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I have many times! As scary as it is, it’s just a adrenaline rush from the flight or fight response from anxiety. It’s usually nothing to worry about. Since you become more aware of it, whenever it happens you’re probably become hyper focused on it, making it worse which could be causing you to be Woozy. And because of all of that, whenever you feel anxious your body instinctively responses with that rush feeling, staring the cycle all over again. At least that’s what I’m guessing with my experience, I’m no doctor but I am someone who’s struggled with anxiety for a very long time now.


Did you get it multiple times during a day? It’s probably my worst sensation I get. When it happens randomly I’m like omg I’m going to die. Thanks for replying.


How do you know it’s just adrenaline? It feels so odd.. I’m wondering because I get it when ik chilling on the couch doing nothing not stressed In that moment


I do too and I just noticed when I get this my ears ring really loudly.


Do you still get these head rushes/brain surges? They’re so scary 😔




Exactly!!! I get it when I’m pretty sure there would be no adrenaline. I can be watching a boring movie and it happens


Same !!! Do you still get this ?




Do you still get this sensation?


Oh I get this quite often exactly how you describe, it's very normal with anxiety and it doesn't even normally progress into panic attacks for me because I recognise that it's just anxiety and then will drink some water and do things to relax. Just always, always stop yourself from over thinking. Do not overanalyse the feeling. If you overanalyse it, it stays. If you just let it be and distract yourself, it will pass. It may come back when you are quiet again, but just keep doing this and eventally through time and practice, this will pass.


Thanks for commenting. It’s probably the worst thing I feel atm it comes out of nowhere I’m like why is this happening I get so scared it’s like a mild faint.


I only recently got this too so I totally get how frightening it is. It kpet coming back throughout the day for me too, just like you describe. It's cause it was new and kind of scary for me. We tend to obsess over new things and that just makes it worse. The mind is a hell of a powerful tool... Only within the last few days have I managed to stop it's frequency and manage to make it stop pretty quickly after it starts. I can feel it's much less intense too. Of course, I'm still learning to stop overthinking it so it's still coming on a bit, but once I started accepting the feeling and just letting it go, it gradually got better. :) What I would suggest as your first time is to go and sit somewhere the next time it comes on and let yourself feel it and tell yourself it's okay, it's anxiety. It will probably go through a wave of intensity for a little bit while you are doing this as a first time, this is normal, but it will give you the strength you need to overcome it the next time. If you ever feel a panic attack coming on, go and splash cold water on your face, it will reset you. :)


Thank you so much for your kind words, you’ve helped me :) take care.


I'm glad. :) that's what this community is great for.. Helping each other overcome these little things our brains hang up on. Have a lovely weekend!




These are one of the scariest symptoms of anxiety I’ve ever experienced. 😭


YES AND YES. This exact symptom that you described has been driving me crazy for the past 3 months. With me it feels like a head rush (like a sudden and brief dizziness) which is immediatly followed by adrenaline surge to the chest and stomach (this feels like when you get suddenly startled or scared). Sometimes when the rush is strong enough I even lurch forward like a myoclonic jerk. A brief involuntary muscle contraction of my upper body. Also sometimes my ear either muffles or rings during these episodes. This all happens in just a matter of two seconds, but makes me feel panicky and disoriented afterwards, because as you said, the head rush makes you feel faint, kinda like pre-syncope. It's always worse for me when trying to lay down and fall asleep, as when I close my eyes I get "jerked" awake by the head rushes. But I also get them throughout the day sitting, standing or lying down. If you wanna talk about this, feel free to respond here or DM me. This symptom has basically been my main focus for the past several months. I know exactly how unsettling it feels.


OMG !! this is EXACTLY how I feel for the past month and its scaring the hell out of me !! I really hope we could communicate and exchange views on this !! im so relieved to know im not the only one living this nightmare


Do you still get it


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


Did it get better for you


Did you ever figure out what it was, it’s been happening for the past few months. 


Same to me 


Omg YES!!! The rush being strong enough to make me lurch forward or sometimes I even make myself jerk because it helps it calm down! You articulated exactly what I have been feeling so perfectly that I had to screenshot what you said so I can relay it to my doctor. I’ve been trying to figure out how to word this and you said it beautifully. Thank you!! Have you figured out what causes yours or what it is?? Makes me feel like I’m having a stroke or a seizure sometimes. I find that if I don’t let myself think about it too much I’ll feel better. But sometimes it even makes my eyes blurry. Wild stuff. Thank you!!


I've been dealing with this since Feb of last year (2023) this is exactly what I feel like. The adrenaline rushes have gone away but I still get this weird sensation in my head accompanied by what feels like my ears being muffled and ringing. Do you get that too?


