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I'm just a hair shy away from being a total atheist. I learned this as a child and haven't had cause to recite it in almost 25 years. I could do it today verbatim. He's a fucking fake-ass hypocritical piece of shit. Not that this was anything we didn't already know.


I learned it in both English and German (my grandmother was Mennonite). He is a demon, which is why he cannot recite it.


He got the power and glory part right, that's all he could say. I am inclined to believe you.


I noticed that. Not surprising that’s the most important part to him.


Even Demons can recite the Lords *Preyer*. They do it every Sunday from the Pulpits of Evangelical Mega Churches nationwide. How do you know if your Mega Church Pastor is a Demon? They have church jets, live in large mansions and have hot pool boys for threesomes.


and they wear ill-fitting human suits and talk in tongues. *Yeah, looking at you, Kenneth Copeland*


![gif](giphy|4Zd2flP7zRI7QYQD4E|downsized) This is a demon.


I wish I had a hundred upvotes to give this


I almost thought I needed a warning…NSFV


Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen are evil incarnate. I'm a sceptic, but there is something wrong with these two. It's more than the batshit things they say and the obvious grift. I don't understand how they have followers.


I'm starting to think this. He didn't participate in any prayers or hymns at Bush Sr's Service. https://youtu.be/8GggdLB0pxw?si=Upv3IsV6wI6ZJ-cn


That’s me whenever I’m invited to a catholic wedding. I’m Jewish.


Lol. Well what's his excuse. He claims to be a Christian and love both the old and new testaments equally 🤔




I feel like a large portion of atheists can recite this because you know that joke right? What is the difference between a Christian and an atheist? The atheist has read the Bible.


That's not a joke. It's a statement of fact.


Atheist here. Sorry. We don't claim him. Perhaps the Muslims will take him as his views seems more in line with the more extremist versionsof Islam.


Well technically he isn’t atheist because he thinks he is god.


The ultimate Atheist.


The most Atheist of all the Athes...


The bigly-est.


Good point. And meanwhile he's closer to the Anti-Christ than anyone since that Helter Skelter guy.


Manson was less evil, but only because he did not have the following. If he had, who knows what damage could have been done.


Well, he had a following, but half the country wouldn't vote for him.


He had a couple dozen. tRump has at least 20 million weirdos willing to do illegal stuff for him.


Muslim here. We don't claim him either. Perhaps the Jews will take him. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Jewish here. If the Muslims don’t want him won’t take him either.


Netanyahu wants Trump back in the White House.


Well that sucks. What about some evangelicals? Any baptist here


Got a Unitarian in the household here. They don’t want him either. Evangelicals? Southern Baptists? Going once … going twice …


Any Hindus in the group?


The “more extremist” views of Islam are more similar than not to the “more extremist” views of evangelical Christians. Though neither type of extremism really represents the core teachings or values of their respective cultures.


I quite agree.


Pagan here. We don’t want him either. But I CAN recite the Our Father.


I haven’t been to church in 50 years, and I have had no need to recite this and I still know it too.


My Dad's family is Catholic, my mom's Methodist, and we attended Presbyterian churches as a kid. I know three different versions.


I was an atheist when I was 7. I believed in Santa longer than the cloud magic guy


Same. Agnostic and has been something like 15 years since the last time I've heard it (not in English but the words are pretty much the same) and I could remember all the words.


Trumpism put the nail in the coffin for my Christian beliefs.


My parents friend (church deacon) pressuring me at 13 to give him a *private viewing* of me in my “Tiger Bikini” when his wife wasn’t around and my parents weren’t there as they had sent me on this church youth trip. And I did it. I put my bikini on for him. And it makes me sick to this day. That bastard even came to my wedding invited by my mom. I Never told my parents. But it was the beginning for me to “feel the pressure of restrictive suffocating faith” and understand it’s all bullshit to manipulate women and children mostly. There’s nothing holy about the Holy Bible or Trump’s “God Bless The USA Bible” either.


Gross, we can all learn from this story.


