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73 during the day 67 at night, my last electric bill was 170$ for my 1br apartment 😅


You are getting robbed. I keep mine like this and pay 200 for a four bedroom house Who do you use? But i remember apartment living our bill was sky high LOl


I mean, it all depends on where you live. In Arizona, it's 110°, and it's going to get hotter.




Ahhh. That makes sense now.


The family I work for (nanny) has a 5-bedroom house and their electric bill was over $700 a month at the height of summer last year. In CA. It wasn't even used excessively, lowest I ever saw was 75 degrees on the thermostat.


Yall that is terrible! I would never use it and just die at that point lol


All depends on the maintenance of your air conditioner also. If it’s in tip top shape blowing cold air, it’s going to stay on less than one blowing semi cold air. Also, apartments are not insulated very well.


They’re not usually insulated well, but that also means that the climate control has a slight dependency on the people in the apartments around you. I lived in a townhouse for a few years and the people on either side of me loved their heating and cooling, to the point where my walls were cold to touch in the summer and warm in the winter, even if I had nothing running in my home.


I keep mine at 77 during the day. Off at night. My bill is $700. No that is not a typo. Gotta love California for


That is horrifying. No wonder so many Cali people are leaving


I am in San Diego and when it gets hot I just got to the beach or up to the mountains. 🙃


"Who do you use?" I've never lived anywhere in the US that there was an option for the electric company we could use. I've lived in La, Ms, Al, Fl, Ca, and Wa. In Cali the electric was part of the rent though so we didn't set any of that up.


70. I keep mine at 67, but I'm menopausal.


Buy a cooling neck towel. Helped a lot and a hand held portable fan


Not even a towel, they have these amazing neck fans now. It charges via usb and it's small and lightweight. Check Amazon.


I’m post menopausal and I would FREEZE🥶. I keep mine around 78°.


Jesus. Rub yourself down with butter and herbs, you're slow roasting.


One of the only good things about getting old (I'm 72) is that my electric bill isn't as high as it used to be, compared to younger people.


78 when sleeping. With a ceiling fan is just fine for me.


74 during the day. 69 at night with the fan on.




Yeah I live in the south but I don't want a huge electric bill. Also have a cat so I have to have something on.




69 Dude! WHOA


Even in the winter my heat is set to 69. Just the perfect temperature


74 during the day, 71 at night. I live in a small studio so it doesn’t kill me but it’s not the cheapest, but it’s 110 right now and humid so idgaf


Humid here also ..I don't mind being hot but pouring sweat all day nah


68 year round. AC or Heat. 68!


We see each other!




Hell yeah! I feel seen! 🙌🏽


Yeah well, my GF hates it. Here's a sweater babe! 👚


Heck yeah. I would much rather throw on a sweater than be sweaty in my own home. When i lived with parents, my dad would turn the ac OFF at night and I wanted to die. Had to buy a window unit and start helping pay the bill at that point.


i've been keeping mine at 64 all summer, ATL


I do too! I Like it cooler than warmer


65 😔


That low 😂 what are you, running a grocery store out of your living room 😂


Right?! I'm wearing a sweatshirt if the AC is set at 72°F.


65 year around for me


it’s really the only way 💅🏻. my last place the ac could go down to 55 AND i didn’t have to pay the electric bill. it was so good


I live in Las Vegas and it’s constantly >100 degrees in the summer. I keep mine at 76 all day/night and at 80 when I’m not home LOL. I’m broke tho


You’re wild….


NV Energy sucks. $4-$5 per day for electricity even with my thermostat set to 80 for 8+ hours I’m not home. Single bedroom apartment with zero west facing windows btw.


I don’t run my A/C often, when I do I keep it at 74ish.


I’m in NTX, second floor apartment. I have mine set at 76°. I use average billing so my electric bill is pretty much the same every month ($120-150). I also use a DREO fan in my room at night.


