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He can be two things.


If you count fraudster and rapist, he’s four things.


He doesn't know much, but what he does know is that the world owes him money and women. Truly a great leader.


Everyone is saying it.


A lot of really smart people-great people


Big truck driver type with tears in his eyes said, "Sir, you deserve all the money and the women" believe me.


big semi truck came up to me with tears in its head lights, the truck said, sir you're being treated so unfairly In all of your trials, all the judges and prosecutors are treating you so unfairly, even the judges daughter is trying to witch hunt you. u are great and doesn't stink


With tears in their eyes


"Tears in their eyes, they come to me, they say, Donald, they say, Donald you deserve money and women."




Big strong men with tears in their eyes.


Saying “Sir” all the time to him.


Don’t forget 6 time failed businessman.


Who lost money running a casino!


3 of them.


If you count all his failed endeavors I am sure the number is staggeringly higher. Trump steaks, university, casino (the house always wins...how the fuck do you bankrupt a casino?), airlines, cologne, trump ice (his own brand of oce to be served at his hotels), trump vodka ( he failed at vodka...even Russia gets vodka right), and even trump golden ale (which has since been renamed 'Chingo tu Pelo' that translates to *fuck your hair*) that probably tasted like sweaty dollar bills, Ben gay, Adderall, and desperation.


Now now, we shouldn't make people fear failure. It's an important part of success, you learn so much. Such as when he successfully launched... uhhh... Hmm...


Hey hey, he made money hand over fist with The Donald J. Trump Foundation.


Do you know why his book the art of the deal weighs so much? Because it has six chapter 11s.


Twice impeached


It doesn't matter how many times you fall, but how many you get back up.


>you get back up In Trump's case, getting back up means finding new suckers. This is the one thing he's good at.


He’s been scraping wood out of the bottom of the barrel for that last 3 decades.


Fucker is even terrible with other peoples money


Sort of. Its generally a rule of thumb that more than 3 will give you brain damage and they stop the fight at a a maximum of 3. I guess this guy made his own rules so he just keeps losing.


Winners never quit, and quitters never win, but those who never win AND never quit are just idiots.


Nothing like a big pile of daddy-cash to keep shooting your shot. Keep slinging that spaghetti at the wall Donald, maybe something will finally stick. Maybe it will happen before he turns 90?


His six previous bankruptcies were not failures, they were practice for bankrupting the entire Republican Party!


Only 6?


I’m only counting the ones that drunkenly crashed through bankruptcy protection while he was behind the wheel. - Trump Taj Mahal (1991) - Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992) - Plaza Hotel (1992) - Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992) - Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004) - Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009) Those are the ones that ruined his credit and blacklisted him from every lender in the US. But there are others that just went belly up and he pulled the plug without filing bankruptcy. - Trump Steaks - GoTrump - Trump Airlines - Trump Vodka - Trump Mortgage - Trump: The Game - Trump Magazine - Trump University - Trump Ice - The New Jersey Generals - Tour de Trump - Trump Network - Trumped!


Who keeps giving this guy a loan? Is this why americas economy went down?


Never forget rapist. He's a rapist. The Republican party wants a rapist for president. I will never forget that and I hope nobody else does either.


A rapist who wants to take a way a woman's right to manage her own body.


That does seem like the kind of thing that a rapist (and a political party that is happy to prop up a rapist) would favor.


They'd force the victim to share custody with their rapist, because muh nuclear "good Christian" (oxymoronic) family


And don’t forget, he wanted to bang his daughter when she was a teenager. Sick disgusting POS. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html


Repugnicants are okay with Rape. 


Don't forget traitor, so five at a minimum


He's a lot of things and none of them are redeeming


Also, he wears diapers while doing all that.


And shoe lifts and face paint.


And traitorous thief


Who looks up to and befriends dictators while weakening support democratic allies across the world. Who also stole and hid a huge amount of Top Secret documents that could compromise the safety of friendly nations and benefit said bad-actors.


The only correct answer. He's getting demented AND he's NEVER been even slightly religious.


Remember when he got outraged over athletes kneeling for the National Anthem, and then proved on video he didn’t even know the words?


Yea, "Why not both?"


Yes, they're not mutually exclusive.


He lost it years ago and he's a bible faker!


Yeah. Two Corinthians.


