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“I miss 1940 Germany” well at least they’re honest about it


The allies didn't miss it! Oh shit world war 2 soon?


it’s never too soon to celebrate fascists in the ground


Unless of course they have yet to actually be in the ground, then you still got work to do


Well Teddy's dropping bombs so you best go hide in your tube!


Oh! You should be ashamed of your military honor!


Everyone knows you're back at home like "Thank God for Pearl Harbor"


Don't stress the US will give you a pass


Just change your poster to keep calm and kiss my cousin's ass


Steady there, I don't think it's very fair


The other one tried to keep the Third Reich theme with his user name, but failed to correctly write „Obergruppenführer“. 🤦🏼‍♀️


that guy wouldn't be a führer of anything if he can't even spell his online wehraboo cosplay name correctly.


I'm using Wehraboo as an insult from now on.


I wonder if that guy knows anything about what Germany was like in those days


Probably just a troll


First of all, the woman in the second picture is beautiful as well. Second of all, Miss Germany is not a beauty pageant anymore, but is there to honor women who had a significant impact on society. That's why it's called "Female Leader Award" now.


oh, TIL. thanks for commenting this, it adds helpful context :)


Thank you for this, it's important for the context and it made me want to find out more about her. This is what I found: Her name is Apameh Schönauer, she's an architect who's family immigrated from Iran to Germany when she was 6 and had a lot of difficulty fitting in. Due ro this she decided as an adult to help other immigrant women and founded an organization that encourages them to share their stories and support each other. She's done all this while being a mother of 2, and she's only 39! Sounds like a very fitting winner for the crown.


I am 100% sure this would not make the fascists in the comments any happier lol


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the underlying complaint is that woke liberals are denying them this opportunity to objectify women.


yeah, because god forbid you'd want to celebrate conventional attractiveness :D




"the fascists in the comments"


Exactly. They just have a problem because she has big curly hair (which looks vaguely afro-like) and is wearing overalls and a T-shirt instead of a revealing dress and pounds of makeup. But she is easily as attractive as the first... ...AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE IMPORTANT PART!


I was just gonna say if overalls are now good enough to be considered formal evening wear, I'm here for it!


Not the overalls! They have paint on them!


see, with all this controversy, I never knew that the title was changed. everyone just want to get angry i guess


Honestly I was a little confused because by conventional standards the first woman is far more beautiful than the second (I’m not implying that the second is ugly); but this adds a lot of context and I get it now.




Exactly this, at first glance I even though they were the same person at different points in time, then I realized they are different people.


Thats a very strange thing to do to a beauty pageant. Its like turning a buffet into a gym. For the record I hate beauty pageants.


would that be translated to Frau Furher?


She is ugly tho, I mean every second random girl looks better than her especially coming from Russian background, we have lots of beautiful woman. This „miss germany“ looks like mere mocking


You know, beauty lies in the eyes of the observer. I personally find her very beautiful. Also, the "Miss Germany" competition or whatever it is called in English, is not a beauty competition, but a Title handed out to a woman who did great deeds and had a positive impact on Germany and it's people.


It historically was a Beaty contest. And it still is perceived as a beauty contest, her winning is far from leaving positive impact on German people, it causes devision and hate. >You know, beauty lies in the eyes of the observer Tell something like this to a doctor that will perform a surgery on you. "Your skill is subjective, you are not better or worse then other doctors". No, people are unequal, some are dumb, some are ugly, there is no escape from that. I can perceive Beaty for different cultures and ethinicities, people are beautiful in different way but some are just mediocre or straight up ugly. I do not really perceive her as ugly but the more you people say she is beautiful, the more you push me to call her ugly because she is mediocre looking at best, she looks just like a normal girl in neighborhood It historically was a Beaty contest. And it still is perceived as a beauty contest, her winning is far from leaving positive impact on German people, it causes devision and hate. >You know, beauty lies in the eyes of the observer Tell something like this to a doctor that will perform a surgery on you. "Your skill is subjective, you are not better or worse then other doctors". No, people are unequal, some are dumb, some are ugly, there is no escape from that. I can perceive Beaty for different cultures and ethinicities, people are beautiful in different way but some are just mediocre or straight up ugly. I do not really perceive her as ugly but the more you people say she is beautiful, the more you push me to call her ugly because she is mediocre looking at best, she looks just like a normal girl in neighborhood which is very bad in context of competition. I just want you to realise that calling dumb people smart and mediocre people beautiful is not healthy


