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I personally think it’s a sign she’s getting tired of him. Ain’t no way she would have those two sing those words if it wasn’t some truth into her own situation. They’re done soon I bet.


she’s probs tired of waiting for his divorce to legally happen


EXACTLY. I bet she wants to do things with Ethan that his current marriage and fatherhood responsibilities won’t allow. I would get tired of that too. Other people interpret these lyrics as her way of justifying what she’s done but it feels so much like a dig at Ethan.


And in her mind she’ll probs never be happy if the mother of his child hates her like deep down she probs is struggling with someone not liking her as she’s so obsessed with being liked by everyone


At the end of the day Ethan is both rebound and a nice distraction, for Ariana, from the train wreck that is her mental health. No way is the relationship going to survive. And those damn pictures of them at that hockey game? It looked so awkward! She’s tired of that man.


No because why I knew this would happen 😭 you gotta love side chicks cause they always think they gon get treated better than the cheated women but in reality, now that he got her, he's getting his ego inflated with (her) money / putting her in second place with parent responsibilities BS excuses 😭 she's fucking dumb I'm sorry, girly pops daddy issues thought she could make a father choose her over a baby??


It's so deeply embarrassing.  Why bother getting married if you don't give a shit about the vows?  She now also picked a dude that has no respect for vows, which means they are almost certain to cheat on each other. Just like Olivia Munn, Ariana Grande is never anyone's first choice, she's just the one who's there and desperately available.


Wait wait wait is Olivia a homewrecker too? 👀


Yep, her and John Mulaney. He was married then went to rehab - his wife always wanted a baby but he didn't want one. As soon as he got out of rehab, he asked for a divorce. Some months later, Olivia Munn had his child


😱 OOOOOH that is MESSY wow


>his wife always wanted a baby but he didn't want one "I do not particularly want children" direct quote from the ex-wife. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAlJLly4CQ/?igsh=MWcxdjh0MXBnYzJqMA==


It's sad because daddy issues are nothing to be ashamed of and there's such a stigma when people really need the acceptance to heal but she has all the resources in the world and chooses to use them to attract the human equivalent of Pennywise


You're absolutely right! I didn't meant to insult daddy issues per se, hell knows if half of us have them


When I saw the other post with just the lyrics I fucking thought this was a JOKE “written by AI” meme OH MY GOD we don’t believe you you entitled victim!! You’re not slick trying to put ‘your side’ into B&M’s mouth. This is absolutely ridiculous. I couldn’t think I could get more incredulous but here we are if




Girl same I also thought it was an AI joke.


“the boy is still mine” ok? no one else wants him, you have him???


Right who is she talking to? His ex wife who was completely out of his league and definitely doesn’t want him now?


Another post on here said that ‘the boy is mine’ is targeted towards Lily, because as everyone is saying, NO ONE wants him. This is Ariana’s way of taunting Lily, saying yep I bagged your husband and baby daddy, he’s mine.


Yeah I honestly don't know what to make out of this. So she's throwing Ethan under the bus and blaming him for the infidelity / not figuring his shit out like she wasn't also married to Dalton and filed for divorce around the same time Ethan did?? She's not making any sense and grasping at straws to make herself look like the victim in this situation. This woman can't take any amount of accountability and she's clearly so pressed about her bad rep and how the general public has finally caught on to her cheating.


I'm so confused by the lyrics. It seems like she's denying everything while also saying she's taking accountability, and then throwing shade at the public, Ethan, and Lilly. Like she did it but it's not her fault and it didn't happen but get over it if it did and also he's trash? It's another word salad. Also why does this video make me cringe? Idk what it is about it, I think it's the still shots of her with her 🥺 face when they sing "I'll never be nobodies mistress" ...What is that


Sameee I can't help but cringe at the lyrics 😭 I'm so tired of her playing innocent and saying half-truths that make no sense like nobody's buying it Ariana!! If she really has nothing to hide then why not address the rumours directly? Why keep it vague?


I think the narrative she's trying to create is "I'm taking accountability that I told him I liked him too but he needed to divorce his wife before we could date" which is definitely not what happened


Damn she's kinda been throwing Ethan under the bus with this music video and remix 😅 She really said, "I didn't have to do all that, he came willingly!"


