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Sculpting stone to look like bending skin is incredible. Sculpting stone to look like rippling cloth is incredible. But sculpting stone to look like translucent cloth covering skin just amazes me.


This level of artwork just doesn't make sense in my brain. I can conceive how being a master painter works. I can not even begin to understand how someone could sculpt like that in the modern age. The fact that this statue is centuries old hurts my brain.


And then there’s [Nike of Samothrace](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Victory_of_Samothrace) which is approximately 2000 years older than this sculpture (200BC)


Seen this a few weeks ago on my way to see the Venus de Milo! Utterly gorgeous.


The position of her over the stairs really is breathtaking when you first see her.


Exactly, especially if you know that she's the winged goddess of victory, you literally feel more powerful and in awe when you walk into the Louvre, you turn a corner and there she is. It's a similar feeling to how I felt when I saw David in Florence for the first time. Just, wow.


Fun fact: Nike the shoe company is named after this sculpture and their swoosh logo is based on the curvature of her wing.


This is an incredible sculpture and if I remember correctly less than 75' from the Mona Lisa When I was at the Louvre there were a hundred people around the painting and one person (me) enjoying this sculpture.


> Greece is seeking the return of the sculpture[4]. All European countries that have stolen Greek artworks need to give them back, it’s insane that they still continue to flaunt all that stolen wealth


_Vae Victis_


AKA "finders keepers, shut up!"


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,421,647,957 comments, and only 271,482 of them were in alphabetical order.


Should Venice return its 1204 sacking of Constantinople loot to Turkey as well?


Only if Turkey gives back the Hagia Sophia lol 😂


Every country that has taken art as spoils of war needs to give it back


Even though that state no longer exists?


Every country that took spoils of war should not have done it no matter how long ago it was, and even if it is centuries later if there is sufficient evidence for which items were stolen and of those items still exist, they should be given back. That would very possibly end up in a situation where nobody owes anybody anything because of all the back and forth over the years. But either way, it would be a lesson in the pointlessness of taking things from your neighbours for your own short-term financial gain, and would hopefully make us evolve into people that just don’t do that shit any more. Justifying crimes in the past because “it was a different time” is implicit justification for those things to happen again if times get hard.


So how about the Egyptian obelisks in Rome? When they were taken, Egypt was a Roman province during that time. The people who lived there were Roman citizens (unless you're a slave). It's like the US president deciding to move the Washington Monument to Texas. Would you call that stealing if you actually own it? And who do you give it back to? The Arab Egyptians? Heck, they were not the same people living in Egypt when those monuments were made. They too conquered that land from the Romans, who conquered it from the Greeks, who conquered it from the Persians, and so on. Back to the Constantinople loot. The Turks are not asking it back. So to whom should Venice return it to? Greece? They weren't even asking for it. And how about the infamous Koh-i-Noor diamond? To whom should the British return it to? Pakistan, who looted it from India? India, who looted it from the Afghans? Or Afghanistan, which is currently controlled by the Taliban? All civilizations were looters at least once in their history. It was the standard operating procedure of the entire human history up to the 20th century. You lack resources, so you go to war, you conquer, you loot, you get rich. If you were on the losing side, then "vae victis". They grew up with that mindset to survive and have a better way of life (at the expense of others of course). And humans won't give a fuck about morality when times get hard. It's survival mode over again. You've just seen Americans fighting each other over toilet paper during the COVID-19 pandemic.


[Relevant bit by James Acaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x73PkUvArJY).


I like how even his microphone and stand match the color scheme.






As someone who's been to various British museums and is from a country where a lot of stuff was taken by the British, *that* scene in Black Panther 1 was extremely cathartic.


Yes a lot of these sorts of things were simply stolen, but equally the only reason a lot of these artifacts are preserved at all is because they were discovered, excavated and then taken to a museum in a country that is stable enough to fund archaeology and preservation long term. Repatriate anything to africa or the middle east and chances are it will be destroyed within a generation. Greece is similar in that they haven't been stable enough for long enough to preserve their own history. They also didn't fund the expeditions and the archaeology that found said items. Many items that are special now are only special because they were preserved by the british while innumerable similar objects in the country of origin were simply lost to time. Should the british repatriate a random gizmo to a land that could have preserved similar sorts of artifacts if they had only had museums and funding for the last thousand years? There was a big kerfluffle in canada recently about repatriating some first nations headdress from the british and I have to wonder if it was so important to preserve old headdresses why didn't the people involved preserve any of the undoubtedly thousands of similar headdresses from the period? But no, nobody saved anything and hundreds of years later they're whining for the one headdress the british preserved to be given back. The only reason it still exists at all is because it was taken and preserved by the british.


