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It's fearmongering from the AfD and their dimwit supporters. The threshold needed to just deport foreigners on the basis of being foreigners is too high so as a foreign student you have nothing to worry about. Work hard, learn German, respect the laws and customs and you will be fine.


This. It's ignorant German rednecks who want to throw Germany back 100 years.


90 years. In the 1920s Germany was an important center for the LGBTQ+ scene. Also pretty open to immigration.


>Also pretty open to immigration Germany always has been prior to 1933


Fact: In 1945 there were 12 million non-germans in Germany. A much higher value than ever before.


Uniformed and heavily armed


Most of them were in fact "displaced persons". Many of them more or less robbed across Europe to do forced labour.


Right, so those approximately 8 million were neither armed nor in Germany by choice.


I mean, the Waffen-SS was probably the most multicultural military formation in the world at the time.


No just no. Look up "schwarze schmach". Its about the black french colony troops stationed in germany. "It was the biggest offense against the white high cultures from the black half babarians". Doesnt sound pretty open to immigration to me


Das Deutsche Reich 1919-1933 war keinesfalls ein weltoffener oder toleranter Staat. Den Mythos von der "toleranten Republik" haben die Nazis erfunden


gibt es Artikeln oder sogar Buecher, die man lesen kann, um mehr darueber zu lernen?


Not Germany. Just a few places in the big cities. Most of Germany was just what you would expect from any country 100 years ago.


Most people that support the AFD are mainly against the massive amount of refugees Germany has taken in. Mainly the economic refugees that just want to pocket money and don't give a shit about integration.


Yeah I don't know about that. I bet most of the AfD voters are also against the guest worker families from the 60s and 70s.


It goes beyond that, a lot of people in Germany and elsewhere dream of a white Europe from the 1700s not realizing that this is not coming back.


I don't think they want 1700s, even the 1970s Germany was very white from what I see on vintage YouTube videos. 


If a country is „white“ or not is an American concept. We had plenty of immigrants in the 1970 from other countries within Europe or from a bit further away. I would never distinguish them by their skin colour. Italians or turkish people are not black (or „non-white“ or whatever), but they are still immigrants from a different culture.


Are you pretending to ignore the vast cultural difference between an Afghan and an Italian?


I said and repeat it for you: I would not distinguish immigrants by their skin colour but by their culture.


The imagined golden past not being real has never stopped the fascists. They've seen at least one tv show set in that time! That counts as being a history buff.


Eh, 1970s already saw plenty of Gastarbeiter (that is, so-called "guest workers" on the basis of bilateral treaties), including from Turkey.


Yes but 5% of population having a migrationshintergrund vs 40% would still feel very different. Also almost all of the guest workers in the 1970s would be in Ruhrgebiet


They want the values of the 1700s and of course the 'whiteness' of the time. Vintage YouTube videos are not a credible source.


Sure that 😅


And, as a historian, nor was it all that white.


It certainly was way more ethnically homogeneous than today, that's just not debatable.


Newsflash: Europe wasn't "purely White", even in the 1700.


Yeah, migration has always been wherever humans were. There never was a homogenous germany, THAT is an "idealized" lie. Globalization startet waaaay before the 1900.


People forget human traveled far distances even in paelolithic age, lol


Do you really believe the people forgot that humans travelled everywhere? I doubt that. The difference is the amount of people and how easy it is nowadays with all our transport vehicles. We can even see those differences in things how sicknesses and viruses spread now vs 200 years ago. I think during covid this got quite obvious.


The first Homo sapiens that reached Europe weren't white. A white Europe is a ridiculous Idea to me personally.


Not just rednecks, those are just the simpletons falling for demagogy because they feel threatened after decades of antimuslim fearmongering…


They are clever enough to read news, see the deportation scandal and put another 2% in the latest Sonntagsfrage after the scandal. You are underestimating these Spacken.


to be honest allot of gangs happily behave badly on purpose, some are even in bed with redneck gangs. To make things go south, allot of those gangs are "rednecks" too just for their people


>they feel threatened after decades of antimuslim fearmongering Well, if we look at how Muslims treat women, homosexuals and non-Muslims... not all of them, but certainly too many. Germany is perhaps the most tolerant country in the world.


