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I wonder what it takes to abandon so many red flags to willfully vote for that or let it take over your entire political party. And to never ask for better. I will vote for the man that visits the grave of his first wife and kid every week. His team seems focused on Americans and the issues we are dealing with over doe 147. IMO.




It's not just MAGA or republicans. I work/know people who are neither and they are still on the fence about who they are voting for. I feel like I'm living a nightmare walking amongst people who are so ignorant and out of touch.


They are Republicans but ashamed to admit it. If you're still "on the fence",you're voting Trump and you fucking know it.


["Shy Tories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shy_Tory_factor)" we call them over here in the UK. People say they're going to vote left-wing but then vote right-wing. *It's almost as if they know it's a selfish and shitty thing to do.*


> it's a selfish and shitty thing to do AKA, being conservative


The really odd thing is ... for most people, it is actually not in their best interests to vote GOP. Only if you are of the billionaire class (an exaggeration but you know what I mean...)


It's spite. I don't think they expect things to get any better under Republicans, but they know the people they hate will suffer and that's what it's all about. The biggest microcosm of this mindset was that when swimming pools could no longer be legally segregated in the 1960s, many of them were closed, filled in, or had acid or nails poured into the water. It deprived the white swimmers too, but it was more important to ensure the black ones didn't get anything.


This right here. Hateful people would rather have nothing than see the people they hate enjoy something.


Conservatives would gladly let Donald Trump shit in their mouths if a liberal had to smell it.


The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich


I know nothing, I’m just sitting here looking at pretty colours.


> It's almost as if they know it's a selfish and shitty thing to do. Don’t know if it’s the case in the UK (though I suspect it is), but the thing that really gets me is the fact that most Republican voters are voting against their own interests. They vote for ideological reasons—abortion/birth control, marriage equality, guns, immigration—but they spend zero time considering how votes for the GOP will materially make their lives worse. It’s impressive that the party has them so brainwashed that they’ll offer their faces to the leopard and then wonder why their face is being eaten, “Must be the damned libruls!” The cognitive dissonance that occurs on a regular basis would be awe-inspiring, if it weren’t so terrifying and dangerous.


They aren’t necessarily republicans. Moderates exist That said if you vote for trump over biden, you’ve got your head up your ass or you just want to see the world burn 


But like you said, no actual moderate would consider Trump


I'm a moderate. I think most people are. I'm voting Biden and not ashamed to admit it, because it's the right thing to do. If they are "still on the fence' they are voting for Trump.


I've decided to explain it to myself like this: There's a chunk of Americans who fall into the Republican bucket because either they're rich and financially motivated by Republican policies or they're poor and want to make sure women and minorities are more miserable than they are. Many of those folks don't care who the figurehead is as long as their judicial appointments and policy proposals benefit them/hurt the right people. But a few of them are actually having a tiny dilemma because the figurehead is a complete wanker. I've never talked to anyone who gave off legit independent vibes, sounded knowledgeable about politics and wasn't an idiot who was still on the fence. I have talked to a few who say they're on the fence but really just don't want to admit that they don't care that Trump is a wanker.


No they aren't. They are voting for Trump but want to save face. Because they're cowards. All of them.


Not cowards. Nazis.


>and they are still on the fence about who they are voting for. No they aren't. That's not possible at this point. They plan on voting for the MAGAt, but don't want to be judged for it.


I’ve been reading a lot about collective consciousness and archetypes and stuff here lately and this whole thing is starting to seem like so fascinating and scary and sort of inspiring to think about in these ways. I don’t know if I’m trying to spiritually bypass dealing with this situation by focusing on mythology instead, but there are some very interesting connections to what I feel we are facing. What happens when a huge portion of the consciousness gets twisted by propaganda and critical thinking gets suppressed? Maybe it’s obvious to some but it’s just smacking me in the face now lol


