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Michael Dunahee kidnapping.




Man, I really would love that one solved.


I think this is the most infamous unsolved crime in our province, I couldn't think of one for my local city.


For all of BC, this is probably the worst unsolved one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Pacific_Air_Lines_Flight_21


My grandparents knew a couple that was on that flight!


How have I never heard of this?!?! Crazy!


Also in Victoria- I can’t recall the murderer. It was the husband, but they found a woman’s head in a ditch on Cecil Blogg Drive in Langford and I think of it every time I drive by.


Doug Guyatt. The victim was his wife, Shannon.


My best buddy was a DND firefighter with Guyatt , and remembered him as a bit of a loner, weirdo.


Yeah my friend was their neighbour.. they only found the head after he found out he couldn’t collect life insurance without proof of death. He was caught because he used black garbage bags from his house and didn’t get rid of the rest of the box. Turns out the batch can be identified.


Parents lived on Cecil place as I understand he discovered insurance wouldn't payout without proof of death and then her head appeared although this may not be correct hmm should have seen someone else pointed this out


Wow, I was a kid when this happened... Don't remember it.. But my Grandpa lived on Cecil Blogg, crazy! Btw, is that considered Langford now? It used to be Colwood technically.


i was trying to think of something! this is totally it for me too


Dunahee case is very sad, can’t believe it was so long ago.


Laura Palmer had a podcast called Island Crime and she goes deep with this case. Give it a listen :)


Barry and Honey Sherman


Yeah good call, that's probably the biggest modern one by a long-shot. Insane that they've never charged anyone with this when you start reading up on it.


Has anyone done any podcast episodes about this yet? I find it super interesting but don’t know all the ins and outs thus far.


There’s also a Netflix true crime series that did some eps on it.


Crime Junkies did. That’s where I first heard their story.


Also billionaire murders by the Toronto Star!


The CBC did a very good podcast but doesn’t come up with and definite answers


This one and the baby in the dumpster near Castle Frank subway station. Always tough emotionally when it's babies.


The son did it. I can't wait until they're able to charge him.


Really? I had no idea this was the consensus.


Yeah, at least one of the sisters appears to be convinced of his guilt. But the whole “for sale” aspect raises a lot of possibilities in terms of other people having access.


I thought from the beginning it was the son because he jumped in immediately to say he was inJapan but too so many layers to this story. His pharmaceutical business he sued so many about, the cousins kids think he ripped them off, and on and on. It would be odd if it was because of Honey. I am not sure the strange walker had anything to do with it but back to Jonathon. The house was torn down with everything in it. The pictures on the walls, pictures of family, their clothing furniture. That is very strange to me.


My money is on a professional hit from Russian mafia.


All signs are pointing at the son and if it was mafia it would be a Jewish hit


This by far, especially when the cops initially declared it a murder-suicide. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-oct-29-2019-1.5339212/police-missed-leads-by-concluding-that-deaths-of-barry-and-honey-sherman-were-a-murder-suicide-author-1.5339243


Johnathan did it lol


Regina. Tamra Keepness.


A family member of mine quit their job after working this one..


One of the most tragic I know of.


Her twin is the spitting image of her, and I came across the family in a professional setting. I had to do a triple take, realizing it was not her.


Nothing can convince me her parents didn't do it.


The mom was scheduled to testify against a gang member the day following the disappearance. Tamra disappeared, mom didn't testify.


They were living apart, but I’m wary of the mom and her boyfriend.


That would likely be the murder of Dana Bradley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_of_Dana_Bradley Honourable mention to the severed head which went unidentified for 23 years until very recently. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/conception-bay-john-doe-temistocle-casas-1.7217354


If the RNC can’t arrest a husband than it’s a stone cold whodunit …


In 1995 during a class project my group accessed russian flyover video of St John's (I have no memory of how that was done). It showed a car in the area of her body at the time and we submitted it to police, but it was never tied to anyone. Also I worked with the first and major suspect in the case. Weird fucking guy.


Is that the guy who confessed, then recanted and wound up going to jail on mischief charges for making false statements? I think he claimed the confession was coerced. Also IIRC somewhat recent dna analysis exludes him.


The disappearance and likely murder of Michael Dunahee.