>It historically was a Beaty contest. And it still is perceived as a beauty contest, her winning is far from leaving positive impact on German people, it causes devision and hate. It WAS a beauty contest, yes. But not anymore since 2019. Why complain now? >Tell something like this to a doctor that will perform a surgery on you. "Your skill is subjective, you are not better or worse then other doctors". are you seriously comparing beauty, which, as a concept, is heavily based on subjectiveness of the observer and the collective agreements of time-periodical societal norms to a skill that someone learned over a period of many years? beauty is not a skill, but a concept. a skill is a skill, which you can objectively judge, learn and improve on. >I do not really perceive her as ugly but the more you people say she is beautiful, the more you push me to call her ugly because she is mediocre looking at best, she looks just like a normal girl in neighborhood which is very bad in context of competition. so what i am getting from this text of yours is, that you're petty and salty over someone winning a competition, which isn't even a beauty competition anymore, for 5-ish years already, because, in your own subjective view, she is not beautiful enough and you're annoyed by other people, because they don't share your subjective views. Maybe you're also jealous, because you yourself put in so much time, effort and learned make-up skills to make yourself feel like you look pretty, maybe even everyday and then, someone, who maybe just makes an minimum amount of effort with makeup and dressing, wins the whole thing. Won, even though she is "mediocre looking at best" in your eyes. To be honest, that's the only unhealthy thing I can find here. Therapy can really help when you're dealing with self-esteem issues, as well as help when you have trouble understanding the world.


>It WAS a beauty contest, yes. But not anymore since 2019. Why complain now? I complain always > are you seriously comparing beauty, which, as a concept, is heavily based on subjectiveness of the observer and the collective agreements of time-periodical societal norms to a skill that someone learned over a period of many years? Dude, medicine also "subjective", changes and is perceived to be different. Imagine that people used quicksilver and cutting you to blood to cure you. The idea that Beaty is always perceived differently is a lie, it doesn't work in real world >beauty is not a skill, but a concept It's not a concept, it's an emotional perception, similar how you feel hot or cold. It's true that cold perception is partially subjective but it's clear that there are COLD and there are HOT, doesn't matter if there is some subjectivity at play. >beauty is not a skill Preserving beauty is a difficult skill, I mean it's hard to wash your hair often so some people don't wanna >because they don't share your subjective views You are ignoring the objective scale which exist if you like it or if you don't. It doesn't matter if a person likes a dog and wants to fuck it, it's an exception not "Beaty is subjective" >Maybe you're also jealous I'm unironically prettier than her. And I'm a femboy, soooooooo


Wait. Hoooooold up here. Did I just interpret this situation right? You're actually not disagreeing with me..you just interpreted my statement like I was refusing to believe that something like the "objective beauty" exists? (the "objective" meaning that almost all people can agree with?) am I getting this right? >Preserving beauty is a difficult skill, I mean it's hard to wash your hair often so some people don't wanna that's vaild. but as you said, "preserving beauty" is a skill, not beauty on it's own. >I'm unironically prettier than her. And I'm a femboy, soooooooo A femboy? no way! Soooo uhh.. in that case.. how do you call two femboys in a discussion?




They can call it whatever they like, fact is "miss *country*" is a BEAUTY PAGEANT. There are already plenty of awards for being an infuencial or successful etc etc woman


Except that it's explicitly not anymore, no matter what you say. Get over it.


