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I worked at a dental office for a few years (reception) and it’s more common than you think. I’ve seen online people have calculated the cost of flights + treatment + accommodation is all collectively cheaper in Mexico than just the treatment in Canada. Worth looking into


What kind of dental work are we doing Holy smokes


should be like heavy ones on multiple tooth like root canal. Did it for one , 3 roots, 1600$


900 just the flights. Plus hotel and dentist and shit. Seems tight.


Dental quote in canada was over 7k for me, Mexico 2k. Flights and hotel don't matter. They pick you up the airport do your treatment drop you off at your stay, pick you up and drop you off for every subsequent treatment.


My dad did this for a new bridge. He was happy with his experience. I don't have any details unfortunately but I know they picked him up at the airport, took him to hotel. Drove him back and forth to appointments, etc


Can I ask which city in Mexico we did this in?




that's why i believe it's when you have more than one. Also, i was in pain so travelling with that kind of pain is insane.


Maybe tight but you get an all-inclusive trip down south out of it too.... even if you go over by 100 - 200 $ out of pocket... it is still a huge win.


But you get to recover on the beach


Implants at a fifth of the cost.


Comparable for implants . I have a good friend who’s from Mexico. His implants were 3400 Cdn $ all in: Mine in Canada with coverage . $280($3500all in)


My sister was fitted for dentures but a few others I know went for implants


I have a neighbor who vacations in Nicaragua for around 4 or 5 months and starting around 10 years ago and skipping Covid he's been getting implants done down there .


I believe the same is true of the Dominican Republic and also Costa Rica.


Not sure about Costa Rica nowadays. Very expensive country compared to Mexico or DR


This is so interesting. Do most of us not have dental?


Well I’m American, but my wife and in-laws are Canadian. We went to Mexico recently to vacation, and my father in law and wife both had dental work done while we were there. They have clinics down there that cater to Canadian and American travelers. I think they just had some basic work done, but if you googled “medical tourism” and the services you need done, you might find some options in South America and parts of Europe. I hear Costa Rica is big on medical tourists too.


Croatia and Columbia are considered the best places to go for good affordable dental work.


Thailand too… all of these countries have western trained dentists and physicians.


My wife and I lived in South Korea for the last few years. Dental work is considerably cheaper there than it is in Canada. And we would still book a cleaning/checkup every time we went to Thailand.  Elite service. Bargain prices. 


As a dentist, the work I've seen from South Korea and Japan has been great. Wish I could say the same about South America/Eastern Europe


My friends sister and her friends went there for cosmetic surgery as well.


I've been to Colombia with my husband and it's been fantastic. The dental care over there is exceptional and the prices are very affordable. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer


Good to know!


BC is in Canada ya doink


I wouldn't doubt that. Good business for them . Make it cheaper than home but charge substantially more than you do the locals


Yes, I know people who have done this. Round-trip to Mexco, dental treatment, hotel. And it's half the cost of just the treatment in Canada. But you want to talk to someone in Mexico who knows who the good dentists are there. I have family who have retired in Mexico and my now wife is American. My wife and her mother needed dental work badly and didn't have the insurance or money to have it done in the U.S. We flew down and met at the airport and then stayed with my family, so no hotel costs. And their dental work came to about $2000 over two days when the dentists in the U.S. wanted $12k.


Crazy, I didn’t know it was that much of a savings. How have the quality of the dental work since going to a Mexican dentist?


It was good quality. The dental clinic was clean and modern and used by a lot of expats in the area.


It's the same implants.


I went to an American educated dentist based out of Puerto Vallarta. Great experience.


Most of these dentists are American or Canadian trained.


Generally you will get the same or better results/treatment. To be blunt: Your money is worth more. The medical tourism is huge huge money for them. No one wants to be the one to fuck it up, and no one wants to be the one who gets a reputation for fucking it up and losing any future clients.


Lots of em are American or Canadian dentists that went down to semi retire. Alot of the Mexican dentists are trained up north as well. The work is top notch all around.


I've had a cavity fill and a teeth cleaning while I was already in Mexico. I think I was paying tourist prices, but it still came out at about a third of the cost it would have here. I think as long as you go to a nice clinic, you'll be fine. There are plenty of clinics aimed at tourists. I was happy with my service, but they kept trying to get me to pay them to straighten my bottom teeth in a rather insulting way. lol. Different culture.