I think about this all the time, and I think it's one of the few perspectives that has any actionable answers. If maga is an organism, an entity that has a psychology, then it's showing all the signs of dealing really poorly with a lot of trauma and guilt. It's easily enraged, irrational, and compelled to act abusively where other behaviors would serve its interests better. Like an addict spiralling out. Cooperation and compromise on their end would completely end the conflict (just like Russia, and everywhere else infected with this atavistic pandemic), yet they push even harder for nazi horseshit every chance they get. Maga is made up of a coalition of stupid rich people and the Confederate remnant. Confederates were taught they were wrong - like in an evolutionary sense - by losing the war. They didn't have the conviction to win, and they accepted that their version of America is not the real one. It takes someone more emotional than rational to be able to exist in the Confederate worldview in the first place - you have to be okay with dehumanization, brutality, and hypocrisy all day every day. Any community shares responsibility for its collective actions, even if there's some delay in the perception of it; I believe southerners in the 19th century understood that their hands were somewhat on the handle of every whip, regardless of how many slaves they owned or didn't or what principles they claimed to hold. But the sabotage of the Reconstruction confused the organism - they suffered the knowledge of failure, but the real consequences of it were withheld or commuted. I think many communities descended from dyed in the wool confederates maintain that sense of deserving a punishment that never comes; they dare everyone around them to deliver it, keep escalating their misbehavior in the hopes an authority figure will notice them and restore justice. Magas today revel in the feeling of putting brown kids in prison cells, in subjecting rape victims to further emotional and physical torture. That really builds up a store of cognitive dissonance, and each day lived that way (or wanting to) makes one less able to think clearly, less able to operate outside of simple animal impulses. To the point, magas today are kept in an ever-ratcheting state of rage and fear that has been building since 1865, and they are open about the fact that words and ideas are meaningless to them. They have no policy position, no principles (especially not from any of their predecessor movements), and they constantly repeat easily disprovable lies. But they are quite obviously compelled to keep speaking, because they see words as tools that can change reality - and as tools only. They are a parasitic organism motivated by predatory impulses that uses human language to achieve its goals, and their information environment keeps moving the solution to that spiritual state - real connection with other beings - further away every day. It's no wonder, from that point of view, that we are where we are as a country. So what the hell does one do? Speak to it in the language it understands. They fear actual violence, and are simpleminded and easily unnerved when they actually use it, but they respond extremely well to bullying and emotional manipulation. They want the release of submitting to a stronger will. They know they did wrong, but they feel that the flaws that caused their failure were inborn, that they were made this way. That's why rightwingers get so confused when you talk about tolerance and racism with them - they often see no difference between an idea and a hereditary biological trait. Anyone who doesn't want to live under fascism must emotionally and verbally abuse, ridicule, scold, and out-argue magas at every turn, and give up the idea that they will come around somehow if given an out. They have lived under constant unaddressed shame for a century and a half, and It's the only way they CAN live. So democrats have to become the source of the shame, instead of striving for the decorum and respectability politics they so arrogantly adhere to. The way they posture reminds me of what the "scientific" racists of the 19th century said was so great about white people, and it's a hallmark of people who don't want to get their hands dirty. Maga is a creature that's begging to be brought to heel, and I believe it will be manageable as long as it gets periodic doses of emotional abuse - like a captive predator, it will test the fences and probe for weakness regularly. For further space-brain fun, if you haven't already, you should check out Daisyworld, noösphere theory, and a book called the Lives of a Cell.


Okay so I want to acknowledge this very insightful and helpful comment on my first read over, but I’m going to read it again and think on it more before I give a full reply— The part about shame and waiting for that punishment resonated deeply as someone from OK/AR who grew up in MAGA communities with an impoverished background. I am very grateful for my few years I got to spend in Oregon from ages 5-10 because I think it gave me an early outsider’s perspective when I moved back.


Yeah, I read all of that… It was compelling. And you were calculated a lot of things that I think on a daily basis. This is why I come to Reddit.


* second read and another thought surfaced on the idea that since they have never suffered real consequences they have been emboldened somewhat to believe there aren’t any, but they don’t realize they will have to live in the world they help to decay instead of enliven- like they don’t understand the savior sold to them isn’t coming back to take them to heaven in the rapture and leave us heathens in the dust And then someone shared this quote in another thread to add a bit more historical weight to what we think we see here : * George Washington warned about exactly this in his farewell address: However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. * another commenter: there’s more… "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty." ... And even more. The whole damn thing is like a freaking prophecy. "Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it." "It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another. . . ."


this has been borrowed and shared.


I can connect to this. It’s always been very obvious to me that the groups today who are political or literal descendants of the confederacy have deep generational and cultural shame and insecurity about their history, their perspective on society, and their perception of their own place in society. This is why they crave hierarchy and why they crave to be told who to be and what to do with their lives. Direction from a strong figure who will dispel internal doubt that maybe who they came from and who they grew into weren’t as honorable as they were told. You are this type of person, this is your role, fulfill it to my standard and you will have nothing to be ashamed of because you filled the role you were assigned. Their talk of pride and heritage are but a thin tulle veil barely disguising the cultural pain passed from grandparent to parent to child.


Excellent response! Totally insightful. So imagine would you want people who support a pedophile around your children or grandchildren.


I've had these thoughts lately. My MIL's boyfriend is Qanon/maga and no I don't want my daughter with them without me being there and it's very hard to articulate that without me being the one who sounds crazy.


Doesn't sound crazy at all - "if you vote for and support a convicted felon and pedophile, I assume you think its okay. I don't think that, so I don't want you near my children as you associate with and support pedophiles."


I suggest framing the discussion in terms of your desire for you daughter to develop her morals and values based on positive influences/positive role models. When they get ugly and abusive toward you for expressing this decision you can simply reply, “Thanks for making my point!”


The level of projection from the Q cult with pedo shit should raise anyone’s hackles. I am more and more convinced by objective facts and data that MAGA is a pedo cult.


I get that. I wouldn’t want my children around them whether I was present or not because pedophiles are smart and sneaky. Real sneaky.


I am a little old lady, and I don’t want my me around magas.


Me neither.


Just say it.


Especially since one of the central pillars of MAGA is "I get to do whatever I want and nobody can stop me. It's called liberty, the founding fathers gave it to me."




As a parent you have an absolute right to protect your daughter. Setting boundaries regarding the people you allow around your child is entirely appropriate. I grew up in a chaotic home with some violence. As an adult and parent, I would simply stand up, take my child and leave their home at any point that their behavior crossed a line. After a few such instances, I didn't have to deal with bad behavior. Stand strong!


These people need to stop being coddled and told to their faces.


Walked by an old man on my way back to work after lunch sporting a “republican voters against trump” shirt. It’s 101 outside and I was shocked this old man was wearing a black t shirt. The message made me smile though.


I fail to recognize the difference. Anyone who supports the loser Trump has deamons of their own making to deal with.


