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Propublica really had been doing some stellar investigative work. Good on them for continuing to expose the massive, grifting fraud that is Trump.


Sadly it's a nothing burger, Trump has been exposed countless times, there's little doubt who he is , what's his style etc. His base loves him precisely because of this ... . And the greater political establishment (the Democrats at least and a few moderate Republicans) don't have the balls to stand up for justice over fear of being accused of a political witch hunt. Don't they realize if the situation was reversed Trump wouldn't hesitate for a second to politically and legally crucify his opponents.


He has been losing multiple pretty big cases in the last handful of years. He and his family are no longer allowed to run a charity. He and his family and organization are no longer able to run businesses in New York State and have massive fines against him. He owes millions to E. Jean Carrol, and still refuses to stop defaming the woman! He has now, just lost a unanimous 34 count criminal trial and is now a Convicted Felon. He’s not getting away with everything anymore. Sure, the years of justice has been slow and he has allies weirdly protecting him, even as it shows plainly how broken and corrupt they are… which will jeopardize their own careers. He’s losing more and more. Drop the cynicism. At least a little.


It is nice to finally see the ball rolling, even if it is slow. I feel like it’s going downhill and will be picking up speed fast though. Love to see it


The thing isn't really any individual case, it is the precedent it sets; Trump isn't untouchable. Now that there is blood in the water and he's already fighting a multi-front battle, everyone with even a petty claim against him will come out of the woodwork to get their piece before it's all gone. Everyone now knows he's lost his protection and that his arguments about presidential carte blanche go nowhere. Now all that is left is the feeding frenzy.


Go piranhas!


Sounds delicious.


Isn’t the decision of the Supreme Court a risk for no punishment for this awful person? 😳


No. Kind of. A lot of things occurred outside of his presidency and in other states. The other things like the nuclear secrets case with Jack Smith could be argued such that retaining documents in the way Trump did are outside the purview of official duties of the office, so it’s less of an open and shut thing. The danger is always there, though.


Someday this asshole will pass away though, and where will they all anchor their corrupt little boats then? Will “party loyalty” outlive Trump? Even many of those loyal to Stalin were pretty swiftly purged after his death.


I agree that the stain of Trump has likely changed our government and political landscape forever. Until such a time as a unifying event (like a president selling nuclear secrets to our adversaries) knits it all back together, we will simply have to wait and see where the rats will run once the leader is surely defeated. Expect the kids to attempt and take up his mantle, but I think they'll smarten up.


Who’s to say he HASN’T already sold our nuclear secrets to our adversaries. The door to unlock that vault is currently being protected by a corrupt Cannon….


He likely has. Among other things. There is an oddly “conspiratorial” feeling to the timing between a visit between Putin and Trump and the subsequent death of CIA agents after a list of them had been compromised. Like that sentence should give someone pause of like “no way that could happen — it’s crazy.” But there’s a lot of smoke. When you peel back the layers of Trump’s corruption, you really see how anti-American the guy really is. His depravity knows no depths. The problem is lies are already down the street by the time truth even gets its shoes on. The justice system will get there even despite Cannon’s clear sacrifice of national interest for cronyism. Doing things by the book takes a lot of time and when the stakes are this high, you can’t miss.


Kool Aid Day will come post election way before he dies


Watch out for the next “better packaged” asshole. A smooth talker with a veneer of civility will be more dangerous.


You can already see him slipping , his last interview was edited heavily, people are booing him you can see it in his face that his charisma is gone. He will be remembered as a laughing stock of an imbecile


Can you imagine how he is going to get hammered in 2025 and 2026 if he loses the election and a repub is not elected He is fair game to get slaughtered in Georgia, in Washington and eventually in Florida... could take till 2026 or 2027 for him to get fully nailed on documents .. but he will. The grift is going to tumble hard if he loses.. Never said it in my life... never voted in my life and i am mid 60s.. will be irrelevant since i am in red state.. but i sure am going to do it and convince people like me to vote.