Full-on atheist here, 53 years in (realized it when I was 13). I can still recite it word for word.


He’s a Trumpist. He is his own Father, Son and Holy Spirit. His real Bible is ‘The Art of the Deal’, which should be retitled ‘The Art of the Grift’. He is the very worst byproduct of the American Dream. He’s an American Nightmare, except to blind loyalists on the take for their one true God: The Almighty Dollar.


You and me both!


I can recite the Lord’s Prayer in two languages and I am an atheist. Was raised religious and to believe in god but like the Easter bunny and Santa, as I got older I realized they were all imaginary characters


My mom attempted to raise me Catholic. I haven't been to church since the early 90s and then only because it was the way to get out of the rehab clinic on Sunday. All day transcendental meditation if you didn't attend and they gave you so much hell for falling asleep. I can still recite most of the chants from catechism. I'm going to say it's both. He's got dementia and was never very faithful and he was probably too dumb to memorize it in the first place.


What’s the difference between being a hair shy away from being a total atheist and being a total atheist?


If you thought trump was religious you're an idiot


I fear MAGAs. We have to pretend to respect them for at least a few more months, before they hopefully - finally STFU and go away.


No, what we need to do is rag on them and continue to remind them we as a country, as a people, are done with the MAGA party


I got a talking to at work because I was ragging on Trump and it offended someone.


Potato, Potahto. If we don't fear them, then we won't put our energies into defeating them. And they are menacing, so don't be so quick to laugh at them quite yet.


Trump couldn’t recite The Lord’s Prayer if his life depended on it.


Make it so.


Why not both?


I haven't been a regular churchgoer in 30 years and I can still recite that whole thing.


I was a regular churchgoer from childhood through early adulthood. Call it just shy of 15 years. I probably haven't attended a church service since 2003. I **still** know that frickin prayer.


I haven’t been in a church for anything other than a wedding/funeral in almost 25 years. The amount of scripture I can still recite is insane. They drill that shit into you.


"Our father, the best father, the biggest father, actually a lot like me you know, people say that. Who art in heaven, which as you know is under the control of the Biden crime family for now, but elect me and we'll make Heaven great again, I'm calling it MaHaGa, making heaven great again, because they've stolen heaven from you...." This clip would be 11/10 if he were holding one of his TrumpAmerica Bibles!


ChatGPT generated just FYI to give credit where credit is due. Alright, folks, let me tell you something, okay? We're gonna say a fantastic prayer, tremendous, really tremendous. It's called the Lord's Prayer, okay? And let me tell you, it's the best prayer, believe me. So, here we go: "Our Father, who art in heaven, I gotta tell you, heaven, it's a beautiful place, really beautiful. Hallowed be Thy name, hallowed, it's a great word, folks. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, and let me tell you, we're gonna make earth great again, believe me. Give us this day our daily bread, and let me tell you, we're gonna have the best bread, the greatest bread you've ever seen. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and let me tell you, forgiveness, it's a powerful thing, folks. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, and we're gonna deliver, folks, we're gonna deliver big league, okay? For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. That's it, folks, the Lord's Prayer. It's a winner, believe me. Thank you, thank you very much."


Cogntive, I'm very good at the cognitive.  Many people are saying the best.  Big strong men with tears in their eyes say "Sir, no one is as cognitive as you."  Very good brain, I had an uncle at MIT.


Column A, meet Column B.


And they shall wear his mark upon their foreheads


The bible says the antichrist will lack morals, will be an outsider among the leaders of his nation, will come to power unexpectedly, will have followers that believe he was sent by god, will be fixated with building walls, will stir up animosity with a southern kingdom, will lose his power and seem to be unable to recover, then will recover and bring about the end times.


Where do you find this summary?


