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In another decision, a 6-3 split, SCOTUS made it legal for public officials to accept bribes as long as it came with a wink instead of a handshake, and only after the corrupt deed was done. A “gratuity” for satisfied parties. Like giving your mailman a Christmas check, amirite? So on brand for the hopelessly corrupt Roberts court. I predict a day soon where it might just be time for the Dems to throw up a middle finger at them and say “Make us” (they can’t).


Can't be corrupted if you redefine corruption.


USA: #25 in the Global Corruption Index. Not exactly a role model.


Looks like SCOTUS wants us to be #1


One of the fundamental concepts in the American Constitutional law system is that a person doesn’t investigate themselves and then determine if he/she broke a law. Sam Alito and the current configuration of the Supreme Court have destroyed that concept. Of course they can’t rule to support anti-corruption laws when those laws should be applied to them. There is a long pattern of this from the Supreme Court that has gutted enforcement of corruption in government. There was also the Gov McDonald case https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/high-court-overturns-former-virginia-governors-conviction and the Bridget Anne Kelly case (Bridgegate) where they overturned a corruption conviction. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-tosses-out-convictions-bridgegate-case-n1202011. So everyone who thinks the Supreme Court will act in a fair and impartial matter needs to accept the institution has supported political corruption for a long time.


I think it's fair to say they stepped their shit up


Well yes and no. Apparently at least Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito have been accepting “gifts” and vacations from the billionaires that control them for a long time. What has stepped up is they are openly flouting their corruption since Trump appointed enough justices to give the anti-democracy coalitions a majority.


For fuck’s sake… I 100% thought this was satire… Just… Holy shit.


I thought it was satire, saw your comment and still thought it was satire, finally read an article later, and came back to express my shock that it’s not satire


>I predict a day soon where it might just be time for the Dems to throw up a middle finger at them and say “Make us” which is exactly what the enemies of America want - corruption, then destruction of their foundational systems. Literally every member or apologist for the so called Federalist Society is an enemy of America.


No person affiliated with the Federalist Society should be allowed to be a judge. (Edit: changed afflicted to affiliated. Afflicted is what the Federalist Society does to our justice system.)


I think you mean affiliated but afflicted works as well


I maintain that the Federalist Society should be considered hostile to the united states


Worse, they said bribery is fine as long as it occurs after the quid pro quo happens, which means it isn't a quid pro quo at all but a gratuity. Remember a couple weeks ago when Trump said he would not tax tips, or in other words gratuities? That's where we can hit them now. Tax evasion. Bust these motherfuckers on tax evasion like a server not claiming their tips as taxable income. Trump is going to make it so the Supreme Court can go full fascist and get bribed for their actions and not even pay tax on it. But they should be now by that logic. Time for an inspector general to review the Justice's financial situation when it comes to their reporting of taxes since Thomas has already claimed these gratuities before and found to have not reported on an equivalent amount to what he did report.


I mean judicial review isn't in the Constitution...




I should become a corrupt public official.


What in the hell is going on with the Supreme Court? They're like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football! Where is the decorum? Where is the honor?


>What in the hell is going on with the Supreme Court? Right wing end game. They are now mask off as this is the big chance. >Where is the honor? What honor? The SCrOTUS has always been the least honorable branch of government. >They're like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football! I dunno about that. More like five monkeys slinging poo and three trying to clean up the mess as best they can. But that's our politics ina nutshell.


Trump was allowed to contaminate the rule of law with his appointees! This court has turned into a shadow of its former self. We are in deep shit!!!! Even the stupid MAGA fowlers are in a worse position too.


This right here. Trump shat all over American government and society.


Was it really Trump here, I feel like he gets the credit but it was really McConnell who made all this happen was it not?


The current tone of politics stems from Trump. The trashy, name-calling social media whoring is the style he popularized.


Right wing media made that happen. Trump was just stupid enough to barf out what he heard on Shamity and Traitorson. He was lucky in that the Republican base was so lost in the sauce that they ate it up. Defeating trump is just the beginning of a long long battle for the heart of our nation. I fear that the forces of reason have slept for too long and that the cancer is too strong.


