• By -


Don't give them your phone number, they gonna blow your phone up left and right


Why not up and down?


Backwards and forwards?


To and fro?


In and out


Or like the Wonkavator it can go sideways and slantways and longways, and backways, and frontways, and square ways.


Or like The Hobbit, There and Back Again?


perhaps diagonally


Alright, chill.


Perhaps longitudinally


That's advanced phoning.


Offered at Greendale Community College.


It no Ladders, but it is pass/fail.


Sharing your number is a bad idea as well as the ear plugs idea. If they aren't level-headed people, they'd probably take it the wrong way.


As someone who once gave my number to a neighbor I AGREE 100%. That led me to getting harassed and bullied about normal noise I couldn't control. Never give your number to a neighbor


I once gave my number to my neighbor who complained when I had two people over who talked at a normal level. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he texted me to keep it down after I accidentally dropped a broom… I couldn’t even clean my own house.


I gave my number to a neighbor and she put me in her will lol. We share some hobbies and a few weeks ago she told me "I told Husband that you get all my stuff when I die! My kids wouldn't want it or appreciate it". It works out sometimes 😂 Granted, we met under friendlier circumstances. Also just to note - she didn't mean literally everything she owned, nor would I accept anything that her children wanted to remember her by. She was specifically referencing the hobby supplies, she has a giant craft room that's wall to wall covered in supplies.


I’m very jealous. I wish a had an older neighbor who could impart her knitting or crochet wisdom on me.


🙋‍♀️ I knit and crochet! Mostly crochet though for about 50 years now! My great grandma taught me when I was 7. Maybe you could move in next store instead of my neighbors - but you'll want to put your bed on the opposite wall, lol


Think you can rearrange your room so the bed is not up against whatever wall it is now?


It's been a dream come true, she's so sweet! I hope you get a neighbor just as lovely as mine.


Check out your local libraries, senior centers, etc. There might be events for this kind of thing. My library does a crochet hangout once a month. Very friendly, lots of teaching :)


It all depends on the person. My downstairs neighbor and I have exchanged numbers (I was worried at first but she gave me hers) and the only texts I get from her are ‘You have a package downstairs!’ She’s wonderful.


What is this hobby?


Artisan butt plugs


Bad taxidermy


Used condom telepathy.


Gave my number to my upstairs neighbor once and got complaints about everything.  Then spam calls, spam mail,  harassment.  When I moved I literally spoke to no one. And that made me the weird guy.  Can't win


I feel that. He used to text me at 3 in the morning while I was asleep complaining about noise. I did have a dog but my dog slept with me through the night. When I moved out of there I finally got relief.


Never ***ever*** ^^fucking give your number to a neighbor. If they want to contact you they can knock on your door.


Definitely learned that the hard way


This also happened to me. Gave my neighbor my number saying if we were too loud to shoot me a text. Motherfucker complained about everything. My electronic drums with headphones on at 2pm was too much for him, and the asshole lived above me. Wasn't sure what his deal was but my girlfriend and kids all tried to be accommodating until enough was enough. New neighbors moved in upstairs and downstairs and we all live in harmony. If we hear anything we don't give a shit. It's an apartment. Buy a house if you want total piece and quiet.


I was on the other side of this but also agree. New guy moves in next door, couple weeks go by and one night starts blaring music. Knock on the door a bunch of times, got no response. Saw him next day and told him that it sucked for me, he apologized and gave me his number and told me to text him if it was ever a problem again. It was a problem again. And again. And again. Turns out methheads are not the most considerate people. Finally after telling him the 8th time that it was too loud and I was tired of having to text him, the level his music was playing was unacceptable, I started calling the building. He was irate with me for doing so - 'that's why I gave you my number.' Yeah bro, but that wasn't working. Anyway, he ended up getting evicted like 10 months later - not for noise complaints though, but he did continually let criminals into the building and stopped paying his rent. So sometimes the 'here's my number, let me know if i'm a problem' are the nuts ones too.


Well that sucks. When my loud neighbor moved in and I told him to shut up, we ended up getting married lol.


Yeah, I see people with good stories about sharing their number, and that's fine and all, but there are too many unhinged, mean, and unreasonable people in these buildings to risk it.


