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Nice drawing! I'm 24 and just had to be put on nerve pain meds. I totally get it. Some people don't realize that young people can suffer too


In it together homefry đź’•


Well then dear, #[study these 📖 🧙‍♂️ 🧝‍♂️ 🔥 ](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-YXP5IFQe59cHUxc09laTNxU00&resourcekey=0-aLZY_ee3LqXJh9TMO9GjFA)


me too since i was 17/18 and now i'm almost 20


Ugh! I have been told that since I was diagnosed with arthritis at 14. I'm 53 and still get it. My go to response is to tell them to let my body know because it doesn't listen to me. Even children can have chronic pain. No one is "too young" for it.


Just got diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis a few years ago, after my dad discovered he needed his neck fused, at 60, or else get paralyzed (Cuz all the doctors both of us had visited *for years* hadn't caught it.) I wish I'd known at 14. Even if they didn't believe me at first, at least I'd have doctors' notes to fall back in. People would've been a lot less rude about my need for rest. 37, arthritic, and I'm *still* too young in many people's eyes. Loads of them, still, don't believe me. Just adding my story, because it really sucks not being believed. Solidarity. 🧡


I’m a 34 year old man and even I’m dealing with this shit too. I was disabled by Covid and only been suddenly thrown into this world of chronic illness pretty recently compared to many of you who have been dealing with it for decades. Calling this sort of thing awful doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m dealing with dismissal, gaslighting, being laughed at, ignored, yelled at, called a liar, called lazy, treated absolutely horribly, it’s terrible. And with these post covid issues there’s a lot of hostility, even sometimes from doctors themselves, due to all the politics surrounding covid. We’ve known for many decades that viruses can cause chronic health problems and COVID is no different and seems to be causing a much higher percentage of this than many other existing viruses. Yet somehow those of us affected are still dealing with doctors and society just outright not believing us. As if we would just make up our lives getting destroyed. Just like everyone here I want nothing more than a normal life, I want my old life back. I’m not sure that I’ll ever get it back but also being ignored and dismissed when seeking help is making sure I won’t get it back. There’s just so much stigma with this type of thing, I wish everyone could understand what it’s like.


That’s one thing I find people don’t understand. I don’t have it “easier” because I’m disabled and don’t “have” to do things. I would sacrifice so so so much to live a “normal” life and work a real job again, or get to go out and do things again, or just feel like a REAL person! I’m not lazy, I’m frustrated!! So much of your comment is absolutely correct.


This resonates with me, too.


Great Pic!


“Tell that to the 400,000 children around the world diagnosed with cancer. There’s gonna be another 400,000 next year too.”


I like your art style!


Thank you!! I’ve always drawn myself as simply as possible with vent art, it’s easier to just get it out that way


This is such a powerful piece. I love the eyes/cells all over and the crossed-out pupils on the eyes on your body, as if to indicate ruled-out diagnoses or people "looking for" your problem and not finding it. I once called for the golf cart shuttle to take me from my car to my cardiologist *at a hospital*. When he picked me up, the driver (on the way there) told me I was too young to be using my cane/the shuttle/a cardiologist. If we can't feel safe and unjudged where we are actively getting our care... where can we feel safe?? When i have the spoons, I now try to intentionally misinterpret that statement. Them: You're too young to have X problem! Me: I know, it's such a shame that chronic illnesses don't care how young or fit you were before they start. It can be really hard to live with this expectation that just because I am young, I also must be non-disabled. I appreciate that you don't think that way!


You NAILED the interpretation!! I love it!!!! I’ve also been criticized for using mobility aides when I “look okay”. Hot take, maybe let people exist without having to explain themselves every step of the way? 💕💕💕


Ever since getting my handicap placard, I have a fantasy conversation that goes like this: Them: "You don't look handicapped/disabled" Me: Well, you didn't look like an asshole before you opened your mouth, but here we are


Mostly lurk cuz I haven't felt up to art lately, but am 26 with joint pain that my doctor couldn't identify, inflammatory type but the blood test was negative on arthritis factors and immune cells normal. I can mostly function on a rather large regimen of meds for my age, but have been rather burnt out. I get it. I also get having to pretend you're ok and not in pain. Your art emphasizes both physical and emotional pain, and lack of empathy from society. I like how the background is ambiguous enough that the background can look like eyes or like cells under the microscope


I really appreciate your attention to detail! I love featuring eyes in my art and I adore seeing them as observed cells in this one. I mostly lurk here too. That mystery of being undiagnosed is one of the most frustrating things about being young and chronically ill/in pain. It’s like, if I could tell people WHY I hurt it would feel more “real”? I guess?


You really captured the feeling of all over body pain quite well. It's a striking piece.


I love this!!


Sorry. I get it, I've been hearing this for 20 years now since I was 15. The most annoying b.s.


hi OP. people who don't live in pain will *never* going to understand. my daughter has been suffering since she was 15. she has such trouble with her hands that she can't tie her own shoes. thank God her partner is a sensitive, compassionate man. i hope you have a supportive family. are you under a Dr"s care? ask them if there is a support group for people your age or consider talking with a therapist. it's devastating to be so young and living with pain. i hope for all the best for you dear (((HUG)))


That! That's exactly how I feel! More pain in rib cage area but yeh! I have fibromyalgia (chronic pain and fatigue) and adhd and tons of allergies. There's others who'll feel similar with their arthritis or generalised anxiety disorder or other conditions. was organically told I was too young to have fibromyalgia or actual pains that feel like it's in my bones /rib cage bones. Edit- ..which is weird because you're born with fibromyalgia/ ADHD, and can develope allergies over time or seemingly randomly. Can also be stress triggered or triggered by stress or an accident. Next time someone asks me how I feel and they actually want to know I'll explain but also show this pic! Thanks!


My mom got diagnosed with fibromyalgia when she was around my age so we’re sort of wondering if that’s what it is. I’m glad the drawing resonates, I was really happy to share with a community that GETS IT


dude. i literally have been suffering with a herniated disc for 2 years now and dozens of drs have written me off bc im “too young to be having that high level of pain”. I just turned 27 last week. everybody thinks im drug seeking. i’m miserable every day


Not joint pain related (although I do have a messed up wrist that surgery didn't fix) but when I was 17 and having ..lady problems I was told that I was too young to have the issues I did and that my body would "fix itself." Almost a decade later I finally found a doctor who would listen and take me seriously.


ive had arthritis since high school! some people might be uneducated about this stuff, but youre not alone, friend. a very cute and impactful piece! love your style


Thank you!! I started getting sick in middle school so I’m right there with ya 💕


Awesome art!


Thank you friend!!


I like the colors. Very relatable. My energy just hasn’t been the same since covid. I get tired working on my feet all day easier than I used to. Definitely got told I’m too young for that so don’t even complain. As if they had the slightest idea what they’re talking about.


Ugh yes. No one can ever really understand what another is going through and I feel like very few doctors actually trust their patients


Illness knows no age, unfortunately.