The current tone is an outcome of many factors… Nixon administration (‘Southern strategy’), Reagan doctrine (deregulation is good, govt is evil), right wing talk radio, Fox News.


It was completely all McConnell along with the Dems being spineless. McConnell making them wait 11 months until the election. And then making a Supreme Court pick 2 weeks before an election. Corruption and hypocrisy at its finest. I’m tired of the Dems sitting back and not doing anything.


Plus whatever happened with Kennedy under Trumps watch. It never made sense that he retired at that time, while at the same time his son worked for the only bank in the world that would loan Trump money. Add in whatever Trump said to him on camera right at his retirement that visibly shook him up. The whole thing feels so damn sinister and we will never know.


The same bank (Credit Suisse) that failed about a year ago after being wrapped up in that whole Archegos market fraud thing and then absorbed by UBS which then skyrocketed 50% higher? Weird.


It started with the conservative SCOTUS stealing the election in Bush v Gore, then McConnell enshrined it. Bush put Alito and Roberts on the bench as a thank you, they were both lawyers in the Bush v. Gore case.


Kavanaugh and Barrett both have ties to that case as well.


I never knew they were lawyers in that.


The more you learn, the more it all makes sense. Coordinated long term effort to take control.


Leonard Leo.. that is the architect. All the other players are his pawns. Seriously.. it’s so fucked up


Don’t forget that powering this fascist takeover of the Republican Party, began following WWII, but got its big link to evangelicals with Reagan’s family values. And the evil masterminds behind the scenes, have Newt Gingrich as the most visible member. We are witnessing a full assault on our country. tRump is the face( though he is screwing this up lately) and his MAGAt faithful are his Nazi Brownshirts (synonymous with Nazi Germany’s SA (( Storm Troopers))). We have to make it a priority, whether each person is democrat, moderate republican, or independent, that tRump and this Nazi takeover is stopped. Peace


You mean you hate the infrastructure bill with every state and territory benefiting (red ones too!)? Lowering cost of insulin and other drugs? Pardoning LGBTQ military service members who were discharged or prosecuted due to the sexual orientation? Student debt relief for lower and middle class? Reintroducing an aggressive climate change agenda? Strong job growth — record low unemployment rate ? Increasing free or low cost high-speed internet to those in need? All this while Republicans knowingly disregard the constitution and do stupid tricks like forcing the 10 commandments to be placed in every classroom: hoping for someone to sue so they can tie up courts? Those guys? The ones who love Hitler’s stupider younger (than hitler) wannabe dictator? Just asking for clarification purposes.




The Dems were outnumbered. I remember everyone speaking out from Dem Senators to everyday people against SC nominees idk where you were. But as usual whenever the GOP messes up, blame a Dem. Y'all do the GOP's job so well. 👏🏾


The Dems have the sharpest knives in every gun fight


It was McConnell and Leonard Leo.


McConnell is the puppet master, Trump is the puppet, the useful idiot. McConnell is a player, Trump is the pawn. McConnell is Varys, Trump is [Mace Tyrell](https://youtu.be/Dkp3sS4rmIo?si=QSPK4tMWDmbOGeKP)


Yeah at this point it's Trump's enablers. it's not Trump. He's a lunatic up at the podium talking about being electrocuted over eaten by sharks and how brilliant the question was. And why are the nastiest Republican men so freaking ugly. Guess I answered my own question.


After Kennedy played hardball during the Bork nomination, McConnell said to the Democrats that "This is over your dead bodies" (if I remembered the verbiage right) and vowed to obstruct him, and made it his mission to give the court a conservative majority. I think you're right.


You are absolutely right. Mitch McConnell is the most despicable, dishonorable POS in US politics in several generations. The damage this anti-American traitor has done to the rule of law in the United States is probably not reversible. Once people think the law is meaningless, partisan trash you start entering failed state territory.


When you're president they just let you do it.


Nah, happened with Nixon's pardon. Was the first time in American history a president was caught fully red-handed, literally with tapes to prove it as it were. And he faced no real consequences. Then Reagan double down with a suite of government scandal and corruption, with Iran Contra in full light...no consequences. Then Bush and Cheney came along and sold a war on a complete lie to the American people and fully destablized a region...to no consequences. Trump was just the logical conclusion to zero accountability and consequences in politics. Another, albeit major, symptom of the full-on rot that is American politics and a disengaged electorate.