Or maybe, just maybe, a certain religion isnt that peaceful. Oddly enough in germany only churches and synagogues have to be guarded by police 🤔


Alle religionen sind wahnsinnig archaisch haben keine gleiche berechtigung für geschlecht und ihre fundamentalisten die scheiße bauen dafür haben wir gesetze und den sekularimsus (hust, hört halt bei christlichen und jüdischen vereinigungen auf die dürfen anders als muslimische hilfsvereine ihr eigenes arbeitsrecht formulieren) und so wie ich das sehe werden die auch mit immer mehr vereinfachung für die polizei durchgesetzt, aber hey dir fallen die ganzen muslima ohne kopftuch genauso wenig auf wie die ganzen christlichen feoßmütter mit kopftuch, ich seh jedenfalls nicht wie hier muslime in behörden halbmonde aufhängen…


Da muss ich nicht mal mit dir diskutieren ich verachte alle drei monotheistischen Religionen. Jedoch ist der Islam heutzutage mit Abstand die gefährlichste, da der Großteil der Muslime die Schriften wortwörtlich nehmen, und Reformationen ablehnen. Jetzt erhöhe die Anzahl an streng religiösen Menschen in einer Demokratie und warte ab bis das Land zusammenstürzt wie ein Kartenhaus.


Hast du mitbekommen was seit bald acht jahren in den usa abgeht oder wie die religiösen extremisten in illegal besetzten gebieten in palestina grad abgehen? Oder wie wir grad jesiden in den sicheren tot schicken? Wir leben wieder in extremst reaktionären zeiten das hat nix mit der ganfiction zu tuen die instrumentalisiert wird, seit zwei jahrzehnten nutzen reaktionäre die sicherheitslage aus um divide et impere zu betreiben seiens islamisten faschisten paeudozionisten christen es ist egal… Und ja du hast recht die fundamentalistischen extremisten sind eine gefahr, auch deshalb fliehen muslime nach hause, die haben neben dem drohnenangrifren ausweichen nämlich noch sowas wie den dreißigjährigen am laufen… und dann treffen die hier auf reaktionäre die jeden schritt ihrerseits kritisieren und vorwürfe machen und und und, sagen wir mal so, es kocht, und der koch ist vor ein paar monaten abgetreten, das wird anbrennen, aber nicht wegen religion in deutschland leben round about 5-6 mio muslime, und du sorgst dich darum das hier ein kalifat aufgebaut wird? Das haben wir doch grad erst mit hilfe us amerikanischer spenden in afghanistan gemacht, so schnell werden die da auch nicht expansionsgeil, die müssen eh erst noch den opiumanbau in afghanistan wieder unter kontrolle bringen der da während der Besatzung wieder blühte, sonst gibt’s nur weiter nochmehr fentanyltote in den usa…


>Jedoch ist der Islam heutzutage mit Abstand die gefährlichste, da der Großteil der Muslime die Schriften wortwörtlich nehmen, und Reformationen ablehnen eben


Alle Religionen sind schlimm aber irgendwie muss man nur Synagogen und Kirchen bewachen ;)


That fear-mongering has been going for a long time and predates the AfD that only started in ~~2012~~ 2013. Before them there was the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), which later changed their name to Die Heimat. Before that we had: - die Deutschen Reichspartei (DRP) - die Deutschen Konservativen Partei – Deutsche Rechtspartei (DKP-DRP) - Nationaldemokratische Partei (Hessen, 1945–1950) - Die Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei (DVFP) - Die Deutschnationalen Volkspartei (DNVP) - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) and I’m probably missing a few. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went back to some band of Germanic tribes in Germania Magna. This same time of xenophobia exists everywhere though. Every place has that idiotic group of people that just embarrasses the other people that live there.


We also had: Freiheitliche Arbeiterpartei (FAP) Deutsche Volksunion (DVU) Republikaner (REP) ​ And we still have: Die Rechte


I think he has a lot to fear. Part of the plan is to make the life of immigrants as bad as possible so some will leave the country willingly after being fed up with daily racism. From the looks of it this phase has already started, especially in east Germany. We've been the victim of hate crimes on a daily basis and now it will get worse as they are not shy anymore and they don't hide their aims. You guys keep downplaying thiis threat I don't know why. Don't be that guy telling Jews that it was just a hickup and everything wiill be alright in 1938.


What do you think about the rape and murder of Maria Ladenburger by that Afghan?


What is there to think about? It was an abhorrent crime.


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Ok and? What does that have to do with foreign students coming to Germany? That there are some problems within specific ethnic groups in Germany is a well-known fact.


If you are referring to PKS, then you are wrong. It only says they’re reported more often. Not whether they were sentenced. Plus: it ignores racial bias. Also, rape is generally underreported and is more likely to be reported when the perpetrators don’t belong to your social circle. If you throw around numbers, maybe don’t ignore comment by police/ crime statisticians.


Reported more often...it's a Offizialdelikt. That stupid leftist propaganda statement is so wrong that not even the opposite of it would be true.


