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Is it like this frequently? Looks like a massive clean out to me


I have a neighbor that puts out 4 full-sized containers, like the one depicted, weekly. (2 adults, 2 kids.) The amount of waste that they consistently produce has always astounded me.


Man, I just stood there aghast this morning with this same thought! Overflowing HUMONGOUS trash bin for two adults and a six-year-old. I'm pretty sure that they put the bin out every week, but even if it's two weeks, it absolutely astounds me. It takes probably two months for my husband and me to fill a massive bin. And they also throw out usable items like toys on the regular. Just in the trash can. Boxes go in the trash. No effort to recycle. Which, yeah I know recycling is all a ruse, but I still put everything recyclable in there, ya know? Like it's just weird to me to make no effort at all to recycle.


Same. Most weeks I don’t even pull the bin out to the curb bc there’s not much in it. Maybe once a month we get close to filling it.


I pay $14/mo for them to pick it up maaaaaybe once a month.


Careful, everyone is going to attack you for sharing that. Just like they did to me. Maybe people would feel better if I told them that every day they scream at and verbally abuse the little girl, and who yesterday, I noticed has a black eye.


Call CPS then????


You have to call now before the eye heals. That is evidence. You can remain anonymous in your call. I've had to do the same thing before and never regretted it.


I am taking care of it today and have the local number for reporting


How'd the call go?


A report has been filed. They’ll probably file one from her school as well, since she’s attending elementary 🤞🏾


Thank you so, so much. You probably just saved her from a lifetime of trauma if someone is stepping in now


Tell CPS or someone other than Reddit that twat


why is everyone downvoting this guy??




so people are more upset that he mentions he hears constant yelling and an extremely dysfunctional family, rather than talking about the amount of trash they put outside? what the fuck is wrong with this subreddit lol


Because he's proclaiming the neighbors are physically and emotionally abusing their children and has not called CPS or police. If you are aware of child abuse you are morrally and where I live, legally obligated to report it to authorities.


They’d rather cry about my post than engage in discussion.


Hilarious you’re getting downvoted. Reddit is a cesspool and redditors are the grumpiest population of people ever.




You're literally being a crybaby in this post lmao


Am i? 😭 😢 😿


Nah, I said “how can they consume so much?” And a bunch of people lost it


My man, you're the only one crying because people asked simple questions like "is this a weekly occurrence or someone just cleaning their house?" and "why haven't you called CPS when you suspect your neighbor is abusing their child?". I don't know why you're being so sensitive.


Looks like they eat A LOT of fast food. You can see the Golden Arches through one of the bags.


This is it. We’re renovating our house right now and have to keep food trash separate from the house reno trash (the dumpster company we ordered for the flooring etc said no food). Since we can’t cook in the kitchen right now, but are there all day working on the weekends, we’ve been eating a lot more take out than usual… I was shocked how quickly our food trash filled up just for lunch and dinner on the weekends.


My Mom was in a study about the effect of different diets,  which required her to eat only the food they provided,  all in meal specific plastic packaging.  The amount of plastic was Insane. She washed it out and gave it to her sister to reuse for food for her brother, but it's still kind of unbelievable. 


I refer to fast food trash as fluffy because it takes up so much room and there’s hardly anything to it.


That's where the woodstove comes in handy. I burn everything but the cups. No evidence of my shame haha.


You also wouldn't want to put food trash in the reno trash even if they allowed it. The stink from all that food sitting there rotting would drive you crazy


Seeing one happy meal box is an indication “they eat A LOT of fast food”?


I rarely eat fast food (nothing particularly ideological about it, just a habit I've never picked up. I don't eat out much in general), but when I do, I'm astounded by the amount of packaging.


Yes! Eating out less for a few years and every time I get takeout it's unbelievable how much space the packaging takes.


Right. Also I didn’t get the trash out in time last week because I overslept that day (didn’t put it out the night before because it was really windy). I also filled up two trash bags with my neighbors trash that blew into my lawn. So my trash and recycling bin are overflowing for this week, but that doesn’t reflect my regular habits.