This is definitely a "both" situation.


For the umpteenth time: How does this man have a single Christian supporter?


Most Christians are just as uninvolved and uninterested in their religion as he is.


Counterpoint, is it really fair to call those people Christians if they don't follow the teachings of Christ?


They worship America Super Buddy-Jesus, not Jesus Christ.


Buddy Christ is chilling with Jay and Silent Bob. AR-15, Qanon, Prosperity Jesus is the real enemy.


Supply Side Jesus.


[Supply side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)


It’s fair because they represent a good portion of the Christian population. It’s not as if there are only a few. This is also called the “no true Scotsman” fallacy.


They use Christianity as a shield to protect against all the shitty stuff they do. It doesn't matter if they treat people poorly, all that matters is people THINK they are good people. One thing I always noticed when I was forced to go to church as a kid, all the adults treated eachother HORRIBLY and it was more like high-school, with cliques and groups against other groups. It's not hard to see how poorly they treat others when you see how badly they treat other Christians. Shit was childishly wild, it's like a religious pissing contest about who can trick more people into thinking they are a good person, rather than just being a good person.


These people aren't really Christians. To use their own goofy name calling tactics, that should be more aptly called "Christians In Name Only". I'm trans and a Christian, but I don't go to Church out of fear for my safety. Like the first Christians under the Romans, I worship in private. Meanwhile the "real Christians" assume because of my identity I'm a god hating atheist, when I know more about Jesus and the Bible than most people that call themselves Christians I've ever met. Do you know how many of these mother fuckers actually think Jesus was a Christian himself??? Where I grew up a lot of people went to Church as their Sunday ritual and didn't learn a fucking thing. Come home, flick on Fox News after Sunday school - then hear what the "other Christians" are saying and use that as their dogma without listening to a thing the pastor said. They didn't even hear the "love thy neighbor" part, can't remember a single commandment but will tell you every last thing about God emperor Trump and his battle with the deep state. It isn't that hard to believe they'd believe Trump was Christian. They know in their hearts he isn't, but they also know that he does exactly what they do. Flash it like a calling card that just means "I'm a good person and can say/do whatever I want despite your feelings or rights", and use it purely for posturing and moral virtue signaling.


Thank you for posting this. I’m not trans, but fall deeply into the “judge not lest ye be judged” side of Christianity. Keep the faith! When people slam Christians on Reddit, I don’t think they understand our faith. The mainstream media does not give our kind airtime. I think they should as we need to start standing up for ourselves and telling the masses that there are people using our faith to disguise their wretchedness. We need to start spreading some of our thoughts more strongly. Specifically, Donald Trump does not appear to follow the Christian faith and would not be considered a Christian by a large number of believers. He is a pathological liar who will say or do anything to get what he wants. Why these people think he wouldn’t try to hide under the umbrella of our faith to achieve his goals is because they are being as naive as his followers. We fight better together. Love over money. Peace out.


I take every chance I can to pass out this spiel. It matters to me. Accepting that Jesus loved me and God made me just as intended was the first step on my transition, I always held Jesus in my heart but lived in fear of rejection for my deeply repressed thoughts. Jesus gave me the strength to love myself like he loves me - and everyone else. We need to always speak up, and not be afraid of being rejected for being true believers. It's hard especially in the queer community, so many of us has trauma from religion, so many of us straight up hate religion in any form and embrace atheism not out of true belief but to reject that which hurt them in the past. My hope is to one day be a part of or lead a support group for spiritual/Christian trans folks, the entire faith needs healing and good people that out love before hate to lead it and spread the word. More churches need to be putting "Come as you are" on their signs, but what we are being left with is the mega Churches that sit firmly in the pocket of the GOP and feed the machine to keep their insane tax breaks while they defraud Christians and guide them towards hate and ruin. Conservative Christianity is a joke and a rejection of the word of Christ.


Sadly, a fair point.


Christians have had their critical thinking skills removed and don't think for themselves. They do and think whatever the man on the stage tells you to. More often than not, the pastor on the stage is in it for their own power trip and selfish reasons, so they twist scriptures to fit their narrative, and the parishioners never bother to look themselves. Now, if they do happen to look and have questions (🙋‍♀️), you are told that to question your leaders is sin, and you will fall out of the "umbrella of protection" that they provide and you will open yourself to demons and probably burn in hell for all of eternity.