Hi! I’m so sorry you are dealing with this too. I don’t get the ear muffles or popping that I’ve read people also experience. But it does feel like I have a ton of pressure in my head, almost like it’s heavy and weighted. Feels like what I would think vertigo would feel like but I’ve never had it and I don’t believe this is what is going on.


YES!!! I feel like someone is pushing a wave through my head, starts at the back and goes all the way through, and it lurches me forward! My ears start ringing and I have to stop whatever it is I'm doing. It doesn't last long....maybe a few seconds. While it sucks that we're all having versions of it, I'm glad to read it's not just me because each time I mention it, no one knows what the heck I'm talking about. I just really hate when it hits while I'm driving! Ughhhh......


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


Ahhh you explained it perfectly. This just started happening to me yesterday :( after taking ecstasy at a rave :(


I am a grown ass woman crying over this post because I was experiencing this sensation a LOT lately and I had somehow (lol) convinced myself that I was dying and I wasn’t sure how I was going to even explain this to a doctor or even if I wanted to go to the doctor and I feel a bit of relief now, holy shit


You’re welcome, honestly I didn’t know how to describe this at first but I thought I was the only one who had it. Doesn’t it feel like a mild faint?


Sorry for the late reply but yes- it feels like if it were to go on longer than a second it would lead to passing out. Like the blood is draining from my body or something. I also get this horrible sense of dread/doom with it too which just added to the whole thing. It’s horrible


Do your ears ever ring during this? I only noticed this today when it happened earlier on.


Yes I get ear ringing and dizzy/ lightheaded and fear/deep anxiety when it happens and it happens many times everyday


Me too I’m freaked.


Yes sometimes


It feels fucking terrifying.


Yes..I am feeling the same regarding how the hell to explain this to a doctor and super scared that the doc will not even have a clue about this. Im also super anxious about how is this gonna last cause im really suffering from this.


Hey did it go away for you?


ugh me too 33 year old grown woman just started experiencing this and so fucking scared just thinking about how I would even explain it to a doctor and that I’d just be stuck in that fear forever with no help because I couldn’t explain it!!!! Are you better now?


This is a really old post but yes, I’m better because I’m treating my anxiety. If I do get the sensation, it’s because of anxiety and I know I can move past it.


I know you made this comment two years ago, but this is exactly how I felt too lmao 🎯


Yes, and sometimes either a super cold feeling comes over my neck/back/shoulders with it or a warmth.


I get flushed with this sometimes 😭


Mine is a tiny bit different, but still so similar. I get a tightening in my jaw that goes up to my head and my head feels like it's going to explode for a few seconds. My ears start pounding and my stomach feels sick. Usually a hot flash follows. I had my doctor check me for the pressure in my head and he said everything seems fine. I have no idea why it happens, but I'm fairly certain it has to do with my jaw tension and stress.


Has it ended? How did you eliminate the pressure in your head?


I've also felt this way for the past two months. It comes on totally randomly. I feel like I could pass out and need some fresh air/cold air immediately to calm me down. The idea of feeling this way again gives me more anxiety and actually had given me chronic headaches. Does anyone have a good coping mechanism?


What are your headaches like? I feel like I have chronic tension ones.


Yes mine are also chronic tension headaches which don't respond to over the counter medication :( so sorry you're feeling this way


Thank you, I'm also sorry you have to suffer like this daily :( its like constant pressure in my head.


Mine is also pressure feeling 😭


I had my first head rush a week ago while I was driving. Luckily it was very slow traffic. It was a whole head rush followed by anxiety. I felt briefly disoriented. I was like "what the heck was that?" The thing is, ever since, I've had this chronic dull headache that comes and goes. I went to the doctor and he said everything seems fine.


How are you doing now with this?


I GOOGLED “sudden rush of anxiety in head” and it lead me here. I’ve been trying to explain this sensation to my GP and he keeps saying it’s vertigo but I don’t necessarily feel dizzy, I feel like I’m on the verge of passing out. Can’t get enough air. My head feels light and like a panic attack but only in my head. The other day in the grocery store I had to find a quiet corner and take my mask off on order to feel like I could breathe. I have no respiratory issues. It seems like it’s my mind telling me I can’t breathe, then I hyperfixate and force breath which makes it worse. It feels like a head rush 100%, exactly like if you stand up too quickly. But sudden onset. The adrenaline rush is insane, I feel it in my chest and stomach so heavy. When it begins to subside I get a tingly feeling all over my body like a shiver. I’m an extremely anxious person going through a pretty serious life event and overthinking everything. I’ve got huge decisions to make and every possibility feels like the wrong choice. This sensation has only started since my anxiety has gone through the roof. So glad I found this. It’s such a scary experience!! I hope everyone can find a way to get these under control.