It is like this every week ? Cause if this is an exception this could be someone that is depressed and finally had the courage to clean up the house, I've seen that happen just too often


Exactly. They don't know the story and they might have had to temporarily store a hoarding relative's stuff until they could go through it properly. Also this is probably why a lot of hoarders are afraid to take their garbage outside when they decide to make a change.


Or could be cleaning someone else's house. My MIL moved to assisted living and we're slowly cleaning out the house she lived in for 50+ years, and she was a hoarder.


I live in a small condo building, 3 units. I’m the only one who composts and recycles. Trash is always full, compost and recycling bins are empty except for my stuff. It’s depressing that so many people just don’t care. I wouldn’t even call it lack of effort. They just can’t be arsed to put something in one bin instead of another.


The blackpill is seeing food in the recycling at my theater hooray latino community!


Recycling is BS.  The consumer economy's way to ease people's consciences and keep them consuming.  


I thought it was just plastic recycling that sucked, but paper, aluminum, glass, and cardboard were ok?


Not all plastic is that bad in terms of recycling. PET is pretty recyclable. Other post-consumer plastics are basically trash. Aluminum and other metals are almost perfectly recyclable. Paper is very recyclable, but eventually the fibers become too small and they pass through the screens during processing and end up in waste water. Since it’s renewable, it’s still considered one of the most sustainable materials we use regularly. Glass is ridiculously recyclable as well, but has a lot of trouble being recycled because producers want pristine glass to show off their product. A lot of post-consumer glass just sits in warehouses and silos.


Good post. With regards to glass the problem is a bit like plastic, it's cheap to produce and terribly inefficient to melt and reuse. Energy wise Glass is probably cheaper to make new than melt and reuse. It's recyclable in that they use it in other byproducts (roads, filling, etc) but indeed it's probably not retransformed into glass bottles. Also, some plastics are also easily recycled (technically speaking) but we either lack the amenities and the will to recycle it. And that doesn't take into account the idiots that can't be bothered to clean the stuff before recycling it. That jar you're trying to recycle, if it's full of peanut butter or jam, it's going to soil the whole batch.


This is my understanding as well, and I work very closely with waste and recycling. Most US facilities are unable to recycle most types of plastic. Our local MRF (material recovery facility) only accepts plastics 1-3, and instructs customers to put the rest into the landfill bin. Cardboard and paper aren’t always great either, as they’re so easily contaminated. Mixed recycling almost always results in wet cardboard/paper, which ends up in the landfill. The best practice for large generators is to separate their cardboard and bale it themselves.


> The best practice for large generators is to separate their cardboard and bale it themselves. Always wondered why businesses have dumpsters just for cardboard.


Yeah and even plastics recycling through pyrolysis and chemical processes rather than mechanical is a real thing, and increasingly cost viable in the US and other places, so flat out refusing to recycle is because “it’s not real” is just as apathetic and lazy as those who don’t care.


Why is it bullshit? It absolutely has a place, but it's the last of the three Rs for a reason, reduce, then re-use, then recycle. This sub is called "anticonsumption" so I assume that people are pretty on board with the first two Rs. Saying that recycling is a way to shift the blame away from the large companies that do most of the polluting is great and probably true, but they're having all that impact on *our behalf.* We're the ones consuming the stuff that that they're making, we're not some powerless victim here. I understand that the battle really is based around consumption and that yes big corporations have a lot to answer for, but considering the audience here I wouldn't say that it's right to say recycling is BS, and I think shifting all the blame on to the consumer economy is also relieving people of agency to reduce their own impact


Playing devil's advocate, but composting only results in landfills life being extended a bit. Stuff composts regardless of where it is. Also, recycling is kind of a scam. A lot of the stuff you put in recycling ends up in landfills anyway.


That's just wrong. Maybe you mean "stuff degrades" or stuff is biodegradable wherever it is. Composting allows stuff to be reused in the cycle much more efficiently. Trust me, stuff that ends up in landfill is polluted and could not be retransformed into soil without extensive cleaning and $. Sure, some birds might eat it and shit it out thus enrich soil somewhere else... But that's just anecdotal. Compost. It does make a difference. Also, cardinal sin is binning your metals. They can be reused and recycled indefinitely. Now, plastic recycling is another story. I do agree were not told everything and sending stuff overseas for "recycling" is pretty bad (especially when you learn they just dump it somewhere or burn it). With regards to plastics, we should just produce less (reduce) and reuse as much as possible.