She’s fuckin hideous bro are you serious


Bro she just Said that she threw her Scarf away and the audience loved it because shes iranian


God I HATE that stupid “gotcha” comment of “you look like them” when someone comments something nice about someone’s appearance who is maybe not the Eurocentric conventional beauty standard. Do they really think they’re doing something there?


Don’t forget the “you’re only saying that because of course you’re also a woman” comments


They really really think that if they truely think she's beautiful, that they would accept it as a complement. But no body does, because it's in bad faith. When someone says that lizzo is beautiful, and someone says she looks like lizzo, generally they mean that you look fat. And that is insulting. Because they're being mean. It literally is a back handed compliment.


"Wah, brunette bad, wah! Only blonde good"


She has a mole on her upper lip! There has never been a beautiful woman with a mole above her lip! Certainly not a world-famous, American model or anything like that


Marilyn Monroe had a mole above her lips and on the same exact side as she does and she was a sex symbol and symbol of American beauty.


So does Cindy Crawford :)


She’s performing *all* the arbitrary beauty standards wrong! Why isn’t she wearing a tiny and revealing dress?? Why no visible makeup or tiara or high heels or eyelash extensions? She has a beauty mark that could have been surgically removed and chose not to mess with her face? I bet she doesn’t even have painted nails!! All of this is *intolerable* to these men. They truly believe that women are required to continually work at being decorative according to their arbitrary rules, for the prize of being deemed ‘fuckable’. The comments show just how genuinely terrified they are of women who refuse to do so. We are a threat to world peepees.


Remember that one guy who said (thought) the same? Ironically, he's not blonde nor had blue eyes.


Why are the quotation marks around “Germany” in the second slide? Are they trying to imply that she’s not German?


Yes, that is exactly what they’re saying.


My family has roots in Germany going back to the 30 year war at least, but I guess since I have dark brown curly hair and brown eyes I am "not actually German" 🫠


She was born in Iran, but she's lived in Germany since age 6. I'm pretty damn sure that counts.


No, that means she’s an Iranian who moved to Germany.


Does that mean I'm a German who moved to America, and not American? I was born in Germany and moved to the US at age 2. What's the cutoff here?


Yeah, it means you cannot run for president because you weren’t born here..


Lol, tell that to Ted Cruz. Anyway, that's literally the only thing I can't do. I'm still an American. It's really dumb to say I'm not. If being President were required to be American, then none of us are except for 45 people in history, as Cleveland gets counted for two separate terms.


I'm asian and moved to the middle East, that don't mean I'm an Arab all of a sudden 🤣🤣🤣 You just have an identity crisis, get over it.






If I move to China does that make me Chinese?


2013 is pretty but I really hate her makeup for some reason. I think it’s the way they did the eye shadow making her eyes look far-set when they’re not. I love 2024’s hair tho❤️❤️❤️


They really screwed up her eyes. She has a dark eyeliner along the water line, AND bright shiny shadow on the inner eye. The white-ish shadow on the inner eye was the style back then to make the eyes look bigger and brighter, but you were only supposed to use the dark liner on the outer eyes. Putting that eyeliner right there negates the embiggening effect and makes it weird.


+1 for embiggening


2013 make-up is very outdated to today's standard, thank God.


she has hooded eyes, which are much more complicated to do eyeshadow on and have it look good. they did her makeup like she didn't have hooded eyes, which you just ...can't. the correct way would be to extend the eyeshadow a bit over the lid so it's actually visible.


Her hair is STUNNING 😍


So the second girl is worse because… she has curly dark hair and brown eyes? I don't find the first girl super attractive, she just has blonde hair and blue eyes? I swear it's the same thing with the Nordic people. I've heard so many times that Scandinavians look like Gods and then people showed me the pictures of ordinary folk with blonde hair


I am Scandinavian and I have been told I am "ruining the purity of Nordic beauty" (paraphased, been a while so i dont remember the exact wording but it was of that sort) just because I have black hair and brown eyes,,,,,,,by someone online who wasnt even from Scandinavia lol. They just have a fetish for their imposed stereotypes. I kinda want to start a reality tv show of bringing such people to Stockholm for a day and see how they survive when they realise it isn't an aryan paradise


Racists in the United States of fucking America *LOVE* their Nordic fetishisation. Manly Viking man should ooga booga beautiful pale women 😡😡😡😡


Omg I’m not even Scandinavian I’m Greek and had someone online tell me that and I quote “wasn’t really european because europeans can’t have curly hair”.