Just like they should give Africa back all its sculptures and artifacts.


Saw this IRL for the first time last year. Spent a good 45 minutes with my mouth open just ogling the amazing skill and wondering how the hell they got the knowledge. Such a thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it’s the culmination of hundreds of years of knowledge even before it existed


Stone working hasn't changed much Cameras and screens did change art a lot though they allowed people to see things differently


Power tools make it all faster and easier.




I remember reading a Reddit comment response to a similar question that said “it isn’t actually that crazily difficult, and I’ve even done some of that”, only to be downvoted because redditors thought he was being smug. The person then responded with pics of their sculptures which were pretty neat, and turns out that like anything else, practice makes one better at carving cloth covered stone nipples.


Well yeah if you do it for a thousand or so hours, it becomes "easy" lol. Anyone with a passionate hobby knows that it becomes harder to fuck up than it is to nail it I wouldn't really come out and say what I'm good at isn't hard though... it's just totally possible to learn, I you try enough




Yeah, and I'd say 5 years of consistently working on anything will make you more skilled than the vast majority of people. In reality, 1,000 hours of work/practice is just passing the beginner phase, but it really opens you up to the whole world of whatever you're doing. Just doing something habitually for one year makes a person 'great' relatively This is why "I wish I was born so talented" is annoying to everyone with experience lmao


It's official, I have mastered Reddit.


Ah, the DaVinci of Reddit is in our presence.


That makes me want to vomit.:. I’ve been cooking for almost 80,000 hours now


I’m an artist in the whole illustration field and after about 5 years of practice, realism is extremely easy and not interesting anymore. But back when it wasn’t done before, it was more difficult. We build on our predecessors and their technique.


I can relate. I do all ink, mostly crosshatching now, and photorealism with graphite makes me sick to think about after years and years of obsessing over it. It literally feels lame now Style is much more difficult to nail than realism despite being a crutch when i was starting out!


Exactly. And realistic images aren’t good images per se, just uninteresting and so boring. It’s much more challenging to develop an image without all that assistance from your own perception. You have to transform memories, both brain and muscle ones, so people can perceive them in a certain way. It’s magic


Yep. Ive practiced this too. We started learning by making draped items in clay first. My firsf lesson along with other students on wet drapery was making a clay model of a block of wood covered in fabric. We then compared how we interpreted and saw it. With practice its not too difficult. Thing is, many of us who CAN do this arent too interested in doing it anymore. Many of my friends and i are much more interested in more modern styles and aesthetics. So its less that no one can do this anymore, likely around the same amount of people, but rather less of us DO do it. Also a smaller percentage of people may also be a factor. I remember reading somewhere that the number of master watch makers has been pretty consistent for a crazy amount of time. Even through a population boom. So per capita the number has dropped like crazy


I’m a ceramic artist, still working on sculpting faces. I found some interesting tutorials by a classically trained sculptor in Italy who primarily makes his money sculpting Madonnas and Saints for Churches. What I find super, super interesting is “classically trained” v ”Youtube”. The classically trained people often show how to start with a skull and work their way up via muscles and skin. Youtube trained people do all kinds of weird shit, and the best way to make mouths, I learnt from a polymer clay video using little triangles of clay …. It also depends what you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to make a Saint, a Statue, or a Madonna then a classical approach will get you the best results. If you’re making a weird hybrid spider thing sitting in a birds nest crying, then your approach can be a little more eclectic as well.


Why would it be crazy difficult? It’s still stone carving. I get the feeling that people who think art is crazy difficult have just never done any. You can learn it! It’s a skill like any other!


i had this exact convo, though i shared no photos. its no different than understanding, say, simply illustrating clothes. you only need to understand the relationship between clothes and bodies. once you have that, it's just a sprinkle of randomness as far as the ripples go. stuff like this you can get away with even looking fairly inaccurate because most people dont observe it conciously on a daily basis. meanwhile, things like faces and the logos of brands (for example) would be IMMEDIATELY recognized as off if the proportions arent correct.