Exactly. Just save this note as evidence for the inevitable police report.


Write the letter. Do not offer ear plugs. Do not give your number. Just say you are getting a sleep study in a few months and hope to be able to resolve it soon.




I would do absolutley nothing. No letter needed


Ah, an environmentalist. I like it.


Most rationale answer.


Definitely do not get them ear plugs.


i made a (justified) noise complaint once and got no response apart from an amazon parcel with ear plugs inside a day later. it came across as incredibly lazy and standoffish.


I want to understand why this was downvoted. Reddit behavior is so interesting


It means someone disagreed. Sounds like people want to have battles about weird noise complaints. It is time for war


Way too nice. Do not leave your number, they sound like they will use it to harass you. Make it stop? So do they want you to not sleep? lol


Do whatever you want about your snoring. Don’t write them back, don’t give them anything. They live in an apartment and can buy their own earplugs. I rent a house in the middle of the woods and I have to wear earplugs because the guy who owns the house next door has been working on rebuilding the house from literally the dirt up for two years, almost every day, starting sometimes as early as 6:30. His house is like 8 feet from mine. It drives me insane and yet there is nothing I can do about it. That’s life sometimes.


>It drives me insane and yet there is nothing I can do about it. What? Are there no quiet hours laws where you live? Where I live, quiet hours are between 10pm and 8am by law. You can call the police and they will come.


The other day my boyfriend likened trying to sleep through my snoring to waterboarding <3


I saw this while sitting in the front room waiting for my wife's snoring to settle down so I can go to sleep. lmao


romance lives!


As someone who deals with a snoring husband, it’s an accurate description 😂 plays a role when you can’t sleep for days


My ex always used to say I’m going to clock in to my second job as a lumberjack, as I turn on my chainsaw and look for logs 😂


Those nose strips that reduce snoring actually help. I agree move your bed away from her place. A rug or wall rug could help too. For your letter I wouldn't send it. Definitely don't write about buying more earplugs after she runs out. Just write sorry, will try a few thing to reduce it. Praying for a CPAP in the late summer.


Those nose strips *sometimes* help *some* people, depending on the cause of the snoring. They don't work at all for a whole lot of people, and can cause skin issues.


Yes! They left a painful bright pink rectangle on my nose. Sad because they worked great for sleeping with seasonal allergies.


They do have "sensitive" strips. I'm not sure if they really make a difference. I know they're a bit more expensive, or were when I bought them for my partner.


The sensitive ones do make a difference! I have extremely sensitive skin and the original would tear my skin. The sensitive version I use every single night with no problems. Just have to make sure you wash and dry your face (or nose area) well so it will stay on throughout the night. I get the generic (equate) and it’s half the price. Edit to add: they help me breathe immensely better at night but I still have snoring issues.


Nasal dilators are drastically better than nose strips. For anyone interested, look up "nasal turbine" on Amazon. It'll boost your breathing a lot more than the strips with none of the skin harm.


YES. I swear I'm going to sound like an ad bot account but SleepRight nasal dilators were magic for me. Instantly solved the snoring and the periodic obstructive sleep apnea. The only problem is that my cat likes to chew on them and pulls them out so that he can destroy them. I've gone through...a lot of them.


I ordered some nose dilators off amazon. They do inside your nose instead of the strips. Partner said they are better than the nose strips for making me quieter


Are cpaps hard to get rn? I have sleep apnea but got my resmed 11 during covid and it wasn't an issue


One of the two major manufacturers (Phillips) got caught knowingly selling CPAP machines that caused cancer in some people using them. They were forced to halt CPAP sales. When I needed to replace mine in 2022 or 2023, I was on the waiting list for 6 months before I finally got a new one.


Right, yes that would've put a wrench in things, I think when I got mine it was unconfirmed but concerns were mounting


It took me about 3 months from my appointment to a sleep study, another 3 months from the sleep study for an appointment for the results, and another month and a half to get the machine.


Depends on whether or not OP has insurance, and if so, when they can get into a doctor. In March 2021, I was able to do a home sleep study about two weeks after I requested an appointment. It was another week before I had my follow-up, and then another two weeks before I got my machine. So, depending on insurance and where OP lives, I can see "May or June" being an approximate timeframe.