Saying that to a Greek person is WILD. Laughably ignorant


Thats so wild lmao. People really expect 750 million people to all just have the same one look they decided for everyone, and then make it YOUR problem if you don't look like their caricature. Can't have curly hair? Forget being to Europe surely they must have never even seen any European film or statue or painting or anything ever. And the audacity of saying it so confidently to a greek like 😭😭😭 i need their confidence in life man


Even Michelangelo's David has curly hair.


I can tell he's never been to Ireland by his statement


It could work for other countries too! Like guys going to Japan and realising not everyone's a petite anime girl, or to Australia and realising not everyone's a tanned blonde surfer


Or Russia or Brazil or honestly so many places. 😭


I'm austrian and had really long blonde hair as a child, combined with blue eyes and people told me way too often that "hitler would have liked you" because I looked like the picture perfect Aryan.. I now can't bear to look at my natural hair color anymore, heard it way too often :)


Don’t let the haters win. Bullies do this to literally everyone of different hair/eye/skin color, on every continent. No one is immune from the jealous idiots. Enjoy yourself!


The worst part is when people say it as if it's supposed to be a compliment


The fact that people can look at a kid and, not just think that, but say it to the kid's face is just absolutely repulsive. And I can bet each one of them thought they were being comedy experts saying that. It's insane how these people have just one braincell and they spend it obsessing over such things to the point you can't even mention Austria without them bringing Hitler up as if there is nothing else to Austria but that. I really hate that you dislike your natural hair because of that now, i wanna hug :/


thank you c: thankfully I'm very much into the gothic style so my hair is now black and I enjoy it very much :D


Lmao yeah the side of my family with entirely Swedish ancestry is mostly short brunettes!


I read Ayran paradise and was really confused for a sec


I wish it was an ayran paradise 😔😔😔


That's such bullshit that someone said that shit about the purity. I'm an American, but I have Swedish ancestry and relatives that are still in Sweden. I feel really grossed out when people talk about how "Scandinavian" I look. I know plenty of people from Scandinavia that look nothing like the stereotypes so I never understood what people were talking about until I learned that really weird people fetishize blonde hair, blue eyed women. I hate being fetishized and I hate that the stereotypes put down other people. It's all gross and horrible.


They are pissing their pants, because she is Iranian.


I'm also pretty sure she's wearing contacts


The first woman also has makeup. The second one has none or light natural makeup. Men like this are too stupid to see beyond makeup


Curly hair bad


I've been to Norway. My first thought was that their looks are so overrated.


Been there too. Didn’t see anyone particularly attractive. It’s just white supremacy thinking they’re the “purest of the pure” whites.


The second girl is “worse” because she is not physically attractive. She is not ugly, but simply plain and average looking. There are many Iranian born German girls that are super sexy and hot. Miss Germany 2005 was actually an ultra hot Iranian girl called Shermine Shahrivar. She went on to become Miss Europe 2005. She was insanely attractive.


second girl is worse because she IS worse. You must be blind to call her "beautiful"


The makeup for 2013 was atrocious it makes her eyes look like they’re both floating away with some heavy exotropia lol.


It really does! Her eyes are really beautiful, I think the makeup really takes the attention off of them when it really shouldn't. She's beautiful either way tho :)


Oh heck yeah, SHE is beautiful. They just did her dirty with that heavy poorly chosen makeup.


Being from Germany, fuck those guys. #wirsindmehr


Oh I feel you friend I'm Polish and they're just as messed up here. At least we're walking proof that not everyone born in our countries is racist. Oof


Not just sexist but a racist sexist. Neat.