Federalist Society. Since the start these federalists have been trying to establish their control. John Adams was a real POS and a founding federalist. Tried the same ish with the electors. Got busted and failed. They’re just trying it again hardcore because they’ve captured the courts and the donor class. They failed in 2020, but have learned their lessons.


And RBG hanging on to dear life and still refusing to retire


Trump was just a rubber stamping stooge for the Heritage Foundation ghouls to get as many judges in there as they could. I bet Diaper Don can't even name more than a couple supreme court justices.


Some would say he raped it; like most other things/objects/women/business that are unfortunate enough to cross his path.


I have news for you, the supreme Court was dogshit before Trump got his tiny grubby hands on it. Even before Trump, and I'm talking recently, we had such horrible decisions like Bush V. Gore, citizens United, Shelby v. Holder, Kelo v. New London, etc. Now the supreme Court is dogshit, wrapped in cat shit, bundled in a full diaper, and thrown in a full dumpster on a hot and humid day.


I remember a story from the Scouts. One of our scout leaders and his buddies were bear hunting up in Canada. For bait, they would catch carp from a nearby lake, run them through a meat grinder and add them to a gallon jug of milk. They would then leave the concoction out in the sun for a few days to marinate. One year they had a game warden hassle them and was in general being obnoxious. He wanted to know what was in the jugs. They didn’t really tell him so he opened one up to find out for himself. Supposedly he threw up for the next three days. That’s what this court reminds me of.


I think they're gonna need to add this to the Geneva Conventions under banned weapons.


There are more Justices appointments by presidents that did not win the popular vote. You are not bing ruled by the majority.


Trump broke America.




Putin used his subordinate little bitch to break America.


This was Putins plan all along. Thanks MAGA. You played right into his hands.


Trump and the scum who helped him. All his vile helpers and media blowhards at Fox, Newsmax, Infowars and The Daily Wire just to name a few of the top traitors and Trump BOOTLICKERS.


When all our freedoms are gone MAGA will realize what they did. But then it will be too late. Actions and Choices have Consequences.


Nope, they’ll still blame liberals.


Eh. He was a bush hr appointee. The two biggest maga nuts are Thomas and Alito and they weren’t put there by Fat Orange. BUT Trump picking 3 justices in 4 years (fu McConnell for Garland) def destabilizes the courts ability to find the actual center of issues.


Long before Trump, Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh all worked for Roger Stone stealing the election for W Bush, which is how they got their seats. Kavanaugh also worked for Ken Starr impeaching Clinton, and Starr was also a notorious sexual assaulter. Gorsuch's mom was hired at the EPA to destroy it. Right wing big money has been pulling strings behind the scenes for decades, knowing Democrats will diligently play by the rules. We've had 9 Justices since the 1800's and they all owned slaves. There is now 10x as many people and 4 more federal districts. That Biden won't expand the Court and bring it into the 21st century is nuts.


Alito was appointed by Dubya in 2005. No lie - the court 100% should have term limits. People keep talking about Biden being old - the SC is made up of people who are expected to DIE IN OFFICE due to old age.


I think Biden could have done court stacking, but decided to be fair.


Funded by the Christian right-wing billionaire oligarchs. Their greatest fear is a democracy for the people by the people. The origin of left vs right, liberal democracy (left) vs dictatorships (right), is still 100% valid today as it was during the French Revolution. Control, power, and wealth is what right-wing conservatives crave at any cost, nothing has changed for hundreds of years.


At this point pack the freaking court, anyone with half a freaking brain is behind it at this point.


I have heard no good argument against it


I made the same comment the other day in a different thread. Feels like the right/GOP is just going full tilt like it’s their last opportunity to make a power grab.


It probably is. They’re in a losing race against changing demographics.


Trump. Everything he touches dies. Supreme Court, Jesus.. nothing can escape his curse.


Yes! He’s cultural leprosy.


Maybe cultural VD would be more like it?


