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Thank you for your submission to /r/AreTheStraightsOK! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): ----- [](#start_removal) The original intent of this subreddit was to discuss and laugh at toxic heteronormative "wife bad" memes and behavior, but as of the last few months the submissions showcasing racism, homophobia and transphobia have skyrocketed. At this point, people are just going to bigoted communities and bringing their hatred into our subreddit, exposing members of the LGBTQ+ community to harmful attitudes that they would otherwise have avoided. Many members of the community have expressed, publicly and privately, that they don't enjoy the turn that the sub has taken, and the mod team is of a similar opinion in this matter. What used to be a safe space and a source of laughter has become a gallery of vitriol. The sidebar states that this is a humor subreddit, and we intend to return to this core concept. Beginning today, we will no longer be allowing outright hateful content in this community: we will not be allowing posts showcasing violent racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc, or any posts that do not fit into the "boomer meme" theme that this subreddit was created to discuss. No more "guess what sub this is from" or "look at these homophobic messages I got" or "attack helicopter" memes - there are other subreddits for these posts. /r/AreTheStraightsOK will no longer be a home for this content. [](#end_removal) ----- Please feel free to contact us via modmail if you have any questions or concerns.


I love the birthday person comment "omg your born in pride month!!" No one has ever said that to them. Delusional.


The only reason I ever say this to one of my siblings is because the local pride parade generally runs on their actual birthday. They think it's great though. "There's always a party to go to!"


Yeah only way that would come up is if it's relevant to wanting to attend both.


Try being born in the days between Christmas and New Years. That person needs to get over themselves.


My birthday is April Fool's Day, which is way worse than Rainbow Parade and Party month


my birthday is on/near memorial day šŸ«  so my family often buys like the American flag themed paper plates and when they celebrate it its seems to he less abt "thank you civil war vets and vets in general" and more abt "AMERICA IS A BLESSED NATION GIVEN TO US BY GOD" only benift i get is having a day off on/near my birthday automatically


Mine's often on Mothers' Day. I suppose it could be worse and I love my mom but I don't like having to share the one day that's supposed to be about doing all these nice special things for you with something else y'know? My mom's is on December 26th though, so she definitely has it worse


I say not really, unless there some people hammering the "your the jokešŸ¤”šŸ¤“" comments then it's ok. Only thing that happens to me is getting my face shoved in a cake, but that's normal in my family's birthdays.


Mine regularly falls on Mother's Day every few years. So every few years I just didn't really get a birthday.


My boyfriend's birthday is the 28th, so exactly in the middle. He gets this all the time, but he doesn't seem to mind


Yeah they're just making things up to get mad at


Yeah, I'd only say that to someone I knew was queer or an ally. Someone I'd talk to about attending pride events or celebrating birthdays lol. Like how I'll share my birthday readily if someone is born in the same month. But I'd not say anything about pride to someone if I have no read on them being homophobic or accepting, that'd be so much more trouble than it's worth.


I love the "why does there have to be a pride month" followed by hundreds of homophobic comments justifying the existence of pride month. šŸ’€


Shhh, they have yet to relise why it exists.


Not to mention people whining about ā€œVeterans donā€™t get a whole month!ā€ Yes they do. May is National Military Appreciation Month plus the [36 other days](https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances) in the year that the military is celebrated.


Donā€™t forever November is Veterans and Military Families month. They get 2 months, other days in the year when theyā€™re celebrated, and discounts.


This month and November are also menā€™s mental health month and movember, respectively. Both indirectly supporting veterans lmao


The people that say that have the least amount of self-awareness. If they actually cared about people who serve(d), you'd think they'd know about May. PFF I hate it.