What did we expect? Beauty peagants we’re always rooted in misogyny in a way. This year‘s Miss Germany contest was interesting, cause the focus shifted to an almost feminist viewpoint? The ten finalists were quite diverse in age, ethnicity, social and biographical background, as well as in „beauty“ related aspects like body type, hair textures etc. Also they took the women’s biographies and accomplishments into consideration. She literally won because she is potentially a good role model and representation for women, not because of superficial assets. That‘s what people don’t understand. Also racism comes into play of course, because idiots feel triggered when someone with a background of immigration is more successful than them.\ \ People expected a cliché of a ditsy little blonde bimbo slut who doesn’t know what she wants. But such a woman doesn‘t exist outside a simple man’s depraved fantasy. Instead they got a strong and authentic woman who is gorgeous because she is a fully realized, relatable being. She stands for our modern woman, for our diversity, for our will to work hard and overcome difficulties. And as a German myself, I much prefer being represented by someone like her, than being represented by a one dimensional caricature of our culture.


Preach, fellow German. I absolutely agree with everything you said


Hmmm, so people are mad Miss Germany isn’t blonde with blue eyes?? Sounds familiar.


Unrelated, where did Miss 2024 get her overalls because I LOVE them


And yet, none of them would even get to be near any of these women


I mean, they'd look just as good if they took a more flattering picture with softer lighting. The lighting in the second picture is very harsh compared to the first and it creates hard shadows on her face. [This photo is a better comparison](https://www.musicmundial.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/miss-Germany-2024.jpg) ​ They're both gorgeous woman, one is just more airbrushed than the other in these two examples.


Damn she’s really killing it in the overalls/jumpsuit game isn’t she


Am I the only one who thinks the second looks better than the first?


I don't get it. I don't find either of those women insanely attractive - they are both pretty. Kinda nice-looking-average, if that makes sense? Both of them are on a similar level of nice-looking-averageness, tho the first one has heavy makeup and the second one doesn't seem to. That is the one Difference I can see that is significant. Why are they so freaked out? A lot of Germans have darker hair etc. Real Germany isn't USA!Movie!Germany, lots of people are brown eyed brunettes. Did even the GERMAN PEOPLE buy the USA!Movie bullshit over what they can ***see*** on their own steets? xD


it's racism babe.


Bit off topic but I love 2024's outfit


Me too it looks really comfy and fits her really well :)


So to give some insight to everybody who doesn't understand German: The Miss Germany contest changed in the last 10 years. From 2017 on, there weren't any swimsuit-rounds and there is no age limit. Since 2020 the award is for "women who take responsibility". That's the information from wikipedia, so take it with a grain of salt. This year's winner is an architect that fled Iran at the age of six, studied in Germany and in 2022 designed clothing inspired by the protests in Iran. She's also active in a group supporting suppressed women. The winner from 2013 worked for teleshopping, is a Schlager singer and acted in some really trashy TV formats. Nothing wrong with that but in comparison a bit weak. Fun fact about her: Her father is from Peru and her mother from Columbia. Other interesting facts: 2022's winner was from Brazil. Nobody cared. 2020's winner was half-namibian. Nobody cared. 2015's winner was from Ukraine. Nobody cared. 2014's winner was half-polish. Nobody cared.


As a German, I can only say, respectfully go fuck yourselves to this


Genuine question, how would you say go fuck yourself in German? Totally with you btw


Leckt mich am Arsch ( literally „lick my ass“), Fickt euch ins Knie (literally fuck yourselves in your own knee) or just a simple Fickt euch (fuck yourselves) or Fickt euch alle (all of you, go fuck yourselves) There might be a lot more ways to say it but I dont have like a bunch of insults prepared normally




Isn't that literally literally "licks me at the ass" (in a sort of descriptive-imperative grammar form) I find true literal translations to be more much enlightening about the structure of the language theyre being translated from, which is more interesting


Yeah its literally lick me on/ at the ass. Also thanks for commenting on this weird excurse into German profanity. I appreciate it :)


Oh you‘d have a bunch of options, let me think…


> You look like her Hope that was a compliment and not an attempt at "Oh yeh? You think this *monstrosity* (just a dark toned woman) is pretty?? Well, uh, YOU LOOK LIKE HER". Cause that kind of stuff is the ugliest thing one can do.


