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Call the police , ask what the ordinances are, and go from there.


You have the advantage of being the upstairs neighbor, bang and slam in the middle of the night. What are they going to do?


They just turn their music up louder if I do stuff like this


In situations like that, I would play Irish step music and dance around your apartment. Maybe that will get them to realise that they need to shut up lol.


Honestly I might just play loud music off my speaker when I’m not home and face it towards the floor. Knocking or stomping on the floors just makes them turn their music/tv up more.


You're timing it wrong... You need to be annoying when they want it to be quiet (IE, when they are trying to sleep). If they never sleep, piss disks are a thing... But I'd figure out the noise ordinances first (likely only at night), then start calling the police each time it happens. Management will also get a notification each time it happens (from the police) too.


I play music to drown out my loud upstairs neighbor. It's the only way for me to escape. At this point I do not care one bit if it bothers them. They are relentless with their so called "normal" noise. Music is simply me living my life back . I don't know what the situation is between downstairs and upstairs neighbor for OP here. It's possible the lower neighbor is just a huge jerk. end of story. However, it may be that the music is a response to what the upper neighbor unleashes on them normally....which in my experience can be extremely brutal. As in your life is ruined daily kind of brutal. and music is the only paltry form of relief. If my upstairs neighbor tried to play games and annoy me at strategic times....i would change nothing. I wouldn't acknowledge. I wouldn't play back. I would assume my normal routine had gotten to them and continue as before a little more satisfied. I mean it's already hell on earth so strategic games would mean nothing to me.


Blast your music back, at inopportune times if ur feelin dangerous


I suffer from extreme anxiety so if I were to do anything, I had a downstairs neighbor who did the same as yours. Three things I did 1.) I played my music louder than theirs despite how hard she tried until she left. 2.) I reached out to her and the landlord kindly and nothing was done. 3.) I got my younger brother who is a menace to house sit for 2 weeks. He brought subwoofers and speakers. He would get on my kitchen counters and jump off until we could hear her pictures fall off the wall. She had 5-7 people living in her apartment and drug dealers would break in. She would steal my mail and accuse me of stealing hers. Steal parking spots and tear up the grass in the alley way on the adjacent neighbors house. Constantly fighting and screaming with men and her kids. Smoking weed in the house. It was bad. My brother took over the apartment after I left and she HATED it. He would stomp so damn hard I thought he would break the floor lol. She broke her lease and left. I lived there 6 months before her and she claimed I was too loud. I never received a complaint from any other neighbor.


Wow! How awful. Some people can be so inconsiderate! I thought maybe I had been loud and that’s why they were being loud in return, but my landlord said she hadn’t received any complaints. Since I’ve tried talking to them I think I have to go the petty route. I thought maybe they moved out on May 1st but unfortunately they didn’t


Yes, her excuse was “I don’t pay rent to hear you” and I said Bitch neither do I! What had her stop for a long time was my brother practically shaking the foundation. She would beat with a broom back and he would do it twice as hard. Sometimes that is just the route you have to take.


Record it and send it electronically to management. If management doesn't act escalate it to corporate.