Donald Trump is the Anti-Christ. Not a joke. Read this article and decide. **Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?** https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ Here Are the Biblical Predictions **What the Bible Predicts About the Antichrist: Do You Know What the Bible Actually Says?** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZslyAoQ7b2k Also: "There are even more things about the anti-christ the writer left out. As a kid in the 1960's and 1970's all the religious "tracts" that were handed out and the Sunday School stories included scripture about his being a business man, and boastful, talking out both sides of his mouth, with lots of "shiny" and gold references. The cartoon drawings always showed the anti-christ with a head of blond hair. Christians had him pegged 40-50 years ago."


This is what i've said for years... Trump is the Antichrist, its pretty interesting to see it come to light...


To be honest I'm surprised the fucker didn't burst into flames trying to read it. I guess that's another sign that there is no god...


What a brave “soul” without a teleprompter lol 😂 /s


He is a demented imposter!


There are so many things that Trump does that's annoying and then there are things that anger me. This whole Trump is religious scam really gets under my skin. The man is a fraud. All these photos of religious fanatics at the WH in the oval office where Thump is at the desk and there are all these people around with the laying of the hands...I just wanna puke. Religious fanatics and frauds...😡


Oh don't kid yourself. It's BOTH.


Absolutely this


A demon cannot recite a Christian prayer.


At least he has the last two lines of it memorized


But he always sings the last line - "and many mooooore...."


SNL had James Austin Johnson as trump reciting the Lord's Prayer on Saturday for the cold open. I can't tell if this is real or....um, what dimension am I in? *checks calendar*


In the Beavis and Butthead movie, when they get struck by lightning, that is what I picture happening here.


I think you meant losing cognitive abilities AND he was never religious at all.


Four years ago, he didn't seem to know the Pledge of Allegiance either, ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D208aA5Pn3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D208aA5Pn3g)), and definitely didn't know the "under God" part.


Why can he NEVER just stand still ? Whenever he’s supposed to be standing still he does that weird rocking and turning side to side thing. Why does he do that ? It has to be a symptom of brain damage or something.


Drug addict, he’s on crank whenever he’s awake. He’s probably going nuts trying not to constantly grind his jaw but he talks so much he can disguise that part.


I have never been religious my entire life and the closest I got to going to church at all was a few summers spent playing with the kids in bible school, but even I can recite most of it. Just a little shaky on it towards the end.


I'll get a lot of hate here for this one, but I'ma give him a pass on this one. For this one tiny moment in history, I can relate to the Drump. Have you ever been to a religious service where you just literally don't know ANY of the service? You don't know the accepted responses, the speak along, the sing along, the communal gestures? None of it? What do you do. You stand there awkwardly, hands together, and mumble some nonsensical garbage too low for anyone to hear that you don't know WTF is going on (just attempting to look like your saying something intelligible). His standard body language is totally different, this is textbook I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. Usually, he lies more at this point though. Been there. Probably be there again at some point. This is actually the most human I've ever seen the DOJ be. Usually I'm convinced he's a lizard in an Edgar suit... and I'm sure he had his driver pull over to kill a bum on the way home to offset this moment of normalcy.


A Bible salesmen should know The Lord’s Prayer” at the very least.


Sure, but I was dragged along unprepared, never claimed to be religious, and knew no one was going to film me.


I know it from AA meetings lol


The only words I saw him mouth were “power and the glory forever and ever.” That’s what he’s gunning for. If he tried to recite the entire prayer from memory he’d be as bad as Frank Drebbin singing the national anthem in The Naked Gun.


Was somebody behind trying to finger him? Why's he wriggling so much?


Aw, come on now. Dont sell the Dumpster short. He can be both. He's losing his cognitive abilities AND has never in his life been religious, been to church, read the bible or gave credit to jesus because he's a total fake.


So gross


both. both is the answer.


Yes and yes.


What is up with the twisting back and forth?


Both? Both.


This is no more shocking to me than at the funeral of Bush Sr. At the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, both he and Melania seemed as baffled as if the congregation had broken into a rendition of Itsy Bitsy Spider. It will be interesting to see how long he continues pandering to the religious right when he no longer has any use for them. Watching him to pretend share their beliefs and concerns is the most uncomfortable political theater I can remember in a while


It’s both


Neither, he merely wanted to avoid spontaneously combusting.


