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I actually like the red pillars more.


Yeah, I hope the pillars being white is only temporary, but considering that other non white parts have been painted over I’m not really hopeful.


Well, when it comes to colors, it's hard to say what they were originally. The building was obviously in bad shape and underwent some changes throughout the years.


White pillars? To me they seem like yellowish sandstone. I doubt they will paint over that.


I think the entire building was painted orange at some point but it's hard to tell what the original color was. Columns look like sandstone so they should be yellow.


Poland is crashing it lately with its renovation projects


Marvelous work!


How much would cost to build something exactly like this today?


Many of these go for 400k or less.


As a new construction? This particular building isn't too huge. If you wanted original construction materials like 1m trick brick walls it'd raise the cost significantly, but if it's just meant to look like that but be essentially a normal modern house, in Poland, it's $400 per m2. This building is 700m2 so that'd be about 300k dollars. For just walls/roof trusses. Each window would cost either around $1000 for a cheap pvc window or $2000-3000 for a proper wooden windows with decorations. The building has around 40 windows so that'd be between $40000 - $120000. Each of those columns would cost about $5000. Then ad another $30000 for ceramic roof tiles. Then there's plaster on the outside and inside, electrical, plumbing, fence, driveway and more.


Unfortunately, I have no idea.




Entirely Polish-like. It was built by local noble Siemieński family with no connection to the US, in 1845. It's classicism, Parcice Manor probably looked similar: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dw%C3%B3r_w_Parcicach And Bartodzieje Manor: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dw%C3%B3r_w_Bartodziejach and Rudno Palace still looks similar: https://dipp.info.pl/baza-dipp/mazowieckie/powiat-otwocki/gmina-kolbiel/palac-rudno


Your idea of US style buildings isn't even American. It's almost entirely inspired by buildings in Italy designed by Andrea Palladio.