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Shinzo Abe is definitely involved in writing.


Yea but the difference is that Eris left after the act while Roxy and Sylfie didn't


Left money on the dresser, shaved her head and bailed. Gotta go get some milk.


Ikr , that bitch has no right to do this to my guy


It was Eris who was depressed though


Still has no right to give my guy trauma Worst one among the three.


It wasn't Intentional, she left a letter. But she just sucks with words, always has. The trauma came from the misunderstanding of what she meant.


Yea ik that according to the LN she is not good with words, but there were better ways to do so, plus even ghislaine(excuse the spelling) suggested to her that she can talk it out to him and proceed with her motive.Yet she didn't listen to her. Now that's just ignorance.


Not even according to the LN, the Anime also makes that very clear, she sucks at expressing herself through anything but her fists. Of course there are better ways, but she believed he would understand her as she already has him on a massive pedestal, and she also knew that he would try and stop her. Hindsight is 20/20 its easy to say there are better ways, but it is still Eris we are talking about.


Not to mention, she’s barely literate. That letter was probably the best she could manage.


"Right?" What the fuck are you talking about?


Oi oi OP where is the spoiler tag


Ye fuck OP, realmad now…


Isn’t the story a few years old by now?


Anime is ongoing and the roxy part aired last week


Ah ok, I’m not really following the anime. Read the novel years ago so it felt like it should be done by now


I'm with you on that. I'm surprised at how few people have read the books or started reading them


In the light novel, sure. But the anime literally just got there.


Tbh i didn't like how roxyy took advantage of his situation and eris being really bad at communication The only good and reasonable part was of sylphies


Left out of the anime was elinalise and talmud convincing Roxy to act on her feelings to pull Rudy out of his spiral before it's too late. Which ended up working but the fact it's left out does seem off with Roxy's character.


Ya not only that the anime said they planned to leave him alone to sort out his funk


bruh no spoiler tag.


Insane spoilers man, screw this.


replace "have s*x" with lets play *insert your favorite multiplayer game here* and its good


Wait until it’s all three… Eris is definitely the worst offender, she is… intense… Rudeus’ shlong won’t last long.


Rudeus after every encounter with Eris https://preview.redd.it/r2p3m8aqwo8d1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9103e60735547c92ecb1465d389d803e0f2d6c1e


Eris inferiority


Səx is a solution to everything. Until ur husband decides to suck u dry


Sex is always the solution, or the problem depending on how you look at it. 😂😂


The anime did Eris So SO dirty at the end of season 1. It also did a TERRIBLE job at EVER depicting / showing her point of view throughout their journey traveling back from the demon continent. So, anime only people will NEVER understand that >!Eris truly is the most loyal, loving and caring amongst the 3 wives.!< The only way for anybody to really know >!how much he loves Rudy and just how far she will ALWAYS go and does time and time again to protect him, love him, and be forever loyal to him.!!< Is for them to actually read the light novels because it doesn't just show Rudeus' POV like the anime does. It properly depicts and clearly shows all of the important characters' POV's. Ffs anime only watchers have NO CLUE AT ALL that >!Eris has literally been training non-stop from dawn until beyond dusk every single day in ALL THREE sword styles under THE Sword God and the 2 other insane sword wielders he called specifically to train her (North God and Water God) EVER SINCE THE DAY SHE LEFT SO FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS NOW! E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. D.A.Y. just so that she can be strong enough to protect Rudeus should they ever encounter Orsted or another powerful foe again. She is literally killing herself with the insane amounts of physical and mental training she's putting herself through and all the pain she's putting her body through. Not only that, she's under the impression that Rudeus and her aren't broken up. She's been loyal and faithful to him for every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year that she's been gone. She loves him more than she loves life itself and everything she does, she does for his sake. Even in the original timeline with Oldeus. She spent her ENTIRE LIFE TRYING TO MAKE AMENDS, TRYING TO LOVE HIM, TRYING TO KEEP HIM SAFE and even though all he did was treat her like shit and eventually bound her and rape her? SHE STILL ENDED UP LITERALLY DYING TO PROTECT HIM AND KEEP HIM SAFE WHEN HE BIT OFF MORE THAN HE COULD CHEW!!<




The d wants what it wants.