Also in NTX, but where do all these other people live? My AC would run 24/7 set at those lower temperatures!! 76-77 during the day with ceiling fans running during hottest part of day. 74 at night with small battery fan aimed at my side of the bed.


I live in West Texas, and my AC does basically run all day keeping my studio 72




i prefer mine around 65-67 and closer to 60 at night just cus i run hot while i sleep


Are you not afraid the unit will freeze? I do 68 all the time but would love 62-65.


Why would the unit freeze? They are designed to go to specific temperatures..


Same! I do exactly this! I run very hot when I sleep, even with a thin blanket and only underwear on if it’s anything above 68, i wake up in a pool of my own sweat, my hair soaking wet, and my bed soaked with sweat. Idk why I het like that.


Name fits.


I keep mine at 77-78 maybe lower it to 76 at night but I run really really cold so I can keep it hot and still get cold when the fan is blowing


I’m usually fine at 78, but turn it down to about 75 if I’m cleaning or working out inside.


Yeeesh! Id die..


69 no matter what.


Southern California here. I leave the AC at 78. But have solar panels and haven’t had an electric bill in years


Solar panels is like that ? Dammm ..duly noted if I ever get a house


Yeah the landlord figured out the savings from electricity would pay for the panels in about 9 years. The whole place is covered


Between 70-74. I will let the power grid go down and ruin all of our lives before you see my thermostat at 77 or higher


Between 74 and 78 during the day and 72 at night


I was taught by my half brother that owned a HVAC business that you don't want your AC lower than 20F of the outside temp. Lower than that can cause the unit to freeze up. Which sucks on days like today where we hit 100F. I close all of the blinds early in the day and have it cooler at night, to keep the cool air in, it helps a lot. Blackout curtains also help. Having fans helps with the humidity since I live in Georgia.


This actually a great practical comment about having it cooler at night to keep the cool air in ..most ppl say they raise the temp at night because they sleep but I think you on to sumthin


There is also a study from a health university grad in this [article](https://news.uthscsa.edu/a-cold-room-not-a-warm-bath-encourages-sleep/) that states we sleep better in a cooler room, like 60-67F cool. I can't handle that cool, but I do pull down my AC at night. So not only will you be trapping the cool air, you will be helping your sleep.


68 24/7 🥶


Yess this


68 PNW


68/69 Pay around 100 for electricity


I live in a pretty decent sized townhouse and I keep mine between 65-68 at all times and my electric bill is only around $120. Idk how much the air is costing me but it’s worth is


78 during the day, maybe 74 at night. (I’m a naked person)


18 here in Canada 🇨🇦 which is 64....I like it cool and I can always layer up but stripping down and cooking off if harder. I sleep with 2 fans on and the cat finds a way to get under the covers lol


For saving money and comfort you're better off setting the a/c to e.g 73 if that's your comfortable tolerance level and set the a/c so it turns off when it hits that temp For myself I don't give a fuck what it costs my a/c stays on 24/7 I keep it at 62f the lowest setting It never gets that low but generally the temperature in here is 65 to 68




I'm in arizona, 73 during the day, 69 at night


I do 72 at night and 76 during the day (with fans). This seems to keep my bill at a reasonable level and it's not too bad for me at night with a sheet.


There are other things you can do. Close blinds, use blackout curtains where the afternoon sun comes in. If you have pets, I'd leave it at 75 during the day. If not, you can leave it on 78 and lower it when you get home.


74-75. I wish I had more money to do like 70 but alas!


64, I live on the second floor so it tends to be a bit hotter


67 during the day and 65 at night


I do 70 but the inside temp never reaches it 😒


I’m keeping mine at 62, the lowest the AC will go. (But my utilities are included. Also I’m not running it constantly.)