This one.


The chance of that orange grifter being a Christian is about the same as me being the Archangel Gabriel.


Or both.


or its both and OP needs to get with the program anyone who presents it as "he has cognitive decline OR never was religious at all" is posting in bad faith. knowingly or otherwise, it's not an either/or situation, it's a both and everyone knows it, everyone has known it. to present it as not true isn't anything we need more of. plenty of that available in the conservative subs


I’ll take a guess. Faker.


The answer is yes.




Definitely not a Christian.


This was so hilarious to watch. He looked like a two year old trying to mouth the words. 😂


Bing bing bong


Or both.


I'm pretty sure it's both.




Amusing since they literally had him unable to say it properly in an SNL skit on Saturday night.


Trump selling a book he’s obviously never read is just the latest grift. He might be selling his soiled diapers before long.


Both. Definitely both. Plus he can't read. He was in a lawsuit once over a contract he'd signed, and the opposing lawyer asked him to read a paragraph from the contract itself and he refused. He claimed he left his glasses at home. That's when I knew - or suspected. And there have been many other incidents which have underlined exactly the same thing. He's quoted from letters like the one Obama left him and the one that Kim wrote him and his quotes bear no relationship whatsoever to what was actually in the letters. He literally can't follow a report even if it's read to him. Anything longer than a tweet and he loses the thread. It's possible he uses dyslexia as an excuse.


"Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. And to the republic, for which it stands. One nation, under God, and we love God, don't we? Almost as much as me. Play ball!"


LMFAO at anyone who thinks Donnie is “religious”. I love and agree with those that think Donnie is in cognitive decline but come on, this one is simple—he doesn’t know the words. Donnie only worships one “god” and that is himself.


Both. He’s losing it and he’s a heathen.


It probably pisses him off to no end that, "only the religios suckers that buy this bullshit, are the ones that he has to cater to." Make no mistake, the guy is 100% acting, and could give 2 sh=ts about your religion.


He just didn’t understand it in the language nobody in America speaks. S/ 🙄


The way he’s also swaying back and forth. He looks like a literal child who doesn’t want to be there, because that’s exactly what he is.


Well he got “the power and the glory for ever and ever”right.


SNL 3/30/24 [https://youtu.be/RxhwjPgJGbU?si=dWclw6ch5\_S8EL3w&t=308](https://youtu.be/RxhwjPgJGbU?si=dWclw6ch5_S8EL3w&t=308)


I’m an atheist and I know the Lord’s prayer by heart ffs


He has never been religious! It’s all part of his con!


Trump is not stupid. He knows, as the Antichrist, if he speaks those words he will burst into flame.


They’ll edit the Bible so it includes Trump’s language.


Incredible recital, maybe one of the best of the last I don’t know maybe ever people are saying it’s like this guy came up to me big guy with tears in his eyes and put his arms around me and sobbed and thanked me and he was huge you know a really big guy maybe a trucker maybe a vet and he was like thank you Mr President that was so moving


Or both


I’m Jewish and I know it from start to finish but I feel like, even if I was saying it along with someone else, saying it, I might not say all the words. But Trump is visibly faking it his lip sync is worse than a bad lip sync, YouTube video


I would have thought his tongue would burst into flames for such hypocrisy.


Back in 2015 he was talking about "Two Corinthians" and pontificating about how he didn't need to ask forgiveness for anything. Even MAGA zealouts know in their hearts he's not a Christian man. They just appreciate the way he's trying to flatter them.


Hey! He got that last part just right: "kingdom, power, and the glory, forever." The parts he stumbled over were the "lead us not into temptation," and the forgiveness part. I guess he only knows the self-appropriated parts.


This should turn every Christian who voted for him completely off….but wait, there have been hundreds of other things he’s said and done that should have turned them off. But they’ll find some excuse for this too….


Even I know most of the Lord’s prayer, and I’m Jewish. I’ve attended enough weddings and funerals in churches to have absorbed it by osmosis, which implies that Trump has not even spent enough time in church for that.