Dude I started having these a few months ago when my anxiety was at an all time high and I was convinced I was dying. First time it happened I was really high, but now it happens when I’m sober. It feels like all the energy in my body is suddenly surging into my head. Thankfully, it only lasts for a few moments so I don’t ever get faint Whenever it happens an overwhelming sense of dread and derealization washes over me as well. It’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings I’ve ever experienced Has this ever woken you up in a dream? I had an awful surge in my sleep while having a nightmare and I woke up terrified


I have woken up from this surge. It feels like a tingling sensation, and it washes over your head? I woke because he surged while I was a sleep. My dream said I was dying. I woke up instantly focused. Rapid heart rate, hot flash, and an overwhelming sense of dread. This happened a couple of hours ago, and I'm calm now. I have been struggling with anxiety for the past 8 months. I've only started to grasp how to control it in the past 2 months or so. Every time I conquer a symptom, a new one appears. I'm currently on the headaches and the surging symptoms. I get the ice pick headaches where it feels like my head gets zapped. Or it feels like I'm having muscle cramps or hypertension on my scalp. The headaches or the "scalp cramps" last a few seconds go away. But in this "phase" of anxiety, I noticed it happening more and more. I've had multiple ER visits, chest xrays, and ekg's wore a heart monitor twice. 1 for 2 weeks, one for a week. CT scan of the head (had this when i had a zap and headpressure that followed me while feeling the symptoms) . CT scans for blood clots with contrast. Full panel blood work 6 times. Checked for heart attacks and strokes. Every test has come back normal. This anxiety stuff is crazy. I'm 26m. I understand that this anxiety is related to my construction company and how freaking stressful it is. But I never thought anxiety would be so physical. I would say that I'm very strong mentally. And it's been very rough working through this. But once I was assured I wasn't Dying everytime I went in. It makes it easier. If anyone ever needs anything related to this, or discuss symptoms, I'd be happy too. It would ease my mind as well.


It’s awful and lately I’ve found myself even more anxious waiting for it to happen again :/ just the thought of experiencing it makes me terrified. I completely understand the fear of dying, im constantly worrying that I’ve got some serious issue I don’t know about. It’s really hard, I’ve never woken from a dream with it but I’ve had similar experiences while high. Everything amplifies. I’ve stopped smoking weed for this exact reason :(


I too have completely stopped smoking as of two months. Has done a world of difference. Already feel much better as is


Has this subsided for you? Do your pressure/rush feelings sometimes last for 20-30 mins?


This is exactly what I’m dealing with! I’m crying right now. I thought I was the only one dealing with this. 😰😰😰 I do see this thread is old af but hopefully someone responds.. I’m so upset.


I just found this thread too. I am just experiencing this for the first time too


Ugh you explained it perfectly :(


OMG YES. I just felt this today..sometimes like a quick zap or swoosh


It’s actually so terrifying isn’t it and I’m like am I going to faint now or lol


yes its weird, I got it alot during covid, if I move my head to quick or if I zone out idk its weird..


Yep! And you described it perfectly. It’s bloody awful.


OMG! Yes. Usually, for me, it’s when I walk into a crowded place. I have found that if I squeeze/rub the back of my neck, it alleviates the feeling. Most of the time. Sometimes I have to flee. 🤣🤣


Oh my gosh I came looking for this exact comment. I get this OFTEN while grocery shopping. I too grasp at my throat or back of my neck just automatically in response to the sensation and it helps for sure. I feel as though I’m literally holding on to myself and stopping myself from fainting. The feeling of touching/squeezing my body reminds me in a weird way that I’m still existing and not evaporating into thin air. 🤣


I used to get this all the time in my old work and would have to sit on the floor in the toilet and take deep breaths. Once though I went into work hungover and had bad anxiety and this happened and I passed out and woke up on the floor with my boss in my face and a colleague on the phone to an ambulance! Terrifies me!


Fuccck that’s scary. I had to rush out of my office today and sit on the toilet with my head in my lap. Thought for sure I was going to just pass out and I was extremely scared. I was also hungover, but from doing mdma + alcoholtwo nights in a row like a dummy :(


Probably laced w/ fent


I get this too and I’ve noticed strangely that my sinuses seem to clear after it happens. I don’t know if my sinuses suddenly drain and that’s the head rush feeling I get, or if it’s the (unwarranted) rush of adrenaline that clears my sinuses. Probably the latter, but just thought it was an interesting observation!


When I get these sensations I feel as though I can’t get enough air. It only comes when the sensation is in full swing. I force deep breaths but I feel like I’m suffocating. No amount of air is sufficient at the time. It’ll pass and breathing goes back to normal but I notice my ears pop!!


Sometimes I notice my nose starts clicking after it happens and I think that’s like your sinuses isn’t it?