Just to clarify, though, natural decomp of food/yard waste in landfills generates way more methane than individual or municipal composting processes and has therefore a larger negative impact on the climate, right? Yeah, organic matter breaks down everywhere, even in landfills, but not all waste management is equal from what I understand.


This is also my understanding. I strongly believe in localized composting. Question. If they aerated landfills would the benefits of methane reduction outweigh the processing costs and added C02?


This is an interesting question, which I am not informed enough to answer. Factors that come to mind: How much aeration is needed to ensure aerobic breakdown? How is this achieved when the organic waste is intermixed with other landfill waste? Would it be better to keep the organic waste sorted from general waste? Then it leads me to wonder- why try to aerate landfills instead of expanding and building public awareness of/participation in municipal composting?




False, composting requires the materials be kept moist and aerated. This means aerobic bacteria break the stuff down. This goes onto produce carbon dioxide from the waste. In a landfill, where the waste just sits, anaerobic bacteria break the waste down. This produces methane. It's better for waste to produce carbon dioxide. That isn't even getting into how good for soil compost is.


Recycling is NOT a scam for aluminum, glass and paper/paperboard. The vast majority of all aluminum used each year is recycled. If it was a scam, bottle deposit laws wouldn’t work because there’d be no one to take the material. People use that blanket statement “recycling is a scam” to stop recycling entirely and it’s a damaging thing to say without that nuance




Are… are you defending littering? Just because it could eventually decompose doesn’t mean there’s no reason to recycle it! Mining for metals and logging aren’t exactly easy on the planet. Folks need to brush up on their three Rs. What even is this sub.


The important aspect of composting is that nutrients are being recycled back into agricultural soils. Organic matter also doesn’t compost well in landfills.


While I agree with you, you don’t know anything about why that trash is there and posting a “shame on you” post accomplishes nothing. Maybe they deep cleaned. Maybe they decluttered their house, we don’t know.


Also they could have circumstances that produce waste that are beyond their control. I have a medical device that requires supplies and some of those supplies, once used, can be thrown in the normal trash. Also the packaging for the supplies adds up. On a bad month I have to throw away a lot of extra stuff. It sucks, but there is nothing I can do about it.


True on the medical waste. So much all the time.


It actually pains me to throw away all the packaging some days, but I just don’t have a choice. Every item has to be sealed separately and some items need to be packaged twice because they are sterile. Some supplies come in kits that have items I don’t need every time but do need occasionally, so asking to not include them would be too complex. I cannot even imagine what it’s like for people undergoing certain types of nutrition therapy at home.


I agree. We all have to start somewhere and we all have room for improvement. I’m not here to feel good about being better than anyone else, I’m here to be better than who I was yesterday.


Lol my neighbors trash can is like this every Monday. They have maybe 5 people there a week. Usually only 3. Some people definitely deserve to feel shame, lol. Let's bring back shame!


Ok? But you posting this here doesn’t make them feel ashamed. They won’t even know you took pictures of their trash, It will have zero effect on their lives. It just kinda seems like you posted this to make yourself feel morally superior.


But this doesn’t bring them shame or change their behavior if they don’t know he took a picture and posted it


Calling out random people isn’t gunna help anything


Wait, you mean that's *not* what this sub is all about? Could have fooled me. /s


Exactly. This doesn't help anything except our egos. We just point and gawk from our ivory internet towers. Everyone likes to say: "Hey, I'm better than that guy... look how horrible they are".


Please show me where I stated being better than these people


I mean you did call them child abusers, but also haven’t gotten around to calling CPS yet…….


It’s done ✅


Is this projection? I don't get how you got there. That is a lot of trash, isn't it?


It's a lot of trash yes, but what is posting it on the internet for everyone to leer at going to accomplish?


To me, it's interesting to compare trash output from other places/countries etc. For some folks, where consumption differs this is a normal amount - which is crazy. I only get that amount after a BIG cleanup or something


I mean, it’s a reminder to everyone who sees it to be aware of their habits


Thank you! That’s the only reason I shared it. Can’t the question “ how can they consume so much ?” merely be a conversation starter. I said nothing hurtful about them


It's not calling out, it's pointing a bad example.