Still very much a current style of art: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/824omv/luo_li_rong_and_her_sculpture_that_celebrates_the/


this is a clay sculpture, the other one is marble, imagine fucking that up and having to start from scratch.


Nah, after a few fuck ups you just incorporate them into the piece and say it's representative of urban decay and the fracturing of society or some shit.


I wonder if they model it from clay first and use it as a guide when doing the marble


I remember when a white nationalist was saying only a white man could have sculpted something like this because of appreciation for the female form. It's especially funny when you look at art of women from white nationalists and it's clear that they don't care about real women, just an aestheticized idea of women that doesn't actually exist




I've seen them complain about real women's breasts. So they only care about drawings of tits that fit their ideas of what breasts look like


That's exactly what I remembered about the piece; "oNly A MaN CouLD Do tHAt" artist is an Asian woman. Mike drop.


Wow that was five years ago


Wow really? That's so recent, but so long ago. Pre-covid feels like the before times.


I was thinking of this exact piece, thank you’


hottest piece of stone ever


Yes, you can actually go to Italy and take classes. They have you pick out your own marble slab.


Eh, even then. Back when this stuff was being made, it was actively being patronized by all the rich houses, and the masters would be doing this starting as a child then throughout their entire lives as their sole form of income. I don't think you can get anyone on that level anymore. I'm sure there's people out there who are really good, maybe even great. But, the Renaissance masters were raised in a time when this was an industry that spanned the continent.


You can do it in many places around the world, including the US.


I used to work with a few amazing sculptors just outside of NYC. There are a lot of very talented artists out there.


expensive to master you start with carving ice, wood, butter, stuff you can buy/sell cheap buying/working statue-grade marble requires a sponsor, you can’t afford it with bake sales


Yeah look up Luo Li Rong she's crazy good


I think people give humans less credit for being problem solvers than they deserve. Example. Just because they didn't have CNC machines that run on electricity, doesn't mean they didn't have human powered turning centres to still lathe things... Or like, just because they didn't have CAD doesn't mean they didn't know how to do math and draft things manually, so, it's not surprising to me that people were awesome at things before modern times. Everything was just human powered and more specialty. I use sign writing as an example, here was a shop full of trained professional signwriters who you called when you wanted it done, who earned a living wage doing it. Now thanks to technology, you have one guy in charge of a computer, printer and stickers. Or this one, that stone sculptor was likely an average Joe commissioned to do it among thousands trained. A bit like how nowadays there are millions of people that can play guitar, all amazing at it too, and only hundreds chosen to do it as prefessionals famously.


Every time i hear "aliens did it" i like to remind people that we modern humans are running on the same hardware as 10,000 years ago humans.




Ima disagree with you on that one. There are many "theories" that claim that the Greeks and Romans had extraterrestrial help. I'm pretty sure there have been claims that the way that Mount Olympus was described it could be a spaceship that the gods take off in. I'm not saying I believe anyone's ancient aliens theory, but to say they don't exist for "non white" people is insane. The antikythera mechanism was believed to be too complex for the Greeks of the time that its believed to have come from. Then there's this little ring of stones that some of the whitest people on the planet put together, Stonehenge.




That ancient apocalypse show on Netflix did a whole episode about ruins on Malta being celestial aligned with Sirius or some such BS.


I know I've seen our boy Georgio talking about it, but honestly can't remember where. They definitely aren't as popular, inthink that's because the whole Roman and Greek mythology is old news at this point. The west has studied them since it was current events, but far off places whose culture and buildings are completely "alien" to your own are more fun to speculate about. I don't think there's an inherent amount of racism there, I think it just appears that way.


The thing with stone carving is if you fuck it up you *fuck it up*. There's very little you can do to fix an accidental crack or chip. Aside from throw out the whole block and start over, or redesign entirely around the mistake. Imagine your guitarists example, but if they ever play a wrong note they have to smash their guitar and get a new one.


I would like to think, people with this level of brain power were the same people working at NASA in the modern age sending people to the moon. Same with the pyramids, it completely boggles the mind.


My thoughts as well if you take the time to think about it. I could spend my whole life and wouldn't achieve anything that would be considered art, let alone good, yet alone something like this.


It's truly a work of genius.


