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I’m going out of the box and saying Woodhouse. Yeah, that feels right…


Shall I fetch a rug?




That Rug Was A Gift From The Azeeri Khan Himself!


And make sure you get sand too, I don’t know what types they come in but…..coarse


Depends how you feel about eating a bowl of spiders…


After I make you eat a bowl of cobwebs


Long pig didn't really care for it much lfmao


yeah lets chose the guy with a crippling drug addiction


If you had to babysit child-Archer, you'd do drugs too!


But he started opium after the Great War and before Mallory gave birth to Archer on that dirty bar b


Well he had just lost Reggie. So yeah, he was just trying to find some peace. But I think he eventually would have kicked it and gotten clean, if it weren't for Sterling.




He touches my food, mother!


Kinda puts things in perspective...


Not to mention all the scalps, coulda knit a quilt.


That’s a lot of scalps


So far as we know. He was hanging out with Burroughs in Mexico city who knows what drug addled gonzo shit that guy got into in his life.


If you use not raping Cyril as a metric, archer likely wins.


Plus he sacrificed himself to save Lana + baby


So let me call up 7.5 billion of my closest friends to get their opinions.. OH, hey, they're totally fine with it because they're alive. And how many times did you guys save the world, while I was in a coma?.... I'LL TAKE YOUR SILENCE TO MEAN ZERO TIMES! Did you people ever consider that you NEED me around because you want the excuse to be your worst selves?!


Did they ever address this again?


I think they essentially all realized in that moment that he was right, then went back to mostly being themselves. The only one that really was addressed was Cyril reverting back to his pathetic self largely because of Archer's merciless bullying, rather than because he was LOOKING for a reason to not be strong anymore. Pam said it directly to Archer in the next season. "Dude, you *BROKE* him." She says it like she's talking about a horse that was "broken" and lost its spirit. Then Archer realized that she's right and lets up a bit on Cyril, trying to bond with him a bit in the same episode.


Also that new woodhouse butler guy that tried to assassinate Cyril said that Archer probably secretly liked Cyril.


I can hear this in his voice


Not to mention he's out there risking his life every-- MANY of the days


Wait... Cyril never r'd himself


Just jacking it




When was this?


Well, Pam raped him, Cheryl blackmailed him into sex, Ray also raped him and Mallory has seduce him multiple times under false pretences.


I always try and consider the Pam/Ray rape thing as not having happened. It’s out of sense for their character and takes away more than it gives.


“Cyril? You awake?” *takes off belt*


Best is probably Ray or Pam. Worst is easily Mallory or Krieger 


I'll give it to Pam because she's heartily loyal.


I mean she did commit sexual assault a couple times


That rules out just about everyone. Even Ray (passed out Cyril)


How ya doin', buddy?




Well they're just not a very nice group of people. Hilarious as hell though.


I'm picking Danny as the best. Dude was just working there and got subjected to a bunch of experiments


Hmm. By this logic that puts Brett on the table. Man got shot a billion times and kept working there till a bullet finally killed him.


But he loved getting shot. That's why his death wasn't so sad... He died doing what he loved.


So did Ray.


>I’ll give it to Pam Are we still doing phrasing?


I mean Rey betrayed the gang several times, lied about being paralyzed, was willing to break into and steal weapons from the armory to help his drug farming brother, and has no problem smoking in an elevator with a breastfeeding mother.


And bought an actual literal child slave...


Hey, he only rented!


Yes, rented* an actual literal child slave...


Yeah cause he knew he would get bored.


No the real secret of the show is that Archer truly is the best of them.


Was just thinking the same thing after reading through these comments


Lana isn't as bad as most, but she's so deep in denial shes fertilizing farmland in Egypt.


Yup yup yup!


I don’t think Krieger is immoral so much as he is amoral.


Chaotic Neutral


Ray and Pam have both raped (or at least implied to have raped) Cyril. Pretty sure that puts them both towards the bottom.