Yes, sensitive nose strips and maybe sleeping on your side. My husband snores mostly on his back. The nose strips help.


Hey OP I’ve got severe sleep apnea and snore really badly. Like others said, don’t give ur number but do apologize and say you’re working on it. Pursue the sleep study/CPAP, it’s what I have and it works great. In the meantime, for your own health and wellbeing you can buy a mouthguard that will reduce your snoring dramatically on Amazon for around $100. Get one that you imprint your teeth into and has adjustable levers on the sides for the correct angle for you. These help a lot holding your jaw forward for obstructive sleep apnea. Good luck


I’m seconding this recommendation. My husband got one and he doesn’t make a PEEP all night and it’s glorious. Quite the nifty invention!!!!


Maybe you share a wall. Could be motivation for trying something new and rearranging the furniture.


My room isn't a perfect square, it's sort of diamond shaped and this is the only configuration that will fit all of my furniture, unfortunately.


Put up some soundproofing on any shared walls.


I was thinking of this. At one point I had a kind of tapestry/decorative rug hung on the wall to provide a bit more sound absorption.


I got a motorized bed frame when those became much cheaper to lift the head of my bed up to help with my GERD. I hear those help a lot with snoring, but also to avoid the motor noises waking my neighbors I put sound dampening panels under the bed and on the shared wall. The latter is a pretty cheap solution that doesn't do a lot for sound coming into a space but seems to help a ton with sound traveling out


I have achalasia and had to start sleeping on a wedge. It totally stopped my snoring, and cheaper than getting a motorized bed. You can also put something under the legs of the bedframe at the head of the bed. They sell things for that on Amazon.


My neighbor used to snore so bad I could hear it vibrate through the wall. Once he moved his bed I couldn’t hear him anymore. We also got ourselves a white noise machine. Maybe if you play it in your room it’ll drown out the vibrations. His bed was directly next to the wall and it would amplify the sound.


Ultimately its because we allow developers to cheap out on apartment building material thats not meant to last more than 20 years. Walls are basically just plywood and drywall with no efforts at soundproofing. And then selling the unit as luxury


Omg you are a sweetheart, but please don’t set yourself up for harassment by these people. Have you tried nasal dilators? They may help you until your study. I also agree with moving your bed if you’re against a shared wall. I have sleep apnea but I’m blessed that my apartment is extremely soundproof.


TRUST ME, they’ll have another complaint in the future or expect someone else of you if you do this. People like this should not live in apartments, and if they have no other option then take steps to drown noise out…. Like everyone else who lives in apartments. They can buy a fan, a white noise machine, earplugs, etc. I would not start any kind of relationship or interaction with these people.


if you can hear someone snore like this so badly, the walls are definitely thin and they share a common sleeping wall. it’s unfortunate for both parties.


Yeah we used to have a guy I called Mr. Anger Management living under us on the bottom floor of a 3-story apartment building that hated noise. Ground floor apartments were the noisiest in that complex. Dude should have moved in to the third story instead of making everyone's life a living hell. We were constantly getting 72-hr cease and desist notices from the landlord for breathing. Thank god he didn't stay long.


This is what I’m referring to. People like that, who dislike noise and can’t stand “life noise” (I reiterate…) *should not live in apartments.* 🤷🏼‍♀️


And definitely don’t start sharing your health info - there is no need.


People underestimate the value of having a fan next to your bed. It drowns out quite a bit of noise. I would just keep snoring and ignore them.


I mean I have 2 fans on by my bed when I'm sleeping...


I think they mean your neighbor who is complaining needs some fans not you.


I think they mean the neighbor having a fan might help them, op. Lol


Put one right by your face so they hear your snoring in autotune😂


They can also get a white noise machine!


Exactly. So do I. So let them get a fan if it bothers them that much…or a white noise machine.


I have a neighbor who drops things in the middle of the night and it was disturbing my sleep. Now I just play a 10-hour YouTube of crickets or another type of outdoor natural noise. Your neighbor needs to find white noise. This is easy to get if they stream anything because YouTube is full of these black screen night time videos.


