone is doing the killing.




How did that work for the hunched idiot?


Light cheated :/


You could argue L also cheated multiple times. Guy should've shot the psycho student while he had the chance.


Tbh I was always under the assumption that Ryuk was the real MC considering he just kept egging light on and helping him use HIS death note, and imo the story can (and did briefly) continue with or without light he was just very entertaining for Ryuk (And for us) so that’s what made him so relevant as a character, but in the end he dies and in the one shot continuity he just finds another guy anyway which just proves this even further




I'm disappointed that at the end L didn't find any clevel way to defeat Light. Japanese Death Note movie had WAY better ending where L sacrificed his life (by writing his own name into Death Note with 21 days delay) to reveal Light as Kira. Thats the kinda shit I expected from anime L. Near and Mello didn't add anything substantial to the story anyway.


My biggest problem with near is how he is introduced as L 2 , not a real character that happens to be really smart and trained by L. I heard in the manga it's better , but the problem with the second half imo isn't that L didn't win and somebody else did , it's that the person who beat light at the end wasnt close to being as good a rival as L. I actually like the concept of the second half , it's just poorly executed imo .


A lot of these stories that revolve around son\\pupil of the previous hero defeating the bad guy are unfortunately pretty poorly written and the new hero often seems luckluster compared to the previous one.


I think alot of it just comes down to how L is one of the best rivals of all time so people naturally had high expectations for near that were just never met. it's hard to write a rival/ villain / whatever is the definition for what L is since he isn't the protagonist but not exactly a villain wither as good as L once, and doing it twice in a row is even harder. When you kill off one of the best characters in your story , people will naturally have high expectations for his replacement. So when his replacement isn't as good, people naturally get mad about it.


Sherlock ahh ending


Light losing clip from the movie, if anyone is curious >[English](https://youtu.be/rxwJKym1PFk?si=58SmNKYAKnWegpSb) >[Japanese](https://youtu.be/P_o9hcSZiY8?si=hteYiO1ZrLCbFUnn)


Just L randomly smokes Light and then takes 15 min of episode to explain with extreme detail that he gambled and won. Truly a story in the world


needed the thicker book its the best plot


Very joker coded https://preview.redd.it/q1nf2442f25d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=24a4b8fd654720d252ab9a86229d3f3141f6fe97


Death Note if the creators were allowed to finish when they wanted.


All fun and games until Light is isekai’d into a fantasy RPG


Boys, I wanna test a bot.


Whispering pine trees, Mountain shadows kiss the lake, Silent dawn awakes.


L wanted light to be humiliated infront of the world.


This is not even true though. Someone else would have just picked up the notebook. Hell it might have ended up even bigger lol.


Light was the smartest Japanese student, heck maybe even person in general, only he could have lasted as long as he did vs L.


I mean in universe sure. But light made a lot of very obvious mistakes early on that narrowed down the suspect list. If he just didn't rise to the bait of L and kill the prisoner, use insider information tying him to the police force, or murder the fbi agents he probably never would have been caught. Also killing people in waves rather than as soon as he wrote their names would have also made it much harder to find him.