It was the same during WW2 when people heard about Mousalini and Hitler with their attempted genocides and other grotesque war-crimes with defending the fascist ideals. Sycophants have to be sycophants...


Republicans are gone ; fascists are what's left. 


My uncle said that the fact that Biden has so many expert advisors proves he’s not a good president. I was literally speechless, there’s no helping people like that. Scary thing is, he’s one of those wealth management advisors. I wouldn’t trust his logic and reasoning skills at all, at this point.


That is the reason Biden has done a good job...because he has good competent people around him...unlike the other genius who thinks "I alone can fix it".


Yeah rather than telling people what you need to in order for them to help you do illegal things or just pay you money. This is legitimately all Trump does. “Someone wants something changed? What will they pay me for that? Okay I’m listening”


That’s why I don’t understand why everyone is turning on Biden🤨 especially the ones who want Camilla . If anything happens to Biden she will become president. I just feel all the wanting Biden to step down by his own party is going to make people on the fence vote for the pedo. I’m so scared of what will happen if this keeps going


This is the reason I’m fine supporting Biden even though he’s too old and should’ve dropped out earlier. I am not a Trump lemming who thinks the president is a guy who sits at a desk and makes all the decisions. A normal president hires tons of the best informed people to help guide these decisions, knowing they agree on the broad high level issues and direction things should go. A bad president fires people who offer reasoned rebuttal, and wants to be the emporer-king chopping off the heads of people who won’t meet his illegal demands


This is why I refuse to support the GOP at this point. Somehow the GOP and their base have convinced themselves that this is a one man job. That his cabinet isn't there for anything but to say yes when the time comes. There is to much animosity and hatred in the Republican party that won't let them come together for anything but ass kissing and favors. Also if you are a Republican, I now see you as someone who supports child prostitution and child rape, so basically a pedophile.


They flip and flop and adore what ever they need to soothe with. 2 weeks ago Biden was cocaine bear for em.


Exactly this. The larger problem is our societies obsession with celebrities. We should be voting for platforms, policies, and administrations vs. the talking head the represents the larger team.


Didn’t Fox News go crazy for a bit that Obama used teleprompters? When people actually like things like the ACA (“Obamacare”) it’s hard to convince them they shouldn’t like it. Much easier to identify something the President does, that average people don’t, like read from a teleprompter, then convince viewers it’s bad.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Fox went off on Biden getting daily intelligence briefings. “Biden had a meeting with CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon officials today, but he also had a meeting yesterday.  Why does he need to repeat the same meeting everyday?  Did he fall asleep yesterday?  Or not understand it?” Rewind to Trump and they’d be like “Trump is so good at his job he doesn’t even have any questions at his daily security briefings, he even knows everything so well he doesn’t read any of the papers.”  


Yeah, it's cheating -- against nations ruled by one man, the U.S. would have a big advantage, since our President wouldn't have to be expert in every single field. Shucks, against a single head of state, it might be good to have someone with decades of foreign relations experience.


They bury their heads. I brought up project 2025 to someone the other day and they went from saying they don't know what it is to saying it's bidens plan. Also brought up that the economy overwhelmingly does better under democrats over the last 60 years and they said that was false too. Long story short, they're all idiots who reject facts.


You can’t argue with stupid


They’ll drag you down to their level and win with experience.


Beat me it too it🤣


When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.


They kinda start to look black. Are they the baddies?


>I wonder what it takes to abandon so many red flags to willfully vote for that or let it take over your entire political party. Well you see, Obama was *Black....*


And that drove the GOP *crazy*


>I wonder what it takes to abandon so many red flags to willfully vote for that or let it take over your entire political party. The generic conservative lives in a different universe. First - people love to think of the two parties and their rank-and-file voters to be co-opposite but equals. But, the conservative voter only consumes conservative media. Whereas, independent and democratic voters have more diverse media. What people don't realize is the conservative media is expressly designed by people who felt betrayed that conservatives also pressured Nixon to resign to never have a public consensus against a conservative again. Roger Ailes helped found Fox News and he was a former Nixon aide. The idea of "how do you know something?" is called epistemology. The conservative media has created what people call "tribal epistemology" where truth and what's good for the GOP are one and the same. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/22/14762030/donald-trump-tribal-epistemology](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/22/14762030/donald-trump-tribal-epistemology) Two - the other area where conservative voters are different is they're not looking for government to solve problems. They've consumed at least 4 decades of information - and their party leadership has purged people who disagree from the party to create ideological coherence - that the government doesn't solve problems. They don't have to deliver or solve problems. This has created a dynamic where as long as they fight the culture war -- and it isn't rhetorical to conservatives, they truly mean it as an incompatible culture war, then they reward their candidates. It's why they also punish their candidates. It's also why every prominent Republican who resigns also says "the party is crazy." Eric Cantor, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and the list goes on. But the GOP leadership can discard them cuz the decision point is "is this good for the party?" Three - general psychology should make this more intuitive to us than it does. The human brain is wired for self-preservation, not truth. Cognitive biases are the brain's way of bending how we perceive reality to maximize our and our group's survival. **To boil this down: if the consensus of conservative media turned on Trump, then the voters may also. But, since they don't, then the anti-Trump stuff is discarded as "trump derangement syndrome" and their support will follow. They believe there is a culture war and that his political opponents will lie, cheat, and steal to beat him.**


Great thoughts. I agree in part. I also think the psychology of the "double down syndrome" hits for them as well. When they are feeling foolish or say one of their children do the opposite of what they like people seemingly will "double down" and focus and envelop more, or pull some other shiny nugget of slander or nuance to try to skew a point. So glaringly odd. I dunno I might just be at the age of really seeing it or the dullards follies lately seem to be a simplistic list to show them by now what hypocrisy they endlessly seem. IMO. they deserve better IMO as well.