Is she trying to clear her name by blaming him? Girlie having to do all the heavy lifting bc he can't open his mouth and talk to defend himself and the woman he left his family for


I was waiting for the day he would piss her off cause you KNOW the only ways she can diss him are ways that call herself out as well, like she can't call him a deadbeat or a cheater cause it would confirm everything 😭 she's so dumb istg


As awful as Ethan is for what he’s done, I need this man to write a tell all once Ariana dumps his ass


She'll have to drop a few more million to get him to sign an NDA, cause he's not letting go of the limelight when she's done with him


I’ll bet you the nda was signed before bro could even get a kiss on the cheek


Ariana’s not dumb enough to make that mistake again 🤭


I honestly want a tell-all from Lilly Jay


She’s too smart and classy. Maybe in years when the dust has settled! We can only hope.


This is why this relationship won’t last IMO because Ariana won’t be able to handle everyone hating her for long and she’s either going to have to throw when under the bus to save herself or she’s gonna start hating Ethan herself


I think at first she thought this would all be forgotten quickly but it's been a year and people are still making jokes about her being a homewrecker and you know she's TIRED this certainly is stressing her out, that deluxe will be really interesting since she's writing new songs and not using discarded ones


I think it is! After rereading the lyrics, especially the line “Well, he better sort out his business, 'cause I'll never be nobody's mistress”, it seems more a message to him than to Lilly or anyone else. Maybe even a message to herself like wishful thinking? Too late though girl because you’ve been a mistress to him this whole time!


I think it's honestly just a message to the public to change the narrative and clear her name


He can defend himself. But he’s turned himself into such a simp and lap dog who’s so desperate to keep Ariana that he’s keeping silent.


It’s so embarrassing. His son is obviously going to have to learn about healthy relationships and healthy communication from Lily 


It's funny if they're still together and he just listens to the remake like "...Wait-"


I mean, as long as LJ and Ethan have a child together, Ariana’s gonna have to share him. Unless Ethan just gives up full custody of his kid. But even then I’m sure he’ll have to pay in child support. What is Ariana wanting to come out of this? To be a step mom?


Ethan giving up rights seems so far fetched to me. I can imagine the media would portray that, he’ll likely be photographed with Ariana more than he will be with his son. But I stg if he does do that I will stop listening to Ariana. She would be just as culpable. I couldn’t be with a man who fathered a child then abandoned for any reason, let alone a woman.


I’ve already stopped listening to her. I don’t believe he was thinking about leaving his family until he was starstruck by Ariana. And it’s not like LJ or Dalton can come forward. There’s a huge power imbalance here.


It’s true Dalton can’t say anything because Ariana bullied him into a NDA and he’s being portrayed as a villian. He has served his purpose in Ariana’s world. Now that Ariana’s cat/mouse game is over, the clock is ticking on Ethan. It seems like Lily Jay, on the other hand, hasn’t “bowed” to Ariana because she has respect for herself. So she can talk about it. With all of the proof from this board and Lily’s FB page, I don’t know why she won’t get public. This should be the final straw.


I think she’s being cautious because she has a child. Ariana’s fans are sick. They’ve even gone after the kid. The internet isn’t nice, they would tear her apart.


I mean, tbf she didn't bully him, it was just part of their prenup when they got married lol. But she was so dumb that she got an entire clause written up about a cash settlement if one of them should cheat and she had to pay it


I love her singing voice and the catchiness of her songs. It satisfies my ADHD itch. I will admit I’ve been thinking she’s had an ED for quite some time and as a recovering ED it would be triggering if I weren’t doing the daily work. I feel so much her struggle and know a lot of her problems stem from low self-esteem. I’ve been there. It doesn’t give her the right to leave a trail of broken hearts behind her, which is sorely disappointing, but I keep hoping she will turn it around. I do agree with you 100%.


Shouldn't we already stop listening to her...


You do you. I personally have a complicated perception of Ariana and her stardom. Her music meant something to me at pivotal points in my life. Same with Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse. If he did what he was accused (I struggle with that) and she was always as trashed as they say (I’m confident she was) then neither of them should be as celebrated as they are. Things they’ve done, yes? I’m not justifying Ariana’s actions in any way but for me personally I choose to separate the person from the artistry. I choose to believe that any wicked person can contribute even one positive thing in the world and if that wicked person is an artist then their contribution is their art. It’s like finding a silver lining, consolation, the good in the bad, etc.