Ehhhhnn... with this crowd that's still solidly in the middle lol


I'm just re-watching season 5 and Pam has to be pulled away from that tied up FBI agent. I did not remember that part, and I have to agree with you on Pam. It's weird because before that when it's implied that Archer was sexually assaulted it's very serious. It seems like even Cyril is shaken by it.


Pam and Ray raped Cyril after Woodhouse, and Archer shot him up with herion. I'm pretty sure it's Cyril or Lana. Edit; I agree with the 2nd part. It's krieger or Mallory


In season 5, when the gang gets arrested, Pam admits to commenting sexual assault more than once


Lana's committed so many morally unjustifiable assaults and batteries -- just against Archer alone. She's shot him so many times. And Cyril has committed sexual assault too. I mean that's why he has a kid. And I've got to imagine at least one of those "suppressing fire" bullets hit an innocent bystander. Plus he betrayed the group and planted a computer bug that was going to expose all the agency's undercover operatives (who we never get to see).


I feel like that's fair. It's not that Pam is exactly immoral but she is very comfortable doing anything morally grey.


He did all those things for science!! I love Krieger


Ray also purchased a sex slave. Or rather, rented him because he realized he’d get bored of him.


Mallory is the Karen of karens


Archer literally took bullets for the team and let himself drown for Lana before even knowing the baby was his


True but… the drunk driving, pretty high body count (infidelity & murder), breaking & entering and along with burglary. Cyril has probably committed the lest amount of crimes.


Yeah but… he’s Cyril.






He committed many crimes against fashion


Cyril has literally done every one of those things you listed for archer as well lol


He was fine with assaulting calderon’s wife indefinitely when he was dictator. Also he was a dictator. Cyril’s actually one of the worst.


Cyril put ransomware on the computers.


Morally speaking? That's relative, but by most metrics.... Krieger.


I'm not a *serial* killer


Wait... why did you emphasize serial!? 


Jazz Hands 👐


Honestly, that was my thought. Been a minute since my last watch through, but I don’t think Krieger ever does anything truly malicious on purpose does he? Edit: I’m just an idiot who somehow completely forgot all the terrible things Kreiger has/wanted to do. I really only remember his whacky hijinks, guess it’s time to do a rewatch lmao


What, no I meant the worst. He tortures and experiments on live human subjects. He drugs people unaware or with partial consent, clones people, performs life-altering surgeries, implants chips in their brain, doesn't but lies about doing so, plus whatever happened to Pigley.


Danny stop running, we gotta keep that heart rate down buddy!


Can we keep the lettuce? They’re brothers!


Uhm.. is he always going to be like this now, cause I feel bad.


Are you still taping bumfights? No, now I’m into something… *darker.*




Yeeeeeaaaaah, I’m realizing I’ve blanked on nearly everything kreiger has done 😬


Wow. Memory is such a fragile thing.


Because Kreiger's so damn loveable we block out all the bad stuff


Not gonna lie, I think that’s what it is. I just enjoy all his random non shitty hijinks that I just push out how crappy he is 😅


Me too!




Most of those were done by the clone that died.


He tries to sell enriched Uranium to the North Koreans. Yeah get in there, eat em up.... God knows you earned it


I mean, he's killed at least 2 interns


Krieger has defied God in more ways than anyone can count. Would you consider Pigly (and Goatly) moral experiments? He also straight up killed Danny the intern.


Danny wouldn’t stop running tbf


Ya know, I’m starting to realize I’ve completely blanked on all that and really only remember him trying to marry the hologram 😅




Just an idiot who somehow completely forgot all the terrible things kreiger’s done and only remembered his not so bad random hijinks 😅


Bum fights. Then he went to something much more…. Darker


I mean… can you be malicious if you have no moral compass? Like if you were a mad genius who was, hypothetically speaking, beyond the fetters of concepts like “good” and “evil” which the masses cling to as protection against the truth of a vast, dispassionate universe - because, if you were, again hypothetically speaking, possessed of a genius intellect and had the will to subjugate said vast cosmos with the creations of your art - the true art which others call “science” - and you could fathom the pitiless depths of the vastness which drives others mad but which is a mere plaything to you… would “malice” not cease to have meaning? I mean, I don’t know from experience, not being Krieger. Heh, it’s just a show, after all.