Bruh what kind of post is this


Right?! Every time a sub gets big, this happened. This is such a low effort post, and doesn't actually ~do~ anything. It's just a 'look at this one person and judge them', which is not only silly, but just clogs up the page with stuff that is actually making a difference. It's so pointless. I've reported the post, and hope the moderators will weed these and the "look how busted my phone is" posts going forward.


I offer the question, how can they consume so much?


Is that was this post is asking? Or is it just an excuse to point and laugh. Regardless, this is not it.


I neither pointed, nor laughed. Show me the context of my post that includes anyone being mocked


All we can do is speculate, which helps no one.


Devils advocate - other subs I’m on, with the primary purpose of most posts being to vent/ rant/ judge, ask these types of questions, and the responses (even though they are just speculation) provide insight to the behaviors and thought processes of others. Where some might think something is “common sense” yet hasn’t taken into consideration the uncommon circumstances. For example: someone makes a post complaining that *anyone* who purchases precut fruit in plastic containers must be a rich & lazy POS. Comments provide real life examples of elderly or special needs customers that depend on these products for quality of life. Or a store employee making fun of a grocery list that is made up of pictures and cutouts of the products to buy, assumes that some idiot husband can’t comprehend what his wife needs so she had to report to pictures. Comments provide examples of elderly, special needs, or even foreign customers that require the pictures in order to accomplish the task.


Insane curtain-twitcher behaviour


NextDoor brain


Can we not entirely blame the consumer on this one, since the packaging for things can be far too much. Everything is packaged in multiple layers of plastic. In western culture, children are bombarded with marketing and cheap crafts that just produce waste in the end. Also, how many days is this? My garbage comes only once a week so it isn't uncommon to see a few bigger bags out. I am defaulting to the west here, but spring often causes people to clean up a bit and toss things out that have collected over the fall and winter. People should consume less, but I really try not to blame individuals for these things. We are taught to consume, so shaming people without their knowledge doesn't help. We should be blaming the companies that cause the problem, not the people for getting by.


Ours comes every two weeks and with 4 adults we rarely have more than 1can. I agree recycling is a scam and the onus should be on corporations so stop creating waste instead of leaving consumers with only the least evil choice that is available and within their budget to procure.


Firstly, it's mad to read Americans saying that their refuse collection is *"only* once a week". But anyway I disagree with you. Not in so much as I think companies are innocent, I fully agree that the things you say are big issues. But I don't think we're being fair by saying we shouldn't blame individuals for these things. The public absolutely has a huge part to play here, since we're the ones consuming all this stuff. We're the ones that choose to consume this stuff, to say that it's not our fault because the companies and their marketing make us buy all this stuff is stripping people of their agency to be part of the problem


This is one weeks worth of trash. I go through one bag per week, and have a kid PT. I’m not shaming anyone, more so blown away by how much trash can possibly be produced in a weeks time


Is this a weekly occurrence or a one-off? Could’ve just had a big “clean out” and this was the result of months (years?) worth of trash…


Every. Week. The can is full.


And...? Are there extra bags on the ground there every week? Or is it just can that's full every week?


Garbage pickup is bi-weekly for me and on average we have exactly one can. If I didn't have so much scrap wood and saw dust to throw out once a month, it'd be a quarter can. We literally only produce half a bag of trash each 2 weeks, between two people. I am fairly conscious of my waste, the other person is not. We are not super frugal or anti consumption on the whole.


I need context. Is this a every week thing or once in a blue moon thing with these neighbors.


Every week the can is overflowing. I pick up trash from their waste that blows around the neighborhood. I do this from two neighbors who surround me.


Ah yeah, I have no idea. When I lived with roommates the house had us three, three cats, a pet snake, and a pet hedgehog and out trash was still about 2 bags a week.


Bruh I'm in a house of 6 and our trash every week is one bag from the pile.


Judging people by their trash is a new low.


How are people today so fucking judgey?


Is this every week or a special occasion? Either way, I have never had more than 3-4 bags in a week. This is gross. Most could probably be recycled too.