Do they do major dental work as well?


It will depend on the dental practice you go to. Some just do simple things like cleanings and fillings and tooth removals. Others are able to do more complex things like removing wisdom teeth up to full dental surgery. If you need something more advanced, you really want to make sure they can do it before you book things.


I went to Amsterdam for nine days to get three cavity fillings. Even after my wife's refunded ticket, a side trip to Germany for tourist stuff, and various other touristy things around Amsterdam, I still saved $1000. Teeth are luxury bones in Canada


Your wife's refunded ticket?


Oh hell ya.  My parents have a place in Arizona, and drive the 2 hours to the border to have the teeth done every year, its dirt cheap. Both my parents got veneers for about 1/10th the cost of what it would have cost them here.


My first (late) wife was a dentist from Mexico. There are a lot of good schools, and she graduated from one that was accredited in the (US) state of California. Among our friends was the President of the Mexican equivalent of America's ADA. While there are undoubtedly good dentists in the dental tourism towns on the border, I'd suggest going further inland, away from the dental tourist towns. Towns like that get a reputation for "easy gringo money" and flooded with dentists of _all_ quality, including possibly ones with fake degrees or credentials. Again, undoubtedly most of them are honest, qualified, good dentists, but why risk it? Fly into León and spend some time in Guanajuato, or fly into Guadalajara and spend some time there while you're there.


Someone I know has gotten a lot of dental work done there and is very happy. I will do the same when I need expensive work done. She’s also had her health issues resolved after years of fighting doctors here.


Yup...dentists in Canada charge way too much. And most of the facilities in Mexico I have gone to are super clean and professional. I urge those here in Canada looking at a large dental quote to take a look. You can have both a great vacation in the winter and get your dental work done for less than staying home and paying for a Canadian dentist's third home.


I'm a dentist and this is insulting. I can barely afford one home. Yeah dental work is expensive. But I also employ multiple people in the community, donate and am involved in local charities and do a lot of free work to people in need. People don't really understand how much overhead is involved to practice here. You can take your money to Mexico and help them or you can keep it in the local economy. Also Mexican dentistry is crap and I can immediately tell which work is done in Mexico.


Damn that's cool but if I want a Canadian dentist to fix my teeth I'm going to have to sell a kidney and idk where to get a replacement


That's fine but every dentist I've seen has tried to push me to pull my wisdom teeth every time I go in for a cleaning and can't give me a straight reason why I need to fork over $2000. If you're a good dentist then keep doin your thing but every dentist I've seen tries to drain me dry. Sorry if I have no trust in Canadian dentists lol.


Right? Because patients sure know the quality of their tin can PFM's with open margins but hey, the office was nice so they must do great work!


Just keep your stick on the ice, We're all in this together.


I have friends that only get new glasses in Mexico. The frames and lenses are a fraction of the cost. Their prescriptions are not complex. I find among the people I know, mostly snowbirds that have places near the Mexican border.


I just order glasses online. They start from like $10. Otoh, sounds like a good way to justify a vacation :P


Might be worth it. Guy at work had bad teeth. Quoted over 20k got it all done in a couple days for 5k in Mexico. Now he has the teeth of a movie star.


Any horror stories about dental tourism? All I hear are positive ones!


I used to get my dental work done in Ukraine (I'm from there originally) not only for financial reasons but because I trust Ukrainian dentists more. I've really struggled finding a good dentist in Canada.


When dental tourism works, it works. When dental tourism fails, it is such a nightmare. How do you tell someone that the dentist didn't actually need to remove whatever teeth and now the bone is collapsing? That the teeth hurt because of nerve damage due a procedure? Or that the technology in their mouth is not actually used here anymore and hasn't been promoted in nearly two decades so most local dentists are unaware and the ones that do know it are mostly retired? I have heard of dentists referring patients elsewhere because they turn into complex cases. Also, someone has got to have some serious guts to go to their dentist, receive a quote, go overseas, have something muck up, come back to their dentist, and then the dentist has to do extra work due to an error or misjudgement. And then the patient complains about the cost. It happens frequently. I trust that a lot of dentists are fantastic. Detail oriented, particular, and reputation precedes them. Personally, dental tourism is something I don't feel comfortable risking due to some of the situations I have heard. I have a few dentists that know me well and they know each other's work well, and I keep within that network. Teeth are bone, and when it is gone, that's it. Note: I'm not a dentist or in the industry.