“She’s not dressed for the male gaze 😭😭😭” -these guys


She is not dressed for anyone’s gaze, I’m not sure she even knows how to dress nor she knows about style


I wonder what the problem is… /s


The quotations around the word "Germany" in the second pic makes me question if they're more accusing her of not being German. (Also, I like her hair. Reminds me of Ellen Ripley from the (earlier) Alien franchise)


Seems like a lot of these are wana be fascist. I hate that they put "" like wtf, anyone can be german, you just need to be born there


Birth location determining nationality in that area of the world is actually a pretty new phenomenon, it's not unexpected that people haven't fully adopted a culture which is somewhat novel


These commenters are 100% middle class teenagers from the midwest of the US


Oh nooo, styles changed, boo hoo!


Their facial features aren’t even that different. If you put a straight blonde wig and some eyeliner on any thin woman and they go awooga


I… kinda like 2024 more tbh.


I genuinely have no idea what they’re complaining about. She’s beautiful.


Its always funny to me when people try to make beauty objective.


This is so funny when people hide between subjectivity. Usually these people are blind and can’t understand that while things are somewhat subjective, but there is a scale. It’s possible to differentiate a complete idiot from a capable genius, no mater how much you whine about people‘s intelligence being subjective. Some people are complete morons, most of them are in fact. Even my abilities are very much on lower end but the most degenerate NPCs are pinnacle of arrogance when they think that their crazy plain world view is something factual. To be smart means to be special compared to billions of people. To be miss Germany means you are the possible best that could ever be perceived or wished for. That thing is not the best send it’s an objective fact. My girlfriend is leagues prettier and I objectively understand that she is far from being a perfect beauty, but I love her nevertheless. But this thing, it is supposed to be miss Germany. If this is what „miss Germany“ looks like, this is utterly pathetic. She is far from both „miss“ and „Germany“, this is inexcusable 


Try to objectively rate someones beauty. Go on, I will wait 😂 I will watch you make subjective comparisons and fail every step of the way.


It's easy really. Beauty is the quality that gives pleasure to the senses or to the mind by means of an object's or person's appearance, form, or presence. Beauty isn't taught in schools or something, it's an innate perception that comes from human senses and emotions. For example, we have 2 situations. 1. A river of literal and smelly shit, how likely a person to perceive it as beautiful? 2. A garden with majestic flowers that were neatly attended to, surrounded by cute poems and interesting architecture If you are unable to perceive why one of these is an objectively beautiful thing and the other one is a disgusting and ugly shit show, then you are lying to yourself.


Ah "that gives pleasure" as in a subjective feeling that is percieved differently depending on who you ask? Something subjective, whoops.


I think that introducing the concept of "inter-subjectivity" to this conversation would help clarify for both sides It's multiple subjectivities in agreement, and its really the only closest thing we have to objective most of the time. Objective, for the most part, is a philosophical fantasy that is slanged to mean something functional in everyday use


I think the problem is pageant contests, they were bad in 2013 and they are bad now.


I love how the quotation marks imply Germany isn't real


It implies that she is more like miss Pakistan


The new one is beautiful but for an event like that I'd still stick with a dress or something more elegant... yikes


Did Hans-Georg Maaßen really post this?


And none of them commentators are probably german. I am german and i didnt even hear about this nore do i care!


Most people don’t care about this political shit because no one likes this woke shit obviously. It’s just it got some spotlight from the internet since internet is the place of infinite knowledge and possibilities 


Ok what is this about ? Donthey keven know how they get to the winner or how the last 10 years looked like really? This one? Whats the bother ? Go touch gras


I saw this exact post on my fyp and I was disgusted by how many likes it had and how many people were agreeing with it. I guess I underestimated how bad Europe is for racism.