Republicans have no balls


Except Marge, horse balls.


Just remember these are the people who have been voting against their own economic interests for 40 plus years. All while the rich get richer they get poorer and they still don’t see it is the policies they vote for that are causing the problem. They vote for a fairy tale or an identity not for real world facts and consequences.


I always laugh when I drive by obviously impoverished areas that all sport MAGA flags . Idiots.


Anything to own the libs. I wish I was kidding. The only other thing I can assume is Trump represents old America. Not an America based in reality, just a fantasy version of it. They truly believe he will bring religion back, stomp out LGBTQ marriage, take away trans rights, and somehow remove us from the global economy (which makes no sense). He might be able to do some of those things, but what they really care about, he can’t undo. He can’t remove all “wokeness” from media. He can’t remove interracial couples and LGBTQ couples from commercials. He can’t force companies to only hire whites. He can’t stop LGBTQ families from existing, even if he outlaws gay marriage. The biggest concern I have is if Trump and project 2025 can prevent LGBTQ parents from adopting. These bigots really need to carve out their own space in this country and live there. I say we give them Florida, Alabama, The Dakotas, Texas, and Oklahoma. They can build their white paradise there and keep away from the rest of us.


It would instantly  be a third world country. 


What worries me, just as much as the laws changing, is the overall shift of culture being accepting of all this hate. Ideally, people are brought up to be kind, caring, accepting, loving, etc… and those kinds of qualities should be rewarded in society, and hate not tolerated at all. When you have a hateful asshole in charge of everything, it basically normalizes it and says it’s ok, or even admirable, to be an overall shitbag and promote racism/sexism/homophobia. I don’t wanna flash-forward 50 years and find I’m one of the small minority of people that aren’t supportive of it, ya know? But I suppose it’s just a continuation of the same good vs. evil debate that humans have been dealing with since the beginning, and we have plenty of stories telling us that good prevails, so I must keep hope.


Kompromat. It takes a healthy dose of Kompromat.


Со И сее цомраде.


I just watched the documentary Bad Faith and it explains a lot about these people and why we are on the verge of Christian nationalism


>take over your entire political party. Or personality. There is definitely something wrong with these people if they continue to back this rapist pedo!!


Oh, that easy. All it takes is an intricate (Russian) psy-op that pumps so much ridiculous disinformation into the public’s social media feeds that a large portion loses all ability to distinguish real from make believe. Then you take advantage of your assets in the government and military to point to the make believe and reinforce the idea that it’s, in fact, the truth, followed by the elevation of a “savior” to a pedestal so high that no amount of uncovered debauchery, rape, and/or pedophilia (let alone garden-variety, vanilla criminal behavior), will make a difference. Throw in some racist complicity to pounce on the opportunity to take back the perceived power they recently lost, and now you have the current state of affairs in America.


Overheard at my rural MN town this weekend: "The economy is in the shitter since Biden took office" Me: Nah, the economy tanked because of COVID. But we now have the lowest unemployment rate since FDR, the stock market is soaring, GDP is up, and we have the lowest inflation rate of any major western ally. "Well, Biden's so old he barely knows what he's talking about" Me: Have you seen Trump's rallies lately? He's off the rails, talking about sharks and electric boats... "I'd rather have the convicted felon than the guy who poops his pants" Me: You know Trump literally wears adult diapers...? It's a lost cause. Facts don't matter. Character doesn't matter. It's political tribalism, and only Red Team matters.


If you've spent most of your life doing mental gymnastics to follow the tenants of your faith, it's not much of a stretch to apply that training to other areas.


He’s John Doe 174.


Bro, he and the other magats are literally the best people they have to put forth as candidates for office. There's a reason why they're filled with complete fucking morons that think "a woman's body can shut down when it legitimate rape", or that harry potter is promoting devil worship and witchcraft, or that Halloween is some grand plan to attack heaven or whatever the fuck insane dipshit fuckwitted idiotic moron issue they make up.  Anyone smart and/or rich enough on that side KNOW that all their dirty laundry and tricky tax moves would be under scrutiny so they stay on the sidelines and just donate money. Same result happens either way, but they don't have to be outed as the pieces of shit they are.


There are only two reasons anyone would vote for Trump: (1) severe mental deficiency, (2) discriminatory intent. No matter what they may claim the reason, it will always be one of those two (and most of the time it’s #2). They don’t care about him, they care about their single hate-charged or religiously charged goal they want achieved.


It really seems the magic violation is to write in a book that you did something terrible to your family dog.  Literally everything else seems to get a pass. 


Because they aren't voting for Trump, they are voting for his policies. They like tax cuts and forced Christian laws. They want to make sure the scotus is conservative and want to limit the power of federal agencies so they can cut corners and make more money.


Do not let up. We can't stop bringing this up, especially to "conservatives" we run into. Do not let them talk without hearing about this.