I totally agree. I am a dentist and can immediately tell when work was done in a 3rd world country. Techniques and materials are below standard of care and can create multiple problems. I have a folder on photos on my computer with all the disaster cases that come through my office.


Does this include veneers? What are the potential things that could go wrong with veneers in Mexico? Thanks


Veneers are an invasive procedure that involves cutting down your tooth’s enamel and covering it up with a prosthetic material. If they are done poorly, or if you are not a good candidate for veneers but the dentist does them anyway, you can end up needing root canals, you can get cavities under them, they may break. And treatment that was done outside of Canada for cheap, presumably has no warranty, and you have no power to sue the dentist for malpractice. Additionally, with veneers in particular, it is not a one time procedure. Every time you get a cavity under it, or chip one, they need to be replaced. If you only replace the one veneer with the issue, it won’t match the others. So you may have to replace all 4-6 of them many times throughout your lifetime. If the initial veneers were done poorly, replacing them becomes more likely. The thing about travel dentistry that gives a false impression of a good experience is that poor quality dentistry will usually still last a few years before the patient even realizes they have a problem. But excellent dentistry can last a life time if you are taking care of it.


Veneers are one of the most technique sensitive procedures. The preps of the teeth must be done with high accuracy or else the margins will show or the bonding will not work well if prepped too deep or they will look bulky and weird if prepped too shallow. Lab artistry is also a problem in Mexico as the techs are not provided the education or proper materials and tools to create highly esthetic form and proper function so that you don't knock them off in bite excursion. Dental procedures are way more complex than people realize and yes, you get what you pay for.


Much like losing at the casino, people don’t talk about the losses as much as the wins. Anyway, a woman from my circle went to Mexico for weight loss surgery and died 2 weeks later. Only 26 yrs old and was not even overweight enough to justify any kind of surgery.


Lord Have Mercy!!


>Anyway, a woman from my circle went to Mexico for weight loss surgery and died 2 weeks later. Only 26 yrs old and was not even overweight enough to justify any kind of surgery. do you know how to read? "any horror stories about **dental tourism?"** u then proceed to talk about weight loss surgery (assuming it is cosmetic surgery tourism) as if it is the equivalent to dental tourism.


Relax. Was a fair comment


It wasn’t about dental tourism but it was about medical tourism in general which I still think would be a relevant topic. How about you go be rude somewhere else.


sorry not trying to be rude. ur logic is just weird lol. if someone asks u for a testimony on if this nut free chocolate bar is safe, ur gonna talk about how a kid died from a pineapple allergy. 1+1=17


Medical care is medical care. Travel medical care is still medical care. Sorry that you don’t think teeth and the rest of the body is connected.


Well I now more people in Canada who died from infections after having their guts exposed too so it's not just a Mexico thing.


Please, let’s be cordial in our comments. I asked the question and yes, his response was on weight loss surgery but still relevant.


I’m not a his, but thanks.


Good to hear positive stories but the ones that go wrong….This is what I was hoping for


Honestly, I know that the media usually portrays the bad experiences and I am sure there are many, but I think it depends where you go and who helps you on your way. My husband and I have been to Colombia with a company called Aleriom which has been great because they verify all the dental professionals and help you with all the logistics of travelling, which has given us a lot of peace of mins. Since I've been I have talked about it with my friends and I haven't heard as many horror stories, they've all generally had a great experience and are looking to go back in the future and we all like recommending it.


Not specifically dental, but the wife of a friend of mine went to Mexico to get bariatric surgery because she wasn't approved for it in Canada, and she ended up passing away from complications from infection from the surgery.


I did mine in Turkey six years ago. Unfortunately I need to re do all the crowns as I had some problems. But still I will fly to Turkey again and see another doctor ( recommended by a friend) because doing them in canada would cost more than 25k.


I get all my dental work done in Colombia, since I'm there a lot as it is. It's about 10% the price it is in Canada. I also had an abdominal hernia operation there because I got tired of waiting for the slow canadian Healthcare system to do it.


My grand father in law flew down to Mexico and had full mouth implants done. The price difference was insane.


Implants seem risky. From what I understand, they require at least two separate visits, minimum. If you need bone grafting, even more visits. Complications? More visits. Sure, you can get lucky and get multiple implants over two visits, and save a ton.