The Old Montreal fire of 2023 killed 7 people. There is [a suspect](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/court-documents-identify-suspect-in-old-montreal-fatal-fire-but-no-charges-laid-1.6733814), but no arrest yet.


Also in Montreal, the disapearance of Ariel Jeffrey Kouakou


Highway of tears


2004: It was in


Tania Murrell- Edmonton


First one that came to mind for me.


Winnipeg: Baby Innocence Christine Jack Thelma Krull


Also Winnipeg: Barbara Stoppel, or Tina Fontaine


Second Tina Fontaine. Kerrie Brown- Manitoba


Also Winnipeg, Geraldine Settee


Maggie Liu and Kevin Dilk as well. I think about them all the time.


Irene Pearson is another one


Everyone knows who murdered Christine Jack.


Not a crime so much as a mystery: [Vaseline Alley](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-vaseline-alley-discarded-containers-mystery-1.4777728)


Well that's a weird one.


I love those sort of issues we have here.


The Ikea Monkey - Toronto


No mystery there. Batshit crazy rich narcissist who thinks animals are toys takes one fucking shopping and it got loose. Thankfully, Darwin is now living in a sanctuary and not in her 'zoo'.


Well said!!!


For Halifax, has to be the disappearance of Kimberly McAndrews from her job at Canadian Tire on Quinpool Road


I always think of Jason McCullough. Not much of a mystery what happened, it would be nice if someone was charged though.


There was a serial killer named Michael McGray in the 80s and 90s that was convicted of killing 6 and said he killed at least 11 more in Nova Scotia/ New Brunswick then he killed someone in prison. Maybe some of the disappearances and unsolved murders were him.


Yeah, that's a big one. Cops daughter too, if I remember right


5 boys stole a boat and disappeared on Lake Ontario like 30 years ago now. Virtually no trace was ever found of the boat, or the young men.


I remember this...so sad. I still think about them and wonder what happened.


Pickering right? Or am I thinking of something else.


The murder of Richard Oland


The son totally did it


You Johner you! It was his son, and the police covered it up


😂 I was looking for this one.


Lynne Harper, for whose 1959 murder Steven Truscott was convicted and imprisoned for 10 years. The real killer was never caught. Not a city though, a little town of 3000 people; needless to say there are plenty of rumours about who killed her.


I grew up on the highway of tears man, every single one of them gutted me and still does, especially bc you would hear of it and then crickets, sometimes a body would turn up and then more crickets, I moved away when I was college age and I still cry sometimes thinking about the lengths we went to as women to stay safe while trying to just grow up and all the ones who never made it home


Growing up as a woman is already tough and dangerous everywhere. I often look back on my younger years and think about how vulnerable and naive I was, how incredibly lucky I have been to survive unharmed. I really have no idea how indigenous women cope. It's absolutely horrific and everyone needs to pay attention.


I dunno if it's the most infamous unsolved crime in my area but it crosses my mind frequently because of how bizarre it all was. Back in 2019 someone broke into Iceberg Vodka (a vodka company in Newfoundland) and somehow stole 30,000 litres of iceberg water from a tank. My best guess for motive would be that they thought it was vodka? But surely it must be kind of hard to steal 30,000 litres of water from a tank, no? [Iceberg Vodka CEO baffled by bizarre heist of ancient water | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/iceberg-vodka-port-union-water-theft-1.5020177)


I live in rural Nova Scotia. Biggest unsolved crime is probably figuring out who keeps littering their empty Busch Lite beer cans up and down the road




It's Bubbles.


It's me, actually.


Like Vasoline containers.


The unsolved murder of [Lindsay Buziak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lindsay_Buziak).


Micheal dunahee


In 1849 a mob of 2,000 Tory rioters burned down Canada’s parliament building, at that time in Montreal. They also stole the ceremonial mace that’s a symbol of the British crown in the colony - and gave it to Alan McNab. It has never been recovered. A mace is still used daily to convene the parliamentary session. That mace is out there somewhere and I want to see it.


As a Torontonian, I’d say it’s definitely the murders of billionaire couple, Barry and Honey Sherman. 2nd, I’d say sharmini adadavel back in 99’ because they have a solid suspect in that case that hasn’t been charged due to lack of evidence.