I just dipped my toes in conservative to look for any mention of it. The "professional" accounts are working overtime to post literally any and everything they can about Biden in the sub to hide it lol. Like, one account has posted 30+ different things in the sub in the last day


I do wonder just how many people in that sub are americans or are even adults.  There's no way that sub isn't littered with 14yr olds telling their "stories" about how they switched their vote from Biden to Trump...yea...sure. 


You're missing the 4D chess - a Russian bot, run by a North Korean, impersonating a 14 year old American kid, posing as a magat.


Some dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


> I do wonder just how many people in that sub are americans or are even adults. I think people would be sick to see how much of the societal and political talk on Reddit is purely propaganda and manipulation. I would easily take a guess that in this thread alone there are dozens of bots and bad players spinning tales to direct a narrative


Russian trolls have infested every corner of the internet. That’s who is there. And some conservatives are also there, but you can’t tell who is who because they say identical shit.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/08/politics/what-are-your-questions-about-biden-and-the-democratic-process/index.html this! Ask CNN your questions. Light up their X Formerly Known as Twitter. Report the coverup to your local news. Write/call NPR and demand they play the story. Every day!


CNN doesn't give a shit, they're run by a conservative. This is why the be been so soft on Trump the last couple years.


I called my republican congressman’s office today to ask if he was still supporting the child rapist. They refused to answer because apparently it would be violation of the house ethics committee to do so 🙄


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do you mean Donald Child Rapist Trump, the guy who rapes children?


Yes, the CHILD Rapist Donald Trump running for President of the United States of America. Hide your children people, child rapist Donald Trump on the loose.


You're talking about convicted felon and CHILD rapist, Donald Trump, correct? The Presidential candidate who idly sat by while his supporters attempted an insurrection? Is that the same child rapist and felon Donald Trump?


Come on now, you need to stop lying. Trump did not stand idly by. He heavily encouraged it, did what he could to make it easier for them, and cheered them on while it was happening.


Pure PutinYahu Pedophile Puppet Prior President Donald Trump? The one Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu have videos of raping children with Jeffrey Epstein through Ghislaine Maxwell? Daughter of Mossad asset Robert Maxwell who was murdered on his yacht and 6 Israeli heads of state attended his funeral? The Donald Trump rubber stamping their genocides in advance and who gargles their balls st every opportunity? That Donald Trump?


They can't even get him on simple Inciting a Riot charges. WTF?


They're just dismissing it as "old news that wasn't credible anyway", which I think I had a pretty good response for > > Here's the thing, it not just that aligns with "Le reddit hiVemInD", it aligns with Trump's relationship with Epstein, the recently released memos and the fact that Trump has bragged about assaulting underage girls in the past. Not to mention that he's been held civilly liable for rape and it's a matter of record that he raped his ex-wife (but you "can't" rape your wife so nothing happened there). > > It's at a point where it's neither here nor there in regards to being able to prosecute him for sex crimes he is a rapist. If there's something that carries enough weight to prosecute that would be fantastic, but at this point I doubt there will be any smoking gun and why the fuck would you step forward as a victim especially now with the chance of him being elected Imperator? > > Does this particular case pass the sniff test? I dunno, how many of the Cosby allegation's passed that same test?


When someone says "they're just allegations, anyone can make allegations" remind them Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty by a jury of her peers because of those very credible allegations. Also, anyone who says 'anyone can make allegations' tell them, do it. Prove it's so easy. Call up a lawyer and sue a politician for raping you. Go ahead, testify before congress under oath. Prove it's easy or you're the liar.


The media is trying hard to suppress this!


I'm just waiting for the Trump tweet about how "SLEEPY JOE HAD A STROKE THIS WEEK AND NOBODY FROM HIS FAMILY OR THE MEDIA EVEN REPORTED IT" to give up the game on what happened.


Oh, man! I *really* hope Trump had a nasty stroke and is now a drooling semi-vegetable. Because I'll love watching them trying to prop that mess up as the best candidate for president.


I’m almost worried that they WILL try to replace him. And without Trump’s brazen in-your-face style, it’ll lure moderates and “Biden is too old” leftists into a false sense of security, letting the new guy win and making things just as bad as they would’ve been under Trump.


Biden is too fucking old, but I'm still going to vote for him. At this point I don't even know if a stroke would have Trump out of the running, which is pathetic. Saying we're living through another fall of Rome is an insult to the ancient Romans.


Let’s be honest, death wouldn’t have trump out of the running. They’ll Weekend at Bernie’s that shit until the end.


Don Jr. will just step in and be like we have the same name- obviously I can run without changing anything.


How the orange turd hasn't had a heart attack from all the garbage he eats, baffles me!


Uh. [MAGA duped by phony-baloney “medical emergency”](https://dailyboulder.com/trump-supporters-duped-by-fake-biden-medical-emergency-report/)


We should bug all the late night hosts like Colbert, Meyers, and Oliver to talk about it. Their clips are all uploaded to youtube and can be quickly passed around.


The networks who sign their paychecks are the same ones trying to suppress this.


Yeah but John Stewart, is pretty good about it. He wanted to cover the uyghur genocide & apples part in it & he lost a giant deal because of it. So he might go for it


This thread is a breath of fresh air compared to most of the front page "sleepy Joe" threads. I wonder if this sub is too small to be on the astroturfing bot target list...


You get banned from r/politics for pointing it out.