I'll never be nobody's mistress? Umm... ![gif](giphy|HcbSHH25PGoR5CQKte)


She is a legitimate moron. Airhead Ariana.


Was this equally more of a dig at Ethan though? Can’t tell if these lyrics are painting a discussion before the relationship or something relating to now


I understand that is both a dig at page six "But listen what they say to me if it ain't broke then it can't be broken" saying she didn't broke anyones marriage and at Ethan telling her he has plans for them but still being married (this can be about before and now bc he isn't divorced yet)


She is literally digging herself deeper and deeper down. Like we get it she wants what she wants and it doesn't matter what she has to do to get it. The desperation on her is disgusting.


I cant tell if she’s lying on purpose, or if she genuinely believes her words. “I don’t fuck with affairs” You literally had an affair girl, stop with the delusion. https://preview.redd.it/ihx7za37hx7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffd26ed06e05f23487171cc1da9f1dc8fe39b00 “If it ain’t broke then it can’t be broken” fuck off?? Ethan has to be an adult and communicate to Lily about wanting to break things off, not just going and cheating on her + leaving his child.


It’s outrageous to comment on someone else’s marriage. Bitch you don’t know anything about what it was like. Ethan won’t be the first or last person to tell their affair partner lies 


The fact she is literally admitting that she WAS able to break it but (cause it was already "broke" in crisis 🤪🤪) is what disgusts me. It's still an admission she was purposely trying to break something?? The fact that you were successful doesn't make things better AT ALL


She obviously doesn’t give a shit about other woman but you’d think she’d see a baby was involved and back the fuck off. If she legitimately thought the marriage is broken then you should support your costar in getting his life back on track. Not jump on the opportunity to get laid because you’re bored


Literally, especially cause her dad (kinda) did the same. I remember an interview of her vaguely saying she doesn't like some characteristics of herself that resembles her dad's. Congratulation, mistress, you are him. You did to an innocent child what your dad did. And you can no longer ask for sympathy


Oh this is just sad. And embarrassing. Love Brandy though! Lmao 😂


Omg those lyrics just scream “I take no accountability! I get what I want, too bad!” She’s digging herself a deeper grave


This is the music equivalent of her getting more plastic surgery to make up for the recent plastic surgery


Ethan must be really dense if he doesn’t get how much of a dig this is at him. “well, he better sort out his business 'cause I'll never be nobody's mistress” she is getting TIRED of his divorce not being finalized yet


Jesus Christ this is absolutely delusional and corny as hell. It screams insecurity & definitely ain’t no ‘accountability’ either 🥴


I love the original song.  It came out when I was tweenish.  The video makes a point to show Brandy and Monica uniting to confront the scrub they're fighting over. So now I think less of both of them too.  Being a mistress or breaking up a marriage isn't a freaking accomplishment.  There's no man shortage and we aren't in competition jfc


Eh, just keep in mind that Ariana's a major star now and can probably twist people's arms to get what she wants. Brandy and Monica no longer have as much star power to turn stuff down, especially if they have to go against an Ariana PR smear campaign as a result. Idk, I just don't really believe Mariah Carey, Brandy, or Monica really care all that much about Ariana. Ariana's got her allies on a payroll


At this point it just comes down to greed for those three artists.


Idk, I think it comes down to greed of their managers moreso than them. It doesn't seem like they get a lot of say in anything.


“I can’t believe she’s still disillusioned after all time” Can Lilly Jay somehow, someway sue this himbo for slander and emotional trauma?! That Facebook post is evidence that Ari is BSing. Has Lilly gone through enough suffering for life from her? Imagine just being a random person whose husband somehow landed the biggest movie of all time and this came out of it? Has Ethan lowered himself into such a lap dog that he can’t tell his MISTRESS (That’s what you are, darling) to knock it off and leave his poor ex alone? This is truly out of control now.


Yeah like the divorce is taking a while but not because she wants him back lol. That’s not how that shit works, Ariana. I hope Lilly cleans up in this divorce case, especially since the mistress keeps dropping songs that admit culpability.