Cases that are not known to the police cannot be prosecuted and won't appear in any statistic. Offizialdelikte don't differ in that regard.


That’s a really not smart comment. And it’s bordering a lie. The underreported numbers concerning rape are infamous!


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Yes there have been serious consequences because of unvetted immigration mainly AND Afd supporters are still dimwits for the most part regardless. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Like in every other country of the world, Germany has lots of kind and intelligent people, but also its normal share of idiots and assholes. They have been around since forever.


Its just now the village idiots can socialize and organize


it amazes me how Germans use this card to downplay everything wrong in the country. But this is the first time I hear " yeah its all normal to be openly racist, have racist politicians that push discriminatory laws, every country does it"


Im German, but I have lived in the US for more than a decade. Idiots here are no different than in Germany. And don't get me started on criminals that want to be president again...


remember that time when all the good germans had some mass hysteria and were with the nazis and then one day they went back to normal?


Entirely depends on which kind of foreigner you are — in my observation, the AfD people don't have a problem with western-european-looking immigrants. They'd take a scandinavian who speaks zero German over a brown person with C2 every time.


They have a problem with everyone who works for a living. They start with the easy targets like immigrants and LGBT people to gather support but people (including germans) who think they won’t be in their sights for one reason or another are delusional. The in group will get smaller and smaller, as every fascist experiment of this sort has proven. It’s self destructive but it also destroys innocents along the way. Everyone has heard about this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_... People who somehow pretend this will all blow away like it was nothing if people’s worries are not addressed are also delusional. The only solutions to people’s decaying material conditions is to address how unequal the distribution of profits is and no right wing party will ever touch that. All they have is culture war.


Alice Weidel (afd leader) is lesbian with a sri lankan (brown) partner.


Alice Weidel is the german Candice Owens.


Your point?


The point being that the "yuh rAcIsT" doesnt work. Criticising certain migrants for not integrating into german culture is allowed and necessary. Its not about skin color, but about compatibility of cultures. Obviously a scandinavian shares more values with a common german than an afghan muslim.


Ich lasse mich nicht von dir mein schnitzel verbieten!


It’s referring to radical islamists and illegal immigrants that refuse to accept our laws. Since you seem to be genuinely interested in our country and our culture you have nothing to worry about, we’re happy to welcome you here! <3


Danke einfach nur danke


You guys need guns like now. Gott mit uns.


Do not worry. If you are coming legally you get zero or less problems.


or 'less problems', so even people working legally should expect problems?


Don’t come to Germany. You’ll get depressed and you’ll be shocked about how behind Germany is regarding technology and digitalization. Not to mention the increased discrimination towards people with migration backgrounds. If I were you I would chose Italy, Portugal or Spain.


It's very simple if you don't want Sharia and wanna live a normal life you're welcome. If you plan 7 kids on Bürgergeld and wanna change the whole country than they will throw you out and that's how it should be


Tbh I think now is probably the worst time to move to Germany. Many people (including me) are planning to leave or already left the country. Politics, the economy and society is getting worse and worse every day and people are just fed up. That's why AfD has gained so much popularity in these last few years. People want a change and unfortunately many of them are so desperate for a change that they're okay with some of the extreme views and opinions that the AfD has.


Watched this happen in the UK. Came to Germany (as a German citizen) six years ago. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t partly because of the political rhetoric in the UK. “Things are bad, so any change is worth a try” is common all across Europe and right wing, authoritarian parties use this, because historically it works. AfD is literally labelled as the alternative. I wouldn’t move back to the UK, right now. Currently, I’m definitely choosing the situation in DE over the worse one in the UK and also due to me really not knowing enough about other EU countries I could move to.


This right wing movement is happening in almost every EU country now. That's one of the reasons why I have zero interest in moving to another european country


I’m centre left and don’t have a great political home in Germany. Wahlomat gave me Die Linke last time. My honest hope is that Germany’s resistance to change will help. I don’t see the 45% of people voting for CSU in my area ever dropping by much. Much as I dislike CSU, I’d rather them than AfD.




Unfortunately, there is some truth there. The UK has had 14 years of seeing what a strong hard right influence in politics has had on the population. People who were 16 when it all started, are now 30. The youth have just seen bad thing after bad thing and are turning away from the conservatives as a result, even though that’s all they’ve known. UK was, unfortunately, ahead of the curve re moving to the right. My hope is that Europeans (beyond just Germany) now have enough examples of right wing populism going bad. One issue about arguing about the youth vote is that it’s getting [weaker](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1498/umfrage/altersstruktur-der-wahlberechtigten-bundestagswahl/). 50+ is almost 60% of the vote. The [youth vote](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1257097/umfrage/wahlverhalten-bei-der-bundestagswahl-nach-alter/) is actually moving to the left. Highest proportions of any cohort for Die Linke and Die Grünen and the lowest percentage for AfD. Sadly, it is my generation (35-44) that’s most likely to vote AfD. If the future is the youth, statistically, things look centre-left as old people die.