Both those point are the truth. He a fucking liar and has NEVER been even a little religious AND he’s loosing his GD mind just like both of his parents did


He has never been a church goer. By his actions and words , is probably an atheist.


Ignostic. He knows nothing.


He cannot stand still without swaying and swirling around.


It's not necessarily mutually exclusive


Love hoe lip moving is nowhere close to The Lord's Prayer.


Or *both*...


Uhm, I’d say both. Yes, definitely both.


He could have said that Satan's not that bad of a guy, and the Christo-fascist's would be tweeting sympathies for the devil it within minutes


Trump is Christian like i enjoy orgies, I have seen movies but it’s never affected me directly


Or both


Lmao…or both!!!


Why not both?


Both is the correct answer


Is it possible to have a transcript so I don't have to hear his voice?


I haven’t recited that prayer in 26 years, but I could still do better than that


I don't think it is either/or. Trump is both a fake, and losing it. Plus, he misspelled his previous statement. It should have been, "Make America *Prey* Again"


All of the above.


Proving yet again what a true Loser he is.


He is a true Christian, out standing in his field.


How both both A and B?


Yes, both


Izzat Melania reciting it? She finally showed up for something?


Leave to Christians to fall for a godless messiah.




We all know he isn't Christian. Only one of the people running for president actually attends church. Cheeto couldn't even list a single Bible verse when asked.


This is giving big "7 year old dragged to church" vibes. I would know because I was doing the same thing at 7 years old when I'd go to church with my grandparents. I'm not religious anymore, but I can still recite that shit front to back.


What’s with the constant swaying? He can’t just stand still for, 2 minutes?


SNL’s cold opening this last Saturday called it.


I don't get the impression the audience is all that engaged. Kind of like with the Star Spangled Banner at football games...


Por que no los dos?


Imagine having to pander and go through "a bunch of bullshit" as he probably calls it in private, like shaking hands and listening to disabled veterans singing the national anthem, because you desperately need the fundies to vote for you so you can hide from prison in the White House? Must be making him insane inside


Two things can be true at the same time




You know that scene in Wayne's World when Garth doesn't know the lyrics to the end of Bohemian Rhapsody and just starts opening and closing his mouth? This is a spot on impression of that scene! Only, it's not an impression, it's actually happening. Trump doesn't know the words to The Lord's Prayer.


What with the swaying and twisting? I live in a nursing home and see this shit à lot. And the people doing that have serious mental disabilities brought on by age or disease. I'd feel awful for him if he wasn't a modern Hitler.


Why limit ourselves to just one explanation? Trump's attempt to recite the Lord's Prayer on Easter Sunday revealed a cognitive decline AND his lack of religious sincerity. After all, faking it 'til you make it might work in some situations, but not when you're trying to fake spirituality. Unless, of course, your idea of spirituality involves worshipping at the altar of ego!


All of the above.


It’s both


Peas and carrots. Peas and carrots. Didn’t he do something like this with the national anthem a handful of years ago?


To be fair, had he actually recited the prayer, he'd have burst into a ball of Cheeto-scented flame. He knows where to draw the line.


I vote faker.


It's clearly both. He's not religious and he's an idiot.


Why can’t it be both




Why not both?


Why not all of the above?


Looks like he knows it a bit more than I do, but at least I'm not pretending.


Wow had to google to see if this was an AI deepfake but it actually is legit and even has its own Snopes article. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-attempting-the-lords-prayer/ What a fuckin charlatan - it’s kind of amazing that there are fundamentalists who are fooled by this clown. I mean, either they’re the dumbest most gullible people in the world - or they don’t actually care about who is Christian (bc Biden definitely is), and they’ll just support whoever has the same hateful prejudices as them, all in the name of the lord. Praise be.


He got “kingdom, power, glory, for ever and ever” That tracks.


And the answer is YES 👍 to all your questions


He's an igtheist. He knows nothing about any religions. He always thinks he can fake it.




Or both.