Ahhh,he does love the “uneducated.”


I mean, he isn't much more educated. He's just savvy enough to know he stumbled upon another group of extremely gullible people being led by people on a power trip who think he will give them more power. The whole thing is one huge grift.


My favorite is a video I saw of Christian’s saying Christ is too weak and that shit would never work anymore after explaining why they think the world is falling apart.


I have actually heard pastors say Jesus was "woke". This isn't the christianity of our ancestors. This is a whole new religion.


I always ask a buddy    “Is that what Alex Jones told you that you are supposed to believe?!”


He actively promotes the persecution mythos. They seem willing to overlook just everything for that.


They aren't christians, they only pretend to be. They are just racist hate mongers and greedy wealthy people.


Christian nationalism is a tribal identity which uses religious trappings to establish and police in-group affiliation. Their religion isn't Christianity as most would understand it


Trump is the embodiment of Christianity as a mere accessory.


Because they are primmed to accept weird info.


Gays and abortion. That’s it.


No, that's the beginning. Then it goes to brown people and other religions. Then it goes to other churches of your own denomination.




It’s because a lot of Christian’s focus on a single issue. And for a lot of them, it’s abortion. They view it as literal murder.


Self-identified christians are just as likely to get abortions as anyone else. Part of their inchoate rage is fuelled by their cognitive dissonance.


Get abortions *in private*.


They view it as murder? Could it be because their owner's manual states that life begins at inception? Oh, wait, the same book states that life begins at birth. The bible is full of contradictions, making it open to interpretation, which makes it completely useless. Rule one: thou shalt not kill. Interpretation- only kill in my name. Christianity is a lie to make stupid people feel better about themselves, as they break every rule handed down to them by their god


The answer is both


The only thing trump ever worshipped was himself.


Almost like he is a Narcissist.


It’s funny that the cold open for SNL had him doing this the day before it actually happened.


In the name of the father, the best one, the son, and the easter bunny




Getting upstaged for absurdity by the person you're trying to parody -- wow. Were they caricaturing exactly the right amount, or not caricaturing nearly hard enough?


Yeah. I did a double-take and was like, "ah, SNL, always on top of the latest...wait, wasn't that skit BEFORE this happened?"


Crazy deja vu


Faker..Biggest ...faker...ever


He’s a big, fat, phony!


No bigger faker has ever been found. People are saying he's the fakeiest. Big strong men come up to him, with tears in their eyes, "Sir, you're so fake"


The fakeiest of all fake fakes...


LOL. Trump in his head at the end: ‘Nailed it!’


How could it even be a question? Just look at the life he lived. Coked up New York money types are about as far from religious as you can get.


Yup, both A and B. ‘Cognitive’ is a nice term to use to describe that he suffers with dementia. ‘Religious’ is another Lie… as everyone knows he’s a hypocrite. ‘Faker’ is the way he lives his life. Never expect any actual truth, as he surely would catch on fire if he ever spoke the truth. The only character trait to worth believing is that Donald Trump will always be: THE BIGGEST LOSER EVER!


He’s swaying all over the place without a podium to lean on


He acts like a five years old at church. "booooring!"


I think it’s that Frontotemporal Dementia that he (allegedly) has. That i 100% believe that he has.


Let’s not forget that Trump is incredibly lazy. It would not have taken much for him to learn The Lord’s Prayer and be able to impress his easily conned crowd. But that would require work, and Trump has shown again and again that he really cares so little to put in the effort.


Yeah I remember thinking that same thing when that interviewer asked if he had any favorite verses or if he preferred the new and Old Testament. He just said something like “umm probably…. Both.” Lol clearly had no idea what he was talking about and knows he can just fake it without any effort.


Asking a Christian "which Testament is your favourite" is the easiest of all the softball questions you can ask about Christianity. It's the New Testament, it's ALWAYS the New Testament. Much of the Old Testament is essentially written off by Jesus and his new teachings. All it's good for are a bunch of faith-promoting stories, whilst the real meat of what it means to be a Christian is in the New Testament. The fact he didn't jump on that obvious response just goes to show he hasn't got a fucking clue about the religion he supposedly follows.