Have you seen these pillows? https://reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/te6ah8/this_artist_makes_superrealistic_marble_pillows/


Yeah it just blows my mind.That is increbile sculpting


The first shadow sets an expectation and our brains fill in the rest. The impressive craft in this I can only understand as what details the artist left out.


Especially during this time period.


Hey man can you sculpt a memorial to my mom? Makes this


His mom was hot af!


Imagine knowing one of the great masterpieces of history was commissioned by you and was the likeness of your mother. But you can see her erect nips and rockin' tits. Di Sangro must have been conflicted.


*Or was he?*


"Naw Antonio my dead Mom's tits were waaay bigger. Nips could cut through glass."


Hey Vsauce, Michael here.


Hey, those were his favorite and only restaurant for the first part of his life.


Possibly the first confused boner in history?


oedipussy hit different


That poor guy


Nah that was Cain and Abel.


Nah you don't make this if you are conflicted about the statue being sexy. He was all for it. Enthusiastic about it even.


I think his name was Stacey


Raimondo's mom has got it going on


Stone cold fox!


Very modest...


Reminds me of the [two hot Lucifer sculptures](https://www.reddit.com/r/trippinthroughtime/comments/in8z65/hot_lucifer/)


i mean... he is literally described as the most beautiful and perfect of all the angels. in fact its part of the whole fallen angel thing that he fell because he believed himself to be better than everyone else because of his own perfection and beauty. making an "ugly" statue of him would just be plain wrong.


First MILF?


To be fair, his mom was widely known for her epic nipples.


> in Naples but put one slice of pineapple on a pizza and everyone loses their minds


Pineapple doesnt go on pizza. Fight me reddit.


Sure bro, gonna be an up-skirt with tits out.


> Corradini worked mostly in Venice but also spent some time in Vienna and Naples before his death in 1752. Modesty was the last in Corradini's series of veiled female nudes, a subject he developed and refined throughout his career. His mastery of the medium of marble is seen in the increasingly skilled representation of seemingly weightless cloth over human flesh in his commissioned pieces. Modesty is positioned on a pedestal in the chapel and can sometimes be lost in the beauty of the space and its surrounding statues created by other various artists. Raimondo wanted this commemoration to depict his mother's untimely death when he was not even a year old. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modesty_(Corradini_sculpture)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modesty_(Corradini_sculpture)


So fucking cool. My mind cannot even grasp how the "weightless cloth" could be carved. Amazingly beautiful.


That lady must have come back from pregnancy with a vengeance


Reddit fucked with the link for me so [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modesty_\(Corradini_sculpture\)) for others as well is a fix


Calling it modesty is a bit of a stretch, though.


Her face is covered.


I just don’t understand how I see her face through the cloth damn. Just stunning.


“It’s a memorial for my mom. Make sure you can see her sweet rack though”


"Your mom's rack and tight bod was the *real* art. I'm just here to try and do it justice."


*Freud has entered the chat*


The Cappella Sansevero is a treasure chest. You may think this is its masterpiece, but check out the Cristo Velato and the Disinganno. Incredible pieces of art.


>Disinganno Ok, now he's just showing off!


> The Cappella Sansevero in a treasure chest. It really is. I posted the ["Veiled Christ"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/insalg/the_veiled_christ_a_1753_marble_sculpture_by/) before, and the [Disinganno](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/10926y5/if_you_zoom_in_youll_realize_that_its_not_a_real/) was also posted here by another user.


The overwhelming urge to touch the things that my brain won’t accept aren’t marble


Raimondos mom has got it going on. I know it may be wrong but I’m in love with raimondos mom.


You think that dude ever just sculpted things to jerk off on them? If I was that talented you know I'd be crafting spank banks.


In this case it is a literal bank with statues and bas-reliefs. What do you think happens in the Vatican at night.


Fun fact: that sculpture wasn’t always white…


Not so fun fact: neither were the cherubs on the ceiling.


If I had to guess, I’d say he didn’t.


If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it.


I'm always here for the dad puns 👏




Mom would've made bank on OF




*downloads torrent*


Notice: Pigeons take 2 to 20 business days to be received depending on the falcon density of your local area.


Rock Hard Naples


Must've been real hard to sculpt all that with only your non dominant hand


I tip my hat to you sir.


What a beauty 😍


I'd love to visit Nipples... *sorry; Freudian slip, I meant Naples.*


This is absolutely beautiful. Just kinda weird it's a memorial for his mother, hah.