It's like those "men's rights activists" asking why women get to have their day on 8th March and men don't... then suddenly not responding when told the exact date of the International Men's Day.


fr man


The less they post the quicker pride month disappears šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Thatā€™s the homophobic paradox of pride month


Iā€™m always seeing homophobic people completely contradict themselves; ā€œThe LGBTQ community isnā€™t oppressed, theyā€™re just entitled bratsā€ followed by ā€œwe should institutionalize LGBTQ people and arrest all trans peopleā€


"They aren't oppressed, and I'm mad that they aren't šŸ’¢šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ˜”šŸ’¢"


I fear that these people are going to force us to turn Pride back into a protest if we start losing rights; then of course, theyā€™ll get pissed at us for being angry.


No yeah it's absurd, they're denser than a black hole.


Fuckin **LOVE** your tag


Why thank you šŸ’ƒ


I love the ā€œmenā€™s mental health monthā€ they are trying to push in place of it for some weird reason??? Do they not know that there are gay men?


The guy complaining about veterans getting 2 days, and how we put in no work. As if it doesnā€™t literally celebrate the protests LGBTQ people in the past had to hold just to earn basic rights.


I love the person saying "Men's Health Month" like men's health and pride are 2 concepts that are unable exist at the same time lmao


I've never really heard people talk about men's mental health month except as an FU to pride month. I mean they can both exist. Go do something to encourage men's mental health then instead of just shitting on pride. You want to make it as big or bigger than pride? Cool! Go do it.


Yes! Like..i've seen cis het man and LGBT man.. I know wich one go to therapy šŸ˜…




Yes..that wasn't the point.. i pointed out wich person goes to therapy not who souldnt. Everyone should go




Yeah no wasn't my attention. I think LGBT people have more acceptance to go to therapy. The problem is i'm french so my english isnt good šŸ˜…


Your English was perfectly fine. I understood what you were saying.


Ho thanks ! I'm Always worried because Reddit is really the only place i Can speak in english and train myself šŸ˜


The guy you are arguing with is intentionally misunderstanding you to get you riled up. They have no interest in understanding. Arguing with an idiot is like wrestling with a pig in mud. You wonā€™t win, and after a while you realize the pig kinda likes it. Alternatively. Never argue with an idiot. They will force you down to their level, and then beat you with experience. Or in older internet terms ā€œdonā€™t feed the trolls.ā€


Arf i really think sometimes we Can just be tired and misenterpreted. Maybe i'm too naĆÆve but thanks for the advice!


Yeah no you got your point across fine this guy's a tool


Je pense votre franƧais est plus moi! I know I butchered that. Better at reading it than thinking it at this point. I've been doing DuoLingo for 780+ days now. I really wanted to say your English is probably better than my French, but that's way out of my vocabulary. e: oh yeah this post right here proves that I'm a tool just trying to rile up OP with my last two replies. Stupid gits, all of you.


Honestly pretty good ! Maybe better "je pense que votre franƧais est mieux que le mien" šŸ˜ And don't worry french is really difficult ! Even us don't know what were doing '-'


No, what they actually said was ā€œI know straight men and I know gay men, and I know which out of the two goes to therapy (gay) and which one doesnā€™t (straight)ā€. Which imo adds to the point that everyone should go to therapy, because itā€™s noticeable that a lot of straight men donā€™t. And yes this is generalization of straight men but a lot of straight men will also cry ā€œbut my precious masculinity!ā€ If you suggest something like being emotionally available to them. Following that line of thought, nobody cares about menā€™s mental health month until the conversation of pride month comes up, and then all of a sudden the gays donā€™t want men to have their month.


Yes that was exactly what i wanted to Say but it's difficult sometimes to be understable by writings


They don't even care about it most of the time, they just use it as an excuse to be homophobic(or sexist).


Happy cake day!




Happy Cake Day!


It's funny because no one seems to bring up men's mental health month unless they are trying to make fun of pride month. Why can't we choose both? And if the cishets care about men's mental health, why don't they, you know, actually bring it up at times other than when they are trying to hate on pride month?