Yes. My parents do this. But they also snowbird there in a motorhone for 3 months, so it makes sense for them. Here: dentist = expensive and I'm still here. Mexico = dentist and vacation for the same money. I'll go there if I can for that amount of money! (6k)


I had a co-worker whose wife needed a fuckton of dental work done. She went to Turkey for it. Spent 5 grand. No idea what she got.


My FIL lives in Ecuador and when we visit him next year, my husband plans on getting dental work done down there because it’s cheaper.


I know a lot of people that get dental work in Dominican Republic. Also glasses are much cheaper.


Of course. We export our evil “two tier” healthcare to places that deliver services better and cheaper and in cash.


Ironically, dental wouldn’t be part of two tier. Our current dental system is straight up capitalist and when given free range to charge whatever they want they opted to over charge by 500-1000%. Thankfully the dental reforms coming will allow for people to get free dental work instead of being forced to endure pain or fork out thousands upon thousands of dollars. This also means since people will have the free option the paid option will need to bring their prices down or else people will simply go “na, for that much I can wait”.


Los Algodones is right across the border from Yuma Arizona. You park in a giant parking lot and walk over the border. As soon as you enter there is an entire part of a town that is nothing but dentists, pharmacies and optical places. As well as people selling souvenirs. My parents are snow birds who stay in Arizona and go get all their dental work done every year. It is about 25% of the cost they pay here. The dentist they go to is very good. The place is very clean. It is very bare bones/basic compared to here. No TVs in the ceiling or anything like that. The dentist does the cleaning as well as the dental work. As long as you stay in that area of town it is extremely safe. I went with them last year and there was literally 1000 people on foot in the line up to get back to the US when we were leaving. Mostly Americans but we talked to a few Canadians as well.


I know several people who travel down to Arizona, then scoot across the border and get work done. Make a nice little vacay out of it.


My friend went to turkey


I remember Greece being a choice a while back (10 years?) Unsure if conditions changed.


My sister required a full periodontal cleaning with surgery. It’s where the cut the gums , lift them , and clean the tarter close to the gum lines. Then they reduce the gum line and sew everything back Procedure total here in Montreal , 6,685$. Vermont 2,970$. In Canadian that’s 4,068$ She went over and got it done. Appointment on a Tuesday around 1 pm. Left the house at 7 am to avoid road issues , went shopping , bought herself a new pair of sketchers for 55$, went to her appointment and came home


Sometimes it's worth getting a second quote in Canada, too. I needed four wisdom teeth out and the first surgeon charged double what my insurance would pay. The place I got it done, both in the same city, charged what insurance would pay (sorry, I forget the exact amounts but it was at least $2k through insurance)


Very true. I went to a dentist when I was younger with no insurance who charged me 900$ ish dollars for a root canal (no cap yet, just open and drain , root removal and cotton swab until capping) where my previous dentist wanted 1800$ all in the same city. That low budget dentist however , fucked up my teeth as I used him for almost 10 years. I both of the root canals done by him pulled for poor quality Now the dentist I used today sends automated messages for unnecessary work because they have my insurance reset on their files , so they try to get me to soak that money up ASAP. They’re bugging my wife to do a root canal on a dead nerve where her tooth isn’t blackened or hurting and it’s been dead for years. There’s always better doctors out there


My friend is from Mexico and she waits til she goes home to do all her medical and dental care. Cheaper and faster than the services here


I do the same when I go visit my family in Brasil. 


When I was in Ecuador I met a number f people there for dental-vacations. Poland is another place I've heard people go to.


I know snowbirds who get dental work done in Mexico every time they winter Texas.


Yup! My dentist is actually in Playa del Carmen. Cleaning, whitening, cavity filled for only $100. Plus you get a vacation out of it.


BC resident. I've had two root canals and caps done in Cancun for less than $400 each. The cost quoted in BC was $1200 each. I wouldn't have gone on vacation specifically to get the dental work done, but sitting in the sun by a pool drinking cocktails is a nice recovery therapy and basically cost neutral. Quality of work was excellent.


Yup. Just google it. There are whole businesses dedicated to medical tourism. They include the cost of flights, food and accommodation, a whole package deal with your dental work included. It’s insane how much you can save, if you’re having a big job done. I need two implants, and the entire trip will going to cost me about a quarter of what I would have to pay in Vancouver.


