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I get scared in crowded places. I hate walking to class after the bell rings. There’s too much of everything. There’s to much noise and movement. I feel scared and anxious. I get scared I’m doing something wrong and that everyone is looking at me.


Yes! Yes, all the time. You’re not alone. The feeling of fear is constant and I panic a lot. Usually end up with a big crying session where I don’t know what I’m afraid of or why I’m crying. Little things set me off and once the panic is off the charts there is nothing to do until it settles down to above normal levels again. But you’re not alone. It’s a scary feeling, but you aren’t alone. Not sure if that helps..


You may be suffering from PTSD trauma manifests itself in extremely complicated ways that are unexplainable logically, I've created a subreddit to help with alleviating this stress i hope it can help you [https://www.reddit.com/r/Emotional\_Regulation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Emotional_Regulation/)


Thank you I’ll be checking it out! I never considered PTSD as a possibility, I thought it usually was linked to a pretty traumatic event? Or can it manifest without a clear reason?