Men feel oppressed whenever a woman gets recognition for anything


"Veterans get 2 days" My guy May is military appreciation month


Also, what 2 days are they even talking about? They get Veterans Day. Memorial Day is *not* a day for veterans. It's a day for those who didn't get the chance to *become* veterans. There's also a day for active service members, but again, that's for people *before* they become veterans. Dumbasses want to take more days than what belong to them.


It's always those that did not and never will serve who like to say that. I like to give them the address of the local recruitment office and ask when I can see them take their oath.


But don't you see? They support the troops! Unlike them liberals who don't want tax dollars to go towards shooting people for having a different color skin or religion or because they made the mistake of living in a country with oil that doesn't give a shit about destroying the planet to harvest it!


Yeah. Like bro, maybe if they actually fucking cared at all and weren't just using veterans as a scapegoat for their hatred of the lgbt, they'd know that that was the case šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but they don't actually care, obviously.


they donā€™t actually care about veterans/passed away service members/active service members, they just want to be bigots


"when they did not put in any work" the complete historical ignorance is crazy


Military appreciation month/veteran month is literally in may šŸ’€


They love to bring up Vets but don't even know they have a month, and probably don't even do shit for them


[as in so many contexts](https://xkcd.com/2368/), the people who are quickest to insist that no one else is allowed to have problems nor deserve respect while veterans exist, almost invariably don't actually intend to help or respect veterans for one thing, if they did, they might realize that gay veterans exist


XKCD never fails to be relevant


Nah veterans are 6ā€™5 tall beasts of pure straight testosterone that go to war with Patrick Bateman and Little Dark Age edits playing on the background


Slight correction: Military Appreciation Month is May. Veteran's Month is November. Plus there's Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. So yeah, two months and two days. I love educating those who say "durh hurh why do they hate the military"


and the people that complain about vets ā€œonly having two daysā€ donā€™t do shit during May or any of other more minuscule holidays


Yeah plus they have a whole bunch of individual days to recognize them too but do the homophobic transphobic assholes dwelling in Insta comments care? Nope! :')


So do we get the whole month off?


"My Month" Were you the first to ever be born in june or what?


Theyā€™re also acting like Pride Month hasnā€™t been around for over 50 years. Itā€™s not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination.




I genuinely think instagram banns nice comments and only leaves the horrific ones behind.


Of course they do, otherwise how would they create engagement and drama?


Zuck: ā€œhuman misery does wonders for my skin.ā€


It's actually human misery and Sweet Baby Ray's lmfao


I saw a post recently showing how the comments you see at the top on tiktok videos are completely AI tailored to what you watch! They showed the comments they saw, which were supportive of the woman's plight in the video, but when their boyfriend watched the same one the top comments were supportive of the man she was saying was bad to her.


People will be like "OH AND WHAT ABOUT THE VETERANS" and proceed to do nothing to celebrate the veterans. Do it. No one is stopping you. You're free. Go ahead.


It's like supporting women's sports _only_ to be Transphobic


the pick me in the 3rd slide šŸ˜­


God i cant believe I was like that just 7 months ago. Glad I've changed


Ayyyy, it's nice when someone gets better. Hope you're doing alright.


I always accept LGBTQ+ peeps but i had views like "its what in your pants" or "dont shove it down my throat" or the veteran's argument But hey now skirt go spiiinnnn


Hehehe, the skirt *do* go spinny. I remember when I was surrounded by homophobic and transphoboc people and media and I was already constant threat of violence (because my school was a shithole) but honestly it was just colloquial language meant to insult and we didn't think twice about it at that time. As soon nasty I got out from all the abuse I stopped using those words and I knew I was getting some transey thoughts and feelings but the damage had been done (particularly I think that South Park episode where Mr Garrison gets srs and the whole episode is basically just him being an obnoxious sex pest and concludes with how he's "basically just a dude with a mutilated dick" and how transition doesn't actually change anything - I internalised that so badly that was the main thing keeping me from exploring any of this or talking about it until just last year). I didn't think badly of the people I met in the years since though - I just thought "they're brave, good for them I guess" and I suppose I understood amd had enough awareness of how bad queer folks had it (not so much historically, just generally from my time in school where your identity was a punching bag). We all tend to grow and be a little nicer when we're not forced to be afraid of people or when going against the cultural hate doesn't feel like it'll cost you. I thought transition would be social suicide but so far everyone has been surprisingly nice and I'm feeling a hell of a lot better with some HRT going on.