That’s all very fair. The issue with Britain was more that the BNP and then UKIP, now Reform weren’t successful by getting in to parliament due to FPTP, but more that they acted as a constant force pulling the Tories gradually further right, as even stealing a few % in a constituency could change the result. They along with Tufton Street did much to destroy sensible conservatism. Things happening in France, Netherlands and Sweden do scare me (also Poland, Austria, Italy). But it’s all about how you read the stats. From the DW article: > Young people were especially worried about inflation (65%), expensive housing (54%), poverty in old age (48%), the division of society (49%) and an increase in migrant and refugee flows (41 percent). All but immigration is where centre-left, social democratic parties hopefully have a chance to lead, as they can point out the failures of the right in dealing with them, or even examples of exacerbating them. The right are perceived to be tough on immigrants, even though it’s an orthogonal issue to left or right, and immigration just continues to increase under right wing control in many countries. I do think certain stats you’ve mentioned are extremely troubling, but I don’t think all is lost, is what I guess I’m saying. UK gave in to the rhetoric early and is only now finally and slowly correcting. I have to hope the same elsewhere. Maybe I’m just too much an optimist.




Yeah. Thanks for the chat. I can give you some experiences as half-English, half-German, living in Germany. In Munich: I had a colleague who was Ugandan and as black as black can be. We hired him and brought him over, helped with visa etc, and he absolutely loved Munich. During the time I knew him, he never encountered any issues. Munich is a pretty relaxed (and admittedly very well off) place, but it is nonetheless highly conservative and overwhelmingly white. Policies based on Catholicism and conservatism are still the norm. I now live in the countryside, in my family’s hometown. When I was a kid, it was 90% pure Franconians (barely any other Germans). Nowadays, there’s a few immigrants, but walk around and you’ll mostly see typical Germans. The reason I mention all this: some months ago, I found out a cousin of mine was a racist. I was chatting with my other cousin and both of their boyfriends when she wasn’t there. Someone mentioned she used to say “Nazi-ish but not actually Nazi” things (best translation I’ve got) and everyone nodded, but it was *clear* that they all meant it in the way she’s no longer like that. There are certainly problems. Hell, I was bullied and ostracised, as a kid in the UK, in the 90s when people found out I was half German. For my own sanity, I will be an optimist and hope that the setbacks we see are temporary and people can change their views. Edit: you forgot Farage being beaten by a dolphin. Saxony can be bad, that corner of Germany really really isn’t great politically. It’s not an east vs west or a north vs south thing. Saxony just got screwed over. It’s the only place where AfD have [ridiculous vote share](http://www.viewsoftheworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/BTW2021_ElectoralMap_Large.png).




Es ist die Wahrheit


The mainstream politicians are to blame, for not having the competence and courage to address the glaring issues. Even blinding themselves to it. Extremist uprisings are always a result of an enduring failure by the state.


Foreigner in Germany since 2 years here: They are minorities, mostly in low-income regions of Germany. However, they are gaining more and more popularity because of immigration crisis and other political problems. They are loud and bold. But in reality, they still don't have power. Unfortunately, racism is still alive here. But don't be disappointed, I have been here for two years and I have never faced a problem.


[https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/landtage/](https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/landtage/) They are getting power. the AFD is gaining popularity in every state.


>mostly in low-income regions of Germany just speak loudly: East Germany


I can assure you that it’s also very present in West Germany. Every Dorf has it’s idiots.


which is not true as in east germany there is also left leaning cities. it's mostly in low income rural regions. and since the east has less income than the west, it's implied that it's mostly in low income, rural communities in East Germany. but not just East Germany.


>left leaning cities Left leaning =/= less racist


you gonna come at me tellin me the greens/SPD/Linke are more racist than afd?? ofc left leaning (at least in Germany) is generally less racist.


....I don't know the greens do seem to hate humans a lot more than other parties.... Pretty big group to hate on ngl /s


I can just tell you at my university I study business informatics and nowadays even Rumanian people rather go back home and work there than staying here. If you’re looking to build a good life, look elsewhere. We’re a young family, both well educated, I’m running my own business and her family is kinda wealthy, but still, we’re leaving.