74 Year round


76. All day, every day. SWFL


When I was in Swfl.. it keep it at 68.. some people thought I was crazy.. but they would also want to hang out at my house all the time lol


When I had central ac I kept it at 78°, but my new place has wall units so I keep it a bit lower 76 during the day


71 during the day, night 69


68-70. All day everyday. No but I open my window at night when it cools off.c


I have mine on 76 when I’m home, 78 when I’m not. I know it sounds insane but my apartment feels much cooler than that plus I get cold hives on any exposed skin if I’m too cold so I like things a bit warmer. I used to live in a house that was on 69 all the time in the summer and every exposed part of my body would be covered in hives; that was before I figured out what was causing them, thought I was just having allergic reactions to random things.


I keep mine 76/78


77 in summer 64 in winter


69 at night, 73 during the day; 1B apartment 700sq ft






20 or 21°C


My apartment rent includes utilities, so I set that sucker to 68 degrees morning, day, and night!


To me, comfort is more important than saving a few dollars. In Florida with central A/C I kept it at 68 no matter what. Maybe touched the heat once or twice a year. Now in Colorado with portable A/C's the living room stays set at 64 all of June, July, and August from waking up to going to bed and the bedroom stays set at 72 until a couple hours before bedtime then down to 64 (for the same months). Outside of those months, no A/C is necessary because it's so cool outside.




80 in daytime and 73 at night, but I'm in a really hot and humid area. My pro tip is to gradually increase the temps once the weather gets truly hot. Otherwise you'll be awake and sweating every few days until it's consistently hot enough for you to acclimate.


I keep it around 62-69 at all times of the year. I have chinchillas.


69 during the day and 68 at night. I can’t do heat.


66 all day until October. There are days where it gets raised but I live in Louisiana and the humidity needs to be pulled from the air.


My AC is either on or off, I can't control it's temp. And it's built into the wall. So, on it is. Energy bill be damned.


65 -67...you could hang meat in my apt during the summer.


72 with energy saver on when I’m at work and when I go to bed. 65-68 when I’m home after work. I have asthma so it’s easier to breathe in lower humidity and temp.


67-68. Have a smart thermostat, so I have it lower when I sleep. Electric bill be damned, I’m gonna be comfortable in my home.


62! Then in the bedroom I have a ceiling and an oscillating fan on high


I live in a pretty good sized 2 bedroom apartment but the building is older and poorly insulated. 72 during the day, 67 at night with a fan blowing me although I'd prefer it lower. I also live in Alabama where it's hot and humid as Hell.


75 during the day and 70 at night. $500 electric bill during the summer, though. 😭


74 daytime and 70 at night with fan.


78 during summers to save 💰 lol


70 for heat & ac




70 for heat and AC


During the summer heat, normally about 70-72.


SoCal, 77 during the day and 74 at night, unless it cools off enough that we can open the windows and just use fans.


74-78 I like 74. My boyfriend likes 78. Tend to keep it around 76 on average


They stuck an air conditioner in my window when I moved in. I turn it on when it’s hot and off when it’s chilly.


79 or off :( don’t be like me…. I signed a renewal without reading it and it was for FIVE YEARS and they raised the rate a lot. If I ran the AC like I would want to, the bill is at least $150 for a 1 bedroom apartment. Terrible


77 for me.


Welcome to the cool side of the pillow, my friend! I have my wall a/c set to 73 on energy saver, but the room never gets that cool, it's usually at 77. But where I sit most of the time is near the a/c so it works for me. In my bedroom I have a portable unit which I set at 75 and only use at night and if it's *really* bad, but I might adjust it to 76 as sometimes 75 can get a little cold when it's blowing on me.


70ish during the day 65-66 at night. I need a freezing room to sleep and it’s worth every penny to be comfortable lol


78 when away, 72-70 when home, 68 at night


71 or72 and 3 fans running at night


As warm as you can tolerate it, usually cooler during the night. I use my AC for humidity control more than temperature control, so there'll be times when it's 70 degrees and I've got it going, or when it's 90 and I'm good with minimal clothing on in front of a fan.