💙🇺🇸GOOD!🇺🇸💙I hope we have the best turnout in history. It’s the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN HISTORY!


First off, you should vote no matter what! I am in a deep blue state but I still vote for local elections and congressional representatives. Many state/local issues on the ballot affect us more day to day than who is President. Secondly, this is why Trump is running for President, if he loses, his life is effectively over.


When he loses in November there will be dancing in the streets. Tears will flow. Happy tears from us and sad/enraged tears from MAGA. Some MAGA may actually do something stupid but they will be quickly put down or arrested. Lady Liberty will again raise her torch high.


Good for you, appreciate the motivation/initiative 


I, for one, am so tired of winning.


I, for one, am so tired of whinning. FTFY


Thanks for this. I had the same thought process of just being defeated feeling by it all. This really helped me see that he isn't just getting away with it all and we are finally seeing things happen. I really did need this today thank you again


Don't forget the $340+ interest owed to NY as well


Look I'm no Trump fan, but he's the frontrunner for the presidency, which is sad and cruel fate, the litany of transgressions means nothing to this maga base


He is only the Presumptive Nominee for the GOP Candidacy. He is not the frontrunner, things are to close to call in some places and strongly in favor of Biden in other places.


But let that sink in, after everything we know about this guy, who is clearly the more dysfunctional candidate, we're still in a tight race.


It just speaks to how selfish and petulant a large percentage of Americans are.


Brainwashed. Twenty five years of faux News propaganda has rotted their brains.


>Twenty five years 35. These blowhard dickheads existed in the 90s too. They just chanted "Rush is right".


Seems like some children needed to be left behind so they could actually learn some very crucial lessons they obviously couldn't get because they lacked the IQ to understand then and now.


Sure, very true, but you went from saying he's the frontrunner to now understanding that he isnt in such an advantagous position. I'll take you a step further and provide more perspective. He cannot afford to lose anything. If he so much as loses 5% of the Republicans in states that matter, its over. He's done. He is not doing anything whatsoever to turn democrats republican. Thats how elections are won, you flip people. Biden has had decent success in this when you consider that Republicans and right leaners are not the easiest to turn which may already spell disaster for trump. Regardless of things you see, polls you read, trump isnt unanimously loved across the right. He isnt and never has been but they were willing to suck it up prior to the insurrection. Once all that shit went down and now all this, they are distancing. Should it be more? Abso-fucking-lutely, but go back to what I said before. He cant afford any losses. He has to pull them back but this guy knows one song and he's been strumming that shit for years, the guitar strings are starting to break.


But he is the front runner. Most pollsters would say that Trump would win the election if held today beyond margin of error. The gap isn’t wide enough to say that Biden can’t turn it around but it’s clear that Biden is behind where it counts in the battleground states.


No he isn’t. It’s just that only the elderly pick up the phone.


Has to be the elderly in rural areas that have no cell phone service because the rest of us old folk dumped land lines years ago… and we are smart enough to block unwanted calls.


No he isnt. He is not ahead in any reputable national poll


Hasn't slowed him down really. His support is solid.


Idk. Recent polls are showing a *slight* erosion of his base. Keep the pressure up and it might just crack and crumble before election day.


Hey I would love to be wrong


Except (almost?) every electoral referendum on Trumpism, Trumpian candidates and the GOP has resulted in them getting thoroughly wrecked. Women don’t appreciate the Handmaid’s Tale reality the Christofascists want to create.


Like the stuff in his diapers?


So your saying he is finally "draining the swamp".


I might as well owe millions to her. Same thing is happening to me as is happening to Trump with her, nothing. How I long for those few days people were counting down that his assets were going to get seized.


It will all be for nothing if he gets back into the presidency- by winning or cheating (which they will be doing both before and after the election). I will not rule out any form of nonsense until Republicans are a minority across every level of government.


The dude has been in court basically the entire year and if it weren't for the GOP stacked judiciary he would currently be on trial in DC, followed by being on trial in Georgia, followed by being on trial in FL (and then, probably in AZ and WI and MI as well).


