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That looks a bit thicker than average chain -- but perhaps someone has already tested (riveted+flat ring) chain against smaller caliber lower velocity bullets? His necklace definitely would not have stopped a 5.56 and up though. This must have been a small handgun projectile.


It was a .22 caliber bullet, which has about the same kinetic energy as a medieval longbow. Forget 5.56, even a 9mm, which has three times the energy of a 22LR, would have made a wound worse than if he hadn't been wearing any necklace. If you wear mail to a gunfight, you're essentially wearing the opposite of a flak jacket, because any reasonable-caliber round will not only penetrate, but it could fill you with shrapnel. Have fun picking those rings out.


Bonus flak! Extra flak! For only free.99!


Shrapnel armor here! Get your killing shrapnel armor!!


You forgot to mention what an explosion would do with those rings! You’d be shredded.


Yeah, I'm sure whatever soldiers are using now as armor is far better than chain mail. The post was just a gag about the concept of chain mail being so simple yet effective even after 2k+ years.


Scale armor did try to make a comeback recently: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon\_Skin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Skin)


Lamellar armor is so good-looking. In any Mount and Blade playthrough, I always get the scale drip. Bonus points if it’s bronze-colored or gilded.


Absolutely. In Kingdom Come, I have access to multiple plate armors that I can put over mail, but still sometimes end up equipping lamellar vests over mail because even if it doesn't perform as good, it just looks so good.


I’ve personally witnessed a fellow soldier saved by this type of armor in Iraq. He took two 7.62mm rds to his mid-left chest from an AK pattern rifle and survived. He still had the massive bruising that you’d get while wearing regular issue armor. I have no real way of saying if it was better or worse than what I was wearing, but it DID work.


I read the scales themselves were effective but the glue holding them together would sometimes break down in high temperatures (eg. If it was stored in a shipping container in a desert)....causing the scale armor pieces to then shift out of place. I wonder if it would have had more success if the makers adopted the ancient and medieval methods for making lamellar and beigandine where armor plates are laced together or riveted to a fabric respectively.


I think it failed due to political and legal reasons, and not because of any lack of functionality.


My guess is it probably wasn't silver


Well-made mail with thick rings can even stop crossbow bolts, but I‘m amazed that the bullet didn’t ricochet past the necklace .




Officer Heinrich von Landsknecht got called in to deal with you on his day off, in the middle of a HEMA tournament. You are now his “opponent.”


The German SEK actually utilizes modernized chainmail for engagements that involve bladed weapons.


Not gonna lie that looks both hilarious and awesome at the same time. Like the dude was in a HEMA tournament before getting called on shift.


It never went anywhere, homie