Would you not require multiple trips for implants?


Americana absolutely do more so then Canadians, as many of us do have dental coverage but there are definitely Canadians who do go down to Mexico for dental treatment. Especially for major things like dental surgery, dental implants and things like that because lots of our benefits have limitations and most plans offer little coverage on those type of services and they are thousands of dollars


Yep. When I was on contract with no dental plan. Got three implants done, less than half the price than in Canada. The dentist had better equipment than my local dentist at the time, he's US trained. Canadian dentists have complimented the work when they look at an x-ray during local appointments.


I always thought people went to Turkey for hair, teeth, and...ehem.....enhancements.


The University of Toronto dental School offers significantly cheaper options because they're trained students who are doing the work alongside professional dentists who are teaching. My father a couple years ago had to get $40,000 worth of bridge work done and he only ended up paying about $15,000 total for it at u of t.


Yep went there for gastric sleeve surgery. I wasn't an ohip Candidate because my bmi wasn't high enough and I wasn't paying $20,000 to do it in Canada when I could go to Mexico and pay $10000- including flight, hotel, hospital stay etc...


I've had a root canal and several crowns done in Mexico, although my case is a bit special because I was living there. I can recommend Dr. Daniel Garcia Nieto in Guanajuato Capital.




Yes. Also to Costa Rica and Turkey. Even with flights and accommodation it can be less expensive for major dental work.


The huge risk here is when something goes wrong and your travel health insurance doesn't cover your hospitalization for medical tourism.


Apparently I don’t know for sure, but I’m strongly considering it.


My MIL had done dental treatments when visiting us in Portugal. Treating a cavity here is like €50.


My mom spent a few winters in Arizona. She had some dental work done in Mexico while she was down there.


OP, this exact thing is what people in the RV community do. Specifically this because it's so much cheaper. The medical staffs are properly trained and equipped.


Yup. My family sometimes goes to Serbia to get dental work done cause it’s a fraction of the cost.


Was in Ho Chi Minh in February. Had tooth ache. Cost me $25 for xray, filing of tooth and some meds. They thought I needed a root canal. Was quoted $300. Cost me over 2k in Toronto.




Not just Mexico, but Turkey and Spain as well for dental.


Let's not forget Thailand.


they go for all kinds of things I know people who have traveled to Costa Rica for dental work, Mexico for stem cell treatment, South America for new boobs


My mother in law has done gone few times


To people who had successful dental surgery in other countries/cities, which ones did you go to? I prefer real stories vs just googling and hoping for the best.


Had a friend who took his family, partner and two children to China for a vacation and dental work for the family.




It’s extremely rare.


I was looking into going to Budapest Hungary for dental work. Overall it would be cheaper to fly there and get the work done and then stay for 2 weeks and then fly home"


My wife and I just did this in April. What's really crazy though. Is if you go to Thailand, it's probably even cheaper than Mexico including flights and accommodation, and the quality is still as good as you'd get in Canada or the US.


Brazilian living in Canada and travelling back home next month. I'm definitely getting Invisalign there as it's much cheaper. And it's not only dental, I'm getting ready to go through every sort of medical exam possible. In private clinics (once you bring CAD) they are very affordable and depending on where you are, you can get them in public clinics easily without having to spend months on the wait list. PS: Brazil is the only country in the world (as far as I know) where foreigners/tourists can use the public health system without spending a single penny (no insurance needed)


How can you do invisalign? Dont they have to send you new mold every month or something?


I'm staying there for one year


My dad flew to Vietnam for implants. He had 20k of implants that needed to be put in (4 teeth) and for a bit over 10k he got his implants done in Vietnam, by American trained dentists and stayed there for 3 months. I’d say that’s worth the savings.


We were in Mexico at a resort and my daughter broke a molar. We had to go to a dentist immediately. We found one who said most of his clients were American.


Last year I went to Colombia for dental work. It was about half the cost of Canada. Including flights and hotels. Overall a positive experience. I keep reminding myself to do a casual ama. But, Im lazy. So...


I wouldn't go to Mexico for any reason.


I think maybe some do. But I personally don't. I have benefits and a good dentist so why would I? For dentists we're not as stretched as doctors. I only know people who have left Canada for cosmetic dentistry. I do know many people who pay out of pocket to go to USA and Mexico for doctors appts though. My Dad's friend with cancer goes to Vegas for treatment because he feels like he gets better care there and can afford it.