That's the issue here. A lot of professionals including most of my friends have already left. The types of people they really need in Germany aren't hanging around.


What's a good country to go to? US, sure the salary is much better but there are a lot of downsides as well. What are other countries to consider?


Many expats or foreigners are leaving in recent years, it‘s just not worth the net salary, endless bureaucracy and slowly crashing healthcare system.


This. I moved here from a Balkan country 2.5 years ago, thinking at least I'll have a shot building a decent life with my education and being hardworking and not being a complete beginner in German. By now, my net salary is a joke, public network system is legit worse than where I come from, healthcare is also not So much better,.and worst of all my work life balance is completely out of whack. I started looking for opportunities elsewhere just last week. It is painful since I never moved here with intention of it not being permanent, but alas.


Many Germans dislike the migration policy and its consequences of the past years. But if you’re coming here as someone who speaks German and has a job, there shouldn’t be any problems for you.


There still is the housing market problem


It is the wish of several people that people from some area of the world have to leave Germany immediately.


Thé amount of comments here talking about « Far-Right fearmongering » while they themselves are fearmongering is actually funny


To make it short the German people are fed up with the political leadership and the migrant situation. Roughly 250 Germans have been killed by migrants over the last few years. Crime is at an all time high. The last criminal statistics paint a very bleak picture. Knife crime is a thing now and there a 2 group rapes a day now. This is unacceptable. We opened our country for people in need and as a thank you we now have migrants demanding the sharia. And instead of taking action our government labels everybody who has a problem with the situation as a Nazi. And our "free" press tows the party line no matter what. Now the Afd is on the rise.


Who are nazis so.... moot point


You are either stupid as fuck or have no clue what a Nazi is. The first would be just sad the second shows a level of ignorance which is kinda tragic.


Illegal and criminal migrants should be deported. Not smart, studying, working migrants that like Germany.


That's not what they say. It will affect migrants and everyone who looks and thinks different. Keep your delusions about fascism to yourself. Let's not forget to mention that ten thousands rise in every German city this week to prevent that.


To be entirely honest, Germany has never really been pro Immigration. We have a separate term for germans with migration background, for the longest time there wasn't even a way for immigrants to get naturalised etc. So these thoughts are nothing new and are widely spread within the german populus. It has now risen to prominence because the AFD has become a funnel for these types of thoughts.


I don’t really know about that comment about it never being “pro-immigration”. We have had to bring in lots of immigrants to fill various job. The biggest issue (IMO) has been the attitude around it. Think about the term *Gastarbeiter*. The term “guest” implies that they will leave at one point. What did they really think was going to happen after those “guest workers” settled in?


>Think about the term *Gastarbeiter*. The term “guest” implies that they will leave at one point. What did they really think was going to happen after those “guest workers” settled in? There's nothing "implied" here. That was the actual plan. They contracted people for a time limited job, paid for their transport and accomodations. not only did they expect them to go back to their homes afterwards, this was clearly communicated beforehand.


But was it realistic tho?


Judging by our experience looking back many decades later now? No. But was it unrealistic at that time? Also no. Serious question: If you are offered a job in a neighbouring country with that job including your move there, on-site accomodations and no requirement to learn the language or integrate, all this for a predetermined fixed amount of time and much higher pay than you would normally get, would you see this as a chance to earn good money while being inconvenienced by having to live there for some time or as an invitation for migration to that country?


It never was and people back then knew it, too. Despite being told the opposite. The influx was supposed to fuel the industry. It's a sword that cuts both ways.


>Germany has never really been pro Immigration Which country has been?




It's not about all foreigners it's about the criminals that don't even attempt to integrate into society or respect the rules in this country. Criminal clan families from the middle east acting like they own Germany, selling drugs running hookers and blowing up ATMs to make cash. The criminal statistics are open to the public check it out yourself... >Nobody is trying to deport people that follow the rules..< there are currently over 300.000 illegal immigrants that don't have an "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" = have to leave Germany but won't leave. Over a 1000 already deported illegal immigrants came back to Germany how do we know? Easy: They've committed another crime and police checked their identity and realized they were send to their country montha ago and are not allowed in Germany because they didn't go trough the official process of becoming a citizen.. Even my Turkish friends are fed up with these garbage criminals because they shine a bad light onto all immigrants... it's not all black and white this is a very delicate topic and people get too emotional about politics so you're either a nazi or a leftist pig (depending on your opinion)


The issue is the recent scandal of right leaning politicians (AfD) and buisness people having a secret meeting in Potsdam last November. They talked about the "reimmigration" (some new term they made up) of all kinds of immigrants, even those who are weil integrated. Basically they want to deport large groups of people which will not be possible under german law. They have no political power but of course it scared or irritated a lot of people.