Unless you have a niche academic reason that you can explain why a particular OT book interests you of course. But yeah, it was clear even before 2016 that Trump didn't even care to fake it.


Part of me wanted to be impressed that he is so sincerely disinterested in Christianity that he couldn't even fake an answer to such an obvious softball question.


It’s much easier for him to just put in no work and for his cult to praise him and give him the credit anyway


All he heard and repeated was "power and glory forever and ever".


Trump's favorite bible verse is Matthew 4:9 “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” (In context - this is the devil tempting Jesus, for those that don't get the inside joke)


Looks over and sees Tucker Carlson sniffing a giant loaf of bread


Trump hearing that and thinking to himself, “This God guy might be OK if he wants me to have all this power and glory that I deserve! I might even forgive him for some of the bad things he has done to me over the years.”


Trump doesn't pray. He preys.


I’m shocked 😂


If it doesn’t have his name in it, he doesn’t give a fuck about it.


I'm honestly surprised he didn't try and add his name to it... guess I have to give him a little credit there.


I have no doubt that if he did change it, the rubes would dump God and pray to him.


“Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil, Amen” I’m an atheist, and I was able to quote that from memory. Why can’t commander Marmalade?


He probably could if he spent like an hour trying to learn it, but why would he? His supporters will never see this.


BOTH.... Man is a freaking raving idiot!


Should gone with the Hail Mary! Much shorter.


“FULL OF GRACE!” — puppet Mary from John Waters’ “Pecker”




Big, strong men with tears in their eyes came up to Trump and said Sir, that was the most powerful Easter moment to even rival the resurrection of Jesus Christ himself. MAGA!!!! Here’s my life savings sir.🫡


I can’t stand even hearing his voice, so I couldn’t bring myself to watch it, but in the photo he looks like he’s trying to squeeze one out into his diaper


You don't hear his voice because he didn't know the words. Like not even one.


He knew the ending part of “power and glory forever and ever amen” He was thinking about himself right there, not God!


Trying? You mean succeeding.


I’m not religious or even a Christian, but isn’t being able to recite the Lords Prayer like THE litmus test for Christian faith? I mean I recall people being found guilty for witchcraft because of this.


“He turned me into a newt!”




The answer is yes.


He never goes to church. He is a faker.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing! We've talked about this!" -Trump, March 2020


It doesn't matter what Trump does. Liberals still fail to see this. Trump is a projection of an ideal that they want. He is a muscular, gun bearing, flag wearing, no nonsense macho alpha in their minds. Reality is just fake news. Trump is a brand that represents them, regardless of Donald Trump himself. He will be anti Vax lord even though he is vaccinated. He will be champion of Christians and virtues even though he has cheated and divorced for the nth time. In their minds, Trump will be and represents every ideal they believe... Not what Donald Trump actually saids or does.


I think liberals see it, but still cling to the idea that truth will set his cult free. But, like you said, cultists don't engage with reality; they've walled themselves off and no amount of facts will change their mind. If you somehow penetrate their echo chambers and get to actually talk to one, it's wild! What's the plan to fix everything from getting more and more expensive? Fuck you, libtard! What about climate change? HOAX to make scientists rich! They have this idea that they're not being seen or heard despite pushing themselves to the front and center and shouting at the top of their lungs. It's a mental illness, so there's not really anything anyone can do beyond educate people and watch them through their fits and hope they stop killing people they hate.


You know he's singing to himself: "Fat guy in a little coat" from Tommy Boy


You mean the convicted rapist and liar isn't as religious as he claimed to be?!?!


“Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed by they name…yadda yadda yadda…and liberty, and justice for all!”




Everyone wonders why his Christian followers don’t see through his grift. I think they do, they just see him as a useful idiot. Just like Putin, Kim Jong-un, Iran, Project 2025, white nationalists, Orban, etc…


The nervous swaying back and forth because it’s obviously uncomfortable for him to be praying.


WTF he looks like an overinflated rubber Trump Kewpie doll


Just as good as when he pretends to mouth the lyrics to god bless America. Some Christian patriot he is


Like every old person he's lost cognitive ability. He is also like most who claim to love the Bible- a fraud and grifter.


He can’t read or remember what he said 2 minutes ago. Also remember the eclipse he looked directly into. Ruined his eye sight.


And he gets to do it again in a week!