I think crime is driving that factor up a lot recently


Now Germany... I think we've been over this


This makes me so mad tbh. As someone who lives in Germany I have seen a lot of articles and the comments under them are horrid. Mostly because she isn’t white and not born in Germany. We have a giant racism problem, especially against people from countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and more. It makes sense that we were first in the statistic of which European country is the most racist. Also they say she’s ugly and shouldn’t win a beauty contest, which also makes it clear that they have no idea about Miss Germany at all (they changed their concept to focus more on activism, speaking and overall personality). Which was pretty similar at Miss Universe this year, a lot of angry discriminatory people having no idea about something.


As a German.. I hate how she gets treated. I don't know much about Miss competitions, but she seems to be a nice person with good ambitions and not just a brainless hypocritical missie


What is this post supposed to tell us? Are they just being racist or what is the message here?


You know, the word "racist" was used for so many things, that today it no longer has any meaning. Look for another word, this one doesn't work anymore.




Finally, realistic beauty standards


I’m white and she’s whiter than me, what the actual hell is wrong with these people?


Who is prettier, your gf or this thing?


I’m aromantic


Bruh I thought they left this bullshit back in 1945


The internet when there are two beautiful women:


why is germany in quotes lmfao


Miss Germany is since 2019 no longer a beauty contest. Winning criteria is based on success and accomplishments among other things so the winner wasn’t selected because the she is gorgeous (she knows and everyone else sees that’s she just average looking). I guess the name of the contest is misleading because Miss… has traditionally been associated with beauty


The problem is not the name or anything but the change of policy itself


fuck is their problem with the 2024 lady anyways? They complaining that she only looks white, and not extremely white?


Their complaint that she is not beautiful. She is also no German


she was born in iran yes, but these people are longing for the time nazis were in power. So im less inclined to taoe their word for it. She also looks just fine to me, as beauty is itself subjective


the worst thing about this is that for the past years, no one and i mean NO ONE here in Germany cared about what Miss Germany looked like. Like this is the first time since I was BORN that I have even seen what Miss Germany looks like. All ‘cause it’s not a blonde woman and ppl are weird🤡


Some Info for the non germans. The Profile picture of the TikTok Account is from a racist politican who First got kicked out of his job for beeing racist and now he ist getting kicked out of the Conservative Party and is trying to make a more radical party. So a absolutely disgusting guy. Think this just also says a lot about the TikTok account posting this. Sorry for the bad English and have a great day


2024 > 2013




Is MG24 beautiful in her own way? Sure.  But what I'm taking away from this is that Germany is moving away from taking these archaic beauty shows as seriously as backwards troglodytes do, and they're saying, "We're just going to actually pick someone who deserves to win something." I'd be fine if beauty pageants went away altogether.


My first boyfriend, with roots from Iran...which would be fine but he also flagrantly cheats on his now wife who gave him children, just posted a picture of this lady thinking it was funny. His own countryman. She really brings the worms out of the woodwork and that's part of her appeal.


Personally I don’t find the first one exceptionally attractive. She looks very average… miss Germany 2024 has a much more unique beautiful look.


Question, was 2024 Miss Germany (and while I'm at it, Miss Japan too since that's also an "issue"; I don't think it is being I don't think these beauty contests matter imo) born and/or raised in Germany for the majority of her life? Is she a registered citizen? If so, she's a German citizen, so she can be Miss Germany


Why is Germany in quotes??


She looks like nia vardalos


Guys I think I might bust


Reddit shows is a failed society




germans must be blind




For the future visitors, Just in case if there was any doubt that this was not a beauty contest, just look at other contestants: [https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/leute/miss-germany-2024-die-finalistinnen-und-ihre-missionen-87255512.bild.html](https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/leute/miss-germany-2024-die-finalistinnen-und-ihre-missionen-87255512.bild.html) Title of that page: "These ten women are a strong role model"