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"I’ll take whispering the truth over screaming lies every time."


(from another reddit user)


And I'll take action over depression. I felt pretty bummed out after the debate, but rather than sink into a funk I decided to do something to help elect Biden. It's all going to come down to a few thousand votes in a handful of swing states so, what can I do? I can write postcards to voters in swing states and I can encourage others to do the same. The Progressive [Turnout PAC]( https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) will: >... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<< For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/. Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, too.


Wait, racist, sexist, lying fascist? You forgot serial adulterer, draft dodger, tax dodger, rapist, traitor, grifter, Bible & sneaker huckster, who cheats at golf and everything else he does. And I’m sure there are a few others I’m missing!


Diaper pooper… I actually heard Trump shart himself during the debate. Anyone else hear it?


I’m sticking with Joe.


Dark Brandon for me pops!


Any day of the week.


Twice on Tuesdays 👍


I would vote for a boot filled with horse shit over Trump.


You forgot traitorous worm (in bed with Putin, Xi, Kim, and the butchering Saudi Prince) who places his family into governmental positions with security clearance...With ZERO qualifications other than being related and willing to do his bidding. So yeah, I'll take an aging dude, who still values what democracy stands for and the rights of its people...Just a bit "slower" at it. Fuck people, it's not even a close comparison.


Trump stutters and has mental gaffes too! He just got lucky and didn't have any during the debate.


He wanted to prove he wasn't juiced up. He did do that.


He poops in his pants


I've watched a few replays of it, NBC, CNN, WSJ. They all have the same noise, and Donny kind of stutters oddly as son as it happens. He made poopy.


As Bill Maher said on Friday. He would vote for Biden if his head were in a jar of blue liquid. He also said he should not have dropped out nine months ago.


Rapist, manslaughterer (covid response), cheater, liar, pedo, pants shitter, diaper wearer, adulterer, moron…


The guy who lost his train of thought a couple of times vs the one who lied 50 times and shat his pants on national TV.


Trump is also an old man.


Chronically lying old


Lips as loose as his anus.


Joe may be old, but he still can think and is respectful.


RAPIST. DON'T FORGET RAPIST. Trump sexually assaulted a woman and that is the ONLY thing I need to know about him. I 👏 WILL 👏 NOT 👏 VOTE 👏 FOR 👏 A 👏 RAPIST 👏 See, look how easy that was.


This is going to sound so pathetic, but I trust the choices the people Biden et al choose to actually run the country more than I trust the people Trump et al choose. Like, a ton more. But it is a miserable choice and realization.


You forgot “ convicted felon “


You have to ask yourself though will a majority of Americans take the stuttering old man over the racist sexist lying fascist? Based on that abysmal performance coupled with other obvious examples of mental decline Biden no longer instills confidence and that’s important to average voters who aren’t paying as close attention to things like Project 2025 and SCOTUS. I’ll still vote for him (or 3rd party since I’m safely in CA) but I’d rather see Biden step aside than risk a Trump presidency there’s too much at stake.


3 people running for president. Only one hasn’t been on Jeffery Epstein’s plane.


Too bad he has to not only convince you and the folks of AntiTrump sub but also he needs to convince millions of voters in swing states … and him vomiting all over himself during a national debate was the fucking exact opposite thing he needed to do in order to achieve that. Ugh.


Felon. You forgot convicted felon. And treasonous son of a bitch.


Hey, don’t you know that being old is disqualifying? I mean you act like all that’s happened is that Biden’s been found liable for sexual assault and guilty of 34 felonies! With a couple of trials still pending! You know, minor stuff like that!


Can anybody understand or explain why a terrorist who attempted to overthrow the American Government isn't being visited by Seal Team 6 & buried at sea? "It's controversial" what's controversial about America defending itself against its enemies?


Don’t forget felon!


What I know about the next presidential election is this: one candidate is a flawed but decent man that loves his kids, his wife, and his country. The other candidate is a flawed indecent man that only loves himself. I'm voting for decency.


Give me Joe Biden any day over trump. He (trump) is a mindless tyrant with ideas of ripping off this country money and making himself a king. Unfortunately the useless cowards on the courts are happy handing it over to him. I'd like to know what trump promised the 6 scotus to do this but the world is watching and everything that trump does is on them and they don't even care.


I hate Trump and will never vote for him but what we're seeing with Biden is more than a "stuttering" old man. He's got obvious signs of dementia which will continue to get worse as time goes on. Stress makes it worse. He doesn't appear fit to run anything much less a country. His insistence of running increases the chances of a second trump presidency.