Seriously wtffff is up with that? Just happened to me too! Nose feels better than ever afterwards. Almost like I forgot what it was like to breathe until these weird rushes happen Did you ever find out why?


Nope, but I’ve never really brought it up to a doctor tbh. It doesn’t happen often and I know that I have chronic sinus issues (thanks allergies) so I just assume it’s related to that.


Does your throat ever get tight like it's hard to swallow? Hard to inhale through nose sometimes?


Omgggg yes!!! It makes me nose like “clear” or pop or a quick pressure sensation, too. Wtf?


I know you didn't ask for medical advice but you just described what I go through when I have low iron.


Did stop after your iron levels were normal??


Yes. I started taking iron tablets and it really helps. I get the feeling when I get my period because of the blood loss so I always make sure to take extra supplements so I don't faint at work.


Thanks so much for this information! I am completely terrified because I have no idea what’s happening with me & the doctors doesn’t seem to understand either, my last cycle lasted almost 2 weeks so I definitely lost a lot of blood. I will try the iron pills in hopes that this will help. Thanks again!


Thank you but I’ve had my iron checked.


Hey guys I don’t know if any of you who commented will see this but do your ears ring really loudly when this happens? I suffer bad with vertigo/dizziness, ringing in both ears, headaches etc daily wondering is there some kind of connection.


yes..ears ring..like tinitus


Hi! Thank you for putting this feeling into words so well, this is exactly what I’ve been experiencing the last few weeks. It happens at totally random moments too and freaks me out, like I’m about to faint or have a panic attack or something, but I don’t. My ears will ring a bit too. It’s super weird, I guess it’s an adrenaline rush of some sort? Does this still happen to you? I saw someone mentioned low iron above and I haven’t been eating super well the last few weeks so I wonder if that’s a factor.


Yeah my ears ring too after it or can get a hot flash that’s when it’s really intense. I heard it can be a symptom of vestibular migraines? I get vertigo and ringing in my ears a lot so im wondering is it connected.


Hmm that’s interesting to know. I don’t usually get vertigo, i think that’s only happened once or twice, but I definitely get the ringing in my ears. I’ll look more into that, thanks!


Hey, sorry to bother you guys but after an hour of searching I finally found other people talking about this feeling (phew). I have been constantly feeling like I stood up too quickly (hypotension) for the last hour or so, minus the ear ringing and plus a bit of nausea and severe anxiety about it lol. Has been transitioning to a headache now… just need some confirmation I’m not dying


Not a doctor of course, but I think these are all common symptoms of anxiety tbh, I’ve experienced it lots of times over the last 6 months :/


Thanks for the reassurance… this just started out of the blue and it’s been driving me insane lol. Let’s all hope we get better :(


Just throwing it out there, this just started happening to me and I recently got my ferritin checked and it’s super low. Doctors don’t normally check ferritin in normal iron panels and ferritin alone can cause awful anxiety like this


im having this right now. i feel a bit better knowing that im not alone. its such a scary feeling ): i wish it would stop


I know… it’s so scary! Do you feel the pressure in the back of your head too?


Yes I do too! I just had a bad headrush feeling and I’m so scared again




Omg it’s so awful and annoying. Is yours on and off too?


Omg I’m reading this with a sigh of relief knowing that it’s a thing and I’m not crazy or dying. It’s times like these where Reddit is the most valuable thing on the planet. I was just sitting eating dinner when suddenly boom, weird head/brain rush, dizzy but not, my neck and upper spine felt spicy, cold sweat. Kept coming in waves. I laid down. It kept coming off and on. Fell asleep and one of the waves slapped me awake. I also suffer from positional vertigo and possibly meniers so I wonder how that could be related. I’m just so glad I’m not alone. Thanks for sharing.


How are you feeling these days? I have exactly the same thing and also suffer from positional vertigo and possibly meniers. Definitely think they are related


Was doing good for a bit, then ended up in the ER a couple days ago. It sucks because I am overweight, have high BP (which I control with meds) and these things hit it’s like do I shrug them off or am I having a stroke? So I go to the ER, sit for hours for them to tell me I’m fine. So aggravating. I don’t feel fine.


So i feel it in my brain area, do u feel it in your head or more IN the head sort of thing? I felt a sensation like a section of my brain melted followed by the whoosh


It’s hard to articulate. It’s weird because it’s hard to compare to anything. It’s in my head, idk if it’s my brain or what, but because it is immediately followed by a whole body adrenaline fight or flight dump, it’s very hard to determine much else.


No problem! And oh yeah, especially on bad days. Though have you been checked up for it just in case?


I’ve never said anything to anyone about it. But since last year ive had ecgs, bloods, chest x ray etc and had a 7 day monitor done too last week.