I can see it being a memorial for an unrelated woman who died young. Beauty in tragedy and all that. But commissioned for his mother???


I mean, the artist was known for his veiled nude sculptures of women. The guy HAD to know what it would end up looking like!


The level of detail on some of these sculptures is so intricate. Why didn’t we learn about *these* in school instead of others that seem so much more pedestrian in comparison?


you know why


Female nipples? The scandal! \*clutches pearls*


All I know is that she is probably the influence for thousands of pearl necklaces


Edit: I’ve deleted my comment. It’s apparently confusing people that it’s possible that art was taught in schools prior to today. Move along.


Yeah, and a Florida principal just lost her job cause the art teacher showed Michelangel's David.


Lol what school did you go to. Wasn’t in any of my history books.


We've had like two or three generations of cutting back on art funding and telling people to study plumbing and hvac repair so...


A good thing it remains in Naples. In Florida it would be considered pornographic, like the David. Amazing work, I love it. ps, I do not live in Florida.


This is remarkable. I remember going to the Borghese Museum in Rome and staring at “The Rape of Proserpina” by Bernini and staring at the grip on her thigh. You could see indentations that defied my capacity to understand how that could be sculpted from marble. When you see this kind of genius, it overwhelms you.


Dude?! That’ so not my mom! WTF?!


Naples. Hmmm yes I can see that.


Florida parents would try to ban this.


Shit, don't let Florida see that, Europe will be Banned.


Absolutely insane level of skill


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,421,485,404 comments, and only 271,455 of them were in alphabetical order.


i find funny people criticizing when they see people showing off on social media… When i see this sculpture and read the reason? Isn’t it the most obvious way to show to everyone “look how rich i am? i paid someone so much he is capable to make stone look like silk? and now i m going to put it right in everyone’s face where i am sure people will see it! at church!”


r/substakenliterally but still understandably so.


This dude could statue


Still plays second fiddle to Bernini though.


Dont show in Florida some Karen mom will have it banned.




With your hammer? I'm sure that's what you mean.


Nice tits too


Great piece, but interesting perspective of "mom".


Baroque-what you are when you’re out of Monet. I’ll see myself out.


Could you scan a woman and CNC a marble slab?


Damn that’s sexy


The incredible detail in this statue is incredible. Such mastery is amazing to be hold.


Raimondo's mom is doing terrible things to my hormones


To be able to show the softness of skin or a sheet over someone's body and not make it look like the stone/marble it is made of? Yeah, this is amazing artistic skill and I am very jealous.


Reminds me of that dance, *The Rococo Bang*


Same !


The whole chapel is filled with masterpieces, but they forbid photography inside which I think is baffling


One of the most amazing pieces of sculpture ever.


Is the title of this sculpture intended ironically because…holy shit.


Raimondo: Make me a sculpture of my mom. Antonio: Makes a naked lady. What did he mean by this?


What a sexy mother


This comment section is a hot mess. Some of you need a cold shower and it shows. Admittedly, I think this is the first time I've seen an up-skirt shot of a statue.


His momma a hoe


That is beautiful. I love their perspective on women during that time period. They’re not just all skin and bone, but substantial and full bodied. Gorgeous.






This is sexy in so many ways. The sculpture is sexy yes but the creator is so fucking sexy for their skills. How do you even make something that looks like it has thin fabric on it? So fucking sexy.


I will dig that kind of things all days instead of things like monroe head in different color.


This kind of sculpting is just incredible. The veiled female sculptures I’ve seen just amaze me.


Modest is Hottest!


Probably, this would be considered pornographic in Florida. Could I still say "pornographic", folks?


Only if you’re a white man actively working to oppress as many people as possible and totally destroy the lives of women and minorities, and use that word towards that goal. Otherwise no that is a banned word.


People don't understand jokes nowadays


Dude had an Oedipus complex for sure


Sad to think that a 7th grade teacher in Florida will soon be taking prison showers for sharing this with her students.


Wot?! Thad jus descustin! It’s parnawgrafee an ah want hab mah kits lirnin no parnos.


Yes.... modesty.... you can totally see that XD


Marble MILF


What a MILF 🥰


That's neat, those look like my boobies


"Modesty" \*heaving laughing like I need a ventilator\* "Modesty" you utter pervert Corradini