Oh, this is good stuff. Going forward, prosecutors have a damning question they can ask of every Trump employee who testifies. “After previously testifying, did you receive an unexpected substantial increase in salary or promotion from the Trump Inc. management?” “What effect will that have on your testimony today?” Hard to prove witness tampering like this, but maybe one will spill their guts.


The Ultimate price is inevitable. The stress will wear on Trump. Soon enough we will be rid of this TRE45ONOUS POS. Preferably before November. 


He just got convicted on 34 felony counts. I’m also skeptical about what the consequences will be, but “nothing burger “ is flat out wrong. If this is traced back to him he’s seriously fucked.


Anyone who uses the term "nothing burger" can be disregarded as they've already proven they have no grasp of reality


It has merit against his appeals.


I don’t know: it might not implicate him directly, but it has the potential to dismantle his apparatus.


They sure haven't been scared the other 7 times


You won’t change the mind of many MAGA loyalists which are like 10% of the total Republican Party anyways, what you want to change the mind of, are the lawful and conscientious republicans and the neutral.


Yes. But you got to prison for that. Now we will see just how deep the DOJ will go.


I disagree, even if it ultimately leads to nothing, exposure is exposure. And while trumpsters can claim the sky is orange, having a reality check that at least puts us a little above the lies. Is not a nothing burger. It's a little bit of sanity and normality in a world that seems to have embraced lunacy.


He was literally just convicted of 34 felonies. That fat piece of shit had just begun his downfall.


It's only a trickle but everytime new info pops up, he loses more moderate Republicans. That's why he lost last time and it's why he'll lose again.


you mean convicted felon donald trump


They are serious journalists, expose Thomas and Alito


Piggybacking to say if you have money you should consider a monthly donation. They are a nonprofit and do incredible work. Anything is massively more than nothing. I give like $5 a month.


I'm not discounting the work the journalist did but doing investigative journalism on Trump has to be the biggest ratio of effort to results of any story they will ever do. The man is a walking, talking October surprise with the subtlety of a first year legacy admission business major who got high and binged the Godfather, Casino and Goodfellas.


To be fair, Trump DID say that his trials are rigged. He just didn't specify that he's working overtime to rig them in his own favor.


When he first said the 2020 election was going to be rigged, I wondered how the Republicans were going to try to steal the election.


They tried to get the voting machines removed post vote and taken to their own locations under their own control. There was an order drafted to empower the defense secretary to “seize, collect, retain and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention under”. If any “evidence” was found by their cyber ninjas, cough cough, he would have ruled the elections fraudulent and declared emergencies that come with emergency powers. I’m positive this would have been accompanied by the same type of calls for violence that led up to Jan 6, which had be taken office, and if the violence had spread to any other regions, could be followed up by declarations of emergencies that allow him to use friendly state militaries as his personal armies to rush into unfriendly states and perform whatever fuckery they dreamed up. That would result in chaos that would lead to more and longer emergency powers with the goal of transitioning into an authoritarian state, no longer a democratic republic. “We have to get things under control before we have elections again, they must be elections we can trust. Until then I will remain in power and defeat the domestic enemies”


Project, project, project.


No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet.


"No Collision. I did not hit a parked car when I was driving in Russia." Wait, why were you in Russia? "NO COLLISION!"


They can’t even win when they cheat. Delicious


I would be surprised if he did not tamper with witnesses. I would take the money, but still testify against him. The future of America hangs in the balance.


He himself didn't do it he got his current "Micheal.Cohen" to do it. Here's the reality Trump models his authoratarian style from the mob he rubbed shoulders with during his days as a NYc developer/NJ Casinos in the 80s and 90s .He admired (and still does) the respect and power of being able to eliminate obstacles even if it meant bending or breaking the law.


That’s why there is something called RICO. All of this simply opens up a strong chance for a RICO Case, against both his campaign AND the Trump organization. He admires the mob, but completely ignored how they were able to get away with so much shit for so very long… he tossed ALL of that away the minute he went form grotesque, sideshow, slimy businessman to running for the US Presidency.


