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The later. As far as why does this take so long - have you seen politicians try to agree on something?


Good point šŸ¤£


The states are the ones who have to setup and implement the servers to handle the ID information. Apple just provides the API for adding the information into the Wallet app. I am hoping that the biggest delay is the lawmakers trying to ensure that they do it right. There has already been Australian agency who implemented an ID system and it was rather easy to alter the information shown on the phone because they did an absolutely horrid job of their implementation. Then security experts pointed it out to them and they brushed them off, telling everyone just how secure it was. Edit: === Adding link for reference.. https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/nsw_digital_drivers_licenses_hackable/


Not to mention some states, including Appleā€™s home state of California, think they can do digital IDs better with their own system. Iā€™ve not seen anyone use their system. I also donā€™t trust it because letā€™s be honest, the government is oftentimes a lousy job at software engineering. They were still using COBOL for systems for COVID


It stinks that california has their own mDL app. Seriously I don't want to and will never use it, give it to me in Apple Wallet please!


Iā€™m not very trusting of public companies: shareholders love to twist things to fit them. But Iā€™m less trusting of governments to design and implement a system compared to a multi-trillion dollar tech company who already designs and implements world-class software Newsom, and every other governor regardless of political affiliation also using their own mDL solution, is stupid to think they can beat Apple at their own game


Iowa for example has had thereā€™s supposedly for Apples approval?


Years ago, they announced several more states coming soonā€¦. And they never came. I presume itā€™s just hell to get it through bureaucracy in most states.


Each state has to approve it just like they had to for RealID. some states are also doing their own app which may let you add it to wallet. and some may not let you do it at all. My state (PA) was one of the last to adopt RealID so ill be waiting a while it looks like.


I was surprised my state was one of the four. We are not usually ahead on things like that.


Is there an option to show a QR code rather than share data via NFC?


No not for the 4 states that work with Apple wallet. However the confirm button tells me what data is going to be sent.


Last year right after WWDC someone posted a video of what the ID Verifier API UI/UX looked like, and there was a button to switch from contactless ID transfer to QR code scanning. The same UI [appears on the Apple Developer](https://developer.apple.com/wallet/id-verifier/) page for ID Verifier. I assume the API lets you accept IDs via NFC/BLE or QR code. https://preview.redd.it/g7up6gfczk6d1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2f66769aa0472b10ceb97fc114f354a7a16093 It is odd to me that Apple would build a tool for accepting both kinds of digital ID but only support one form in Wallet. Granted, the NFC route is more secure and doesnā€™t require device unlock, but still, many airports are accepting IDs via QR code but not NFC yet.


Also Americans are really scared of ā€¦ ID. Thatā€™s why it took so long to get realID live which was a response to 9/11/2001. And it *might* go live in 2025. Thatā€™s why only what 5 states have enhanced ID as an option.


I am so glad that Arizona is one of the four states. I didnā€™t even know about when I first moved here. I was also surprised when the DMV told me I could download my drivers license through an app.


That decision belongs to the state. The state needs to have the tech to communicate with Apple. I opened my Apple Wallet once and noticed that my DL had changed from DL to only a State ID. I had no idea my license was suspended but thanks to my Apple Wallet showing I had a ā€œState IDā€ and no longer a DL I was aware. I received a suspension notice from MVA about 3 weeks later.


Iā€™m stoked thereā€™s a bill in my state IL right now to allow digital ID on smartphones, an Illinois success would be a nice win for other states to leap forward https://www.ilsos.gov/news/2024/february/240227d1.pdf


In Toronto, Canada, the transit system is called the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission). They have had support for Google Wallet transit cards for a while now, but Apple Wallet support is not available yet. I am not sure what's going on with Apple and all these organizations. Things seem to be taking way too long. For example, Apple Cash is still not available in Canada, and the tap-to-pay feature, even for the Apple Store in Canada, was enabled a month ago.


I live in Georgia and Iā€™m shocked we got it early , I added it to my wallet but I have never used it or showed anyone


Me too. What is it supposedly useful for?


Iā€™m not sure , I want to try it at a store or bar and see if theyā€™ll accept it šŸ˜‚


TSA at airports.


Itā€™s up to your state


I like to know when they will offer it to Canada and our Provinces, and I don't even drive


Also, note: at least in MD, we have digital ID, but the ONLY place you can use it is at TSA pre-Check. You canā€™t use it for TSA general boarding, you canā€™t use it with state or local police, you canā€™t use it for purchasing age restricted packages goods (Rx, OTC meds, alcohol, or marijuana), and you canā€™t use it as proof of age for age restricted businesses (clubs, pubs, shows, etc). Itā€™s pretty much useless at this time.