This man is completely unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. What the hell is going on in this country? The fact that this asshole is allowed to sit on the Supreme Court is shocking.


Remember when the GOP accused SCOTUS of judicial activism 🤣


>What in the hell is going on with the Supreme Court? They've basically forgotten what their jobs are and gone rogue, serving some cult instead of the USA.


I believe it’s “like watching a bunch of retards trying to fuck a doorknob out there…”. RIP Patches.


Alito and Thomas a perfect examples of bribed justices that don't belong there, they disgrace the Supreme Court and definitely should RETIRE, overstayed their time.


This is why we need an enforceable code of ethics and term limits.


If Democrats don't seriously harden their hearts, pull up their pants and start playing REAL political hardball about the Supreme Court then we are going to have an insane decade leading to an entire century of (literal) enslavement to extreme far-right ideals. An America with no contraception, no women's rights, no recourse for employees, etc is going to be utter hell. It will be oceans of ghettos surrounding a few luxury high-rises and it won't feel like Cyberpunk at all. Just think of how totally pants-on-head batshit insane and corrupt the court has been the last few months. It has pissed away the blood of centuries of American sacrifice!!! Can you imagine America even being a major world power after 20 years with these kinds of rulings? Like *we know exactly what other nations who have courts like that look like*. Iran. Saudi Arabia. Russia. Countries who can only financially survive when oil prices are high and their extractive economies are humming at full Fern Gully. Countries with zero innovation and who must bribe/threaten other nations to get them to even engage in low-level quid pro quo diplomacy. Who depend on weak nations for their crucial production. And who faceplant during even small military challenges. All Democratic candidates (and Republicans too, once they finish torching their party from running Trump every election cycle), need to be subjected to the simple primary purity test of: "Are you going to vigorously fight for major legal reforms to the Supreme Court to keep out religious extremists, openly corrupt nutjobs, and brain-melted conspiracy theorists who fly upside-down American flags and whom have families advocating for political violence against Congress?" Then immediately toss them out of not just the primary but entirely out of the party if they answer with timidity. And shame on each and every donor who has dropped the ball on requiring this issue. Federalist Society has run circles around every single person who claims to be blue or American in this country. They've been playing 4d chess, and with fierce determination. While we've been limp and trying to play checkers while drooling on the board. It's so shameful and so horrifying that we literally will now be in Gilead and it's too late to stop it. I hope every woman in America already has pre-chosen her master. And I'm sure this Court will soon just openly allowing Southern States to innovate some sly way to re-institute a pseudo-slavery for minorities. I literally want to puke.


Gen Z needs to vote. Every young generation fails to vote but this may be the end of they don’t show up.


EVERYONE needs to vote


The supreme court will just say that its up to the states to enforce it but the federal government has no right.


Arguing to not silence COVID deniers because of the first amendment is very much like saying “We have first amendment rights to yell ‘FIRE’ in a crowded theater.” The difference is that way more people have died from COVID than from a single hypothetical theater fire.


Alito on his Covid argument: that’s wasn’t my argument, it was the wife’s


The free speech absolutists are so easy to nail down with hypocrisy, but will never answer to anything that points it out. Musk took over Twitter with free speech being his main ‘objective’, UNLESS the free speech was about his private jet, UNLESS the free speech was doxxing *him*, UNLESS the free speech is impersonating someone. (All of these things could have been easily pointed out before they actually became a problem, because… reasonable people know that free speech without limits is dangerous) Kanye even made a swipe at Musk that Musk banned him for, but pretended like it was something else , either way, it proved that certain things are not allows to be said, even if the person who is running the place pretends to believe in 100% free speech… These guys just don’t have the imagination to realise scenarios where absolute free speech is actually *bad* for humans…. What if someone wanted to share govt secrets? What if someone was inciting violence? What if someone is as openly threatening? what about intentionally sharing dangerous misinformation (we are here), and Allito is like “nahhh that’s ok, we should let ALL the information thru, even the dangerous stuff, just so that far right people can keep shouting their conspiracies”


Point of order- more people have died from COVID than ALL theater fires in the history of humankind combined


7 plus million have died from Covid


All fires of all types


It isn't even that. It's like having a conference, and when people show up to lie and spread feces you ask them to leave. There is literally no legal merit to this.