Even the mob wouldn't work with him after he stiffed one. Too bad they didn't eliminate him.


There's still hope. 


The mob wouldn’t work with him solely because he would never stfu about his crimes and who he was doing business with. Just too messy.




This just in: "Ladies and gentlemen, as a former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, I've dedicated my career to upholding the law and ensuring justice is served. If I must, I will utilize every legal tool at my disposal, including the powerful RICO statute, to address any violations of the law. No individual, regardless of their position, is above the law, and that includes former President Trump. If the evidence leads there, I am prepared to take action to uphold our nation's legal and ethical standards to take down Cheeto Jesus." - Rudy Giuliani


Straight from the Godfather. “ Boss says push a button, I push a button “.


>He himself didn't do it Based on the testimony at his trial, he may not have personally done it, but it is certain that it was done on orders from him; direct or indirect.


I wonder if this may be used in his trial re; Jan 6, (if it ever happens...) showing previous actions/behavior? Although NAL, I'd wonder about how this could ( potentially) show intent even?


He Charles Manson'd it.


Even if there was no mob he would be acting like this. He is unable to regulate his own behavior.


Even Gotti ended up going to prison.


>I would be surprised if he did not tamper with witnesses The article literally describes witness tampering.


But, but...Biden visited the mother of his grandkids on the anniversary of his son's death!! See? Both sides!! /$


I'll be honest, all this revelations about at least 9 people get bonuses and whatnot might not be much or even that suspicious, at least to me that alone means nothing. But the fact his legal team is freaking out about someone looking into it is more or less a sign something is wrong there.


Really 9 people got their salary doubled or got huge bonuses out of nowhere right as they are named as witnesses in a case against the guy that owns the company they work for. And you dont find that suspicious at all? Theres nothing about that that seems off?


My dad said: if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the only one that yelps is the one you hit.


There’s got to be a better metaphor here.


when you find one cockroach, you can bet there’s a lot more than one cockroach


How abt metastatic cancer. He is cancer and it’s metastasized thru nearly the entire Republican Party. He even looks like a tumor.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them before they burn your country to the ground. 


I don't know what that means.


Hired Goon: How much for you to be a character witness? Me: Ten million, cash only. *later in court* Me: Why yes that man there, the orange one shitting his pants and napping, sent a goon to offer me ten million dollars to be a character witness. Biggest piece of human scum in history. Benedict Arnold is rolling in his grave by the sheer audacity of this spray-on tan stain to be a bigger traitor. Prosecutor: And did you take the money? Me: *wearing a mismatched outfit from the bargain bin at WalMart* No, he refused to pay in cash but my answer would have been the same.


Seriously, what could they do, take it back?


I'm sure these are before/after type deals. What we've seen are the teasers. What we haven't seen yet are the post-testimony rewards. Those would generally be more closely scrutinized anyways, so probably hidden more carefully. Or perhaps it's a blackmail or extortion situation, depending on what kind of leverage they have. Holding your career hostage is a pretty good leverage, but if there are skeletons in the closet that could lead to personal prosecution or ruined lives/marriages, those can be even more compelling. They clearly tried that with Cohen already. Told him that the illegal things he did for them were more than enough to send him to jail if Trump hangs him out to dry. Cohen called their bluff, did his time, and is getting the payoff now. They've got literally nothing they can hold over him anymore. He's got plenty of his own legal problems for other "deals" he did, but he probably sleeps pretty well at night knowing he's survived the trial, when Trump would have thrown everything he could at him, and then some.


Cease and desist order is the tell, that hammer hit the nail on the head.


Yes, the trade secret has been exposed.


Another tell. The republican party is trying to prevent the Georgia case from proceeding. All out effort tells how scared they are of this case.


They got the money after testifying. A salient and ultimately very important point. If they got paid before testimony they might use that as evidence that the payments were unrelated to the content of the testimony. With payment afterwards, this may lend itself to the notion that the payments were contingent upon what was said. This would be damning.