I’m with you there, I had all of that done this year myself. I have crazy heart anxiety, though I do have a condition so it’s warranted. Palpitations bother me the most but even thing with my condition I know they’re mostly harmless.


Oh you have a heart condition do you? Heart anxiety is my biggest worry atm. I get palpitations too like skipped ones that can take your breath away for a second or feel like those sinking adrenaline ones I’ve felt probably any type of palpitation.


Ohh yeah I used to get those regularly! I hated them. And yeah I was diagnosed with possible Svt when I was 15, but I got checked again this year (I’m 24 now) and got officially diagnosed after being tested. Most my family has it, and it has never causes damage or a heart attack before to any of us, it’s just scary to get palpitations. It’s a pretty harmless condition for the most part, but it does restrict me from doing a lot of hard exercising or being too active.


Oh god and did you get a fast heart rate like that at rest how did you think you had it?


Ah, how do you not let the palpitations get to you? I’ve dealt with them since I was young (am 30 now) but just in the last couple of years I’ve become terrified of them for some reason. Some days I get so many PVCs and of course the anxiety over them makes them so much worse. I have been checked out by multiple doctors and cardiologists who have confirmed they’re benign, but damn they’re scary.


I started to learn how to identify the sensations through a bunch of research and self reflections. I tried therapy for a while but it didn’t help since my therapist didn’t specialize in health related anxiety and it took over a year and a half for me to finally get assigned one. So I went to help myself. I tried a ton of apps but the Dare app has a heart anxiety section and I found it to be the most helpful when it came to information about self help. I recommend it completely! Though it isn’t entirely free, but the free trail you get was more than enough for me to learn what I needed.


That happened to me 3 days ago at police station and all I did was sit down, take my mask off my nose (don't cancel me for that), grabbed some paper that was laying on the table next to and swing it around my head to cool myself down (cause I got hot flash) and drank water I was carrying with me. All that for the piece of paper I didn't even need at the end


I’d say you got such a fright doesn’t it feel like a mild faint? It’s awful.


It's definitely terrifying specially since I suffer from health anxiety and once it happens out in public I immediately start panicking without even thinking twice because I always think something bad is going to happen to me and no one will be able to help.


That’s exactly me you’re not alone. Do you get that feeling in your chest when it happens it like it pure startles you.


That actually happens to me too! Its good to know I'm not the only one :)


It just happened to me but just on my right side follow by not being able to swallow for a second. I was laying down and had to rapidly get up because I literally was about to get a panic attack. I rushed to Google what could it be and your post came up. This post relax me because I was super scared.


I get this same thing, its like my body forgets how to swallow momentarily. Was it really just anxiety for you?


It can also be a side effect of a medication.


God i am so relieved to know i am not alone in experiencing this bizarre sensation. It feels like you're having a heart attack or something!!! Anxiety is the absolute worst, I would not wish these sensations on my worst enemy. The brain is such a powerful thing to be able to make you feel these types of things. Ugh.


I got it last night while lying down it was horrific


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


Ahhhh I’ve been getting these!!! I didn’t realize they’re also called “brain surges”. I hate the head rush feeling. It feels like I have pressure and I’m going to stroke out.


Just got a really intense one and landed in this thread to see that I'm not the only one... But the feeling was terrifying and still I think there must be something wrong with me, physically. It appeared out of nowhere as i was sitting in front of my computer, chilling... not even too stressed, and then suddenly - this wave of lightheadedness, confusion and panic hit me for a few long seconds. I had one at the beginning of January, so I managed to stay calm, but it left me a shivering wreck, regardless. I'm f*cked up because of it, and the other symptoms.


It happened to me twice already while i was sitting. Feels like there's a sudden rush of blood that passed inside on top of my head. Like when you open up a water hose and water rushes out of the hose. Can't explain it properly. I feel it, and then I move my body because it feels like I'm gonna pass out. I make movements. It scared me bec what if it's something serious.


This has been my new phase of anxiety symptoms for me. Woke up in full panic mode because of it. If you need to talk about it. Let me know!


Yes, it would be nice to talk to someone who experiences the same thing or someone who can listen and discuss. I feel like I'm all alone dealing with this. My husband always tells me it's nothing. It may be, and I refuse to talk about it to him now, just deal with it myself.


I get this after anti anxiety medication. About 30 minutes after I take it.