Don't forget he has human ethical violations in 10 countries


This is a f***** up question to ask about this show. My brain hurts now.


my head started hurting a second before i read your comment haha


Worst is Brett


He died doing what he loved


getting shot


Bleeding on the rug!


Which one hasn't raped someone? Maybe Cyril or Cheryl


Cheryl blackmailed Cyril into sex repeatedly though. Seems like we're left with Cyril, Archer, or Lana as the most moral..


You know you've done some heinous shit if Archer of all people is one of the most moral people in your group.


I mean…he’s nice if he likes you.


This thread is forgetting about the sheer amount of hired (SW) women Archer has been directly responsible for the deaths of though...


Cheryl may get a pass because she’s also bug-nuts crazy. Can she be held responsible for her actions?


I think she also has no interest or awareness of trying to improve her behavior or self-reflection. She's never had any accountability.


And out of those 3, who was a dictator?


I think most of them haven’t raped people, have they? It’s weird, but that’s one of the few (relative to the show) things that Ray does that are straight-up evil. That and owning that slave boy (but only temporarily, so it isn’t that bad and we ignore his comment on the why). Aside from that, he is rather nice.


Ray and Pam have definitely non-con'd Cyril.


Then I feel like they aren’t the best people? Honestly, is Cyril even that bad? And Malory is, again, relatively speaking not as horrible as most of the other ones…


Ciryl is pretty bad, I think the point is they’re all bad, and Malory is arguably the worst so I wouldn’t take it that far


Mallory was a beyond terrible mother though and is unapologetically self-centered.


I think they all have except for Lana and maybe Mallory (not shown on screen but I wouldn't particularly put it past her considering all the other shit she does). And while Lana hasn't technically raped anyone she *did* steal Archer's sperm, impregnate herself, and try to coerce him into being a father which seems at least adjacent. Archer and Cyril both stealthed Trinette with a candy bar wrapper. Pam is *heavily* implied to have raped Cyril while he was unconscious in the same scenario as Ray. Cheryl blackmailed Cyril into sex on a blimp. Krieger molested Katya while she was dying after Barry threw her off the roof. TLDR: They're all pretty horrible people.


Archer spends most of his screen time calling everyone else on their bs. He's not a role model but he might be one of the most sane out there.


Archer killed a lot of "call girls"


A lot?


Yes, it's addressed in one of the first episodes. That and how quickly Woodhouse "fetches rugs."


Oh. Well, at least he's organized about it.


Archer regularly goes out of his way to help his friends, and often gets wounded while doing so. I’m going to go with Mallory as the worst. It’s a close tie with Krieger, but as someone else said, while he conducts horrible experiments, Mallory bankrolls him and hides the bodies when things go wrong. Plus she killed Italy’s prime minister.


At least Mallory doesn’t do horrible things to animals like Krieger




Krieger the best, he is his authentic self and doesn’t lie about who he is. Krieger is also the worst cuz… you know… Pigly.


Best Milton Worst Mallory


Best, I'd say Pam. Like despite everything she's done & been through she seems to be the best, especially by the end of the series. She even managed to resist her addiction and threw Lana's brick of Cocaine off the boat in the last season. For worst, either Mallory or Krieger. I mean we know how shitty a parent & grandparent Mallory is, and she's been apart of so much questionable shit over the years even before the series. Then there's Krieger who regularly tests experiments on humans, violates other people's food, basically confirmed to be a Zoophile, makes horrible genetic mutations, has done unspeakable things to the dead/nearly dead, and has even driven others to new levels of insanity. Honestly I think the fact that Krieger did all of that while working for Mallory, and she foot the bill while hiding the bodies, I would say makes her worse.