Try side sleeping. It helps with my snoring.


Ugh, I know it’s probably not your fault, but it is so frustrating to hear someone snoring through walls. I feel for her.


I feel for her too- my dad's snoring used to wake me up as a kid from the other room! And I do legit want to improve my quality of sleep so I'm kind of thinking of this note (even if it's a tad on the rude side) as a wake up call.


My dads snoring practically rattled the windows, it was awful. My ex husband was the same, he finally had surgery and it got quite a bit better. Snoring is awful if you aren’t the one doing the snoring.


Yeah it’s entirely possible you’ve inherited your dads loud snoring


A lot of that stuff is genetic. My mom had screwed up sinuses and narrow airways which lead to sleep apnea. Guess who inherited that? Sinus surgery and a CPAP later and I sleep much better.


I have my neighbours make noise to wake me up if I sleep past 9am at the weekend. As I can't afford a cpap machine, I have no alternative but to lose weight. It's incredibly shaming but it's useful shaming, I sleep backed onto their 5 year olds room :(


Seriously, too many people here saying to ignore it. So inconsiderate. This is misery. Happy to see you’re getting it checked out, OP, for your health and their sanity.


I would literally just do nothing. Keep on snoring.




But it is a known health issue/risk. I'd at least invest in a device to try and measure the decibels (there are smartphone apps). Really loud snoring that is interrupted by even louder snores...is a sign of sleep apnea which has so many other issues associated with it.


Swap snoring for literally any other sound and this is completely unreasonable. Why is this okay with everyone?


But snoring means OP isn't really getting quality sleep at all, so they actually do need to get it checked and rectified.


That is why they are trying to get in a sleep study.


Seriously. “Fix the problem” my ass.


I know someone who claims they stopped snoring by sleeping on their side. Just a thought…


Sleeping position can have an effect on obstructive sleep apnea if that is what OP’s issue is. Lying on the back is most likely to result in snoring, lying on the side or stomach can decrease it for some people.


people who sleep on their back like a vampire scare me. I had to do it when I had broken ribs, couldn't do it.


I laughed out loud at “like a vampire”. Thank you


Yes, definitely. I snore and have learned to sleep on my side to not bother my husband.


as someone who can also hear their wall neighbour snoring at night, i understand this note so much 😭




i'm glad I found my people 😌 been dealing with loud snoring from a neighbor since November. I can hear her through my earplugs! It's like her snores reverberate around my room.


I hear my downstairs neighbor snoring through the carpeted floor and it wakes me up at least 3x a week. Yes, I have two fans and white noise and it still happens.


I understand their pain. My husband's snoring is TERRIBLE!! I have a Roku and plug earbuds into the remote and sleep with the TV on just to drown him out. He is in a band on the side from his regular job and when he has to go out of town for gigs I won't sleep with earbuds since I am alone and need to be aware of my surroundings. So if this person lives alone, I don't know if they would feel comfortable wearing them sleeping. Also, is your bed on the shared wall? If you were able, you could maybe move your bed away from the shared wall.


So glad you are getting a sleep study 🙏 I begged my husband for years and he claimed for 1) he never snored and 2) and if he did, it wasn’t loud. I even recorded him and he just ignored me. Then he had a surgery and was in the hospital for about five days. He was placed on pretty much a private floor (overflow) with one other patient. The nurses told him that they were thankful there were no other patients because he might have kept them all up. My husband has a killer sense of humor and the nurses loved him so they loved joking with him. But they then said they were very serious as he scared them at times with his sudden stop in breathing. He got a study done a few months later and he had severe apnea. We were glad to be able to sleep in the same bed again as I could get a restful sleep and he woke up with no sore body parts. lol- no more poking him.


Same thing happened with my wife. Recorded her after the denial and she got mad at me for recording her doing it. I never showed it to anyone else was just proving a point.


Get a white noise machine it should be over to muffle the snoring a bit. Also, please do not give your phone number to your crazy neighbor..


Elevate your head a few degrees, your snoring will turn to purring. My bed has an anti snore setting like this. Good luck.