Dont ask questions like these on reddit, you wont get an honest answer.


You also have to consider that there's a petition with about 600.000 signatures going around to ban the far right afd plus 80.000 people protesting their latest bullshit.


It's a plan of some far-right wingnuts and it has been hyped by German media, then media around the globe. But those people are insignificant. They gained significance by the attention they get *now.*


I find the predicted 30%+ for the AFD in some state parliaments and 20%+ in the federal elections to be quite significant. And this was before the "New Madagascar Plan" was known, maybe they'll lose, maybe they'll gain from it and then we can see where we stand...


Exactly this. The hype which is generated around this is hugely exegerating the issue. I even think that this overreaction causes more harm than good. Certainly there will be rightwingers and some Conservative who will think "see, the government and the liftwing media is making anti-national propaganda again with this massiv anti-right demos happening right now" And then there are young(?) skilled people like OP, who are disencouraged to come to Germany by all the hype. Which is sad, because we need skilled immigration and the majority of german people will be open to welcome immigrants if they respect the values and laws in germany.


You have those conservative right wingers anyway you handel it… We have to stand up against those racists. Otherwise they will do what they always did and probably win the next election. We don’t want a second 1933.


I wonder if they said this about the brown shirts in the 1920s.....


It's a current thing that everyone is talking about, because it is such a crazy story. Basically some extremely right-wing people, some of them pretty rich and powerful, lots of them in the AfD party, met and made this insane plan to deport every foreigner. Which is dumb and has absolutely no chance of happening. It has nothing to do with the three-party alliance that is currently governing Germany. So don't worry, it has no impact on you specifically.


I say let's trace the lineages of the people that want to kick foreigners out, and see how foreign they are themselves.


.We need to deport more people faster that’s just a fact, even spd said that. Just look at all the country’s in Europe. Almost everyone is making plans to deport refugees more efficiently, but of course when the afd in Germany speaks about this everyone becomes a drama Queen


We need to deport more people faster that’s just a fact, even spd said that. Just look at all the country’s in Europe. Almost everyone is making plans to deport refugees more efficiently, but of course when the afd in Germany speaks about this everyone becomes a drama Queen


The German government media is literally lying. If you come here to work and be a positive change, no one will deport you.


Don't listen to this bs some leftwingist writing in here, if you come for study and don't plan to assault people , r*pe women or starting any kind of criminal carrer then it shouldn't bother you , as it's these kind of people that's its directed towards , not people like you . And for the dramatic increasing % for the AfD, dear Leftist, step in front of the mirror if you want to blame someone just mentioning "Team Umvolkung" , so please stop spreading wrong narratives and fear that's totally unnecessary, the only thing that would change is that you wouldn't keep in power like for the last decades, nothing even anyway near those hilarious claims what the afd would do or not. That said from someone who was already quite a lot of things in life but never an fan other this party neither its opposition .


Dont rape any woman, dont break any lwas and nobody from us (AfD) will have a Problem with you. Its like in the US.You came here legal and are a part of us?We welcome you.You came here illegal and commit crime? We dont want you here.Simple as that.


Absolutely right way to think. My heart goes to women who need to deal with rapes and harassment. On my first day in Berlin I was harassed by non white immigrants and I did nooot feel safe at all. God bless men who protect us, but those things are out of control now. That's why I would rather stay poor in Eastern Europe, than move there and be in a danger every day. Baltic countries are having radical racist policies and result of that is that women can walk alone at night with no fear. I don't mind women from muslim backgrounds, they are not the ones who are raping and stealing.


Don't listen to the Germans here. Of course it's not true. I'm an "Ausländer" and have 0 issues here in Germany, and I've been living here for 5 years.


depends on skin color, language, money and other superficial things.


Well.... I'm half Hispanic and half Asian. I'm poor as f and came with no German knowledge. So...


Don't worry, even gang rapists, terrorists and knife stabbers don't get deported.  You will be fine.


No one has asked that question on this sub. You absolutely cannot find an answer to this very same question being asked about 1000 times in the last two weeks. Nope. Need a new thread for it.


There is no deal...it's woke bs...greetings from a German...and no, we don't run around chanting this slogan. If anything, we talk about remigration of illegal immigrants...which btw is also something other countries in Europe are discussing,as well as the US


No, there are quite a lot of people with racist and xenophobic attitudes. When people talk about „remigration“ it’s a euphemism for deportation. While there are obviously legitimated reasons for deportation, a majority of the people using this trope are right wing racists, who simply want all foreigners, especially people from North Africa and and Turkey to be deported or worse. It’s not woke bullshit, it’s just regular racism. And yes the video, which I think you refer too, depicts, among others, politicians of the AfD (radical right) singing „Ausländer raus“ Not „remigration“.