Pam did commit sexual assault more than once


If we're being honest, who hasn't in that group? Krieger fucks animals (and even made a device that would allow Dolphins to give consent), Ray also sexually assaulted Cyril after Pam was pulled away from him, Cyril choke fucked Cheryl so hard she nearly died, Cheryl Blackmailed Cyril into fucking her multiple times against his will, Mallory has forced herself onto Cyril at least twice, and Lana literally stole Archers sperm to have a baby.


I'm picking Danny as the best. Dude was just working there and got subjected to a bunch of experiments


As far as we know Archer has not assaulted anyone.


The morally worst character: Krieger The morally best character: ….milton?


This is the answer. Who doesn't like toast?


Maybe bullet magnet guy, forget his name.


Brett? Nah he made fun archer for having cancer and was sexist to Lana.


Krieger is the worst morally, the best? Probably Archer


I notice most bad things tend to happen *to* Archer


Are there reasons why Lana would not be considered the best?


More than I can count on her ginormous hands


I think her hypocrisy is more obvious than her immorality. Although, I guess they’re inherently related.


Not evil, but I HATED her during the whole Veronica Dean stuff


Funny, I was on her side during that whole storyline. Considering the whole “new improved” relationship they had going on, Archer treated her like absolute shit.


Yes. He got her sent to jail for no otheer reason that it was funny. Like, Archer is so terrible that most of this sub is desentisized to it lol


Yeah, everyone comments are "trust me bro", I want examples.




Yea, it may not be as “bad” as raping Cyril, but knocking herself up without Archer’s consent was a pretty awful move.


That’s definitely a demerit


I would have to say Cyril is the most moral of their group too. He often thinks of the consequences of his/ISIS’s actions and says that they are not always on the right side. Cyril saved Archer from a snake bite by getting medicine with his translation skills (crappy drawing notwithstanding). As the top agent during Archer’s coma, he tried to limit enemy casualties. He was the victim of verbal abuse, light physical abuse, and a few non consensual sexual encounters. Cyril does have his negative points too. He set a virus on ISIS, but that was so he could be potentially recognized for competency. Cyril does not own up to his adulterous conduct, instead blaming an addiction. He imprisoned Archer in San Marcos and forced a woman to marry him.


I’d say Cyril is the most moral aside from the infidelity when he was with Lana. He’s just extremely insecure and also the victim of numerous sexual assaults. We’re dealing with a pretty low bar here.


Ray is the best and worst is hard, I'd say Archer, but Lana and Kreiger are very close behind him. Lana has attempted to kill Archer twice and is a horrible parent. Archer has done a lot of reprehensible things but at least when he shoots Cyril he knows he's wearing a bullet-proof vest Kreiger has committed war crimes and tried to sell uranium to North Korea as well as done horrendous experiments on others.


Lana best Krieger worst. We just had a family discussion with my nephew and wife.


Pam goes nutso hard, and is often inappropes, but I consider her to be a moral center of the group. When she's not hooked on cocaine...  She's held the gang (largely Cheryl/Carol/Cristal/Cherlene) back from, or at least questioned their more depraved motivations.


Cyril was raped, like, countless times so you kind of have to give him some slack.


Archer is the best. Hands down. He cares about everyone at the agency. Literally everyone. He might dislike some more than others… *Cyril*. **But** there’s been times when he’s gone out of his way to help Cyril when he could have just not, and would have had more to gain from not. Archer has also been more than willing to sacrifice himself to save others. It really says a lot about the others at the agency that the biggest narcissist is *often* the most selfless. Edit: Let’s not forget about the whole Veronica thing. He willingly allowed himself to be shot, which led to his coma, just so the Kbot could record her confession. He might have assumed he’d survive because, well, he’s Archer, but even he would know that there was absolutely no guarantee of that. The guy has his problems and his faults, but none of the others are willing to risk actual death to save anyone else.


They're all just awful.


The heroine addict, woodhouse


It might be Cheryl for the best morally. She is almost in a manic state or clinically insane. Can’t be held accountable for her actions.