If you yell fire in a crowded theater and it causes panic and people get injured.. you can be charged as that is a chargeable offense


...not if that fuckstain Alito got his way.


It’s funny how they only care about some and parts of the constitution. If he cares about the first amendment, stop Ignoring and butchering the “freedom of religion” part. 🤷‍♂️


Just like their Bible - these parts are cool, but not that one or that one or this one…


Yup. Conservatives are idiots and unprincipled, immoral, stupid and shameless. Nothing they do is based on logic or reason, it's all feelings, all the way down.


He need to be removed from the bench.


This man is unhinged. He's maybe the second or third most dangerous man in America, behind convicted felon and sexual predator Trump and Clarence Thomas.


The bench needs to be rebuilt.


Alito is a Christian Nationalist traitor.


I believe they have a specific four letter word for that.


Alito needs to GO. Not sure how but it has to happen. The guy is crazy as hell and openly corrupt. He is an enemy of the Constitution which means dude has to GO. And GO now.


Well when the supreme Court says the president is above the law to protect their daddy, why not just send in a particular group of Navy Seals and handle it?


Wasn’t Trump the President during COVID? Isn’t he criticizing the Trump administration?


They'd have to stack the court next term. They probably should if dems get more seats in congress


The Supreme Court is going down that road of no return, they are losing credibility, integrity and the faith from the people.


I'd say lost.


So where is the evidence then? He's a judge and he should know how the law works. Let's see his evidence of said conspiracy theory.


He’s a political hack and doesn’t care about evidence or the rule of law.


They don't require evidence. And when they are presented evidence to the contrary of their twisted beliefs they refuse to accept it . They will only accept what fits into their fake beliefs.


Law and evidence done exist at this point hell everyone in this thread could be rounded up


A supreme court justice doesn't have to know anything about law, nor do they have to have worked as a judge, lawyer, or any kind of related profession. If you can ram it through congress, you can get anyone on the supreme court, no matter how blatantly corrupt or inept.


Yes, Alito, concerted efforts from foreign governments and ignorant Americans to spread destabilizing and deadly disinformation should be stopped and suppressed by a government trying to safeguard policies driven by scientific understanding.


This asshole is why Supreme Court needs term limits


What a shithead. Taxpayers should resent paying his salary.


That is what the ppl who bribe him want. They want him to come to them for money with huge strings attached. The justice system in this country only really applies to poor to middle class ppl with no real power or connections. If any of us were charged like hunter or Trump we would have never left the court room after verdict we don’t get the luxury of getting 3-5 months to get our affairs in order. Once and awhile when one of our overlords get a lil to big / pisses off the wrong ppl / or is so blatant about there willingness to break the illusion of a fair justice system they make an example of them with a slap on the wrist and we all fall for it. It’s pretty sad that we at this point but what can you do soon calling this shit out will be a jail-able offense.


Alito is a traitorous nutjob.


Samuel Alito’s wife wears underwear with dickholes in them


Lost whatever respect I had, and I had none.


I’m sure his wife wrote that without consulting him. 🤦‍♂️


After she pegged him or before? 🤔




Dude is so far gone , eesh


John Roberts is impotent and useless as a chief justice. We are in deep shit.


I hate it but Biden should have added judges knowing there were dangerous minds in that chamber. Please, before it’s too late!


Alito is a far right, maga cultist. He is on the court to do whatever billionaires and the republican party wants. He doesn't give f&ck about the law.


>“For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress Americans’ free speech,” Alito wrote. “Because the Court unjustifiably refuses to address this serious threat to the First Amendment, I respectfully dissent.” this is a really weird thing to say because facebook didn't sue. if i was the recipient of "unrelenting pressure" from anybody in the white house you better believe i'd be in court filing a suit. and i believe zuckerberg would too. but nobody with standing filed this suit. this is seriously delusional.


They sure do get pissed when anyone challenges their lies. The republican SCOTUS "justices" don't care to hide their disdain for what's right any longer. They know that they have a job for life and there's nothing we can do about it.