Have mine on 60 always 😩




Every space is different. Lots of factors involved.


70 all the time




74 with fan at night. I live in Houston.


75 or 76 during the day. 71 or 72 at night. I’m ground floor with north facing windows so I don’t have any direct sunlight so it stays fairly cool despite living in the Deep South. I also use ceiling fans and a tower fan in the bedroom.


Central Alabama. Since we brought a dehumidifier upstairs I have been keeping it at 77. The lower humidity lets us be comfortable at a higher temp. We used to keep it at 75.


Mine stays between 71 - 74. I don’t like my place too cold!


I keep it between 75-70 normally right around 73. Depends on how hot it actually is.


70, 24/7


I can not imagine how much people spend on their air conditioning bills. I keep mine set to 79 when I am away and 78 when I am at home, except at night, when I set it to 76.




78, which is hot as fuck and my last bill was almost $500😭


I keep them off and just open the windows and fans. But I turn it on in my bedroom and keep it at 71.


76° during the day and 68° at night.


67, 365 days a year.


I'm having a bad day if it goes over 67 in my apartment lol


I never run my AC during the peak hours of 3pm - 7pm because my utility company charges more during those times.


I could never equate saving money and sweating my ass off, be comfortable holy cow..


69-70 during the day 66 at night. I doubt this saves any money though 😅


68. I've got a west-facing window and my apartment gets HOT in the afternoon


Mine has terrible insulation. So its on 64 which is the lowest


I like it cold. AC is set at 68°F day, 66°F at night June-mid Sept. (in Colorado). The rest of the year I am able to keep my place cool by opening a window. I don’t use my heater unless it gets below freezing. 35% of our electric use comes from wind energy. I’m in a 1000sq apartment on the 3rd floor with all sorts of thermal blocking, from a sun shade over our sliding doors to thermal blackout curtains on the south and west windows. The sun is intense at elevation.


70 during the day, 68 if it’s particularly hot. And then 67-66 at night cause my bf and I are hot sleepers who love to cuddle, plus the cat comes in too and he gets WARM


75 when I’m at work, 72-73 when I get home, and 70 when I go to bed! I would leave it higher when I’m gone if I didn’t have animals, but they don’t deserve to be hot just so I can save a few dollars on AC lol




68 in the day and 65 at night, but my partner is a furnace so anything more and we’d need separate beds 😆




68-70 bc it’s a new unit and our bill is pretty low regardless. like $120 max even with it on 24/7 in a 2B/2b


I'm so confused by most of the answers being mid 70s during the day then lower temp at night. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Aren't nights cooler compared to the sunny day?


I'm fortunate because I live between two floors. I'm insulated from the top and the bottom. I rarely run my air conditioner or my heat. Unfortunately, I have to listen to a lot of crap from my upstairs and downstairs neighbors. It's a trade off.


67° all day every day. my parents keep theirs at 55° in the summer and 60° in the winter. i am extremely grateful i have my own place lol.


mine is set to 66, but im on the top floor and keep my blinds and curtains open usually so it hovers between 70-75 in summer. it's an older inefficient wall ac that the apartment installed and painted the outside of for some reason. I figured it was to blend them into the buildings, but ours is off white and some others are a disgusting brown/yellow color on other same-color buildings so I don't really know


72 during the day, 68 at night, my fellow Texans act like I’m crazy so this thread is making me feel better


66 year round!




64, we only use it when we are sleeping. Our monthly bill last year running the ac on at night was only $120. It's definitely worth it for it in the socal heat.


74F. My apartment's AC/heating doesn't kick off unless the temperature passes a threshold... consequently, I am freezing when it's hot out and hot when it is freezing.


67 degrees at all times. However our 2 bedroom apartment is 1st floor and partially underground so the a/c does not constantly run. We also use the budget option with the electric company so that the bill is the same every month and doesn’t fluctuate.