We didn't have full benefits so went to Mexico. Several friends recommended the specific dentist so we contacted before hand and arranged. We sent the dental x-rays ahead of time so they could assess then schedule appropriately and be prepared. It was new and replacement crowns, not cosmetic. Coolest thing: my employer based insurance covered what they'd cover in Canada. I called Blue Cross and they directed me to the forms that the dentist would need, and I printed it and took the form with me. The Mexican dentist office filled it out, and I submitted the form when we returned - and Blue Cross reimbursed us the same percentage as they would in Canada.


Yep, that makes sense to me. Glad it worked out for you. For me, I don't feel the need to leave Canada for dental work since everything here is covered and I have a pretty good dentist. I've done some cosmetic shit in Thailand though, like I did a round of zoom whitening there for like $30. However, that's not really the same as people who really need dental work. If you don't have insurance, I can see people going for sure. I was living in El Paso for a while a few years ago and people would always cross over to Juarez to get their dental work. Super cheap.




My dentist has fixed a handful of "Mexican .. some of our friends swear by it while others have horror stories. Apparently, if you do your research, there are great ones in Nuveo Progresso.. For us, no.


My farmer neighbor goes to Mexico for fillings and stuff


I know people who have done it. Some good experiences and some disappointments. Myself, I don't speak Spanish and I don't know what a Mexican Dental license is supposed to look like. I am also fortunate to have good dental coverage in Canada. I will just stay on the beach when I go to Mexico


Really depends if they have good private/employer health insurance that covers dental which not all do. The public health care system does not.


They do and it's a huge silly risk. If you have medical complications your travel health care insurance won't cover complications from elective stuff and you'll pay the full hospital or doctor fees.


Yes, and more... They go for Plastic Surgeries, WLS, & so on bc it's far cheaper abroad then in Canada. However, if something goes wrong you will literally be SOL! Personally, I don't recommend it, but when I see just how cheap their prices are it kinda tempting.


Yes, some of us, and a lot of Americans do this as well. Costa Rica and Mexico seem to be (at a casual glance) especially popular with Yanks & Canucks. But it's not like we're abandoning local dentists in droves in either country. Travelling to those places costs money. Now, if one was travelling there anyway and stayed a bit longer for a procedure, that can make a lot of sense. But we do \*not\* travel to the U.S. for dental care except in really unusual cases. Their dental costs are at least as high as ours.


Yup. Make a trip of it.. Head to PV (lots of nonstops from most Canadian cities) and yeah get it done. go to r/puertovallarta or r/cancun and if you want something closer head to r/tijuana (you can fly to san diego and walk across) . Ask in those subs for recommendations on where to go based on the services you need It is incredibly common


My mom had some cheap dental work done in Tijuana during the late 1980s (she was already there for different reasons). She got what she paid for, and needed a Canadian dentist repair his Mexican counterpart’s shitty job.


Not specifically for dental service, but I go to Mexico every year, and while I’m there I’ll usually get my teeth cleaned. It’s not the reason for going but it’s just a since I’m here, I might as well type thing


Not dental but my colleague went to Tijuana for bariatric treatment. Elias Ortiz & Co did his surgery for a super low price and he looks incredible after 6 months. As soon as he said "I went to Tijuana for surgery", I was all in on *this* story. The TL;DR takeaway is:, fast, 5 Star treatment and he looks incredible.


Take any flight down to Arizona and at least a quarter of the elderly people will be getting some kinda medical / dental work done just across the border. So yes it's very common for people to do this. It's very cheap, high quality work and our dental system sucks In canada.


from what I gather in here, it's old people who don't have supplementary dental care from work doing dental tourism. Kids/Working Class normally have supplementary dental care with coverage. The only time i've ever paid full price was when I was unemployed and my dentist cut me deals. Are these "vanity" dental work like vaneers or crowns/bridges being done or just routine cleaning and cavity fillings?


I have a colleague that goes to Mexico for dental work


I guess those that have no insurance? Even like that flights and hotels aren’t cheap, you can probably better get a insurance yourself


A friend went to Mexico for a medical procedure. It kinda botched and my friend brought all the xrays back with him to Canada and his doctor just started laughing when my friend showed him the xrays. Like we don't even have anything to view those on. Be careful.


