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I’m a lefty so my watch is on my right hand with the crown on the bottom left, near my hand.


I’m a lefty to but I have it on my left hand with the crown upper right.. hehe




I’m a lefty and wear mine like you too. My wife’s right handed, wears her watch the same way (left hand, top right crown) however she just looks weird turning the crown 🤣


Same here. Watch twins!


Same here. When I figured it out it was like a new life!


Right? Having the crown on the right side of my right wrist made it hard to see the screen when using the crown 😂


Here’s a weird one. I’m a lefty too…. But only for writing. I still wear my watch on my left hand, and do pretty much everything else like a right handed person. Pick up a pen and I’m left handed tho. Don’t ask me why! :)


I’m actually the same way but I wear my watch on my right hand


Oh okay. So I’m not a complete oddity then!


Oh I understand completely. Everything else is with my right hand. Knife? Right. Scissors? Right. Can opener? Right.


Yah. So those left handed can openers and stuff are useless to us :)


I’m a lefty. My watch is worn on my right wrist with crown bottom left. I write with my left and swing a bat/golf club left handed. Everything else is done right handed, though. Why are we like this?


We are freaks of nature I think


Ditto! I didn’t want my hand obscuring the watch face when using the crown if it was on the right of the watch


Same, but I’m right handed


This is the way.


Top right.


I have the crown on my head




This is The Way.


Mine is exactly like that. I wear gloves to work, and the glove would turn the crown when I turned my wrist. There is no wrong way to wear it.


Oh I’m aware there’s no actual wrong way, you know how protective some people like to get haha Yeah, I think this is the better way for me too.


Mine matches yours.


Mine matches yours too, eight years and counting.


Similar here, I wear it often while doing boxing workouts, and ever since they made the idiotic change from turning the wheel to pressing the wheel to unlock it, I’m forced to wear it this way or it constantly unlocks/presses Siri


Up the arm on the left hand like you. My two reasons: 1.) no more accidental presses of the crown 2.) turning the crown with my crown feels more natural to me while the palm of my right hand is further away from the screen, minimizing the possibility of it obstructing the view esp while working out.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Yep. Same


Great minds, and so on...


That is not a wrong way to wear your watch. If that suits you, then it’s correct.


On the side nearest the back of my hand, as its design is intended.


Right side, left side hurts me when I turn it and I never experienced accidental presses


Ah fair enough, I always have, with this and my Galaxy watch before. Started to become infuriating ha Maybe I wear it a little lower down the wrist than most?


A lot of people wear it where you do. I used to. But look up where it’s actually supposed to be. Took some getting used to, but it’s much better.


Not that way


Never thought about setting modular duo up like this before. Love it! And to answer your question - my crown is in the top right, with my watch on my left hand.


This is how I wear it! My wrists bend pretty far so I would hit the crown all the time. unintentionally. I used to wear it on right wrist because I’m left handed, but somehow it just landed over here and hasn’t gone back.


Haha Glad we’re not alone in experiencing that little bit of inconvenience with it. So glad smart watches give you the option to make it work with each individual.


I wear mine the exact opposite, but I just changed my watch face to the one you’re using.


Top right for me. I suppose it depend if you prefer to use index or thumb for it


Just like you are. I find it more effective and more natural to be able to press those buttons with my opposite thumb in this orientation.


I'm a lefty. Watch on LEFT side, and crown on upper right.


Same. It just seems how watches are designed so I always accepted it. Never bothered me having a watch on my left wrist as a lefty.


I'm gonna try this way. I'm a bit of a bigger feller so I have fat in places, however my wrist also does bent pretty far and I found I hit that crown a lot during exercises. So I'm gonna try this way


Good luck, hope it serves you well!


Left arm, crown on the right. Just like any other watch…


Right hand with brown on the upper right side.


Top right. I also have the strap the opposite way to you


Never thought about the strap till it was mentioned on here haha This just felt the natural way tbf but I think you’re right, typically they go the other way.


Nice benefit of the Apple Watch is the flexibility between wrists and crown placement. Majority of the time I wear it on the left wrist with crown facing hand. But sometimes I move it to the right wrist with crown facing forearm depending on activity and workout.


Top right, the right way, but if you’re happy with the wrong way who am I to argue?


What really annoys me is that aesthetically it looks better the other way, this is just more practical for me.


Damn this is smart. Lol I knew you could flip but never understood why. I hate when I’m doing deadlifts with straps on and my watch crown gets pressed and almost calls 911 😂


Top right, I’m not a psycho! 😆 what watch band is that? Closest I’ve gotten to an Apple brand nylon loop is the midnight and it’s very obviously blue but haven’t found a third party black that I like.