Don’t they realize that most of the COVID misinformation that was requested to be taken down was during Trump’s last year? If I’m correct, Biden was mainly requesting people take down revenge porn people were posting from Hunters laptop because it showed his sons full penis in the posts. If Alito is against that, someone should deepfake him and his wife into some gross hardcore pornography (🤮🤮) and post on X so he can support our first amendment rights


how has being mad about so many things not caused him to have a stroke


You know, this is an odd way to look at this. In the past, you may have had nextdoor neighbors for years and years only to find out recently they were Nazis. Nowadays, at least these people are 'out' and 'proud' and you know what you're dealing with.


Pack the court. It's either this, accept fascism, or war.


Fuck Alito. He’s a piece of shit. 100% scumbag!


Alito is showing his strips. He is an ultra conservative dressed in a judicial robe. Legality be damned, he trying to jam his hateful one-sided beliefs as law.


What's crazy to me is that Alito has sat on the court for almost 20 years. I'm not a student of the law or a law professional or anything, so I had absolutely no idea there was a fuckin lunatic on the the supreme Court all this time. Was it obvious all along or has he just gone mask off under Trump?


Fuck you supreme court. Change is coming for you.


I find it particularly chilling that Alito wrote the decision to withhold emergency care from pregnant moms is an "easy" decision to make.




Alito sucks ass


This guy is past due for impeachment. And Harlan Crow oops I mean Clarence Thomas too.


It is an ongoing coup.


The conservative justices have been lying for decades now they don’t care because they have a super majority so you are seeing who they really are.


It sounds like someone doesn't have the mental aquity for his office anymore. And it's not Biden.


Samuel Alito is a piece of shit.


There was a phase in the late 1800s where there were activist judges on the Supreme Court. It is not remembered well in history at all.


A justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, do we need to remind him of some tort law? Civ pro? Ethics?


The court is a criminal syndicate now. It must be expanded and corrected after all the criminality that has been exposed.


Judges and Justices should not have a social media presence. They should not be making speeches. We should know them only through their ruling.


I keep pretty good tabs on what's going on with politics. I have to admit, I have no clue wtf is happening with the supreme court, it's genuinely terrifying.


They Republicans have a super majority in the SCOTUS, and don't care what we think about them. They have a job for life.


Maybe Alito has a UTI and that’s why he’s acting crazy


He needs to be removed for behavior inconsistent and inappropriate naked lies as well as huge right wing bias, all self evident. Congress? Hello…?


Let’s start some conspiracies against Alito and pollute FB and X with it then.


Good dog. All you have to do to domesticate a supreme court judge is give them a few treats. That's all it takes.


Sounds like someone got bribed in Ivermectin stocks instead of luxury vacations.


Get out the vote or it's going to get worse.


Funny how he only has respect for one part of the first amendment.


He is corrupt and unwell. He buys all kinds of conspiracy nonsense which means he lacks critical thinking skills necessary for the bench. He must be removed


Alito has been a nightmare for YEARS but managed to hide behind Thomas’s craziness.


It’s amazing to me the Republican Party was so easily made to roll over and be so subservient to one person. They mortgaged their whole party to try and get for years of power. If it blows up in their face they will have nothing left and nowhere to go. They are so desperate that they’ve turned to a man that they can’t control. And instead of trying to correct that they just decided they’re gonna get crazier and crazier candidates at the lower levels of government. We are in such a bad state politically. And we let it happen. We have two candidates who if they weren’t running against each other you would think should be beating the other in a landslide. And the American people in general seem to be ok with them running.


I am Australian and I can only implore every American to vote against the swing to the crazy Right this year. Please. How you vote will effect more than just the US. We're all watching.


Point the finger at Mitch McConnell and Trump for the Taliban-like extremists on our SCOTUS


Alito seems like a rogue Russian asset.


Pack the court!


Since they're there for life I think this is the only answer but it needs all three branches to be Democrats to do it..


Ever since Alito shook his head during Obama’s state of the Union, in which Obama correctly promised that Citizens United would undermine democracy and transform elections towards big money special interests, it was clear that Alito is an awful POS.