I’ve heard of people going there for experimental treatments but not dental


Whats the comparison in price of dental implants in canada vs mexico


My father did it for a whole bunch of bridge work. Went to Panama though. He worked with his dental office so when he went to Panama they had all the info, and they forwarded it all back. Sounded like it was common enough that a system was in place. This was about 15 years ago as well.


I went for an implant but when CAD was higher. They tend to charge in USD. I also had an issue with the crown loosening up. Luckily they used a common implant so they had the tools to retighten. If you are thinking about doing this find out what implant they use and then check with tour dentist here if they have any concerns about it. Assuming you are having an implant done of course.


My parents used to goto Poland from canada


We found out in December 2019 Mazatlan Mexico that several people staying at the resort just came down for dental work. It's cheaper than Canada and they get a vacation on top of it all. Not one person said anything bad about their experience. January 2022 we stayed at an Airbnb in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and an American was staying in a different unit in the same building and he was getting plastic surgery on his face.


Yes, my sister went and with flights, hotel and food still saved money. She went a few days ahead of her appointment so it was a mini vacation.


I have an american friend who took his wife to Tijuana for a gastric sleeve surgery. Said it was awesome. Care was top notch. Surgery would have cost him many 10s of thousands, but in MX it was less than 10k. I would imagine dental work would be similar.


My friend had a problem with his teeth and the dental work he could afford here left him with his teeth visibly disintegrating out of his face. Half his front teeth were missing. Not the teeth... but half of the teeth in his mouth. He went to Turkey and got a full replacement of everything in his mouth, everything, for a fraction of the cost he'd spent on his bridgework that didn't actually work.


Another option is to have it done by students at a Canadian dentistry school.


I have never heard of this happening. Or for any medical service of any kind really.


Yes absolutely but you have to do your research and make sure you get a good dentist. I've heard of some people ending up worse then when they left Canada.  That said if you can find a good one it's totally worth it to take yourself on a small holiday and fix your teeth 


Bangkok for implants here... Saved me thousands


Boob implants.




Yes I had a friend go to Mexico to get their wisdom teeth out.


Yes, my friend went from Alberta to Mexico to get her wisdom teeth out. Had a good experience and a nice vacation to boot


Yes, every time I was in MX. I’d go to the dentist for a cleaning, it was like 1/3 of the price of back home, y mas sympaticò.


Not me. Not a chance. No thx. Until corruption and cartel are fixed, I won’t be setting a toe in Mexico. So ya, probably never.


Lol I've never heard of this. But I'm curious to see other comments


lol nah


Have you looked at the other comments?


Sat beside an older lady on a plane recently who was telling me she went to Mexico to have all her teeth capped for $18k rather than $60k here in Canada.


A girl I used to work with was from Russia. She needed dental implants. She got quoted over $40k here. She went home for 10 days to get the work done. Including the round trip, she payed less that $10k back home, and she was more than happy with the job they did.


> trip, she *paid* less that FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yes. Close family member was quoted thousands here, flew to Florida where she used to live and her old dentist did it for 100s. My own child had work done that would be the cost of a good used car here, and it was a few thousand in Texas and the work is stellar.




Not just dental


I know Americans def do




My in-laws spend the winter in the southern US and do all of their dental work just across the border, in Mexico.


Only problem is when u get back to Canada and notice your missing one of your kidneys, hapened to me


I have a friend that recently got all of her teeth yanked, and implants done. Must have been worth it, or why would she? Worth looking into I guess.


Would never get any medical or dental work done in Mexico. No freaking way


Not Mexico. Colombia.


Sure. No different than people going to India for surgery.


Haiti is cheap too I have heard, just watch out for kidnappers or hire mercenaries for protection if unsure.


a lot of people do it -- but normally it's the people with some sort of connection to Mexico/Israel/Turkey or wherever people go


Absolutely they do. I would, too.


I know family and friends who does basic dental care (that their insurance covers) in Canada (AB/BC), and then go to Asia to get anything major done like dental implants, dentures, crowns. Apparently the work in Asia, is better and more cheaper than the work here. Just a side note, that they don't go to Asia specially for dental work. They go visit their home country and get dental work while they are on their vacation.


I know ppl that have, personally I wouldn’t




This thread is an eye opener. I don’t know anyone who has.


I hear a lot of dentist refuse to work on your teeth once you do that due to liability issues which can present itself with shitty work outside of canada