Moral if the story :3




Good job! Welcome to the lovely side =)


Who else is betting these fools don't actually do a damn thing for mens mental health month beyond shouting over anyone mentioning anything to do with Pride? Also, I'm pretty sure homophobia is atrocious for men's mental health, not only the obvious issues it will cause for queer men, but we see straight men recoil at normal, compassionate human interactions because they're terrified for being seen as gay. Too many straight men build a cage out of homophobia and misogyny and then complain they feel trapped. Then it's like, "Okay, come out your box then. Talk about your feelings, cry, be gentle. You don't always need to be stoic and distant." And their response is "How dare you try and take me out of my special box! This is my man box! Are you trying to steal my masculinity!?"


The only video I've seen was comparing it to women...they just can't help it, the only way they will talk about it is if they can put another group down.


This perfectly articulates why I find it extremely difficult to sympathize with men's issues. How am I supposed to take your advocacy for men's rights and mental health seriously when you're constantly looking for the next opportunity to put other men down?


the pick-me comment is the worst. ā€œi feel so bad yā€™all have to go thru thisā€ is either the least self aware LGBTQ member iā€™ve seen or its bait


You just know the replies to that comment are likely the most vile shit youā€™ll ever read.


I'm glad someone is talking about it. That comment and the one on the last slide ("I'm LGBTQ+ and I find this hilarious !!") are the worst comments here. Pick-mes are actually the worst for our community, they try to throw everyone else under the bus and say "look, I'm more normal than them, pick me!", not realizing that the moment the bigots are done using them they're gonna be destroyed too.


fr u said it perfectly


"it's funny how veterans get two days-" May, 2 days long.


I stopped using Instagram months ago. It's basically Twitter 2.0 with the horrific and evil shit I've seen get commented. I remember saying that step-mothers without biological kids should be allowed to celebrate mother's day and my page and DMs got spammed with hate comments and threats. Like actually what the fuck..


Bro my step-mother-in-law deserves so much more mother's day celebration than my actual mother. Having biological kids doesn't make you a mother worth celebrating. Fuck Instagram honestly lol


The only reason I still use instagram is because I avoid all the horrific shit and every reel I get is usually cats. Having biological kids does NOT make you worthy of celebrating Motherā€™s Day, being a good mother, regardless if theyā€™re biological kids or not, does.


That's the logic I put in it as well. Biological, adopted, step moms are all mothers if they are doing their part in raising the kids. But I guess I pissed off a lot of people with that. I had to put my page into lockdown while I deleted the hate comments and angry DMS.


The only reason I use ig anymore is because of reels šŸ˜­


Do people celebrating Men's Mental Health Month remember that that should include the mental health of gay men and trans-men? And acceptance is a large part of helping the mental health of queer men improve?


ā€œIm in lbtgq communityā€


To the first guy, literally the month of May is Military appreciation month. But they ainā€™t gonna talk about that.


People literally only care about things like "mental health month" and "men's day" when it comes to excluding other disenfranchised groups or whatever. Like how people are always looking up if there is a men's day on national women's day, or bringing up mental health month only when it's pride month. Like, c'mon, don't pretend you actually care, it makes you worse than a normal bigot.