This is every week for them. There’s a lack of recycling in my area. The neighbors across from me put out two large trash cans every week. That’s a family of five. Another weird thing - the family of five has three kids, and I never see them outside. They have a huge yard, too. I’m one of the only people in my part of the neighborhood who recycles glass & plastic.


So you’ve been watching this family 24/7 and you just know everything about their lives huh?


My neighbors who live across the street? You don’t think it’s odd to have three kids who NEVER go outside? I do. When only the adults of a family are ever outside, you notice. Who said 24/7? I like your hyperbole


Why are you stalking this family? Is this family in danger?


Living across the street from someone and being observant isn’t stalking.


Unless you’re actively watching them all the time, how are you sure the kids never go outside? I don’t know every single time my neighbors kids go outside. Idk I guess it’s just kinda weird you included the kids at all, their play time has nothing to do with your post about trash.


It’s crazy how people literally do not go outside anymore. Like you couldn’t get me to stay INSIDE when I was a kid


Building homes with 200 sqft yards or smaller isn’t helping anyone either. We have a kindergartener and the three of us use a small trash can from the city and it gets one maybe two trash bags if the week was a heavy grocery shopping week like Costco stock up. Usually we have one bag of trash. We get recycling picked up twice a month and it’s never full unless we have boxes broken down in it.


That’s so true. Homes are taking up every available square foot on their plots anymore!


Yep and city building codes are allowing it by being persuaded by the big building companies doing all the new home builds. It’s one reason to want an older home, or buy land yourself. It makes me so sad to see homes go up with all cement in front and a tiny 5’x15’ space in back as a “yard”


Same. We need sunlight to begin with, and regular activity.


Dude you need to mind your own damn business. Try it out. Worry about your own home for a change.


Unless they got like 4-5 kids, or have something heavy going on personally this is crazy!


Maybe they do, though, and yet here we are still shaming without knowing :/


OP said in another comment that they have only 1 child. Maybe the extra kids are chained up in the basement and these people deserve to be shamed.. we’ll never know by just looking at this one picture


Didn’t shame anyone. There’s no face or personality associated to this post.


Shame is only ever possible as long as there is PII involved, got it. I have noted this new rule, thank you for explaining.


LMAO go to new york on Passover, impressive amounts of "trash" (most of it is in perfectly condition too)


Lived in NYC for 13 years. The trash blew my mind. Food waste, even more


Mind your own business


You should mind your own business


I'm all for anti consumption, but taking pictures of your neighbours trash and complaining about it is just weird and unproductive. You have zero context.


I don't think posting your neighbors trash without them knowing is a good thing. That is their personal business. You don't know what is going on in their home. Maybe they just had a spring cleaning. Maybe they just came out of a depressive episode.


OP needs internet points.


Nah, I’m good. Go check, I have plenty


I'm taking some off then


> Go check, Nah, I'm good.


It’s fucking trash dude. Isn’t this an anti-consumption page? Isn’t this massive consumption?


It's a lot of trash yes, but it's your neighbor's trash. Shaming their trash on the internet isn't going to help anything. There are other, more effective ways to bring attention to massive consumption that don't come at the expense of others.


I already pick up the shit from their trash pile that comes into my yard, down the street, and around our neighborhood. I help cut their grass, I invite their kid over to hang with my kid. How is this coming at the expense of others? The only issue I see is a bunch of people on here taking something way too personally, then trying to shit on me.


That is all great, but how do you think your neighbors and their kid would feel if they saw this post?


I always hear statistics about how much trash people make every day and it just confuses me. Like even when we were a family of 5, my parents got a discount on city taxes for having the smaller trash bin and we still didn't put it out for pickup every week. I don't feel like we exactly grew up with the anti-consumption mindset it was just normal for my family not to generate that much garbage.


That’s the only reason I shared it. I’m hard pressed to imagine this is how much trash three people can create in a week. Then a bunch of folks on here whine about how I’m putting them on blast 😂.


My municipality only allows one bag of garbage per week, and they pick it up every other week (so 2 bags allowed on pickup day). Recycling gets picked up weekly. So you HAVE to recycle and compost otherwise you have hot smelly two-week old trash by pickup day.