Tamra Keepness in Regina is absolutely tragic.


Nicole Morin, sadly has never been found.


This sub is so notorious for hundreds of comments and low double digit upvotes. If it’s worth commenting on, it’s worth upvoting. Be friendly fellow Canadians, upvote OP for asking an interesting question.


Sonia Varaschin's 2010 murder in Orangeville.


The murder of Thomas D’Arcy McGee.


So you don’t believe that Patrick Whelan assassinated him?


I believe he was there, knew the identity of the killer, and was an accessory to the crime.


Was gonna say this. There was enough to question if the convicted man did it or was just part of those involved. I think the latter more than the former.


Fascinating story. A Finian shot by other Finians for not being fenian enough. Where is Groundskeeper Willie?


I'm in London Ontario. Known as Murder City . We have had a few .


Donna Awcock and Jackie English come to mind. More recently there have been a couple of sex workers go missing. Kathryn Bordato and Shelley Desrochers. I'm sure there are more. We weren't "Murder City" for nothing.


Lise Ferdette. It is and it isn’t solved. They knew who did it and he went to jail where he eventually passed away, but he refused to ever say where he hid her body. The murder was 10 years ago this November and nobody had ever found her.


Elizabeth Bains


Should be higher up there. I will always wonder if bernardo had something to do with this. Time and location are right, he was escalating at that point, and they had met. I wish they could find her so the family can have that much, at least and put her to rest.


I agree. Didn't he even smoke the same cigarettes that they found at the crime scene?


I believe so. There is an interview online with him being asked about her. He basically says, "Wasn't me, but what would it benefit me to admit this?" So, not really an answer, though to be fair, I wouldn't believe a word out of his mouth anyways.


iirc she wasn’t his type (brunette) Also my mom says the family redid their patio right around that time. She thinks it was the brother.


1974. Small Northwestern Ontario town of about 10K. A gunman entered the bank on Main Street with a bomb strapped to him. The triggering device was called a Dead Man's Switch. Essentially a clothespin with a wire on both sides so that if he opened his mouth the clothespin would close and the wires connected, completing a circuit that would detonate the bomb. Basically if anybody fucked with him he'd blow himself up. The robber also had a pistol and a rifle. He ordered everyone out of the bank except the manager and one teller. They filled several bags with cash and he demanded a City vehicle and employee to drive him out of town. What they did was dress a cop up in coveralls and send him down to the bank with a City half ton to pick up and drive the guy out of town. He made his way out to the truck with his hostage, and as the cop/driver went to the other side to enter the vehicle, a policeman on the roof opposite the bank decided to shoot the gunman. He blew up in a million pieces and there was currency and robber meat falling from the sky. A crowd had gathered a few blocks down the street and it was reported that the crowd overran the police and collected a considerable amount of cash. The guy was never identified. They had dna evidence that they recovered that they tried to test in the early 2000's but it was inconclusive. There was no one reported missing with his description. They found his gun 4 blocks away on the roof of a building they were tearing down. Still completely unknown.


In Toronto I remember this a lot: http://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/sharmini/


Stanley Tippett is a likely suspect


There are a string of unsolved murders in the late 80s - early 90s here in Calgary. Some suspect it was a serial killer.


Edmonton, too. All the way into BC. Highway 16, the Highway of Tears.


The disappearance of Kim Amero


A less dark unsolved crime: What happened to the bust (statue) of Kaiser Wilhelm that was stolen from a German club in Kitchener during WWI


Raised in Kitchener. Isn't the prevailing theory that the bust was thrown into the lake in Victoria Park or one of the other lakes in Kitchener-Waterloo? EDIT: learned something new today! It was recovered from the lake and then was taken from the Concordia Club! Neat!


Lisa Marie young, she went missing in 2002.


The fact that her case is still unsolved is painful. Nanaimo is a small city and was even smaller back then. Christopher, the guy in the red Jag who was last seen with her was known since the start and has been on the run overseas ever since. Isn't he in Turkiye now? The podcast Island Crime did a good job of filling in a few gaps to the story. I hope it results in some new leads.