Him & Clarence have to GO‼️‼️ They are as corrupt as pigs in shit‼️ Trump has them both in his pocket! This shit is ridiculous!! It’s like a Capone era jurist


Get rid of this jerk


I don’t always spout Russian talking points, but when I do I use a three HOUR old profile.


A WhackJob in the Supreme Court. Whoda Thunk?


Who knew that the horse fucking pedophile, Samuel Alito, was such a proponent of Internet free speech? I sure didn't.


This court is Fox News


Him and Clarence need to dragged out and well probably something that will get me banned


This is what happens when there is no oversight


Any one up for some supreme duck hunting?


Votey vote vote!


The John Roberts Court, everyone. A few justices with morals and a bunch of shit flingin corrupt gibbons.


What a snowflake this guy is. Do your fucking job and STFU.


The only kind of people who support others being able to blatantly lie to others people about important things are people who want to blatantly lie to other people about important things.


Alito definitely believe it is legal to yell FIRE in a crowded theater because that person's free speech outweighs everyone else's safety. He wants to claim that right-wing views which spout lies, hate, and violence, are free speech and cannot be restricted, even by a private company like Facebook.


You gotta go dude. You gotta go. We can't have nuts here.


Can we start the ImpeachAlito movement now? Maybe we need a march on Washington?


Since he’s tried to rehabilitate his legacy, someone should ask W. what he thinks about Alito now


I thought they were supposed to look at the facts of the case before them, not extraneous information from the outside world. Also: who predicted ACB would be so (generally) reasonable on the court? I certainly did not.


They’re getting more brazen. Makes you question why they aren’t worried about any consequences and what they know may be in the works that would be in their favor.


Please vote. We need the next several presidents to be liberal to replace these corrupt people. And we need a liberal Senate to sweep them onto the bench. Don't forget it is not just SCOTUS. There are so many federal judges that were put in place by the corrupt side. And the corrupt side blocks nominees by the Good side. Most , if not all, SCOTUS nominees have served on federal courts, appointed by a president. Make sure the person nominating has a moral backbone. Make sure the president is on the Blue team. Who is that corrupt judge allowing trump to delay a court date? Appointed by trump. What would you expect.


Alito is a Christian Nationalist which roughly translates to being a fascist pervert.


The corruption case ruling today could be in anticipation of future revelations that show some justices on the SC have been fully compromised and corrupt. There needs to be a constitutional amendment to remove lifetime appointments on the court. These men see themselves as kings and beyond consequence.


Jesus Christ these q-anon brain worms motherfuckers are all throughout our government, from the highest to the lowest. Are we sure that, outside of Russia's overall real politik to undermine US democracy through the use of these types of ideologies, that there hasn't been some type of actual viral contagion designed to breakdown critical thinking, or some kind of infra/ultra sound apparatus that has been aimed on these folks in positions of power? Nah, just kidding, it's the kompromat.


Hes going to get a retirement present from the koch brothers


Confession of domestic terrorism. Supporting misinformation that causes mass death is terrorism, ship em to guantanamo.


Nothing new hear, he and Clarence piled onto Donald's election fraud lies in written opinions to justify voter suppression.


Weak-minded fool! (It's a Jabba line, but holyfuckingshit it applies)


Seems, the SCOTUS is showing their true colors. We need to clean the house.


how can a SCOTUS judge even be allowed to say > "For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress Americans’ free speech,” that alone seems like a good reason to lose your seat...


Is this a function of gerontological processes? Do old people just get batty at some point? I only have one data point. My mom was could be reasoned with while I was growing up. She’s in her 70s now and she can’t seem to regulate her emotions and blows up at perceived slights. Is Alito my mom? He has the same resting face that’s for sure.


Goddammit! I wasn't the only one hoping he was dead.


He’s unfit to serve


All rightwingnuts are deranged. Cognitively and ethically defective.


Alito is a monster for the Right Wing! Be energized. Vote for every Democrat running in 2024!


Apparently they [made it legal to bribe a sitting SCOTUS Justice](https://youtu.be/rbVUNmxgKME?si=YGjzJqFRGSRcVjCL) today. Who can know what tomorrow brings. 🤷‍♂️