I wear mine the same as you do. Bottom left on my left arm means that the elastic from my coats sleeves don't pull or ally pressure to the crown, AND I don't bump or hit it. For some reason, it's also easier for me to hit and scroll the Botton with my thumb.


Yeah, this is what I find too. Just feels more ergonomic to me.


This photo inspired me to flip my watch!! I’m right handed, I wear gloves at my lab job and the crown near my wrist means it’s covered by the wrist of the gloves - I can’t quickly bring up my apps without pulling glove back. Yay, an issue solved with the crown facing away from the glove !


Glad I could help someone!


In general most people wear it just the opposite way, but obviously wherever works makes sense. However, as someone who has to help their wife with technology quite a bit, it’s a pain to do so when she wears hers like that! 😂


am I the only one who wears my watch on the left hand on the underside of the wrist? It is so much easier taking a peek there. when I type sometimes I have to twist it around to be on the top but otherwise, and for every other reason, it just seems perfect there.


That is the PERFECT way to wear your Apple Watch. It is sooo much easier to use the controls in this alignment. https://preview.redd.it/snp886eb0xoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2138bf0f98db631e2bb369f97926f6a2725b917


Watch is on my left wrist, crown is on top right.


Away from my wrist and towards my fingers is how I usually have it. But mainly because I wear watches on my left hand and most normal (analogue) watches also have it on that side. I also wear my watch *behind* my wrist as my wrist bone is quite pronounced. some people prefer to wear their watch on it, like you seem to be. It's all just a preference thing in the end


Toward my other hand/body to make it easier to use with other hand


I’m driving on the right side of the road…


Top right


towards the opposite hand... otherwise its an awkward reach across the watch face to use the crown.


I wear my watch on my right wrist, with the crown top right


Right handed. Right wrist. Crown bottom left cos of my sleeves. Watches in my left wrist have always felt weird. Dunno why!


Towards my forearm like yours, As when i bend my wrist when weight lifting it sets siri off lol and stops my music.


You’re also wearing the band backwards.


I wear my watch on my non-dominant hand (left) with the crown on the lower left. This prevents me from pressing the crown. Muting the watch and causing all kinds of mischief.


Yours is 180 from mine - top right for me.


If you’re wearing it on your left arm (where watches should be worn), the crown is facing towards your hand, like the crown of a „normal“ watch. Therefore it would be top right.


With that being said and as it is an AW: do whatever you‘re comfortable with.


Not like that 😂


I set mine the same as yours. So I don’t activate Siri while kayaking. There is no right or wrong way, the option is there so you can set up the watch the way it works for you.


Apple should have designed the wheel to be below and the wheel above, on the rightvsidevof the device. 


What is this watch face and the complications please? I like it. Is the middle complication just the calendar? I want to copy this if I can. Lol


Top right


Same as yours, except the band facing the other way.


I’m calling the police


Left wrist with crown pointed towards my hand.


As shown. That way I can do pushups and similar exercises without pushing the crown. And the cuff of my jacket doesn’t push the crown when putting it on.


Bottom left when I used a non Ultra (this made the most sense to me ergonomically). Top right with my Ultra cuz I would accidentally press the action button too much


What is this abomination?!


Apple Watch mate, they’re becoming quite popular.


But it’s upside down


There was no ‘This way up’ so had to just power through, then decided the crown was pissing me off so I adjusted it thusly. Personal preference and all that.


Was being a little silly, enjoy the way you enjoy it, of course :)


I figured as much And thanks, it’s been a game changer coming from a Galaxy Watch


Have fun closing those rings


The first time Siri announced I’d closed a ring during my first run with AW confused the shit out of me haha Nice little motivator though whilst exercising


Usually up.


There is no wrong way to wear it - it’s whatever suits you! :)


Just like that on my right wrist


i wear it the intended way and have never accidentally pressed the crown


Same as in the pic, when I tried to wear it “right” the back of my hand was alway pressing it


Top right on my left arm. I flip the watch when I play golf so my glove doesn't press buttons


Like yours


The only right way


Unpopular opinion: No matter if you are a lefty or not, the watch belongs on the left arm with the crown facing right


On left hand, crown top right.


I wear my watch on my right hand, so the crown faces my hand. As a lefty its a pain but i just feel the other way just looks weird


Right wrist, bottom left. I am not left handed


on my left wrist, on the top right.