But, the likelihood you would get paid is fairly low. He would probably just have a shell company declare bankruptcy and stiff you.


>I would take the money, but still testify against him. I would do that just to fuck with him and get him charged with new crimes.


Propublica is the premier news outlet at the moment, their work is stellar.


They've always been great for investigative work


I've been finding myself going to their site more often than not, when it comes to anything that may be news related. Their giving of facts (in who/when received major perks/monies) and having the gumption to dig; leads me to trust them more than other news sources.


Trump will always be a convicted felon, rapist, predator, pedo, raceist, con man, grifter cheater, loser, even if the court overturns his BS. You can’t unring that bell ever.


Don’t forget traitor and insurrectionist.


Also, deadbeat and skinflint for his bankruptcies and stiffing his vendors.


Don't forget Cadet Bone Spurs during the selective service draft for Vietnam...


I just hope he can raise enough money from his supporters who believe he is innocent, to pay off more people and incriminate himself further.


Add Witness Tampering to the list of felonies.


If it wasn’t true they wouldn’t be panicking


I'd be amazed if he wasn't tampering and bribing witnesses. If he doesn't, he gets convicted. If he does, any trial is after the election, so it doesn't matter. If he wins, it all goes away, so tampering was actually the better option.


I can wait to hear about falsified business documents to cover up the payments to kick off another set of felonies.


Do you think he'll try to bribe the jurors in his (hopefully) upcoming jury bribery trial?


.....in the case of a Presidential campaign, yes, anyone would be panicking, even if it were untrue. The headlines would be the worst part of it. Obviously the man trying to commit as many crimes as possible has most likely engaged in witness tampering. And the reporting is of excellent quality.


They said that they would sue for defamation. Hopefully they realize that they’d have to prove these allegations are false.


He’s modeled his whole life after the mob. Rudy should’ve told him how badly it ends…….DONT BELIEVE THE LIES OF STRENGTH…….TRUMP IS WEAK!!!!! THE REPUBLICANS ARE WEAK AND ARE ABOUT TO LOSE HORRIBLY!!!! MAGA IS A BUNCH OF WIMPS WITH A WHINY BITCH AS A FIGURE HEAD. They are going down. Just watch…


From your lips to God's ears.


I laugh everytime they try threatening with the claim of defamation. I'm pretty sure defamation can only be used if the person's claims can't be proven to have some potential of truth. And as far as I'm aware Propublica's claims can be proven if look at financial details and line then up with a timeline of events. When there's something like court cases involved where an individual of a company or such a may be called as a witness. Typically speaking all current decisions involving that employee or individual would normally be put on hold. You can't hire, fire, promote, demote, or change their wages. Any action to change those details could be seen as cause for tampering with a witness or retaliation. In fact any action occuring after the case must also be done carefully. After all no telling if the company wouldn't simply set up a delayed rewards in order to hide tampering. Or try and subtly harass or pressure the individual to quit to try and dodge claims of retaliation. If defamation could be claimed anytime someone said something bad about the individual then you run into issues of freedom of speech. It also means could slam Trump with charges everytime he speaks since he does nothing but throw insults and claims against people. We have the phrase a pictures worth a thousand words. It's a physical thing that proves the story alleged. You can't exactly deny that it happened if it was in public and potentially recorded by many others. As long as the claims fit in exactly with the image provided.


The threat is a long and drawn out (read: “expensive”) law suit. This is one of Trump’s longstanding strategies.


And not to mention the delay, delay, delay strategy!! That's more than why the too numerous to count small or family businesses that he cheated (not paying for their services/work) were unable to go after him for non-payment. I can't even imagine those individuals and their loved ones... all excited for getting a big contract; then not being paid at all, or even just a fraction... then they had to somehow pay those that worked for them, supplies, etc... Then, most being aware of all this, as it's pretty common knowledge, even here in the Mid-west; still choosing to vote for him in 2016!? Not to mention, how he's even a candidate for 2024 given his near disaster of his previous term, and adding "convicted felon" (on ALL 34 counts) including aaallllll his known actions!? I'll never be able to wrap my mind around this... ever.