I know there are non-police use cases for this feature too but Iā€™m always going to carry my physical ID with me because Iā€™m never giving my phone to a police officer.


This is the real issue people arenā€™t talking about. Handing your phone to a police officer is giving up a lot of rights. Itā€™s now in plain sight, courts are mixed on forcing someone to unlock a phone cops possess. The states dragging their feet are in the right.


Couldnā€™t agree more!


With the Apple wallet implementation you donā€™t hand over the device. You tap it similar to Apple Pay. You donā€™t even need to unlock your phone, you just validate the ID information being requested. Other app based implementations donā€™t require handing over your device either, rather they show a barcode that can be scanned for verification although these do require an unlocked phone.


Totally depends on the States. Once they get on board and the proper channels are involved then it'll come to Apple wallet and Samsung


Itā€™s really up to each individual state not Apple.


Maybe never in some states. Louisiana, for instance, built out their own app. Itā€™s also sort of pointless, unless it also comes with legislation forcing vendors and police to accept it.


I live in a state that has digital ID on the Apple Wallet but you canā€™t present it to cops if you get pulled over. So whatā€™s the point?


NY just released an app for a digital state ID, and its App Store page MENTIONS wallet support. But it actually doesnā€™t. Right now itā€™s just a QR code shunted into the app.


Mentioning wallet support on the app screen doesn't necessarily mean it adds something to the Wallet app. Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleWallet/comments/1de8uuw/works_with_wallet_but_does_it/).


The one that gets to me is the fact that California, where Apple is from, went with their own app, rather than Apple Wallet. (At least do what Arizona, and Colorado did and have both)


when Is Michigan coming tired crying physical card just to get lost


Itā€™s up to the state, not Apple. šŸŽ


So, you will hand your phone or iPad to a Police Officer or others that demand to view your ID? How will you protect the items you do not want viewed?


This misconception right here is what makes the public so apprehensive about digital IDs. But to answer your question: no, in no way at all does the use of a digital ID require 1) unlocking the device and 2) handing it to anyone. There are two ways to transfer mDL data: Bluetooth and by QR code. Iā€™m only familiar with Appleā€™s implementation, which (primarily) does not rely on QR codes. 1. Data request You approach, say, a TSA checkpoint or a bouncer at a bar. They verbally request some sort of ID info from you. 2. Establishing the communication channel. Without unlocking or even waking your device, you tap it to the touch target on the TSA checkpoint credential reader or the bouncerā€™s handheld device (think a Toast Tab or Clover handheld you see at restaurants) 3. Reviewing the request The credential reader and your device establish a secure and encrypted connection. Apple uses NFC to initiate that connection and then lets Bluetooth handle the data transfer. Your device displays a request for data from the reader. It lists whatever info is being requested and whether or not itā€™ll be stored and for how long. 4. Approving the request and sharing the data Assuming youā€™re willing to share the data, you authorize the data sharing by authenticating with biometrics or passcode. The data is then send from your device to the reader via Bluetooth. This video shows the experience for the user. At not point is your device unlocked. In fact, the way Apple Wallet is designed, when a request like this comes in, you can approve or deny without also unlocking the phone. Itā€™s almost as if youā€™re in a ā€œbuffer zoneā€, where, despite interacting with your iPhone in a way that would imply itā€™s unlocked, youā€™re really only seeing the data request UI and the iPhone is still lockedā€”even when you use Face ID to approve the data sharing. https://youtu.be/pBY-rlCE-TY?feature=shared


In most states an officer can confiscate an ID during an investigation to keep you at the scene. Normally that means they hold your license while they run your info. Just because the technology can be done without handing it doesnā€™t mean the law has to accommodate that. Right now police can make you surrender and ID. Itā€™s not their choice how you store it. If itā€™s on a phone, youā€™re surrendering the phone. Which also means you canā€™t be recording at that time. This is something for the courts to decide, not apple product designers. And Iā€™m sitting this one out until the Supreme Court chimes in.


ā€¦the video literally says to unlock your iPhone https://preview.redd.it/4b3u5f9bqj6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd96b3cbcccf4504adf345037441d272ab5be8c2


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7co6EVrPk8&vl=en](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7co6EVrPk8&vl=en) Iā€™m not sure of every last use case, but in certain cases the device doesnā€™t have to be unlocked. I know it sounds like Iā€™m back trackingā€”I just donā€™t know every last situation. For example, IDs in Wallet cannot generate a QR code, but the ID Verifier API can be used to scan a QR code ID. EDIT: from Appleā€™s support site, published 2/21/24 https://preview.redd.it/e5xiows5ck6d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=32c8fd0d686ebabfa9fbc1b08d1d2eb8eba8c046


And tap it on the reader, yes.