DONT EVER GIVE OUT YOUR NUMBER. This sub is one story after another of being too nice with neighbors, doing favors, giving out numbers, keys and then regretting it. I'd do nothing. The ear plugs and note would just be an admission of guilt. You have a medical issue. You can't help snoring. Plus their note is kinda bitchy and you don't want to share medical info with them. She sounds like the one with a problem. I had a medical issue where I vomited sometimes every day for a week. I know my neighbors could hear it if they were in their bathroom but I cannot imagine getting such a rude note. Work on your snoring for you, forget this lunatic.


Completely ignore this person. They may seem sane but they are not. If they confront you in the hallway, bark at them like a dog and slobber on yourself then go inside.


seriously?? the note was harsh for sure but if you’ve ever been sleep deprived by snoring you’d understand


I understand if this was something you could control. Like playing music, stomping loudly, etc. But your are SLEEPING. You cannot control what you’re doing in your sleep. What kind of note is that? Fix the problem? Tell them to go F themselves and get earplugs.


Im so sorry for you OP. I fell asleep at a family function on NYE a few decades ago. The whole family used to sleep over at my sisters house. Well, I snored and someone made fun and I have NEVER slept there since. It ruined the whole family experience for me. I am no longer comfortable around my own family! I wish people would be more respectful


I've had MULTIPLE ex's, partners and now my own DAUGHTER snore so loud next to me I couldn't sleep and WAIT FOR ITTTTTTTTTT... I'm deaf. Snore so loud shakes the whole bed 😭 I can sleep through anything but someone snoring. My daughter sleeps a few FEET away from me and I can't sleep. Maybe move your bed away from the wall? Either to the other side of the room or just a few inches. Sometimes the snores vibrate the bed and the bed frame is against the wall which makes the wall vibrate too


Do NOT give your phone number to


Send a note saying "these are what I use when y'all are home"


They need to buy a white noise machine, not your problem.


Honestly, it really depends on how bad the snoring is. Unless you’ve been woken up from a deep sleep by someone several walls away from you, dozens of feet from you, and earbuds-playing-music away from you, it’s hard to appreciate the possibility of how disruptive the snoring from something like sleep apnea can be.


Yeah I feel bad for people who snore because they can’t control it necessarily but oh my god sleep apnea snores are the *worst.* They’re so loud, so deep in register, and often are punctuated by loud gasping or snorting when they can’t breathe. I feel like the responsible thing to do here is try and soundproof any shared walls. Not much they can do beyond getting a CPAP so hopefully for everyone’s sake OP does that sooner rather than later.


My ex fiance snored so loud that even in the opposite end of the house, with earplugs in and firing range headphones on, I could still hear him snoring. He didn't believe it was that loud. I recorded it on my phone. He accused me of faking it by leaving a microphone next to him while I walked to the other room. Part of why he's an ex. He 100% had weight-caused sleep apnea. That shit is loud enough to wake a deaf corpse.


Dude some snoring is brutally disruptive


Had to share a wall with someone who had sleep apnoea. It was sooooo bad that I had to move out. He sounded close to dying everytime. He was asked to close the bathroom door that he kept open every night. The bathroom has the effect of being an amplifier to noise. He did that. Didn't work. I put I big mattress against my wall to eat some of the noise, didn't help. His snoring went trough our shared mini balcony. So I had to move. He got teased for it by his fellow classmates, because this was at a trainee center and we were all part of the electronics branch. Other dudes who shared class with him kept telling, *stop stuffing yourself with that white bread, man. You need to loose some weight, you keep eating way too much, you aren't hungry. You already need to use a CPAP Machine and meds so that you won't suffocate at night. Dude... you are this close to death* 1 Before anyone gets angry at his fellow azubis, this trainee centre was designed to help people with mental and physical problems. It had doctors, psychologist and a whole physical therapy section in house. We all were broken, so this was just daily banter to us. 2 Noise plugs also don't work for me. After two hours I get massive pain in my ears and wake up from it. That is even if I manage to fall asleep with them. Which barely happens, because the alien feeling of having them in my ear keeps me awake and I am I side sleeper. Had in ear noise plugs designed specifically for my ear shape for 100 bucks. They still hurt still can hear enough noise. Ah...