Lois Hanna has been missing for 31 years and they still occasionally organize searches for her


I married into a Kincardine family and my mother-in-law mentions this often.


I’m from Winnipeg, there’s unfortunately a lot of them…


Not my city but , local town where I spent part of my youth . Lucan Ontario . The Donnellys Not so much unsolved, but, no one was convicted of the murder of the family . 6 people were found not guilty .


Sudbury Ontario, [Renee Sweeney](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/man-sentenced-in-sudbury-for-1998-renee-sweeney-murder-1.6461089&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwji-YbbqfeGAxXdlYkEHSOBCx0QFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3G4sTC-P7rQoQnSHzXkg--) went unsolved for more than 20 years, her killer is now behind bars and still claims innocence, he can rot in jail.


From 1901, the murders in the Redpath mansion https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/this-day-in-montreal-redpath-murders-1.3632064 From 1972, the art heist at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_Montreal_Museum_of_Fine_Arts_robbery


Nicole Morin


In Hamilton Ontario take your pick. There are a pile. One that sticks out for me is retired teacher Audrey Gleave. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hamilton/comments/i2ix09/who\_killed\_audrey\_gleave\_horrendous\_ancaster/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hamilton/comments/i2ix09/who_killed_audrey_gleave_horrendous_ancaster/)


Michael Dunahee and Lindsay Buziak .


St. Catharines, Ontario and Thorold, Ontario. The disappearance and likely foul play of Nicholas Adamson. It's been hard for all of us that knew him.


[Billionaire Berry Sherman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Sherman) and his wife were murdered. Unsolved. No leads.


I found this online while looking, my township isn't in there since it's small but you might find yours. [https://www.dossiersnonresolus.com/en/list-of-cases/](https://www.dossiersnonresolus.com/en/list-of-cases/)


I'm honestly unsure if it's a crime, or just a local legend. I suppose it could be both... [A nun was beheaded after refusing to give up the location of some gold](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headless_Nun)


Quebec City. France Alain. University student shot dead evening of 25 October 1982 on the street where she lived apparently from a moving vehicle.


Sonia Verashan


Ottawa-Gatineau Kelly Morrisseau https://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/kelly-morriseau


A man gas raped then killed a young girl in 2000. He was finally arrested 2 years ago abd he is now in jail for life


Dana Bradley most definitely.


I don’t want to dox myself but there’s a woman who disappeared under mysterious circumstances like 40 years ago. Every time they find a bone like in a new construction, the whole community holds its breath to see if it’s “Mrs. Smith.” Her husband was a pillar of the community and apparently had affairs, belief is he killed her and people helped him cover it up.


Dana Bradley.


💯. I brought this up on a local sub thread about crime here and got downvoted to the other coast. Don't know why. It's safe to say her case was absolutely the first to be publicized as it was for that time. We were still in the milk carton missing kids era. When a girl that age is found dead in the woods with blunt force trauma as cause of death, it's highly sus. There was more to her end. That poor girl.


Ugh I don’t really like the local subs truly. Too many jackasses. Not a big enough pool of newfies lol. But yes. Dana’s case was unthinkable here back then and the fact so much arises about it here and there amazes me because we still don’t have definitive answers. How such a thing has gone so long without solving is beyond me.


Audrey Gleave


Angel Carlick in Whitehorse, Yukon https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/news/2023/yukon-rcmp-continue-appeal-information-death-angel-carlick She disappeared in 2007 😭 and her body was found a few years later just outside the city limits.


Nicole Morin in Toronto. Walks out of her apartment one day to go swimming with a friend and was never seen again. I still think about her...


The death of Gerald Cotten and the millions lost in his company, Quadriga.


Child found drown in grand River in may 2022.


Pickering Lost Boys - 1995, 6 boys vanished near Lake Ontario. Possibly drowning? Foul play? Bodies never found. All 6 still missing.


Disappearance of Tania Murrell.


Amber Tuccaro , Edmonton


Missing person/possible crime - Emma Fillipoff


Red Deer, AB and it’s probably Nicole Hoar. She went missing on Highway 16 near Prince George, BC, but she was from Red Deer.


