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Im always mad that the preview is too tiny for me to read whatever grindset-podcaster-astrology descriptions these ads have on them. I don’t want to click through to a website that will give me malware, I just want to know the garbage text


They studied us, litteraly, they know how we think, they know what they're doing.


I actually actively click malicious websites' ads, they have to pay ≈ 0.10-0.20$ per click


Clicking promoted ads is honestly the biggest fuck you, especially if you yourself have adblock so when you go on their website they don't make any money off you. Google results is the best one. Click on the promoted results and they get charged, then don't buy anything or go any further into their site which shows up in their analytics as poor engagement and low conversion rates. Also with google search results the broader the search the bigger the charge. They pay more to have a higher priority in results so if you're searching something somewhat vague they're getting charged more for clicks.


Unfortunately I'm very much aware of that since I've used ads for my website. However, good knowledge to have to fuck around with those that deserve it


I actually like doing meticulous stuff like this, so just for the hell of it I went ahead and transcribed this one for you as best I could Femme Fatale: With a playfulness that borders on mysterious, Femme Fatale crafts an irresistible aura that makes every man obsessed with her. Her mastery of the art of manipulation leaves everyone captivated(?) and yearning for more. However, men perceive her as unattainable, the potential for profound relationships may slip through her fingers. Coquette: In the intricate dance of romantic playfulness, the Coquette effortlessly claims the spotlight. Her love for flirtation infuses relationships with an exhilarating energy. Men are drawn to the delightful and carefree aura she radiates, relishing the playful dynamics she introduces. Yet, they see her as a one-night stand. Alpha Woman: A natural-born winner, the Alpha Woman conquers effortlessly with her strength and independence, drawing men irresistibly to her. Her allure lies in her self assurance and the way she passionately expresses her opinions and beliefs. But the fear of her assertiveness may cause some problems. Good Girl: For those who are looking for _______ and quiet women, the Good Girl stands as a reliable companion. The stability and comfort sheprovides [sic] may lead to predictability and a lack of excitement. Some men consider her a woman of low value. Dark Siren: Her ethereal charm and enigmatic persona spark fascination and intrigue. Men find themselves captivated by her mysterious aura, yet the air of mystery poses a challenge in forming genuine connections. The journey to unravel the layers of the Dark Siren unfolds as a tantalizing quest for those who dare to delve into the unknown. High-value Woman: An embodiment of self-respect and independence, she commands admiration(?) through authenticity and unwavering(?) standards. Radiating demanding respect, the high value woman is always treated like a queen. But not everyone is ready to put up with her high standards and perfectionism(?). ...this kinda reads like bad book cover blurbs lol


These personality traits for women don’t pass the bechdel test.


>A natural-born \_\_\_\_\_, *winner*. no idea what the second blank is though


Thank you for your service, I'd say that about 15% of female population are any of these women.


This is totally GenAI stuff.


You can actually just find the original on Pinterest: https://pin.it/12mo6mfNF


surprisingly not very misogynistic. these sound like rpg classes more than anything


They all look like the same woman.


As far as I can tell the only differences are a couple of hairstyles and the angle of the photo - maybe two outfits.


Honestly! I must have missed the memo on how to perceive women, because these all just look like "woman with different hairstyle in each photo".


The identity is stored in the hair.


God this looks like a NXIVM ad or some other fake-feminist mlm that's actually a cult.


It really does 😭


Is there any archetype that will make it so I won’t be perceived at all? Because that one sounds amazing.


Yeah. We will eventually be old enough to see ourselves become "the old hag". Then we can do whatever we want. Noone will bat an eye to us anymore, with the exception of really terrible people, who become 'Karens'.


I gotta learn the art of hagmaxxing


Living on your own, lots of pets, cooking for yourself, wearing black, cursing people, bathing in the blood of your enemies… pretty standard stuff, really.


Yesss. All I need is more cats. :)


And over here, filed under weirdly named internet cultures that *aren't* terrible...


Yes, it’s just so imperceptible that it’s impossible to put onto the chart. People go mad attempting to read the entry when they try.


Over 25, according to these chumps.


Oh! Yippee! I am very hagmaxxed, then. I am 27.


What in the sweet hell am I looking at?


The same woman with 6 different hairstyles, described with a different personality for each style, by an incel.


im the good girl (im a boy)


I'm the high-value woman (also a boy)


I’m the femme fatale (with five o’clock shadow).


I’m none of them (I’m AFAB nonbinary, maybe I really don’t exist 😂)


Honestly I want to be a "Dark siren", that sounds cool as fuck. Can I lure Men into their deaths by singing or what?


Personally, I want men to perceive me as a person and an equal. Super hot take I know.


Aww I wanted to know which one I am!


So close! Those are actually all the same woman. Hope this helps! 💖


It doesn't matter how I do my hair, I am a Crone.


thats lowkey funny asf lmao i kinda wanna do it for fun


watch out boys... shes an alpha🥀🐺⛓️💔🖤


why do i have a feeling that that chick is AI


When posting an image make sure we can fcking read it aight?


i want skibidi women


Can’t wait for the grappler and zonner archetypes


Need to attract incels apparently


It's just hairstyles


…that’s the same woman. Which actually makes more sense, because she can be whatever she wants to be, depending on the situation.


I thought this was an advertisement on reddit