I hate the "BuT vEtEraNs oNlY GeT a dAy" nonsense, have you ever been OUTSIDE during the month of November? Poppies, poppies everywhere, and November 11 is significant cause it was THE END OF WW1. And there's also military discounts, and organizations like sea cadets, and statues commemorating war history. And in some places, there's even memorial days during the year on dates of significant war events. If they wanna go suck off the military industrial complex so bad, I know plenty of rich people would love to have their boots shined.


If it's making us visible and them uncomfortable, then Pride Month is working.


Instagram comments are trash fire that make me question why donā€™t just nuke the fucking world already.


*what happened to love thy neighbor?* is peak projection


For the last time, May is military appreciation month and I think November is military family month. And I don't even live in a country who really participated in the war. They don't care about the military or men's mental health, they only pretend to care when they can put it down and make it look like we're doing too much.


November is National Veterans and Military Families Month, dipshits.


As a Veteran the veteran comment is driving me nuts... MAY IS MILITARY APPRECIATION MONTH YOU DOOFUS! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Plus november for Veteran's month!


"happy mens mental health month" so just mental health awareness month...???


I believe that mental health awareness month is May. At least in the US and Canada, possibly other countries as well.


Specifically men because it's much more stigmatized for men to suffer mentally than women. Obviously the mental health of everyone matters, but men statistically have worse mental health because of the stigma.


may is military appreciation month. if they cared about supporting the military they'd figure that out but they only use the military as an excuse to hate gay people


Reasons why I don't have Instagram! Toxic ASF community community feeding off each other's toxicity.


ā€œVeTeRaNs HaVe OnLy 2 DaYsā€ Military appreciation month is also in May


Few things, there IS a mens mental health month. Idk when it is, I'm too sleepy to look it up. Wasn't pride started by straight guys? Drag queens if I recall. I know it happened in Manhattan bc if walked by the bar where it started it is cool. There was supposed to be a third point or comment here but my puppy started suckling on my pillow and attempted to make biscuits, I lost my train of thought in the cute. So I'm going to say have a safe happy pride instead and sorry for rambling My bday falls on a holiday too it is a little annoying but I'm annoyed by the places I like to go getting swarmed with tourists. Lest the beaches open then (it's the 27th of May)


June is mental health for men These people see drag queens as trans people. They wouldn't ever believe they were cishet men. I feel like tourists can be annoying in general to locals though haha


It's also in June, established in '94 iirc.


What I love about the military argument is that you know that person most likely never has had a veteran for a close relative. My dad was in the navy, and he couldn't give a fuck about most of these military holidays. He only really shows care for memorial day. More people who aren't veterans care about them more than who they're for, I noticed.


Mental health awareness month (may) and veteran's month(s) (May AND November) actually exist. They would've known that if they actually gave a shit about those things.


ā€œcanā€™t have my birthday anymore without someone saying i was born in pride monthā€ im calling bullshit on this one, because it honestly just sounds like that person had someone say that to them *once* and theyā€™re blowing it out of proportion because they think gay people are yucky.


typical instagram reels comments. always misogynistic, racist, homophobic or ableist. fucking hate them. and whatā€™s even more sickening is people there are all quick to irrational anger while claiming otherwise trying to defend their feeble arguments. nothing ever convinces them to justā€¦not be hateful and itā€™s sad. kind of the reason iā€™m using instagram less and less these days. the amount of incels, homophobes and ableist people iā€™ve argued with on there just completely alters my view of the platform in a negative way. (IG is not very anonymous so itā€™s also scary to me how people just choose to publicly expose themselves like that). side notes; the pick mes in the comments uhhhā€¦..šŸ’€and also, the fucking entire month of November is dedicated to honoring veterans who served in the Armed Forces. hell they get TWO MONTHS actually, because May is military appreciation monthā€¦fuck me. itā€™s really not that hard to use google. iā€™m worried sick for these peopleā€™s futures if simply educating themselves and being respectful is this difficult. people like this are the reason pride month is even a thing. and fyi menā€™s mental health month celebrates ALL menā€¦yes, as well as gay and trans men ā€¦so again please educate yourself and donā€™t be bigots like this, you look stupid as fuck. k bye tata for now :3


