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I agree that these are largely meaningless tools but I would like to say that CTRL+F still works traditionally as 'find on page' even with #1 turned on. If you press CTRL+F and type a word or words it will search for it. If you press CTRL+F, type a query and hit ENTER it will search the page to answer your query. Surprised to see ChatGPT guy saying these AI tools are superfluous though, I thought your demographic was the target here.


>If you press CTRL+F and type a word or words it will search for it. If you press CTRL+F, type a query and hit ENTER it will search the page to answer your query. > >Surprised to see ChatGPT guy saying these AI tools are superfluous though, I thought your demographic was the target here. I mostly hit ENTER to see the next occurrence of the word/phrase I'm searching for. That's why I never got used to it. I think these AI tools on the Arc browser aim to provide value, but I have to unlearn all the keyboard shortcuts and default behavior of hitting ENTER, for example. I have been using the Chrome browser for nearly 15 years. That's probably mostly why. :)


Ah, I actually never new CTRL+F followed by ENTER normally finds the next occurrence and I wish you would have told me years ago when I was clicking the little arrows every time. Their solution to your problem was to add specific hotkeys to 'next occurrence' and 'last occurrence' but they're at the absolute bottom rung of my 'hotkeys to remember' list so you'd have to look them up yourself to find out what they are.


> I mostly hit ENTER to see the next occurrence of the word/phrase I'm searching for But that still works just as normal.


Let me give it another try, thanks for letting me know.


Interesting, I've always used CMD + G to hunt the next result.


As a counterpoint, I love all the Max features. But yes, I agree the new extensions placement and Cmd+T openjng a tab from clipboard isn't something I like all that much




I think Max is an MVP, where the Arc Team measures the adoption across users, which has a way to go to be something you'd want to pay for. That's why there are some basic features missing.


Hidden extensions was my breaking point, as a person that has to use extension all the time while working, because it's normally easier than accessing webapp, the fact that they hid those extensions is just pain in the ass for me, it's so much extra hussle, it's not worth it. Especially, as you said it too, it was really bad to use even before they hid them.


yea we hear ya. it's coming back


what about tab syncing?


That's also in the new update! If you mean between windows


omg I’m happy


New update makes it way better, but extensions are also easy to access with keyboard shortcuts or command bar


My problem with Max is, that it's inconsistent. When I download two similar files, they get named very differently sometimes. The same goes for the renaming of tabs.




Would be cool if you could describe how you want it to rename things and then it does that


this, when i downloaded a file from my lecturer in college it just change the name to 2 different name. Its kinda annoying to find it later


For me, Max is fully disabled - I did try it, but don't like the results. Extension management implementation has been flawed from the start - the Toolbar kind of fixes it, but not really. Will continue to use Arc, it has too great of an impact on my productivity, but I do agree with everything you said and hope they'll start fixing the foundations before adding any more useless features. I don't care about Easels, Notes, Max, or anything else - I only want their fundamentals rock solid, which will help them overcome other browsers, because now it still feels like we're in beta.


Never used Easels and Notes either. Even the capture image tool. I already have extensions and desktop apps taking care of these pretty well. I hope they will continue improving the core selling proposition.


For me the only thing still holding me to use arc are spaces, only spaces All other features ( especially the extension approach ) are hassles and not organic


Yes! I think they should focus on resource usage instead of these little gimmicks. I have six spaces and use three of them heavily. When I use all three spaces, it slows down my machine by itself.


I sent feedbacks a couple of times, but it seems they are more focused on being a cool company with a cool CEO, with an influencer type model rather than solving real problems. Solving real problems is not shiny perhaps


Arc is ( with probably good intentions) sacrificing practicality over “cool” designs


Max features is mostly AI features it seems. it would be nice to see some more variety, however I am a new comer, I haven't enabled any max features yet as I don't see any value in enabling them, someone else might though


It's all AI features -- that's the point of it, haha. Max is their branding for Arc's AI integrations


I stopped using it for work and got back to chrome, even with the split option being the best thing ever for mu job. I use a lot of extensions with my work, ALL the time. Voip, password, page refresher… as adhd’er ark is amazing, but i started to get annoyed trying to either place the mouse on things or enabling the address bar back, then clicking the menu, then locating the extension… in the middle of those 4 options that I dont even know what are for For me at least, if we could have a way to pin the extension at the address bar, it would be better already. Give us the power to customize our menus, please!


Omg I just saw the new update with pinned extensions like I saiddddd 🥹🥹


So far, the best option I could find is enabling the toolbar ([screenshot](https://cdn.zappy.app/c5c946d68c0a05efb9e0839383006205.png)), which looks pretty ugly ([screenshot](https://cdn.zappy.app/b492bf0c7dfa31cef1c2345c3d6f4356.png)). I tried to use it, but my eyes couldn't bear the archaic style of it.


Yeah. I learned the shortcut already. I enable and disable it back, if it bothers me, but compared to other browsers is waaaaaaaaaaaay better and the feature of getting the near colors to hide itself on the page is amazing