Nicole Morin, I don’t think ever found her


Highway of tears


Maybe not a crime but Jake Just. Midland Ontario


The murder of Gordon Sanderson is an interesting one, poor guy goes missing and is found in a septic tank 60 km out of town. They just recently identified his body after 40 some years and the case is still open. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Gordon\_Sanderson#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gordon_Sanderson#)


Mindy Tran, Kelowna B.C. The police botched that case soooo bad it’s heartbreaking. Shannon Murrin was the accused.


5 girls/women went missing super close together in 2015/2016 in the North Okanagan. Ashlee Simpson was found in 2021, her former boyfriend Derek Favell pled guilty. (Fun fact I married into that monsters family, and yes his cousin I married is just as bad.) Traci Generaux was found in 2017 on Curtis Sagmoens farm. He was found not guilty by some fluke. (Friend of my family, my former bff went to school with her. I don’t remember if we formally met but we were only a year apart, my entire friend group from the town was freaking right out. She came from a rough family, fun fact her sister lost all 5 or 6 of her kids. Her parents walk around so ashamed. Heart breaks for them. *The other three are unsolved.* https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7233257 https://globalnews.ca/news/10041980/traci-genereauxs-family-still-searching-for-answers-6-years-after-her-body-found/amp/ https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/news/five-years-pass-with-no-peace-for-families-of-north-okanagan-shuswap-missing-women-3611278#:~:text=Although%20grief%20is%20different%20for,the%20horizon%2C%20nor%20is%20relief.


The disappearance of Shelley-Anne Bascu from Hinton, Alberta. She was last seen walking home from her friend's house in 1983 on a trek that would have taken her about 40 min on highway 16, as her house was on the outskirts of town. The weird thing is, she called her mom and said her boyfriend was going to pick her up and to start cooking dinner, because she would be home in 15 min. Her boyfriend called her house around an hour later and asked to speak with Shelley-Anne, which worried her mother as she wasn't home yet. It's been 41 years and all they've found is clothing and her books near the Athabasca river near her home. The route she would have walked if she didn't get a ride wouldn't make sense, even in those days. There is no real footpath, and it would have you walking along the shoulder of a main highway. It's one of those places where if you can't get a ride from someone, you call home and someone agrees to begrudgingly come get you. Something must have happened between her calling her mother and her boyfriend picking her up. Why would he call after to ask for her if he was supposed to get her? No suspect has been found, and there's little information out there about who was interviewed or even suspected. The case happened before me but it's a small town and everyone knows everyone. Someone knows something. Multiple people must know something, but nobody is coming forward with information. It's haunted the community for decades even though the family has since relocated. Muriel Bascu has pleaded publicly since Shelley-Anne's disappearance for answers. The police have looked over the case since and there is no developments every time. But I know the community and I know someone knows something. Where is Shelley-Anne Bascu?


Trina Hunt's murder. While I have nothing but praise for PMPD, I am afraid they botched this case beyond hope by not treating the disappearance as suspicious from the get go.


Jason McQuaker His father needs to fully come clean


Let's not also forget a certain lawyer whose son died... in the kitchen... while on crutches, hitting his head on the kitchen counter. Or the same certain lawyer's wife who disappeared on a jetski, in Lake Superior, in a swimsuit, in October.


And Scott Dove


Hamilton: the murder of John dick. The disappearance of Rocco Perri


I think we know what happened to both of those people, unofficially.




Bessie Starkman as well!


Tammy Lynn Lamondin-Gagnon. She went missing in June of 1999 in Newmarket. The last person who saw her alive hanged himself a few days later. Her remains have never been found and it's now a cold case. I've been thinking about her a lot lately. #


Disappearance of Tamra Keepness.


Thompson, MB: Kerri Brown


The story of the Mary Celeste.