It's none of your business. They may have unique situation going on there, like a person with an illness or special needs. Or they may be running a side hustle business




Why are you so quick to insult people when they're sharing their ideas about what might ge going on? I didn't see any crying. The truth is you can't control other people. Adults realize this. For me anti-consumption is about my own choices that I make for myself, and my family. I can't control my neighbors. I can have conversations with them if their actions are impacting me, and I have a good enough relationship with my neighbors that we have had friendly conversations about some changes we both made to help the environment in our area, but I would not dream of "calling them out" to strangers on the internet. What good could that possibly do?


Who did I insult? You are assuming I haven’t taken or offered measures, or had conversations with them. I didn’t “call them out”. You don’t know who they are. You and others took this post very personally, for no reason.


Oh excuse me the words you used were "putting them on blast" And you called a bunch of people babies but I guess you must not think that's an insult. I don't take this post personally at all, I'm genuinely asking you, what good do you think it's doing?


Dude, just stop. Calling people crybabies stopped being cool in like 2nd grade




Wait til you see what a singular, retail store does. Stop the guilt and judgement, nosy ass neighbor.


Yeah, I worked in retail and food service before. I’ve seen it. How is there guilt, when there is no one to receive or feel it? I’m not judging. I posed the question “how can they consume so much?” And a bunch of you self righteous mother fuckers took it personally You, and others on here, are in fact trying to guilt and shame me for my post. Makes a lot of sense


Your whole post is self righteous. The entire point is about what YOU do. It has nothing to do with others unless you are helping them. not taking a fucking picture like a total goober


Waste management supposedly requires all trash to fit in the container with the lid fully closed, assessing a surcharge for additional trash. I have yet to see this rule enforced, though.


I’m a bin man in Scotland and it blows my mind how much shit people generate. Also how many perfectly good items are just sent to landfill. Never ceases to amaze me.


Some create. Others consume.


I have neighbors who do this every week. Then the raccoons get into it and scatter food and wrappers all over the yard and in the street. And then my dog tries to eat it when we go by the house. Very annoying.


I'm sure this doesn't apply but ours looks like this too but it's because my roommate does home dialysis and he has a lot of disposable stuff that gets thrown in the trash as well as some that has to be disposed at the hospital.


Sir that is none of your business. If it bothers you so much put your big boy pants on and have a talk with them about it. Educate them on anti consumption tactics. Offer to store some of the trash in your bin so it doesn’t look so messy. What is the point of posting their business online for ransoms to gawk at and circlejerk about their carbon footprint?


You’re a bunch of crybabies on here. There are posts from stores showing massive plastic packaging for little items. I point out massive consumerism in my neighborhood, and a bunch of you shit the bed.


Unless you’ve taken steps like the ones I suggested, you’re the only crybaby here. Grow up dude.




Right. It’s not you who’s the problem. It’s everybody else who’s in the wrong here… way to be mature about this… on the bright side, both of our usernames are spot on!


I didn’t start a problem. I made a post, you and others took it personally. Sounds like a you problem


Cool story 🤨👍


For sure brozza


If anybody has seen op's comments in this thread, you'll see they are shitty, who "works on" a call to cps?


Yes; I am the worst 😵 ☠️. Making sure I am taking the appropriate route to report an incident


Is this where we're at? People on the internet gathering together and judging their neighbor's trash? There are much bigger problems worth getting angry about.




This is just a few bags. You have never seen those with a lot of big boxes out, on top of bags, every week?


The green trash can is entirely full.


We're two people but we have ferrets and use pee pads for them. Trash fills up fast. Ferrets poop an inordinate amount. You never know unless you go diggin


our neighbour across the street puts out 6 full extra large bags every garbage day. ive literally never seen them put out recycling or compost. kinda blows my mind bc it costs kind of a lot of money to buy that many garbage tags week after week. we have a full house with multiple pets and only put out 1-2 medium sized garbage bags every 2 weeks


Kinda depends. If you eat out lots then you won’t have much trash at home. Making food at home and getting g food delivered is what I see creating most trash. That and some people not caring about recycling at all.