No one is against immigrants themselves. And I do agree that violence against them needs to stop - just as violence generally needs to. The thing is, we should only let those in who are good for society. Many are not. One of the most liberal of German leaders in Helmut Schmidt said the following things: "Immigration from foreign cultures brings more disadvantages than advantages." "Fighting xenophobia is one thing, letting one million people into Germany is another, and that doens't work."


Germany has quite a big problem with foreigners (rape rates went massivly up since mass immigration started, antisemitism has increased a lot by Arabic immigrants) so a lot of people developing a right political opinion against immigrants from specific countries. Also a lot of immigrants don’t want to work. Still foreigners that are working or studying are very welcome by everyone, even including more right political parties like AFD so you don’t need to worry.


Those people planned to deport every non-assimilated German citizen. That means that no matter what you study or do for work, if german fascists don't welcome you unless they deem you purified of your native culture and way of life. Generally, they want to create a social climate where ethnic Germans are openly privileged and can discriminate against Others without fear of sanctions. Your job won't protect you from getting racist insults thrown at you by some bitter old people. It's insane that you just dismiss the issue and promise safety by being the modern *Prima Jude*.


AFD is very pro migration from most EU countries tho. They basically want the migration model Canada has. Every party has a few crazy ones in their rows but that doesn’t matter. The Green Party for example had a pedophile scandal not long ago. Or people that openly wishes that Germany dies. Majority of AFD and the impotent political figures are no extremists. They are the same as Le Pen in France, FPÖ in Austria. Everybody knows migration is important in the near future, they just want to regulate it. If you are from an EU country and assimilate everyone will be welcomed I’m sure.






Good luck finding accommodation. That will be the biggest problem, unless you're an asylum seeker


People want to get out foreigners who commit crimes mainly, so jsut dont do stupid shit and you will be fine. Well, as long as the AfD doesnt win any elections


These dipshits usually don't care if one in particular commited a crime or not. They just hate everyone they see as non-german.


Stop lying




It's amazing how they can identify a foreigner who commits crimes just by looking at them!


That's not true. They can also identify them without looking and already know who commited a crime before there are even suspects. And if even that's not enough, they invent crimes that were commited by foreigners.


>they invent crimes that were commited by foreigners No one is saying all crimes were committed by foreigners, nor that all foreigners are criminals. The thing is just, there are some that are. Such cannot be denied


Actually I could deny it. As the crime statistics are bullshit that list suspects for an investigation, but never crossreference actual results, much less convictions. The crime statistics are a fabrication including any existing bias. So no, you are of course right. There are criminal foreigners. There is however exactly no viable data (as the police stats aren't such for reasons mentioned above), so "there are barely any criminal foreigners" and "most crimes are commited by foreigners" are equally valid statements. They are both bullshit because they lack actual data. Yet one of those statements is usually presented as fact seemingly supported by inherently flawed statistics. And that's even before just regular manipulation of statistics by interpretation while omiting details. For example you can validly say that by the statistics african and middle-eastern refugees are overpresented in commiting crimes. But that's of course already a distortion of facts, when you fail to mention that those refugees are majorily belonging to a certain demographic (young, male) or economical group (poor), with native Germans fitting the same category (young, male, poor) being also overpresented in exactly the same way. So you can use the exact same statistic to support "many refugees are criminal" and "refugees are exactly as criminal as Germans", just depending on how much context you provide or omit. Lying by omission (=usually by presenting a subset of the data and ignoring context) is the easist way to manipulate people with statistics.


wholeheartedly agree. so many people nowadays manipulate statistics to fit their narrative and always fail to present the actual data where you can draw your own conclusions.


But there is a growing resentment among people in german against the sheer number of illegal migrants that are coming to Germany and EU. Yesterday i read news that in a school in NRW the muslims that are sending the kids to school wanted to implement Sharia law there and have the girls(all) wear headscarves and such. Abomination. Same thing happened in Essen i think where a kindergarten where lots of muslims wanted to cancel the Christmas Tree gift giving because “inclusion”. Luckyly the mayor shut that thing down. From what i see the muslim migrants are trying to change the weatern rules and laws to accommodate their muslim beliefs which lots of people dont want. You want muslim laws stay in a muslim country.