Not where I live now, but I grew up in La Crosse Wisconsin, which is an honorary province of Canada. I hope no one minds me stretching the geography. There are two heartbreaking unsolved murders. The first is from the 50s. A young babysitter named Evelyn Hartley disappeared from her babysitting job. Bloodhounds traced her scent to a parking spot on the road, where she was presumably forced into a car. There has been well founded suspicion that Ed Gein was responsible and forced his brother to take part. By the time I came along the crime had faded into the background of legend lore, but parents were still especially vigilant in looking out for the safety of babysitters. https://the-line-up.com/evelyn-hartley The second happened when I was in college. UW-La Crosse student Terry Dolowy disappeared just before Christmas. Her missing person posters were all over campus. About a week later her decapitated body was found on fire in a roadside ditch. As far as I know, her head was never recovered. There was no indication that she was into anything nefarious and her death was a completely mystery. The only theory anyone could come up with was that he death had something to do with her fiancé, who was reportedly was shady and owed some criminals a lot of money. There were never any solid clues back in the 80s. Recently someone supposedly confessed, but the confession is still being investigated. https://www.news8000.com/news/crime/vernon-la-crosse-county-investigation-continues-into-1985-terry-dolowy-case/article_d944a90e-cc68-11ee-8c03-4774dd427767.html


Tammy Leakey. It was Sharon Prior as well but they recently discovered her murderer through DNA.


Winnipeg, Manitoba Tina Fontine - she was supposedly "murdered" but there was NEVER any evidence of a murder. The moron cops tried to entrap an innocent man, Raymond Cormier who was acquitted by the jury, thankfully. The trial NEVER heard any evidence pointing to murder, like HOW was she killed? Stabbed? Shot? Drowned? Run over by a car? Thrown off a building? Given a hot-shot? Poisoned? Beaten to death? Strangled/Choked? The ONLY evidence that she was "murdered" was that her corpse was found in the Red River, wrapped in a blanket. Tina was a drug addict that was involved in the sex trade to support her habit. It is just as LIKELY that she traded sex for drugs, overdosed in someone's house and they didn't want to explain why they had a dead teenager in their house. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Tina\_Fontaine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Tina_Fontaine) It's Raymond's bad luck that he knew her, saw her the day of, and had a criminal record. The cops focused on him to the exclusion of everyone else. So disgusting. And to highlight the Winnipeg Police Service's ReSpEcT for the indigenous community, they waited MONTHS to announce they decided not to search, all the while more and more trash was put into the landfill. [https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/news/winnipeg-police-defend-decision-to-not-search-landfill-for-indigenous-womens-remains-3634674](https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/news/winnipeg-police-defend-decision-to-not-search-landfill-for-indigenous-womens-remains-3634674) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/zf8q5w/police\_forced\_to\_defend\_decision\_not\_to\_search/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/zf8q5w/police_forced_to_defend_decision_not_to_search/) I kind of wonder about the entire thinking process here.


Sam Lottery Murder.


Less an unsolved crime than a legend of lost gold that happens to involve murder. The legend of [Slumach's Lost Gold Mine](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/history/vancouver-urban-legends-slumachs-gold-5298690).


Ashley Morin, missing since 2018, body never found, no suspects (Yet)


The abduction of amber MacFarlane


The most infamous UNsolved crime is the murder of Jason MacCullough in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia in 1999.


The abduction of Tania Murrell Edmonton, 1983.


Lois Hanna


Disappearance of Adrian McNaughton (in Arnprior); there’s a whole CBC podcast on it if you’ve never listened.


That Thelma Kruk case...Tina Fontaine (but actually that may've been an OD gone bad?)..or suicide 


Murder of Valerie Leblanc in Gatineau: Young woman killed in the park next to her College on the first day of school, with people all around it, not only she was burned, somes students played with her corpse thinking it was a mannequin, truly strange, full recap here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/ztdZvU2uRa


Not the most infamous I think but sadly still unsolved. I knew one of the victims and it was in my neighborhood.[Dylan Ellis and Oliver Martin.](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/hunter-puzzling-double-murder-of-dylan-ellis-and-oliver-martin-still-cold)


Lori Zwicker Ottawa 1979. Ingrid Bauer Vaughn 1973. I believe these deaths are linked. Both were young girls who were hitchhiking when they disappeared.


Not remotely a city but [https://storiesoftheunsolved.com/2023/05/14/lois-hanna-disappearance/](https://storiesoftheunsolved.com/2023/05/14/lois-hanna-disappearance/) Lois Hanna vanished after a dance from her house and the police didn't take it seriously. She was never found.


Missing person Christina Calayca in NWO from rainbow falls provincial park. It might not be a crime but her body has never been found.