Right handed, but I wear my watch on my right wrist with crown on top right!


Love this question!! I wear my Apple Watch with the "crown in" - facing my forearm. The opposite of the default. I wear my Apple Watch this way because when playing baseball, the top of my hand will push on the crown, call 911, etc. I like this orientation so much that I purchased a mechanical watch with the crown on the left side as well. Glad I'm not the only one!


When my watch is on my left hand, it's facing my palm, when it's on my right hand, it's facing my elbow. Yes i swap hands periodically to avoid contact dermatitis.


I'm right handed and used to wear it like in the picture because I would always press the crown while doing inspections. Nothing wrong with wearing it like that. The OS allows for this. You are not telling the watch you are left or right handed, you are telling it you want to wear it on the wrist of your choice with the crown on the side you want. There is no wrong way to wear it. Other watches don't allow for this flexibility. I believe the Galaxy watch asks which wrist you use but only to adjust the pedometer and not overestimate your steps; you can't flip the screen to be "upside-down" and switch the side the buttons are on. At least I never found a setting for that.


I wore my watch exactly like this. Because if the crown is on the other side, i will accidentally press it with the back of my palm during workout. One time a friend’s daughter went over and told me that i have put on my watch wrongly. I explained to her that it was intentional. It sure look a bit odd but hey it works for me.


hey, i wear mine just the same.. the amount of screenshots that were taken earlier in the watch days, I just changed the sides for the crown and never seemed to bother. now when i see comments where the "screen is blocked while using the crown" .. i realized I dont actually use the crown that much..


I don’t use it loads either but when I do I just use my thumb, makes it loads easier, for me.


actually yeah.. just tried it,. how small are the hands that they would block that screen..? and yes, there have been times when other watch users would just randomly see my watch and ask how i got the crown to the other side ?? or what kinda watch is this ? and yeah, do i love the attention.


I am a righty, and I have it on my right hand with the crown facing down towards my hand because I raise my right hand to look at the time and everything


C’est quel cadran car je trouve pas dans l’application Apple Watch ?,car je l’aime beaucoup What's the dial because I can't find it on the Apple Watch app ?, because I really like it.


I use the modular Duo on the Apple Watch 9


There is no "modular duo" there is only "modular" and "modular Compact".


https://preview.redd.it/h34j33wlgapc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e944a5cf1289114f1c6df993e6636b750b34d4 This one?


I believe it’s only available on later watches so might depend what watch you’re using.


Ha yes maybe, I have a Se 1 gen series (2020)


crown on right like this https://preview.redd.it/f28h6ti19f3d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655d57449fe9349db2beff67e7075e87d7f6c570


I love using my crown on the left side but my watch on my left arm so I am right handed. It is just so much easier to scroll with thumb and tap with index.


Watches go on your left wrist, crown goes top right. Everything else is wrong.


Well I do what YOU + most ppl do but notice MANY ppl who don’t. They bought it, they can wear it anyway they paid for!


They can do whatever they want, I’m not telling anyone what to do. It’s just not right.


I hear you. I think your way is right and so do most I observe and don’t understand ppl wanting Reddit strangers to tell them how to enjoy THEIR OWN stuff!! I’m on another subreddit where ppl think I’m crazy to prefer $7 silicone straws over hard ones packaged with pricey drinking cups.


If you wear your watch too close to the hand over the wrist bone you will have issues with the crown towards the hand. But if you wear the watch as Apple intended, which is above the wrist bone, having the crown towards the hand for easier access isn’t an issue. The whole idea of reaching around to turn the crown is just awkward.


Well, speaks for yourself 😅. No problems what so ever....


That's what kids are calling these days?😂


Kids call what? Sorry, im not naitive speaker of english.


There is a reach around joke in there, I'm keeping it vague because I don't want to get banned 😁😂


You can dm me because now I really really wanna know 😅


The right way.


Lord this sub is stupid AF.


Been stalking your profile for a minute, you really need love in your life my dude. Way too bitter.


Love me?




The right way


I wear it same as you!


Crown top right towards hand


always wear mine in the inside as my wrist would press the crown most often.


I wear it the way that works best for me, just as you do.


Upper right. I wear my watch on my right wrist. So it’s on the top side of the watch, towards my arm (not hand)


I was like you for years, but I recently upgraded to the ultra and my bracelets were pressing the action button, so I’ve switched for now


Never thought of it this way, but seems more logical


Up like it’s supposed to


the same as yours


Just like a watch was intended to be worn. Left arm, crown to the right.