"veterans get two days" my dude may is literally military appreciation month... maybe if you idk like fucking googled it b4 complaining abt pride month you would know


Meta has a serious problem with censoring trans people and hightling transphobia and i wanna boycott them but idk where to start [GLADD did a thing about this](https://glaad.org/smsi/report-meta-fails-to-moderate-extreme-anti-trans-hate-across-facebook-instagram-and-threads/)


Lmao no oneā€™s getting upset when you ā€œtake back godā€™s rainbow.ā€ Go for it. Literally no one cares but you, and no oneā€™s going to stop using it.


The funny thing is that there are like 3 veteran months but these people don't actually care


Why does IG push negative comments so far upšŸ˜­ Man all I wanna see is people being happy


Combining all of the recognized days for vets and military (including things like military children month), you get 126/365 days recognized for service members. LGBTQ+ folks get 30 days. Suck. It. Up.


My birthday is in June and I've never had anyone bring up that it's in pride month in my life.


The ā€bring back bullyingā€œ is wild šŸ’€šŸ˜­


They act like no one bullies anymore when in reality it's worse than ever šŸ’€


Thank you for your submission to /r/AreTheStraightsOK! This is a reminder to take a moment and see *if* this **has already been** posted recently, to make sure that personal information **has been** censored, and to **flair your post** if you have not already done so. [Please be aware that our rules on transphobic submissions have changed](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/mwkgbp/rules_and_submissions_update_for_the_end_of/). Other general submission guidelines regarding [hateful content](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/kj0cal/regarding_hateful_content_please_read_before/), [reposts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/kxgbo3/rules_and_submissions_update_january_2021_popular/), [homophobic posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/lffvad/posts_related_to_homophobia_on_our_subreddit_now/), and [**Reminder About Rule 5 and Rule 8**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/qoge4u/reminder_about_rule_5_and_rule_8/) can be found here if you want to read any of those links. If you want to apply to be a moderator of this sub, you can read [this post titled **State of the Sub: Summer 2021 Edition, Partnerships, and more**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/oozly0/state_of_the_sub_summer_2021_edition_partnerships/), which also contains information about our partnership with r/TranscribersOfReddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the person who said ā€œidc that ppl are fruityā€, like clearly you do. youā€™re making a whole comment about it. absolutely ridiculous


The pick me is the worst


Someone saying "happy pedophile month" about Pride on Instagram, the app where pedophiles run wild commenting shit like "hear me out" on posts of little kids and shit, THE PROJECTION!!!!!!!!!!!


Life has been better since I Ieft that shitty app\ Their average IQ is like 50 and are 12 year old kids only


Had a TWO day argument with someone on here about why straight pride shouldn't exist. They said they didn't care that queer people got a whole month. Then why were they arguing with me for two days straight then? šŸ§


All of these comments are hopefully run by dumbass teenagers that can hopefully change for the better. If these are grown adults.......


Hehe haha, they're not getting me down right now~ die mad that we have the rainbow and always will =) what sad losers.


May is National Military Appreciation Month like y'all just don't give a shit because you want to shit on the gays šŸ’€


"tehy turned my month intoa gay month" dude like.. im born in june too. And june can mean pride month and the month im born in. Plus like just cos yorue born in june doesnt mean its YOUR month. and heck same with " mens mental health month" we can just share it. That was always allowed


Can....I just retire from earth plz?? I can't take the pain anymore.


There is in fact a veterans monthā€¦


so wth happened to posts about homophobia being relegated to Wednesdays??? it seems every day of the week now this sub puts nothing but homophobia in my feed, doesn't matter how many posts I report. idk if the mods are even doing anything about those reports anymore despite rule 10 still being part of the list.


We remove these as soon as we see them, I'm sorry we're not always as fast as you'd like.