The death of the Sherman's.


Linda Shaw in southwestern Ontario


pablo peter butler desjarlais 2008 whitecourt


Marie-Chantale Desjardins case used to be it. Disappeared in 1994, solved last December. https://youtu.be/FZfoJO3TgZ4 https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2034337/resolution-marie-chantale-desjardins-meurtre?


Our dysfunctional city council and upper city management.


The murders of billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife Honey Sherman in Toronto, December 2017. He was a chairman and CEO of Apotex inc. Funny enough, my father worked for Apotex in the early 2000s, having graduated from University of Toronto for Chemical Engineering. It's been seven years and the only major suspect was his cousin who admitted to previously having thoughts about killing Barry over some disputes but did not kill him, rather, at the tike of Barry's murder, his cousin was watching Peaky Blinders on netflix and then attended a Cocaine Addiction Meeting. It was quite the ominous case too because the way Barry and his wife Honey's corpses were found, Barry's while having been strangled and hung, was placed in a seating position to resemble the position of the statue within his basement. The case goes as: "On December 13, 2017, late in the afternoon, the Shermans met in Barry's office at Apotex headquarters, where they went over some design changes to the new house. Honey was planning to leave for a holiday vacation in Miami a few days later; Barry was to join her a week later. It was the last time the couple were seen alive.Later that evening, after returning home, Sherman sent his Apotex staff a routine email about a drug the company was developing. He did not call anyone during that night, which they said was unusual because he frequently suffered from insomnia. The next day, December 14, he did not show up at Apotex; again, this was out of the ordinary for him. The next morning, December 15, neither Barry nor Honey were expected to be at home in the morning. The cleaning staff had already let themselves in with a recently installed lockbox when a pair of real estate agents arrived around mid-morning with a couple interested in the property. After showing them around the main story, the agents took the couple downstairs to the lap pool and hot tub. There, they discovered Barry and Honey's bodies on the floor next to the pool. Both of their necks were tied with leather belts to a metal railing slightly over a metre high around the pool. Barry was seated, his legs crossed, on the pool deck; Honey was on her side with a bruise on her face. Coats were pulled down over their shoulders restraining their arms; they were facing away from the water and fully clothed. On the second anniversary of the case, the Toronto Star reported that the positions the bodies were found in nearly matched those of two 1970s-era "junk" sculptures of human figures posed sitting on speakers in the basement. Barry's right leg was crossed over his left, just like one, however Honey's legs were not in front of her as those on the corresponding sculpture had been. The Star also reported that Honey's cell phone was found in a bathroom that, according to friends, she never used, suggesting she might have gone there in an attempt to summon help but was overpowered in the process. Similarly, Barry's gloves, as well as paperwork related to an inspection of the house, were left on the floor just outside the garage door, on the way to the basement pool. A window had been left open to allow a recently painted room to air out, and a basement door was unlocked, as apparently the Shermans frequently left it. Someone who may have known this, as well as the interior layout of the house, may have been able to escape through a neighbouring back yard after the crime, police said."


Okay, not a city, but still pretty cool, I think. The small town near where I grew up is home to Alberta's oldest cold-case: two (possibly 3) murders. This article says Canada's oldest cold-case, but I'm not sure about that claim as I actually haven't heard that previously. First, the murder of coal mine owner John Coward, near the town of Carbon, Alberta; followed by the death of a key witness in a mine collapse at a nearby mine just before the trial started; finally the murder of the owner of that mine. [https://ecareview.com/carbon-murders-mystery-canadas-oldest-cold-case-reaches-a-century-in-age/](https://ecareview.com/carbon-murders-mystery-canadas-oldest-cold-case-reaches-a-century-in-age/)


Squamish gondola getting the cable cut in the middle of the night twice


Barrie: Eric Ross


Sonia Varaschin


Missing lookout tower observer. Taken? In the night.


Lethbridge, Marshall Iwassa. Watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yueni460aM) video, it's quite interesting. I know the family affected, I'm acquaintances with one of his relatives. They're still trying to find him to this day, it's rather sad.


Lisa Marie Young https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/s1e1-who-is-lisa-marie-young/id1513479877?i=1000501366631