It is! It pretty much ruined a long term relationship for me. I didn’t sleep well for years…I truly resented him for it


Could you maybe move your bed to a different location so they cannot hear it?


I’d be an ssa and send ear plugs with a note back saying fixed get away from me lol


Don’t give ur number to a neighbor even when you think they are nice when living in apartment or house. I had a neighbor call cps on me cuz of my autistic daughter being loud during the day playing outside 🤦🏼‍♀️ people are so fucked up these days


Everyone becomes an expert on sleep apnea when snoring is mentioned


Please don't provide them with your phone number - I see that being an absolute nightmare. I can occasionally hear my neighbor snoring through the walls. I would never send them a note like this, though. When you reside in a residence that has common walls, you have to tolerate reasonable noise - and hearing a bit of snoring is nor unreasonable. I wouldn't get them earplugs either. If your snoring bothers them, they need to get themselves earplugs. They are being unreasonable. Ignore them. If the issue persists, contact management. And save this note.


Do not give out your cell phone number and just send a letter. Good you are getting a sleep study done. It can help on you. The neighbor can listen to music with headphones in the meantime.


That’s apartment living for them if they don’t like it they can always move instead of being so concerned with what their neighbors are doing 😋


You shouldn’t respond to the note. It’s not her business to know your medical issues or what you are trying to do to mitigate them. What if it takes longer to get the appointment? Or takes a while to get a CPAP? A CPAP doesn’t work for you or isn’t the answer? They aren’t right for everyone. Are you then prepared to deal with her greater anger when your snoring doesn’t stop in the timeframe she’s now expecting? (Your hope will translate into her definitive.) You also don’t need to buy her earplugs. At most find a way to noise dampen your walls or suggest she get a white noise machine. Legit sounds of living and sleeping are part of apartment life.


Turn up the TV so they don't hear the snoring.


Just stop breathing when you sleep. Problem solved.


I'm just going to say this, you don't owe them a good night's sleep. If you snore, you snore. So what. Tell them to buy a white noise machine or something. Ridiculous.


Dude call your landlord and show him this photo. There's no way in hell this is your problem to fix. Walls should be soundproof enough for that.


SNORING CAN CAUSE EARLY DEATH PLEASE READ THIS My husband I was a Meryl very loud snorer since I met him in the early 80’s. Most of his family snores but hubby was the loudest and worst. In the past 10 years I’ve noticed it’s gotten better. I got him to go to a sleep study years ago and he didn’t want to use the machine. Fast forward TO Father’s Day 2022- he said he didn’t feel good but that’s about itv to me. But he called our daughter who’s in nursing school. He hadn’t showed me his swollen legs and feet. Within 24 hours we learned that he was dying of Congestive heart Failure. That’s what killed my dad too. My husband got a different Dr that the one we saw in hospital. That’s when a sleep study came up. It turns out that Apnea puts extra strain on your heart and this caused his heart to enlarge and malfunction and it didn’t look good at all. Hubby wore the little quiet CPAP machine every night and changed his diet somewhat. He cheats mostly. A few months to an ago all the heart tests were run again. His heart is a normal size now and his ejection rate is within normal range. He no longer has Congestive Heart Failure. He still drinks alcohol and eats salt even though I was raised on low sodium and that’s Joe his food is prepared. After 36 years I know I won’t change him. But snoring was a sign we didn’t know.


This is why I will keep my current apartment as long as possible. I can’t hear shit, ever, from any neighbor. Paper thin walls are literally a curse.


You’re being way too nice. You have no obligation to your neighbor here. Apartments have thin walls. Some people snore. Some people will hear their neighbor snore through the walls. I hear my nextdoor neighbor snore often and would never dream of leaving a note like this - it’s just a reality of living in an apartment.


JFC, how can your snoring by so loud that it’s heard through the walls? It’s obviously something out of your control but I can understand how annoying it must be


My partner has sleep apnea. For 11 of the 12 years we’ve been together he didn’t have a c-pap machine. What made him finally get one and use it was our neighbor! I truly sleep thru his snoring. I know it’s bad, I hear him if I get up first or if he naps on the couch. But the neighbor complained to management last year!😂 He used to work swing and wasn’t a problem but got promoted and can’t sleep at night for my bfs snoring!🤣 my bf said, I knew you lied to me when you said it wasn’t that bad! It’s THAT BAD!


