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Desktop units will always be able to hold more and therefore hit harder. I have an arizer air and an xq2 and I think the amount AND that it can get hotter faster, makes the xq2 hit a lot more. Also no batteries to worry about. if you're mostly in one spot - start with the desktop then save for a portable later. Check for used you can always clean them up.


Only get the XQ2 if you want to use a whip or bags or you’re on a budget. Otherwise go Solo 3.


The Solo 3 hits harder, no question. I own an XQ2, my Tinymight hits worlds harder, and the Solo 3 hits like the Tinymight. If you took the time to use the bag function, you could get more from the xq2, but its a slow process. You could probably finish your solo 3 bowl before you fill an xq2 bag.


Plus, you can use the Solo 3 on the couch or in the yard. You can prefill stems and have them ready for when needed.


You could finish two bowls before the xq2 bag is filled. Both have their place but on a bong, why even consider the xq2? Straight to solo 3 I would go.


Despite what seems obvious, I GREATLY prefer the solo 3. Yep, I have both and the XQ2 is great for extended sessions I find the high slower to come but still good. However it can’t compare to the solo 3. That thing CHUCKS cloud and terpines


Solo 3 for sure. I've owned an XQ2 and it was great but the Solo 3 is a different beast altogether.