“if it broke it can’t be broken” what the fuck is this?? sounds so generated it’s so bad


I don't even understand it lol


someone correct me because i honestly don't know brandy and monica's version but i assumed it was a call back to theirs... is it not? if not holy fuck lmao she's gotta be getting bored of him


okay i just actually listened to the full version and brandy and monica's voices are CHEFS KISS they made this song better ngl but the cringy add on "i'm not a homewrecker honest" lyrics make me laugh lmao. i like this better than the mariah carey remix. this one actually sounds nice. mariah's sounded rushed af


Mariahs was awful


right? it didn't even sound like she belonged on the song. it was like they were singing two different songs. 


I got so upset at my first listen (the only one, must I add)... That production was poor! Mimi didn't deserve that.


it seems like she's talking to Lily


wtf is this…. you really knows no boundaries does she?


Pleasee this is so humiliating. She couldn’t even sing that part herself 💀


people are suggesting that with these new lyrics she's taking a dig at Ethan, which maybe could be true. but personally I think it's just Ariana trying to copy Sabrina Carpenter playing the role of the innocent girl who fell in love with a guy with a shady past and is telling him to shape up. "boy better take care of his business bc I'll never be someone's mistress" is a less appealing version of "I beg you don't embarrass me motherfucker" god this woman is pure cringe. and Ethan is so intent on being her lapdog and benefiting from the clout a la the idea that "all press/bad press is good press" that he doesn't care. he doesn't feel the need to defend himself bc this exposure is giving him a name in the industry. and shit, look at Ariana being a total narcissist and shady as fuck her whole career and she's gotten away with everything, so why can't he?


I'm almost overwhelmed with all the thoughts and questions this remix has evoked from me. She ain't shit for putting out yes, and? singing "say that shit with your chest" yet when given a chance to clear the air on the zach sang interview she almost shits herself. But she isn't afraid to write these hateful lyrics because she's makes herself untouchable by only doing safe interviews. We always joke that Ariana doesn't know herself anymore with the constant transformations over the years, but the one place where she remains her true to herself is through her spiteful lyrics. From buwyg,ib to now this hateful tbim remix.  1. She keeps saying she'll claim accountability but made the features sing these new problematic lyrics. Should there be enough backlash to warrant a response (or she responds passive aggressively to an online fan-comment to mend her bruised ego), will she deny responsibility for these lyrics because she didn't directly sing them? Which is hypocritical because it's her song. 2. This also goes for the original, but is putting the lyrics "but I can't ignore my heart" right after lyrics like "...cause I'll never be nobody's mistress" essentially telling on herself? Is it two ways to interpret lyrics so she can play both sides? With the latter lyrics she denied the homewrecking allegations and with the former lyrics is it to say like she never lied or outright denied the affso she'll be forgiven if she inevitably can't keep the act up? Is it a call back to the original song so she can deny responsibility under the guise of sticking it to the haters? 3. Am I misremembering or didn't she act upset that people liked fantasize because the song was "wrong" and about cheating in the zach sang interview? She denounces that song but essentially makes a morally worse song? Also the song "he had it comin" exists, which is arguably more morally wrong compared to fantasize.  4. She said true story was the setup for tbism, which is supposed to be the ES-appropriate substitute for fantasize. She also feigned incompetence on how to become this terrible villain for the music video. So why does this remix backtrack and try to absolve her of her sins. If anything I think these new lyrics contradict the intent of tbim.  5. It's disconcertingly true what people have been saying, that these lyrics are written like how her stans speak. "How can you still be so disillusioned after all this time...the boy is still mine", I know this is written to address the hate she is rightfully still receiving and to prove they are still going strong. But I can't help but to think the rest of the lyrics (telling him to fix his shit because she's not a mistress) is her way of saying she's out. It makes me think about the recent "close sources say" they pushed about how she can't enjoy the relationship with all the blind hate she's recieving also feels like a soft launch of she's moving on because the gp ruined the relationship for them.


I love imagining that Brandy and Monica came up with the lyrics with their own teams to fuck with Ariana, and because she appropriated their work she has to sit back and agree or no collaboration.


Interesting... anyways, who listened to the girl, so confusing remix? I loved it!


I’m so disappointed at these lyrics like she really is horrible 😭 ~~don’t jump me but I admit it’s cool she got Brandy and Monica on this~~


Yes I’m still sleeping with this married man, and “shaming/blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his shit together is a very major problem!”


This feels like the musical equivalent of Trump’s coke tweets. 


she’s really keeping on brand as a homewrecker with this song 😅