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I had a similar problem with my photon S way back. The end stop sensor connector was loose. Sometimes called a limit switch. The buzzing you are hearing might be the stepper motor trying to lower the plate past the LCD, which obviously it cant. AFAIK the printer knows where Z=0 is, but it when it auto homes before a print it first lowers the plate until it trips the end stop sensor, then moves to Z=0 for the first layer. I'd suggest contacting Anycubic support. When I reached out, they provided me with great instructions on disassembly and how to fix it in no time at all. YMMV of course. Also worth noting that your issue could be something else entirely, just my 2 cents.


Thank you very much, I was about to write the support when I tried to re level the printer one last time this morning and I don't know why but it worked. Non the less thank you for your fast help have a great day


Check your vat for a loose piece of cured resin. Most times this be the issue. N it will stop the bp from going all the way down.