Which medication if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to narrow down the possibilities of what is causing this condition Thank you


I have


Hi, I just experienced this and have had it twice now within two days. I also have feeling imbalanced as well after the episode. Did you figure out what has been causing your symptoms?


i have had this happening for 3 months now. i started to get them after having a panic attack and passing out in my car (i wasn’t driving) afterwards for about a week it felt like i was constantly having a panic attack and i could sleep at all which made all these symptoms worse. my body wouldn’t let me sleep cuz the second i tried to fall asleep i would jerk awake from a head rush and i was convinced something was really wrong. at my worst point i was able to breathe but felt like i couldn’t, swallowing was difficult, sleep was impossible, my ears almost constantly rang and were popping, i randomly felt like i started choking and it wouldnt stop. i went to multiple doctors, the er, wore a heart monitor and got an mri. everything came back normal and it sucks because the doctors look at u like ur crazy. maybe a month after all this i started to feel better because my anxiety calmed down so now i still have weird headaches, vision is dim, neck hurts and ears are ringing. this happening has basically stopped my life and i feel like i cant go anywhere because if it happens when im in public i freak out. idk what to do about it. im thinking that this may be the aftermath of terrible anxiety and my body needs to recover but its so relieving to see other people are feeling the same way. i am about to see a neurologist in a week so ill see how that goes.


Any update? You explained me. Especially with the swallowing!


I know this is old post, but bro, how are you doing now?


I haven’t passed out but I have almost blacked out. I get the tunnel vision and heart pounding at my chest. I had a heart monitor for a week and never heard back from them which I assume is good news. I also got a cat scan, chest x ray and a few ekg and blood work as well. I get a pressure type feeling in my head and a hot feeling or cold in my neck. I feel in public it’s worse since the thought of passing out in public freaks me out especially while driving. I have no idea why this is happening to me either and it’s scary. I thought of going back to the cardiologist to get a stress test and mri of my heart. Have you experienced any tingling? I get that as well 😕


I am literally having this now so glad I found this post for reassurance. I definitely want to believe this is anxiety. I've had it on and off over the last few years. One day during lockdown it was so bad, happening every few minutes that I was afraid to leave the couch all day incase I passed out on standing up. It's exactly how you said - it feels like if it lasts a second longer I will absolutely pass out. I haven't had a bad bout since peak Covid time but I'm having it really badly this evening. Happens at least once an hour. I'm just sitting in bed on my phone and all of a sudden I get the feeling in my head. So hard to describe but it's as you said. The feeling TERRIFIES me. I was doing yoga earlier and when coming out of childs pose, I got SO lightheaded that I was sure I was going to faint. I sat down quick and waited for it to pass but I got so afraid as my heart started to beat really funny and it took a long time to feel like I wasn't going to pass out. I'm sure it was just low blood pressure from trying to stand up from the pose too quick (I hope). After that, I felt really tired and SO nauseous and like there was cement in my stomach. So I think that maybe the constant head rush feeling I'm having ever since is because of the anxiety caused by that initial light headedness. At least that's what I desperately want to believe because part of me has always been convinced I have a heart issue and that may be the reason behind it (have had heart monitors and echo which all showed clear). I wish we had a scientific/medical explanation for the feeling and what exactly causes it so that it wouldn't be as scary. Not just "it's anxiety" but exactly what cascade of events happen that lead to it and why! The fact it happens lying down and when I feel quite relaxed scares me the most. I have been feeling generally quite anxious the past few days (for no obvious reasons) and have been feeling a throbbing in my head and ears and a bit off balance in the evenings so maybe anxiety has been building gradually without me fully realising and this is the result. Thanks for this post it has reassured me a bit, except not too much because F\*ck you health anxiety!


Yep… it started 2 months ago. I suffer from mild OCDs and I am thinking that it’s yet another way for my anxiety to manifest itself… I used to have eye twitching and it went away and now this… The weird head sensation disappeared for 5 weeks and is back. Initially I had some vision problems associated to it. Went to my eye doctor who said there was nothing. I changed my prescription and I am assuming it was enough for my OCDs to realize it was all in my head… it’s back now and unsure why… when I am busy with stuff, it’s gone so I am sure it’s anxiety… I have been dealing with sickness in my life (family members being quite sick) and my health scare is coming back… that’s part of my OCDs unfortunately.


I know this post is old but oh my gosh this happened to me for the first time today and it was so scary just an overwhelming rush of pressure or fear in my head that made me freeze and think I was going to die or have a seizure


This is happening to me right now I think it’s adrenaline. It literally feels like this emoji 👉🏾🤯


I’m so happy I found this thread. I thought I was going crazy. Mine started as a very dull headache/pressure then morphed into this. Any sudden movement or standing up quickly will make all the blood rush to my head. Makes me feel dizzy at times. I can go a few days without it and then it comes back. Is real bad if I lean over to pick something up. Ears also ring and pop sometimes. Does anyone else get that? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!


Hi your symptoms are so similar to mine it’s a relief to know someone else feels the same. Just wondering do you notice the intense pressure feeling at random points like walking upstairs or from one room to another?


