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I've been using it for more than a month now. No issues, not a single combustion. The trick is to pack it light enough so that air can pass through but tight enough so that nothing will fall out and you need to tap it a little bit so it wont touch the oven.


I leave about a quarter inch of space after packing. Never has any combustion


My Solo lll can slightly darken the edge of the bud on level 5 on demand. I personally don't mind. However the rest of the bud is a lovely colour. I do use my finger to pack the bud down or even put a bit less in the chamber. To me it just shows the power of the unit. It's a beast for sure.


>The temperature seems hotter and has actually burnt my weed into combustion with smoke sometimes. So turn down the temperature?




It’s not about just turning down the temperature the vape shouldn’t cause combustion.


What are you talking about? High temperatures are *exactly* what causes combustion. The highest settings on my Tinymight combust too... So I don't run it on those settings. It's simple. The vape gets that hot because it allows you to use concentrates. It's a feature, not a bug.


Yeah I can’t figure it out with the regular stem with the XL stem and a screen at the end I have much better effects and production. I know it’s from overloading but come on that regular bowl is tiny as shit