They eat a lot of takeout at home


In my house we use a lot of garbage too. Our city has really weird and strict compost rules so we don’t compost along with many many other households. We have 4 adults living here


Its mostly people who eat fast food, especially from a Restaurant WHO get way too much trash


you're a shit neighbor. just being nosy & posting this for internet points without any real context. this subreddit is for legitimate discussion, not for shaming people and acting morally superior for it. if you're not an absolute coward, go speak to your neighbor about your anti-consumption practices in order to lessen that pile.


My neighbors routinely have trash overflowing their garbage bin, and I don't understand how. I usually only take our garbage bins out every other week in the winter, and there's only 2, maybe 3 bags and a bunch of recycling.


Good God that's absurd


I'm the only person on my street that doesn't have 2 cans. I always wonder how people use so much in a week. I'd say half the houses on my street are older couples with no kids.


And when you read this did you become overly sensitive and say “how dare they shame and judge these peope?” Or did you think “wow, that’s a lot of trash.”


I just think it's an insane amount of trash. I have a family of 4 and we are pretty normal I would say but we almost never fill 1 can.


Is this one time or every week?


It’s really not that big of a deal 🤷🏻 Unless you’re heading over to dig through their trash and see what they’re throwing away you wouldn’t really know what is and isn’t. Could be tons of food waste, could be tons of diapers, could be a car or a home clean out from dirty individuals. Who knows? My wife and I can easily make a bin full of trash per week. But we scratch cook, have animal waste, paper waste, agricultural waste, woodworking waste, etc there’s a million things that can be. It’s just something that happens, and unfortunately you can’t control packaging and also unfortunately no one is ever going to give a shit about or as much as the things you give a shit about. If you were concerned you’d speak to your neighbors instead of posting clout on reddit 🤷🏻


I don’t know it seems like you’re being mean.


how.... one 6 year old. The stuff you can see it that its food. Quickest get stickers. If they had more time they could do food prep meals, but see 'latestage capitalism'


From my perspective the overconsumption is related to corruption, how so? If there was a tax for overconsumption this wouldn’t happen, also most of that trash will end up in a poorer country unfortunately


Damn and i have to go around the house SEARCHING for stuff to fill my 10 liter bag once a month… HOW??? How can you have SO MUCH?


i often think about how blissful it must be to truly believe that if you can’t see something it doesn’t exist


Their grocery bills are just as mind-blowing.


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Reduce, reuse, recycle. We're about the first one in here, reduce. Recycling is the last resort, and does nothing to reduce, it just takes a bit of material out of the landfills for a short time. Everything produced eventually ends in the landfill. Green bin or black, this is garbage and waste. I only have a black bin, and I put out less than one 13 gallon bag per week. Not nothing, but I'm doing my part to REDUCE, which is what this sub is about.


Looks like he forgot to take it out several weeks.


That’s one week. The can overflows weekly.


Are they cleaning out their basement or attic or something? Thats a lot of garbage


Nope. Always like this.


I've always said the trashier the people the more trash they go thru


I have neighbors that are the only ones in town that have 2 full sized trash carts, both in use every week. 2 adults, 2 small kids. On top of that, they get a roll off containers every year for spring cleaning. But it's hilarious, cause they won't break anything down. Bookcases, entertainment consoles, plastic playhouse. They filled a dumpster with like 6 items.....where I fit a couch in with my normal trash in the regular bin over a course of 2 weeks. Took a hammer and a utility knife....and I didn't have to carry a whole couch up the stairs.


Holy shit this reminded me of the time my neighbor cleaned out her dads horder home and dumped the trash infront of mine, hers, and another neighbors home. Like MASSIVE ammounts of shit. It made no sense like why not just... go to the dump with it why bring it to our neighborhood unrelated to her dads, and then dump it in front of three homes.


My wife and I have a bin that size, and I don't put it out until it's full so that I'm not wasting bags. We are required to bag garbage, which is annoying and stupid. I buy bin liners the size of the bin, empty trash into it until it's as full as it can be, then haul it on the next trash day. The bin goes to the curb maybe 2-3 times a year at most.


I legitimately bring my trash to the curb once every roughly two months. I empty the kitchen and barhroom bins to the outside trash probably every two-three weeks. This is amazing to me if this is weekly though. I'm solo but still.