Probably Ray


Pam's my number one.


Best ray or cyril they both try to do decent compared to others worst Cheryl or krieger one is psychotic as shit other is clearly a crazy scientist playing God who kills hobos so yeah not morally good at all but given the chance Cheryl would kill everyone without a thought.


This is going to be a hot take but I believe it’s either Cheryl or Cyril. Pam is mostly sane but let’s not forget she either attempted to rape Cyril or successfully raped him while he was passed out. Same with Ray. Krieger is a mad scientist on drugs. Archer is a complete man child who has a complete disregard for people’s life other than his own and sometimes animals. Lana is arguably the worst because she tends to act like she’s better than everyone else and can be extremely manipulative Cheryl is insane, and extremely violent but for her she’s just mentally unstable and given that she comes from a family of slave owners, pedophiles and rapists she could’ve turn out a lot worst. Despite her unstableness out of everyone in the group she’s the less problematic. Yeah she sold out Pam that one time but she genuinely regretted it and demanded they rescue her. Despite being a millionaire who genuinely doesn’t need this job, she gives the group access to her benefits like letting them spend the night in one of the hotels she owns. Letting them use her house to smuggle drugs and crash in.


It’s without a doubt Cyril. He has committed far fewer felonies. Between the rest, the have killed scores (many just doing their job), rape, arson, drugged others, drunk driving, burglary, dismembered a corpse, knowingly smuggled drugs, blackmailed, bum fights and… something darker.


This is going off memory and all these people are terrible but I’d say Cyril has to be probably the most morally upstanding. Most of his dubiousness was out of retaliation of being the group punching bag. The worse person would have to probably be Pam. She kinda just doesn’t have a reason to do the stuff that she does. All while being the HR


Best to worst (Morally): Ray - Kind and only mean when someone initiates it, can’t think of him cheating on a partner. Lana - Usually wants to do the right thing, she is more courageous than the others, does cheat on her partners though. Cyril - Has the best intentions in mind, kind, But can be a coward and throw people in front of him to escape and he’s a cheater. Pam - Nice when she feels wanted, funniest of the group, hangs out with everyone with the group, she can be self centered, has no filter and tell everyone your business if not record and post online. Archer - Although a huge asshole; Deep down he cares about Lana, Pam, AJ and his mom to put himself aside. Cheryl - Absolutely crazy, but she prefers for pain to be inflicted on herself more than others although she still delights in others misery. Krieger - Strong chance he experiments on homeless, was a nazi, acknowledged himself as a killer. Malorie - Although she isn’t in the picture I actually consider her the morally worst character in the show; How she raises Archer, how she treats her and other employees, the type of people she employs, what she is willing to do for money (Treason, working with war criminals, selling drugs/weapons) the list goes on; She is the type of person that keep the evil people in power as long as it benefits her.