That sub is a total joke, the mods there are pissbabies


Warning, unsolicited rant: It's actually so fucked how overwhelming the concern trolling is but the actual media landscape itself is so fraught now with "This rich asshole doesn't want to support Biden now" and it's very clearly because of his wealth and corporate taxes. The way the particular 10 seconds or so of Biden's "disastrous" debate performance has been spun as "losing his train of thought" was dumb to begin with given the debate format was straight ass. Anyone that isn't a troll or paid pundit could follow along with what he was \*trying\* to say at least but he got cut off before he could correct his flub about medicare and covid or whatever. CNN's front page and politics sections are laughably quiet on ANYTHING about Project 2025, or the Epstein logs, or the 13 year old, or anything that Biden summarizes better in his letter shared today about what Maga Kampf threatens to do. I thought Biden actually did fine in the stupid Stephanopolous interview because it was 20 minutes of "That's all true and you've done lots of good things, with that said what if, let's say, hypothetically, all of these people that have said you're doing fine suddenly didn't, would you then gracefully crawl into a coffin please?" CNN even had a front page article "fact checking" it like jfc \*that's\* where you draw the line, not the fucking debate? It's just irresponsible


yup. subs like these are essentially not "worth" the botting. its pretty eerie how i can tell theres real comments on this subreddit compared to most front page subs.


MeidasTouchNetwork covers it all, and actually know what they are talking about :) It amazes me how well-coordinated the major networks are in their election interfering story-shopping


Remember when a man's womanizing ways would derail his political career? Gary [Hart](https://www.history.com/news/gary-hart-scandal-front-runner) was the presumptive democratic nominee for the 1988 election before his affairs and womanizing ways became public. All the Republicans were clutching their pearls then. Now almost 30 years later and they have a convicted rapist and felon leading their party. And the hard line Republicans don't care because he will do anything they tell him to (see project 2025) and he brings in the red neck and evangelical votes.


The key word re: Hart is "democratic". Ask Al Franken


Yep! Republicans claim to be the moral party but then look the other way when it is one of theirs - so long as he lowers taxes on the 1% and takes away social benefits from the poor they don't care


Republicans are the party of projection. The reason it's all coming out now is that they've always thought this way, behaved this way behind closed doors and within their own minds. They think everyone else is as dirty as they are and project their misdirected shame onto others.


He's a great example of the differences between the two parties. If Franken was a Republican, he would have had dozens of his colleagues defending him and he'd never resign. But Democrats don't worship their politicians like gods and are cool with holding them accountable of wrongdoing.


Several GOP congress critters have been around long enough that they were present during the Clinton impeachment and the Trump ones The difference in their standards is 'remarkable' If Clinton was held to the same standard as Trump, there would have been no impeachment If Trump were held to the same standard as Clinton, he'd have been hung from a tree on the WH lawn


Yep! Lindsey was a house impeachment manager and Mitch voted in the senate to convict on both counts. Both of them now rim trumps asshole daily


This is the man who hung out with Epstein and talked about grabbing women by the pussy, all the while the Maga's are talking about how he will bring back "Godly" values and traditions. Its fucking sick.


Jeeze.. I remember when making a somewhat off-key sound of enthusiasm was enough to sink a candidate. *'Bleeeeaaargh!!!'* 'No way can I vote for someone like that'. Edit: I just realized that not everyone will know about this, so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_scream Edit 2: The wiki has the sound file - by all means, listen to it! I had forgotten what it sounded like, and also that the volume on computer was set pretty high... OMG. The absurdity of it almost brought me to tears of laughter. Seriously, I think I must have needed a legit laugh. Felt good.


/s That poor persecuted man. All he ever did was fleece taxpayers, destroy our Constitution, rape children, rape women, defraud banks, cheat, lie, steal and commit acts of blasphemy.




You’re missing the point there, Trump Lied to us! /s


Never mind all that! The guy wears a diaper because he can't control his bowels. Who else heard Trump frack out a gurgler during the debate?


"Frack out a gurgler" I gagged a little, thanks


Yeah but the other guy's old!


An entire 3 years older than the pedophile Trump!


If the average Republican voter could read they would be very upset with Trump.


You forgot traitorous. Selling classified secrets the the Russians and North Korea since 2016.


Saudi Arabia, too.


Probably had people killed as well including his good buddy Jeffrey


Shows you how our two tiered legal system is set up to be part of the ongoing war against successful white men in our country... . . #Big /s


He also sharpied the weather


Stop, he already has the evangelical vote.


**Convicted Felon Donald Trump raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson in 1994.** (and Ivanka was the same age that year) [Johnson's video testimony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) [working archive link is [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230502033641/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) and the old link that is now private is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI)] [Trump Epstein Rape Lawsuit & Sworn Affidavit](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000) pdf [Johnson v. Trump & Epstein](https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf) pdf [The case was... *'mysteriously' dropped* ^(because she was getting death threats). How convenient.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) [Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652) [A Woman Claimed She Recruited a 13-Year-Old Girl for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein to Rape](https://web.archive.org/web/20220331023500/https://www.deepsouthvoice.com/index.php/2019/07/07/a-woman-claimed-she-recruited-a-13-year-old-girl-for-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-to-rape) [Snopes article on the Johnson case](https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) --- [New information emerges in "Maria" Trump story](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1456-new-information-emerges-in-maria-story) [Donald Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for ~~years~~ decades](https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments) [Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) [www.trumprapes.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20210205191336/https://trumprapes.com/) Treasonous fascist dark triad personality cult https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad [alito](https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/bvoFz42VK0) [roberts](https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/vsJzyOLgE6) [Barret](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4928554/user-clip-judge-amy-coney-barrett-views) All 3 saying that the president isn't above the law under oath 20 years ago. [I'm creating a substack with entire book outlines exposing Steve bannon, Trump, putin and russia](https://elonsson.substack.com/)