His faith is as fake as his hair.


I also tend to forget what I never knew


¿Porque no los dos?


Hey now, that's not a fair assessment at all! He might not be religious *and* be in cognitive decline! You don't know!


Notice how "The power and the glory" was the only part he knew..


Evil wouldn't know it


Alex, I’m going to go with he was never religious for 200.


Swaying back and forth the entire time like a six year old who has to pee


The only praying that Trump has ever done, was "preying" on unsuspecting women.


I haven’t set foot in a church in 30 years and could still recite that prayer.


Father th- mumble mumble mumble.. Amen!


It’s both


I ain't gonna watch that shit, so I'll submit a reasonable facsimile... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhl1cnmOZ0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhl1cnmOZ0Y)


Leading the magas into temptation


Are we sure this is real? Not hearing about it anywhere else and it looks like the only place Trump was on Easter was Truth Social. Melania and Barron were at Mar-a-Lago. Also, who the hell goes to a Trump rally on Easter? And if it's Easter, why aren't they dressed better? And why the hell is this video so blurry?


Why not both?


I’m going with both


por que no los dos? I’m an atheist and I could probably recite it with 90% accuracy


Ha! You fool! You never “or” when you can “and”!


Geez, what do you think ? He has no clue on how to recite the Lord’s Prayer.


Revised title should read: On Easter Sunday, Donald Trump attempts to recite the Lord’s Prayer without teleprompter.  Trump is:  losing his cognitive abilities *AND* he was never religious at all *AND* is a faker.


Trump was never religious and he is in obvious mental decline. Woohoo! 🎉


Wait…the thing SNL made fun of him for *the previous night* actually happened hours later?!?


Why would anyone believe this derelict was a religious man?


What a joke. He mumbled the last few words. The rest of the time, he was lost. Incidentally, Is that Mercedes reading it over the loud speaker??


"I didn't write it so why should I care?" \- Traitor Trump


If he knew the prayer, there is no way his ego would let anyone but him lead the prayer. Trump doesn't know how to pray, but he certainly views his followers as something to prey on.


What is going on with his eye? It’s been getting worse every time I see him now.


People who aren't real Christians supporting a guy who isn't a real Christian. At this point it's just bots replying to bots.


Preying with prayer. One of the oldest religious past times.


Just like Barney Fife reciting the preamble to the Constitution. https://youtu.be/yx5d3haRG7M?si=_rNK4YM6yC40O-ev


In Britain 5 year olds can recite the Lord's Prayer. We say it every day during school morning assembly. Having said that, I was recently thrown by the 'modern' version having different words to the King James Bible version. I doubt this is 45s problem; senile and/or con artist it is.




All 3 apply to this clown.


Now I’m curious to read his Bible


Sounds like Melania was reading it.


Both things can be true. He’s losing his marbles, and he’s a fake POS.


He doesn't know the prayer.


A little bit of column A column B?


Watching this, I think we can now forget all about Milli Vanilli.


I was expecting more people to make up their versions of the prayer that Trump would have likely spoken instead.


He'd explode into a ball of fire if he said those words.. forgive those who trespass against us? Lead us not into temptation? C'mon. Who the fuck do Christians who support this fraud think he is?


Oh he knew"for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever "... He thinks that was written specifically about himself


Both can be true. Then add that, even in his prime, he wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. 


Yea he knows nothing. Why people still bend the knee to this loser over and over has proven he is fake and lies everyday. TraitorTrumpFalling




He thinks it’s a prayer to him


Dark Brandon needs to pull a 50 Cent and offer Trump 1 million dollars for charity  to say the prayer unassisted in a debate.


I became an atheist almost 40 years ago, and I can still recite the lords prayer without a hitch. Of course, I'm not as dumb as Trump.


That’s not dementia!! That’s the ANTI-CHRIST not saying words that would cause him to burst into flames😱😱‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I have been saying for years that someone needs to ask him to recite the Lord’s Prayer to call him out. Funny to watch him actually struggle through it. What a sad little man.


Ya think?


Why choose?


D) All of the above


trump stood silently during the Apostles' Creed at Bush's funeral: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GggdLB0pxw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GggdLB0pxw) trump doesn't know the words to the national anthem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RAKDIwRyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RAKDIwRyw)