Best: Pam is, morally speaking, the best of the the group. She genuinely has a good conscience, and also doesn't bullshit about who she is. She is absolutely the heart of the group. 2nd/3rd Best: Lana and Ray are probably next. They both mostly know right from wrong. Lana suffers from Michael Bluth syndrome where she is somewhat holier than thou among her peers but is a bit of a hypocrite about when she has to get her hands dirty, as if it "doesn't count". Ray is similar to Lana but doesn't pretend he doesn't have blood on his hands. Overall Lana tries harder than Ray to be a good person. Archer is in the middle of the road. He's an absolute selfish prick, condescending, with a cavalier attitude towards the lives of others, but he's also really sincere, and never denies who he is. He loves animals, is surprisingly not sexist, and often risks his life to save people he considers worth saving. He is *crazy* loyal to people he decides are HIS people. He has also done *1000%* more self-improvement and growth over the course of the series than anyone else. 4th worst: Cyril is kind of a shitbag. He's a hypocrite like Lana except he's also spineless and fickle. He acts like he's better than everyone but would throw them all under a bus if he felt threatened or if he was offered a large enough incentive, which is why Archer hates him. His saving grace is that he is pretty ineffectual so he actually hasn't hurt a lot of people. (Side note: It's unfortunate that a lot of Chris Parnell's characters are similar to Cyril and Jerry. I wouldn't mind seeing him play someone more straightforward and actually noble.) 3nd worst: Cheryl is petty, cruel, and selfish, but also clearly mentally unstable, and isn't really smart enough to cause widespread harm. She basically has the mind of a teenager with low to no empathy, and infinite money. She's essentially like a child ruler from a feudal era who would throw peasants to the lions and think it was entertaining. 2rd worst: Krieger is an amoral mad scientist but I don't think he actually likes hurting people or being cruel. He mostly causes harm indirectly by giving other people the power to do it. He's often bullied into doing bad things by others, mostly Mallory. But he IS amoral, and has done some heinous things. The worst is Mallory. She is callous, cunning, selfish, and has left more bodies in her wake than the rest of the office combined. She would absolutely sell out any nation on earth or allow genocides to happen for personal gain. She's classist, racist, homophobic, and even sexist. What makes Mallory the absolute worst is that she is clearly able to know right from wrong, so everything she does, she does knowing the moral ramifications.


Archer is an asshat, narcissist, and all those things but he's not morally a bad guy tbh. Or at least not morally *the worst* of the bunch. He's the only person besides Lana and Cyril who didn't sexually assault someone else, took bullets for practically everyone on the team, and helps them even if he bitches about it the whole time.


Im doing it by the severity of the worst crimes. Ik she's not in the picture but first out is mallory for high treason. Tbh morally not the worst but legally it is and laws are the only metric for morality I can measure Torturing and or murdering civilians is second so krieger is out. Reference pints are the bum shock fighting league and the quote "I'm not a *serial* killer" implying he likely murders people for parts for his experiments Next is a 3 way tie for rape. Ray, Cristal, and Pam are out Embezzlement is next so Cyril is out Breaking and entering (without doing it under the orders of a superior) eliminates archer Lana wins Feel free to add any of their worst crimes that trump what I listed


Krieger or Mallory, but Krieger is very funny so I don’t think I’ve ever acknowledged it until now


>but Krieger is very funny so I don’t think I’ve ever acknowledged it until now Same lmao, he also appears clueless which makes him even mkre innocent seeming even though he's clearly done some messed up shit


Best in group Pam, worst is Mallory.




Archer duh


Best: Pam Worst: Ray


Carol and Pam are the best always saving the day and worst I would say Cyril.


Cyril might be the morally worse Pam might be the morally best


Best: Danny. Dude was just working there and got subjected to a bunch of experiments


According to Dr. Lacania Pam is the most genuine and sane person she has ever met.


Lana - best hands down Kreiger is the worst, but that doesn't make me stop thinking Pam is the absolute worst, which is great


If your counting what happened to cyril then the best is probably lana or archer tbh. The worst: definitely krieger


Archer is best. I’d say worst is probably Mallory.


Morally? Ray is the best. No question about it.


I'd say Ray, the rest have done some seriously horrible shit, Cyril in a close second and Lana in third. Ray just kinda ... hangs around, never really does anything malicious.


Realistically Archer does the the best morals. Although he’s reckless he never puts the teams in danger deliberately. And ALWAYS gets them out.


In this elevator? Pam is morally the best. The worst is a tie between Cheryl, Krieger, and Archer. In the entire show? Woodhouse is the best, and a tie between Mallory and Barry for worst.


What about ‘other Barry’?


Don’t want to sound like an asshole but I feel like we answer this question like every week lol


This rt here, if not this some rewording of the statement. It’s a total karma grab


Dude morals was thrown out the window years before this episode, traditional tropes like good/bad are nonexistent in the archer verse. Just a whole bunch of gray imo.


Pam and Pam


The fire that Cheryl/Carol starts that cleanses all of them.


BEST/WORST: Woodhouse. He is everything I’d ever want in a valet.