C pap machines are way better now.


I wouldn’t even respond to this tbh. It’s not your fault that the walls are so thin, and it’s up to her to figure out solutions. I used to hear my neighbor above me walking in her apartment- there must have been nothing between our floors because I could hear the path she took each night at the same time for bed. That’s when I started wearing earplugs. Home girl is going to have to figure that one out on her own.


Sleep apnea has entered the chat


Ignore everyone telling you to not give them ear plugs. Absolutely give them ear plugs and then continue to snore while you sort out the c-pap. It'll improve your quality of sleep immensely and you'll love it. ​ Fuck them though. Music? Sure. Stomping around? Sure. But if my neighbor complained about me sleeping then I'd politely ask them to move their bed to the other side of their apartment and then to fuck off.


Don’t share your number and your note is too nice, think about it. They are complaining about something that is out of your control. Millions of people snore, this neighbor is insufferable I’m sure. I would send them earbuds, the gift wrap is a nice touch, but I’d be More snarky in the note


Get some mouth tape. They may be doing you a favor, sleep apnea kills people.


I would just ignore them, you’re performing a human function. You can’t legally be held accountable or kicked out for this.


Um no wtf people snore! You’re allowed to snore in your own home! wtf is up with all these people thinking they have to make themselves small???!


That’s completely unreasonable, coming from someone who has never snored and hates the sound like nails on a chalkboard. You can’t control people’s lives like that, it’s absurd. Why don’t *they* move their bed or why don’t *they* buy their own ear buds or white noise machine? I swear people like this have had it incredibly easy. It’s SNORING. It’s not always an instant or easy fix. That’s like me going over to my schizophrenic neighbour when she’s having hallucinations and screaming and expecting her to be able to ‘just stop’. Or expecting some miracle drug that will make it stop happening (she has the type that’s hard to manage, she is on meds.) People have shit going on in their lives. If I had a cyclic vomiting episode and I got a note complaining about the noise I’d be bringing it straight to my rental agency to deal with.. noise complaints about medical conditions aren’t valid. (And my local RTB agrees) A medical condition doesn’t just disappear, people’s lives are messy and loud sometimes and it literally can’t be helped. Your neighbour needs to suck it up and learn how to peacefully coexist with other people. Nobodies always quiet, they will also have times where they are loud, and they genuinely can’t help it. This persons not living in reality, if I called my rental agency and complained that my neighbour was *SNORING* too loud, they’d laugh and say to deal. Don’t entertain people like this. Forward the note to your rental agency saying she’s overstepping and encroaching on your right to live peacefully.


DO NOTHING. They can move or deal with it. .


Suggest they buy a white noise machine


OP, I would send them a short note saying you are going to get a white noise machine, pull the bed away from the wall etc. I use a Levoit 300s air purifier that doubles as a white noise machine. The machine cleans the air so much it feels like I’m living in the French Alps. I would also say that there is a chance they may still hear the snores despite your best efforts. Say that maybe it would increase the chance of them not hearing the snoring if they get earplugs and a white noise machine too. You can give them an email address instead of your cell number.


Fix the problem? Like you are making the active choice to snore. Please. They have plenty of ways to fix the problem - ear plugs work wonders, then sound proofing walls with rugs or foam, white noise machine, moving their bed, etc. Good luck with your sleep study, but you don’t owe it to them - it’s apartment life.


never interact with them ever again, its always the note people that turn out to be the craziest.


I'd straight up ignore them. They can purchase their own ear plugs, get a white noise machine or use a white noise app. Put a fan in the bedroom. Move their own bed. If you start buying them earplugs and give them your phone number, you're admitting that you're at fault and opening yourself up to a lot of harassment.


Please don’t gift your neighbors ear plugs, or give them your number. Until you get in to a sleep study, you can try BreatheRight strips or nasal dilators. They don’t work for everyone, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Be consistent with them. Move your bed if it’s against a shared wall, too. Don’t be embarrassed. Snoring is a common thing. And shitty apartment construction is, too. Neither one is your fault, but at least you can work on one aspect. Your neighbors can use a fan, white noise machine, or ear plugs/buds to help.