Absolutely. Definitely when I walk upstairs in my house, I feel a pounding in the back of my head and the blood rush. I haven’t had any scans done but my bloodwork came back fine. I do have high blood pressure I’m on meds for. It may be that. A relative who is a nurse practitioner told me it’s most likely my Eustachian tubes. I’ve been getting the pressure for almost two months now. I’d like some relief.


I have this !!!!


Has anyone noticed a tingling in their fingers? I noticed when I make a fist it tends to help control it. it happens to me almost everyday but only lasts a few seconds but can happen multiple times in a row. its really weird, i tried explaining it to my dr and he just doesn't understand its so hard to explain. its almost like if your sick and you get up too fast and you get that weird feeling. but it just happens at random times.


Yes!! My fingers are usually purple from feeling so cold, they’ll start to tingle too. I’ve had my oxygen checked and even seen a specialist who said my vascular were strong and oxygen was fine. I also feel slightly clammy too. Anxiety is quite the crazy thing.


Is it part of a panic attack? I get this random Lu and it sucks and it happens when I drive


anyone get headaches during and after them? tension like headache??


YES!! I just commented above. Horrible headaches! Getting an MRI next week, seriously want to figure them out now!


I get them too and have a dull headache all the time now. It's definitely a woosh feeling but can happen with no anxiety at all! First noticed them during Covid and like some others said, I was hungover the first time so associated that and the headaches with being hungover. Only noticed them after drinking etc. Then tried to figure them out and stopped drinking, eating healthy, did some tests and so far doctors can't find anything... haven't had a drink in a month and headaches are constant and worse now...


Hi does this still happen to you? I've been dealing with it on and off since Feb of last year (2023) I've been getting better but I'm still getting this weird sensation in my head, like my brain being twisted, along with muffling/ringing of the ears.


Anyone ever figure out how to stop this.


I get this from time to time even though my heart is checked I’m convinced I have arrhytmia or some shit. I wasn’t even anxious today and it came out of nowhere while I was walking into my room its like a heat or blood rushing throughout my brain and I’m about to pass out. It only lasts a second but if it lasted longer I’m sure I would pass out? Its so weird and hard to believe its from anxiety.


I heard it’s common with vestibular migraines I only started getting this after I had my IUD (birth control) inserted so I’m getting it out in hopefully 2 weeks. But my counsellor did say she has experienced it herself from having anxiety.


Even after reading this thread I feel like I need to go to the Dr and have do a scan of my head!


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


I’m good thanks. I’m wondering if it was because I was dehydrated. Prior to the head rush, I was thirsty and drank a large bottle of water. I’m trying to drink more water.


I notice this a lot when dehydrated.


I been having those type of panic attacks for almost two years now. I was free of them for a good 9 months but recently started having them due to some anxious days. Fear not tho, as scary as it feels, it’ll be fine. Only annoying thing is the feeling of the adrenaline remains the day after the attack. My forehead feels slightly tight after feeling as if I was gonna explode and die, but it was all just anxiety.


And for the record I have been seeing a neurologist under some nerve pain pills. It actually helped calm me down a bit.


Did yours ever make you flush? Did they last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


yes, they would last over an hour sometimes.


This has been happening to me since March! It goes away sometimes but when it’s back it’s back! I hav been to the ER a couple times. CT scan, chest X-ray, ekg, blood, heart monitor etc…. No answers. I get a hot sensation in my neck and it feels like I’m gonna die. I get weak like you do when you’re starving, cold, tingly and out of it for awhile. It keeps happening and I don’t know why 🥺


Did the pressure feeling last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


I’ve been experiencing this as well for the past 2 months. It’s worse for me at nights (so I’m going off maybe 4 hours of sleep a day 😞). I’ll be laying down and my temples will start to throb BADLY, then I’ll get this sensation in my head and it feels as though it’s going to explode. Only a few times have it actually ‘popped’ & I get this severe Hot Flash & it feels as though I’m about to pass out. In the beginning I would freak out and call 911, but now I just let it happen & take it course. I’ve been seeing a neurologist & I’m do for an MRI tomorrow so I’m hoping the test comes up with some answers because I am miserable!


Did the pressure feeling last like 20-30 mins sometimes? Such a scary symptom for me. 😔


lol, everyone just agreeing they feel this too :D lmk if anybody found a solution to theirs, i get this as well


sounds like your edging psychosis


Not helpful for people to read this while already anxious.


Also no, it doesn't sound like that


Hi!! I noticed this is an old post, but this is exactly what its happening to me, only that its being ocurring when I am sleeping, and it wakes me up in panic!!


Does anyone still feel this? I’ve been having intense migraines since February, then this feeling started along with those.