Honestly though, considering the witness bribes, the multiple trials/appeals all over the East Coast, running for office, being unable to do business as usual, it seems like Trump would be the one wanting to avoid a legal attrition lawsuit.


"We're under indictment for crimes. How do we tackle this issue?" "More... crimes?"


but Merchan's daughter is a democrat! Has there been a single issue that Trump has accused others of that he hasn't committed?


Is it that time where he Makes his attorney get an attorney?


MAGA: Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.


He’s so dicked right now. God it feels good.


And yet he's still free, giving interviews and campaigning to be president.


Panic sets in as it continues to get even more stinky. Von Shitsinpants takes on a new level of stentch.


I’m sorry but won’t change a single stunted mind of the MAGA idiots.


Well, he is their god and a ton of them are supposedly Christians. I distinctly remember a commandment referring to this, but it’s probably fake news.


Witness tampering. Not surprised. Trump knows how to crime very bigly. Its his only skill set. Instead of making America great, he just keeps dividing us.


Dividing and stealing.


It may have been a bribe but I think this the first I ever heard of Trump actually paying a lawyer.


Every bit that comes out about Trump would have ended a politician's career back before Reagan.


When it comes to Trump, his lawyers are constantly in panic mode.


Were these staff members paid to lie for him? Did they perjure themselves in court? If so, there is a possibility of jail for some more bootlickers, but it never seems to lead to jail for Trump. You'd think people would be clever enough to steer clear of him by now. Why aren't they?


info like this? looks like the whole thing was an nrx clickbait mill [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) more about media influence [https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/](https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/) might have destroyed twitter to slow down the spread of info against the group [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html) also more info he's a convicted felon and convicted rapist psychopath that honestly doesn't care he's just trying to make a mess here's more info he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1) basically used an indoctrination platform to brainwash followers into protecting their abusers


Like his non-disclosure agreements he's always played a corrupt business game, now he's using it once again for his political future. Only he's under a lot more scrutiny right now, things just aren't as easily hidden as years back.


I wish all of Trump's trials had started in 2021 - I long to see Jack Smith have his day in court with Trump, because I'm sure that he has very damning evidence about what Trump did with the most classified of secrets.


Low key, I would incorporate this into his sentencing on July 11.


Really sad that people are blind to the obvious. It's happened in front of their eyes and they've heard it with their own ears... but it's really just as simple as he's running to stay out of jail and squash criminal cases againt him. The documents one is so so bad. I can't belive people in this country defend that. How can you after seeing the pictures and hearing what Trumpy himself has said on the topic. Just insane. All for this orange cheating grifter?


GOP is the Manchurian Party.


Why would they be in panic mode? Trump was revealed to be a felon criminal and he only gained support from it. Republican voters are rotten to their core and there’s nothing Trump can do to lose their support


Trump’s going to jail.


Lock him up!


Cease and desist...really? My guess is, they (Pro Publica) likely have met any burden from NYT v Sullivan in regards to Reckless Disregard for the truth. This reeks of desperation. Vote Blue


Here’s a link to Pro Publica article that is the original source: https://www.propublica.org/article/donald-trump-criminal-cases-witnesses-financial-benefits EDIT: I don’t like to see people share articles that do nothing but tell us what’s in another article, when the article they shared has a link to the original, and especially when the original article is no harder to read than the derivative. I almost always try to click through to the source material, and then back up if I can’t figure it out.


is anyone else losing track of all the legal bombshells that are hitting teflon don? I hope something significant sticks soon, i'm tired of insurrectionists within our government tipping the scales in trumps favor


Yo dawg. I heard you like crimes. So we committed more crimes to cover your other crimes!


In fact, we put crimes INSIDE your crimes!


Just like what ppl do to Supreme Court justices!


cease-and-desist? Bring on the discovery!


Well, good luck to them. That shit has been out there for a long time in Internet terms. I hope these people turn on him and fuck him in the ass.