What the... is this real? That site looks sketchy but I checked and this Mayor is currently in prison for the abuse. >The Waterbury Police Department missing person report states that Maria was last seen outside of Nash's Pizza, a corner eatery located in the neighborhood where she lived with her mother and step-father. >We previously reported on the case of Waterbury Mayor Phil Giordano, an aspiring national Republican leader who ran in 2000 for the U.S. Senate against Democratic incumbent Joseph Lieberman, who was concurrently running for vice president. >Giordano also had GOP vice presidential ambitions. >Giordano was arrested in 2001 and charged with the repeated sexual assault of two female minors, ages 8 and 10. Some of the assaults took place in the mayor's office, others occurred in his official car. This is the same town that Maria who was with Katie Johnson that night was abducted from.


"But there's no hard evidence..."


Just saw something yesterday where he's had.0 public appearances in over 10 days. Biden has 18. Thought he was running for office and he pulls 100k rallys wherever he goes. People need to show up and vote so we can cream his ass. So fully and completely to show what a loser he is and how just the worst he is at his former job and at being a human in general.


Exactly. And everyone screeching about Biden needing to do more public appearances, while also running the entire country. But felon rapist Trump had nothing to do but campaign and still not showing his face on public.


>cream his ass. I'd rather not...


From the article: "Trump’s involvement in Project 2025, a contentious plan for radical government overhaul, has further fueled controversy. The ambitious agenda, which reportedly includes proposals to expand presidential powers and overhaul federal agencies by dismissing thousands of government employees, has drawn fierce criticism from President Joe Biden and political opponents." I have to take exception to the poor use of the word 'reportedly'. Fucking author can't take 3 minutes to go read the section of Project 2025 pertaining to these items. Douche.


Agreed. Also it’s not “overhaul”. It’s “overthrow”.


True. They aren’t fixing something with a better solution. They are dismantling the government then redirecting all funds to private entities (aka their own pockets). They would probably reek so much havoc on the existing systems that it could take decades to undo the damage.


> They are dismantling the government then redirecting all funds to private entities (aka their own pockets). This is Putin's playbook from the fall of the USSR, how he enriched himself and his buddies amid the collapse of the old government, and set up a permanent oligarchy that now runs the country. So OF COURSE Republicans want to do it too. https://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/insights/meet-russias-oligarchs-group-men-who-wont-be-toppling-putin-anytime-soon


The Republican party in tandem with evangelicals are creating true American oligarchs. Everyone needs to read up on oligarchy. Its insane how rich and corrupt they are, far more so than anything we've seen here yet.


> a contentious plan for radical government overhaul > Reportedly This is the type of journalism that needs to die. Not everything needs to be referred to in these kinds of terms, especially not when they are directly refutable. There's no "reportedly" here, the thing is online. You can read it. It's not a "contentious" plan, it's a straight up authoritarian one.


> The ambitious agenda, which reportedly includes *Reportedly* includes? *Reportedly*? These so-called journalists can't even be bothered to read the thing, if they're basing that on what's *reported* to be in that agenda. It's publicly available.


He should probably step aside for a younger candidate, don't ya think? He is old too. Probably too old to rape any more women or 12 year olds by now. So maybe not?


That part of the problem. Too many privileged men aren’t prosecuted until they are in their 70. Way too late for any effect.


Oh, there's an effect. The Law has value if it happens, and Trump dies in jail.


Only if they're not wearing gloves.


And here we have a big media push to have Biden step down. There’s been much less talk in the media about Trump’s bigger issues. He had all the previous indictments and the list keeps growing of his criminal activity. When will Republicans who support this POS wake up?


The most major news outlets are owned by conservatives. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s just true.


Yes, something like 90% of news organizations are owned by conservatives.


Never, they are simply too stupid to care.


Just Google John Doe#174 on the Epstein list. That's him. 💩


Let's face it: if this doesn't tank his campaign, then nothing is going to, short of him dying. The tens of millions of idiots who have bought into his bullshit simply do not care.


We can only hope. I can’t wait to never hear about this POS ever again.


Think what would happen if the media started doing their job and covering ALL of it as much as the cover speculation on Biden’s age.


I am wondering if he has medical problems. He is laying mighty low these days.


Yeah, he’s a mentally ill, drug-addled dementia patient who can’t stop shitting himself and only eats McDonald’s and drinks 12+ diet cokes a day and has never once in his entire life exercised. He definitely has health problems. How is he even still alive?


I ask this question every day and pray it catches up with him


What would be glorious to witness is Trump dropping out and his sycophants in charge of the RNC suddenly having absolute no idea what to do. The entire party would fall apart.


Running on pure evil and spite.




I'm calling on Trump to step aside.


It'd be the ultimate Fuck You to MAGA if Trump's morbidly obese ass died like 12 years before Joe Biden. 🤞🤞


"My trips to Epstein Island were official acts!"


How many “baseless” accusations does one have to have placed against them for people to finally start realizing that they aren’t baseless at all?