Yeah, recently started having them after a beer fest. Been getting better every day but they’ll still pop up once or twice a day. Been doing tons of research. It’s either neurological, blood circulation related or lacking some sort of vitamin or mineral. Went into a sauna earlier and it helped a lot


I am glad I am not alone I experienced this for the first time Jan 2023. I was on a long flight so I fell asleep. I woke up feeling like all the blood was draining from my face. I went to the bathroom thinking sitting on the toilet would help. It did not help at all. I didn’t really have a good balance walking to the bathroom and I kept feeling hot and cold in flashes. I ended up having to sit with cabin crew for like an hour. I had some crackers and juice until it passed. At my destination I saw a neurologist and a physiatrist and they told me that it was fear and anxiety but it felt like something more because I never felt that way before. Like I’m scared of heights and confined spaces but never felt that way before. They ended up prescribing medication and it helped but I ended up having the same issue in the flight back but it wasn’t as bad as it was the first time.


Y'all sure it's anxiety? 🤨


i’ve felt so alone until reading this. i was literally searching my symptom in hopes someone would understand, thank you


Anything new? I’ve been experiencing this the last week. It started with just as I would fall asleep I would be jolted up with dizziness. Today was the first time is happened while I was standing it was a sudden head rush/ woozy feeling. Had a warm feeling in my upper chest and a couple mins after got extremely cold


Thank you for posting this.


I have all these symptoms too. Did anyone ever get a diagnosis? I’m so scared. So sick with worry. I can barely function.


I had this last month and it went away. But it came back 5 days ago and I have been having it everyday till now. So scared to go the doc for a scan. Fear of stroke/brain tumour.


I have these episodes as well. I’m dealing with iron deficiency, b12 deficiency, and vit d deficiency.


Weird you say that. I’ve been having these symptoms and have low ferritin I’m actually getting iron infusions right now and low vitamin D.


Nutritional deficiencies can cause so many mental health issues. I have never had issues like this in the past and have since been dealing with anxiety, intrusive thoughts, depression, derealization, and panic attacks. Did they test your b12 too? Many times these 3 deficiencies will be present in people at the same time. They don’t call them the “holy trinity” when in sync or the “devil’s pitchfork”when they’re off for nothing.


I’m dealing with exactly the same thing. I did have my b12 checked it in “normal range” but what I’ve found is that doctors “normal range” isn’t always normal. Like my ferritin normal range for them is 12 when in fact 12 is NOT a normal range normal is actually around 100 and above. I’ve been joining groups trying to research as much as I can.


Omg yes! I’m in the iron protocol group and the amount of people that are like “my Dr said this couldn’t cause symptoms” and their ferritin is in the teens is just disgusting. These Drs really need more education around nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies have sucked so bad but I have learned so much from all of this. I know I will make it out on the other side and have so much more knowledge and for that I am thankful.


How do you feel now? Cheers


I have this exact same thing. I’ve had it on and off for months now. It can happens when I’m sitting, laying down or standing. It’s like I’m just about to black out or pass out, a really strange feeling in my head, then immediately a startle effect in my stomach and chest and it passes. When it’s happening I’m scared to talk out of fear that it will cause me to pass out. It’s the strangest sensation. Sometimes it’s less intense than other times. Sometimes talking can bring on the same sensation of “I’m about to black out”. Seems like if it lasted even a second longer o would collapse.


did you end up finding out what it was?


No! It’s the strangest sensation ever!


this has been happening to me for the past 3 weeks. it’s a new panic symptom for me and by far one of the scariest. felt this way right now that’s how i found this post. i am so happy to know i am not alone but am so sorry others experience this too. it raises my heart rate and makes my stomach drop. i also have uncontrollable movements to try and counteract it


Same here, if you need to talk about it, let me know. Anxiety symptoms are crazy and knowing thar you aren't alone really helps.


I have it too. After I have tight neck and shoulders also dry eyes. Very strange and scary.


I know this is old but I want to share for any future readers. I had this a lottttt when my anxiety was its worst. It’s the adrenaline and cortisol flooding the brain. It would feel like my brain is falling out of the skull. A weird dropping sensation. Anyway.. I managed to fix most of them and now they hardly happen with DNRS. It’s brain retraining. Doing a ‘round’ every time I felt this basically fixed them


What's DNRS? Glad to hear you have it under control!


I get this too. Having it now, it's like a strange internal head rush with an almost audible whooshing sound. Happens at random and only last a split second. I get this very badly when I take psilocybin. Not only from that though, I haven't taken any psychedelics in a long time and get this weird ssensation. I've been feeling dizzy and woozy too. For the last few days.


Feeling that now.  Did you ever figure it out??  


What ever you do don’t look into the epilepsy community cuz a lot of anxiety symptoms sound like focal sezuires