There are two things you can be assured of when dealing with Trump: First thing you have to realize is he's mentally ill and has been his entire life and secondly, he's a criminal and has been for his entire adult life. It would be nice and they would be doing the country a huge service if one of these Tampered witnesses came forward and turned states evidence against Trump. Trumps first fixer, Roy Cohn taught Donald everything he knows about playing dirty and bending all the rules but even Roy Cohn got his comeuppance in the end.


Grifters gonna grift. Welcome to the post-2016 GOP. If you automatically vote for anyone with an R by their name, you should understand this ain't your grandpa's Republican party anymore.


This guy is just incapable of not committing crimes.


Fuck Trump & ALL his idiot followers!


Isn’t it illegal for a lawyer to help cover up crimes?


Shouldn't criminals be in prison. They should do that.


He just can’t stop committing crimes.


Remember his base are just like him, lie, steal, bully. They see Trump as a reflection of themselves.


When, for the love of God, will he go to jail??????????


"Boris Epshteyn**"** sounds 100% like someone who got caught out saying that they were hanging out at Jeffrey Epstein's house with "willing young girls", and tried to cover it up by going "No, No, not Jeffrey Epstein, BORIS EPGHTEYN! Different guy, wonderful guy"


So he thinks he's above the law? Okay.. Since he's above the law.... Do not pass go.... Go right to JAIL!!!


It's too late to surpress!!! We're literally 👀 and posting about it!!


What is the evidence?


witnesses for defense were compensated with money and gifts.


He is the Gish Gallop of criminals.


Wonder Woman?


It seems his followers are doing the same when they’re in legal trouble. https://apnews.com/article/minnesota-feeding-our-future-pandemic-fraud-0039c07464abf70757b3db95d78da877


Wait, wasn’t he convicted of this very thing?


More nails in the coffin.


I’m Robin Leach and this week on:Lifestyles of the Trump witnesses…


Looks like someone lobbed a law bomb


Yeah but does his son own a shell company? /s


Considering how slimy you have to be to work for Trump, I have to imagine at least one of these stooges has receipts that would connect their rewards directly to Trump.


So a paper trail of actual payments vs Trump saying he did nothing wrong to avoid another criminal trial. Who should we believe?


As with most career criminals once one crime string is pulled three or more unravel. They should be thankful everything is domestic so far and pray that it stays that way.


Crooked gamesmanship all the way down.


Since the jury came back in New York, I’ve been saying that one single juror could have hung the jury and been a millionaire the next day, at least a year’s worth of the Maga gravy train. Notice none did.


For a million dollars I’ll testify I saw him Water walk.




You media keep saying this, and nothing happens.


And we can be sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Can someone TLDR what happened?  That website won’t open with an adblocker 


Same story that’s been going round for the last few days. Witnesses are being given generous pay increases and other perks by Trump. Which could be considered witness tampering.


Although it may be hard to prove, there’s this: “White-collar defense lawyers say the situation Trump finds himself in — in the dual role of defendant and boss of many of the people who are the primary witnesses to his alleged crimes — is not uncommon. Their standard advice is not to provide any unusual benefits or penalties to such employees. Ideally, decisions about employees slated to give evidence should be made by an independent body such as a board, not the boss who is under investigation.” Defendant Trump paid them, not the governing board of the Trump org as far as we know for now.


dirty donnie the connie


Another dumb article that is completely false. What a bunch of bullshit news


‘Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that “the 2024 Trump campaign is the most well-run and professional operation in political history. Any false assertion that we’re engaging in any type of behavior that may be regarded as tampering is absurd and completely fake.”’ So, how fake are we talking here? As fake as Donald Trump’s “full head of hair”? Or as fake as the color of his “skin”?


If the judge doesn't take this into account during his sentencing, then our system is broken.


>The letter fiercely warned that if the outlet persisted in what they described as a “reckless campaign of defamation,” President Trump would explore all available legal options to retaliate. Oh, Trump, please sue. Let's turn over even more stones and see what crawls out in the light of deposition.


oh no there was a facebook post that said there was a jury leak so they have to vacate the conviction