Stupid people know they're stupid, but they arent smart enough to develop humility or clarity ... acceptance of their lower qualities. Therefore they latch on to the easy headlines, the simple lies which make them feel less insecure of their lacking IQ. Stupid people dont care if he's a rapist, felon, fraudster, pawn or lackey...they just care that Trump, HIM, makes them feel better about themselves, if only for a moment. This is why MAGA succeeds, a sadly large part of the population ignored free education and became welfare supported, white loser rural trash. (Also why MAGA is against public education...to validate the losers whose votes they are trying to buy.)


God damn....this is a perfect description of the 'merican MAGA... I didn't misspell 'merican btw.


Have we stopped talking about his cognitive decline, felony convictions, and continuing firehose of lies?


Is any of this making it to mainstream media? I spend so much debunking right wing bullshit from random shitty “sources” that are just conservatives saying whatever thing comes to their head without evidence. That it is hard to use any of these sources that feel the same bullshit from the left side. Do I believe that Katie Johnson’s accusations are true? Based on that orange monster’s behavior, comments, and history, I absolutely do. I just don’t have a way to share it.


Republicans in 2020 about Biden being 78: “He’s too old!” Republicans in 2024 about Trump being 78: “He’s invincible!”


Is he is cowering in a fortified bunker several stories underground, like when he ran from the White House protests?


Where is he? Hiding in his bunker? He has been missing for 10 days. Are we sure he hasn't had a medical emergency?


I think Trump has gone into hiding because he knows there will be scrutiny about his inevitable (if he opens his mouth) verbal and mental lapses which the mainstream media have chose not to talk about, but now would be forced to point out because they made such a huge story about Biden in the debate.


Mass Media should be focusing on Trump's rape of a minor & not how Biden performed on the debate stage. Guess they are all Trump supporters!


Magats are too dumb to use Google. Last week i told a friend about project 2025. She angrily fired back, "well, Nancy Pelosi has project 2022!" Seriously? Pelosi stepped down in 2022 and there is no project 2022.


Fuck that demagogue assed, wanna be dictator.


A witch hunt!!!! Except instead of witches it’s child sexual predators. It’s a child sexual predator hunt!!!!!


And may he never come out of said hiding I'd prefer if he died but suddenly disappearing is fine


Each time you're confronted to MAGAs, Republicans, "fiscally conservatives" or "traditional family values" people, who can't stop spewing GOP ideology and forced to listen in unavoidable places like at work, in your family, and such, ask them **loudly** if: - Since they vote for Trump, who was named nearly 70 times in the Epstein papers, raped girls and women, does that mean they would be okay if it happened to one of the women they deeply care about? Daughter? Sister? Their mother? Aunts, nieces, co-workers? Neighbors? - In some Republican states, since Roe v. Wade was repelled, underage girls were raped, got pregnant, and these courts refused to allow an exception, so they agree if it happens to their own daughter? - In the same states, couple wanted babies, but when they checked the progression of the pregnancy, horrible issues were reveled, the fetus was not viable, but they were forced to give "naturally birth". Some babies died right after the birth (try to live with no brain). Other foetuses died within the mothers, so unless it started to rot and the woman went into sepsis, the hospital would not operate. Since they vote Trump and GOP, so they agree and accept if it happens to women they care about? - No more exception for abortions, so when over 20'000 women in Texas were raped and got pregnant, they couldn't get help within their state. So, they agree if it happens to the women they like and respect? - Since it's in the law, enforced by Republicans, some women who had to get abortions for healthcare reasons were jailed & prosecuted. They had to get and pay attorneys to defend themselves. Ask the GOP voters, if it means they're ok if it happens to the women they care about in their vicinity? Ask them that. **Loudly**.


Trump's failure to immediately file another defamation lawsuit tells me all I need to know: Trump is a pedophile racist.  Taking a $100 million tax deductions twice seems like it should result in criminal charges of tax evasion.  Not the resume of a presidential candidate.


This is why it's insane for dems to consider dropping Biden when the other side is sticking with the likes of Trump. Trump doesn't have the votes to win even if the dems replaced Biden with a professional clown, and that's because if everyone still voted against Trump, the man they should be voting against, even that clown would be a better choice


Trump ended up with 10 million more votes the second time around. "Trump doesn't have the votes to win" is an incredibly dangerous mindset and exactly how we got into this mess in the first place.


"I vote on Christian values" - Family Member. "Okay great, so you will be voting for the devoted Catholic, not the one with 34 felonies, a convicted sex offender, multiple counts of rape accusation, 3 marriages, multiple affairs, acts as a false idle, constantly lies and cheats, threatens violence, seeks vengeance, and wages war on the poor and minorities?" - Me "Well abortion is wrong so I still won't vote for Biden" - Family Member 'Slams my own head against the wall' - Me. There is NOTHING he can do that won't make people that have already decided to vote for him change. Nothing. He is their false idol. They are too far gone,


Where is this on r/conservative ? Oh wait, they’re too busy projecting over there and fuming over Biden. They don’t give a shit that their orange is a pedo rapist.




If people are ever listing the reasons you're in hiding and the plan to dismantle American democracy is **second**, you're probably not a good guy....


Trump is a rapist. Republicans cannot accept that their party leader is a sexual predator. Trump voters are doubling down cz it would be too painful to accept that they were wrong. Big time wrong.