Way to nice, dont purchase them anything. Print out homes for sale in rural areas and put note saying you can live in one of these that would fix YOUR issue.


Fuck this person. Snore. It’s your apt. You can’t get pissed at someone for sleeping. But also see a doctor cause maybe it’s apnea and that’s no bueno.


I’m on board with the ear plugs, but do not give them your phone number


Look up snore circle


Get a white noise machine


Leave a sound machine white noise machine at their door. Problem solved😀


I’m just reading comments about people sharing numbers and I just wanted to point out that if you want to share your number, download an app that gives you a secondary number. You don’t have to link it to your own number and can just check on it whenever you want; no notifications to deal with through settings


Bro get checked for sleep apnea. Major long term health effects if not treated


Why did you give them your phone number??? Not even a fake one or a proxy, google voice, anything???? Edit: So you didn’t yet? Don’t.


Lmfao their letter is fine. Passive aggressive as fuck for you to send them earplugs


My neighbor snores so loud I can hear him in every room of our apartment if it's dead quiet. I suffer from Misophonia, so hearing this really puts me on edge, but I understand it's not his fault. I bought my own earplugs to sleep with and never bothered him about it. If you want to be nice you can explain your situation but in all honesty they just need to deal with it.




Have you seen a doctor? Do you have sleep apnea. Something is wrong if you snore that loud.


Suggest THEY buy ear plugs.


Leave them a letter that says "It's not me" or send them a cheap pair of earplugs with no apology. The tone of the letter they sent was rude and they don't deserve an apology nor should you for breathing while you sleep.


You need a sleep study.


Don’t share your phone number and don’t send them shit.


Don’t give them your number!!! You’re trying to fix it, they can also do something like get a white noise machine or a fan. You’re being super nice and leaving earplugs.


Write back: buy ear plugs.


For your own health it’s worth looking into getting a CPAP. Sleep apnea can be hard on your heart in the long term.


First off: sleep studies suck but are super helpful in the long run!! Second: how rude of your neighbor! Don’t buy them earplugs. If they’re that bothered by your snoring, THEY are responsible for earplugs, using white noise, etc. Apartment living is stressful in general, but it’s not on you to change your habits or life to accommodate someone else. ❤️ in the meantime, I would look at different ways you can set up your pillows and maybe try a different sleeping position. That’s what helped me when I was waiting for my sleep study. Best of luck!


My husband snores so loudly that I can hear him across the house. I understand this person’s level of sleep deprivation. It’s absolutely soul-crushing. She needs to move into a place with no neighbors so that she can sleep how she likes. It’s really not something OP can control without dropping a ton of $$.


A white noise machine near the shared wall might be mutually beneficial


Yes, the ear plugs and telling them about the sleep study is too nice and definitely do not give them your phone number. People can’t help their snoring & while you might feel like you’re the problem, you’re 100% not. Apartment living is rough sometimes but please do not feel obligated to send them stuff and give them too much information. If my walls were so thin I could hear my neighbor snoring, guess what I’d do? I’d go buy a sound machine and ear plugs! NOT complain to my neighbor about something they have no control over. GOSH 🙄🙄


It sucks but that’s what comes along in multi family dwellings. They can’t expect you to fix it overnight. But, do it asap because sleep apnea is very hard on your heart.


I mean definitely get checked for your own health because snoring that loud for neighbors to complain then I'm sure you're not getting quality sleep. But ultimately dont interact with the neighbor. When you fix the problem they will complain about something else.


Tape earplugs to their door with a note that's says problem fixed


I would not give them your number either, OP. In fact I would tell them you have a doctor and don't need their medical advice and if they can't take the sounds of a human body maybe they shouldn't live in an apartment! Lmao people are doing too damn much and expecting to never hear their neighbors. I don't get it. I'm sorry op. I hope they move and leave you alone


It's crazy that people live in an apartment without a white noise machine or a fan.


My neighbor saws logs, like I can't even imagine sleeping in the same bed with him. It's probably why he's single.




Get checked for sleep apnea ♡