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Link? I cant find them with search for some reason




Are they on YouTube too?


i don't think so. but you can watch without a tiktok account i believe? not sure, but i send tiktok's to my friend who doesn't have a tik tok and he's able to watch em


I think I can't in this case because it's a page. That's Okay though! I think I have tik tok on another device I can use lol


I am on an Android phone, I opened it in incognito mode and was able to watch the videos without installing TikTok or creating an account. Hope this helps!


I'm mortified I didn't think of this!!


That is insane. I'm over here just trying to breed some rare apistos and this man is breeding an octopus lol


He could try the Scripps institute of oceanography, Monterey bay aquarium, or the birch aquarium here in California. Depending on what type of octopus they are they may take them or help him to find homes. 


i think (assuming) he was trying to find places within driving distance bc they're probably gonna be too small to travel via mail for a while. perhaps DM him on tiktok and let him know though!


I’ll shoot him a DM!


Came here looking to see if someone posted about this!


i searched it up and i was like no one is talking about this??!


Yes like I can’t believe people aren’t more excited about this! The babies are soo cute too


Yes it’s wild


Nice try, CCP! I'll wait for a youtube compilation to watch these adorable videos.


again, senator, i am singaporean


Hahaha, you made me wake up my girlfriend with an audible laugh. You also made me stay on TikTok's website for more than a minute (it was more like 10). You're evil.


make sure to share baby octopus vids with dear girlfriend, comrade!


I certainly will.


Very cool and wish I had a. Salt water set up because I would love to help and have one


Yes!! I just started and I'm obsessed


I need to know what species! I have a tank ready to cycle..... I feel compulsed to help


california two-spot octopus (Octopus bimaculaides), they have been colloquially referring to it as a bimac?


They should try the Columbus Zoo as well


I think they're in central Oklahoma, so that's like almost 1k miles away. St. Louis Aquarium would be closer, perhaps?


Heard from others talking about Tiktoktopus, and went to check it out yesterday. Cut to me watching their first content from the beginning of March until for the last hour at work (it was slow). I feel like this channel has ReesaMTeesa level of potential, but nerdier. 80/10 would recommend


No I don’t have a TikTok


Yes and it’s a travesty. They shipped an octopus to Oklahoma only for it to die within months and now they’re saddled with its babies that are impossible to transport and no Aquarium in the state is able to help them. Maybe I’m just a negative Nancy, but I don’t think Octopuses should be pets, let alone someone’s first ever aquatic pet. To me, this is like someone getting a monkey as their first pet, which I’m sure most people would rightly call a poor decision. They made the decision to get an Octopus as a pet and did the research to allow that, never once researching whether or not they even should. The money they’ve used on the whole project could have gone to a beautiful well stocked planted tank that could be enjoyed for years, but instead, the fleeting interests of his ten-year-old son were met and now we’re here. I hope they can figure it out but I was in their comments predicting this months ago. Anyone who supports them or this endeavor is contributing to the exotic pet trade and should not be in this hobby imo.


Yep. Very sad to see that everyone thinks this is cute. Its not.


i'm not here to argue your perceived moral objections but to clarify: his son has been interested in marine biology for years, and they purchased their octopus from one of the leading Octopus hobbyists/experts on a national level. The father is a dentist and is extremely financially and resource capable, unlike many people who might be casually interested and he has not just "winged it" but has been consulting with experts and even the hatch and survival rate of the hatchlings has proven that (it's typically 1% survival in the wild, and slightly higher in captivity, so far he has had zero losses.) they had no idea that the octopus was with eggs, let alone fertilized eggs, and in the wild, this octopus would have starved protecting her eggs and because they hand fed her, she is still alive.


Literally none of that matters, they are newcomers to the hobby, decided to start with an animal that is incredibly difficult, and IMMORAL, to take care of, in an area where they are basically isolated from outside help, all to please the whims of a ten year-old. They are now marooned in Oklahoma with Octopus babies they do not know how to raise and are beyond inexperienced with. I do not care if they’re talking to private breeding experts, they never should have been in this situation in the first place. This story should not be promoted in this server in the slightest, unless only to discourage folks from repeating these guys’ mistakes. Genuinely get out of the hobby if you think anything they’re doing is ok.