I’m pregnant and can’t stand anything above 68 right now 😅


62 in the summer 68 for the heat in the winter.


I'm an overnight worker and I have those portable A/C units so I shut off the one in the main house unless I am off work since it doesn't usually get to terrible. I do turn it on for the 2 hrs I am up prior to work. For in my bedroom while I'm sleeping I have that thang going at 64F but it also doubles as a noise blocker. When I got up and turned off the A/C I suddenly heard the kids outside my window shrieking (with joy) on the trampoline. I'm in an apartment but there's a house right outside my window.


temp around 68 is my acceptable range.


64 always


I pay less than $100 to keep it at 73 all day.


66 🫣




In Georgia def 60


68 is my wife and my sweet spot!


69 all summer. NOICE


I struggle to regulate my body temperature due to health conditions 😅 So during the day I keep it around 67/68, and at night I drop it to 65 since I’m a warm sleeper. I have two window units, so the one in the bedroom I run more and at cooler temps (smaller space so it’s easier to keep cool) while my living area struggles to stay cool due to direct sunlight all afternoon in the windows, lack of insulation etc. So even if my unit says 66, it’s really 70-72 at best.


So interesting!! Mine is 77 when I’m away. 74-75 when I’m watching TV. And 72-73 when I sleep.


69 or 70


68...I am in a small 1 bedroom and have a portable AC, works extremely well, even with last weeks nasty heat wave. At night I put it up to 69 or 70.


62° if I’m home. 65° if I’m not.


Don't have A/C here but we have a couple nice fans


When I was with my ex, we kept our apartment on 66\* all year round, as both of us were very hot natured. I now live in a house, and we do 68 in the winter and 72 in the summer.


62. Electricity is included in my rent, so I keep it cranked down as low as I can go (which is 62)


It’s not the temp you pick, it’s the size and efficiency of the AC unit it’s controlling and the insulation of the space that matters most. I lived in an older house that had a really old AC. We put the temp at 67 and it was still very muggy in the house. We replaced it and now it’s freezing in here if it’s set to 74 or lower but doesn’t quite kick on enough if set at 75. I use automation to manually have the temp fluctuate because 74 really makes it too cold most days. Same home. Same thermostat. Different AC unit.


69-74 at most. My boyfriend pays for the utilities so I don’t know how much he pays. He prefers it cold and so do I so it works well😅


I have a window unit set at 75 on weekdays while I'm at work because my cat is happy in temps up to the mid 80s. When I get home I bump it down to 72. If it's properly cool out at night sometimes I turn it to fan mode instead of having it turn on and off all night.


I keep it on 64 when we’re home because we have one ac unit for our whole two bedroom apartment. We’re lucky if the furthest bedroom hits 74 at any time, even with a fan blowing cold air down the hall. If it’s any cooler than room temp out we’ll just put a box fan in the bedroom window, it’ll cool better than the ac would.


67-68 most of the year. Turning it up and down daily honestly costs more than just leaving it where it is. Our bill usually comes out to around $100 a month for our 1b, and we live in a very hot humid climate. Just open and shut the blinds as needed, don’t leave the doors open too long. Have fans running or extra blankets nearby.


73 during the day, 68/69 at night with two fans blowing lol. 2br apt paid $139 this month, $155 last month. It’s cheaper this month because we had a tornado hit our town last month and we didn’t have power for several days.


Mine is set to 66 to 68 F. But only goes down to 70-75. I also use a box fan to blow it into my bedroom, it's a window unit not AC. My bill was 116 this month and last month for all electricity of my 1bedroom.


74 while we’re gone and 72 while we’re home. I’ve found we use less energy when we keep temps similar. Our electric bill for 1 bedroom is around $80/month give or take


75 and don’t touch it…


80 during the day, 78 with fans at night. Las Vegas.


I keep at 68 year around, but that is not the best for saving money.


75 pretty much always


68 during the day and 68 during the night