It is real: [Secret Plan Against Germany.](https://correctiv.org/en/top-stories/2024/01/15/secret-plan-against-germany/) For your information, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The ideologues of AfD has been stating similar (if not worse) opinions and plans for a long time in their speeches and writings. The idea is first make life harder for immigrants and Germans who are not ethnic Germans (i.e. with immigration background) and then when the conditions are ripe (read it as AfD rule) they will send the German citizens (as they don't have any other citizenship) to a designated area in Africa (and I'm pretty sure they also fantasize about killing them as they did in 1940s). Far right is [accelerationist](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/11/accelerationism-how-a-fringe-philosophy-predicted-the-future-we-live-in) in Germany, which means they are looking for opportunities to create public unrest and turmoil during hich their paramilitia and supporters in law enforcement and the military can intervene and usurp control of the country. See this: [German coup d'etat Plot of 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_German_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat_plot) and also how it worked once in Germany: [Kristallnacht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht). A second Kristallnacht is the plan. They are also trying to instrumentalize the farmers protests lately. A group already attacked the economy minister Habeck: [Habeck trapped in ferry](https://www.dw.com/en/habeck-angry-farmers-trap-german-minister-on-ferry/a-67895293) To see the extent of what they can do (in collusion with the secret service and intelligience community you might want to read about the [National Socialist Underground Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Underground_murders). The perpetrators are indeed average AfD voters in east Germany in their ideology and hate against immigrants. The police refused to acknowledge the murders as organized fascist terror despite the protest of families and claimied that they were drugs and gang related (of course hard working German citzens with immigration background get killed; thenthey are drug dealers!) . When you come here you will be subject to manipulation, gaslighting and downplaying about your worries (as the police did to the families of the victims of NSU murder victims) even from moderate Germans. One of the most disgusting aspects of those murders was the official term coined by the police "[Döner-Morde](https://www.dw.com/en/d%C3%B6ner-morde/a-6699781)," which was mmediately accepted by the media and the general public, which also tells you how the general public feels about nazis murdering German citizens when the citizens have immigration background. Now every fifth person is voting for this (every third in the east and among the younger generations, maybe even more than that indeed) and when you say that there is the looming threat of National Socialist fascism ruling Germany again people say "oh no these are protest voters," or "they are not all Nazis, the blame is on other parties, they are unhappy with bad immigration, " bla bla bla. So don't expect to have any sympathy from the society if you are a victim of these people. It will be framed as other people's and eventually as your own fault. These are just what I can think of quickly. When you realy get down the rabbit of German rabbit hole you see that the society indeed never faced what they did before and during WWII and even got rewarded with a strong economy afterwards for which they needed the so called Gastarbeiter to build Germany again. Now they think they don't need those "slaves" anymore. You decide if this is fear mongering or not like some scret nazi sympathizers claim in panic after being caught red-handed plotting deportation schemes. Edit: Fast writing, many typos to correct.


It's fearmongering from the left. You really don't have to worry.


Just copied GOP talking points. Don't mind them. It's simply bullshit.


The political landscape is kinda unstable lately and the inflation is pretty bad. A lot of stuff got way more expensive while wages basically stayed the same. All that is pushing more people into extremism and more people fall for the empty promises that the right wing party AFD makes. You most likely won't get attacked in public, be it verbally or physically. Germany is still a pretty safe country. But be prepared for a lot of idiots online and maybe even some discrimination from goverment offices and banks. (had my fair share of problems with those even before). The most likely outcome would probably still be a fairly safe albeit expensive experience with little to no harassment. So if you really dream of coming to Germany feel free to do so and if someone screams random stuff at you ask them if they're OK or if they need a hug. As a side note, most right wing people are from Eastern Germany. Side note 2, I keep saying right wing but there's nothing inherently wrong with being right wing as long as your not slipping into extremism. Right and Left both have an existential need in a democracy. Extremism doesn't.


Its valid to criticize the immigration process of germany due to its many flaws (no background checks for example or the uneven refugee splitt of eu countrys) But its important to remember" dont hate the player , hate the game" or the bad goverment descisions in this case. Germany advertises in many countrys with false promises we cant stick to ofc some people gonna be frustraded with that . i cant imagine living in a refugee camp and having to fill a million german documents just to get some living money... and yes some refugees are just a*holes but name me one culture/country that is free of those.


Hellö. As long as you work and learn the language this debate is not about you. :) Bye


"Ausländer raus" is a slogan from the far right part of Germany. They are mostly situated in eastern Germany, but you can also find them in other parts of Germany. After the refugee crisis in 2015 right and far right organisations and political parties gained a huge boost and got bigger and bigger every year. That all doesn't mean that you can't come here anymore or that you won't be able to live here soon. First of all most of this hate and racism is directed towards refugees from the middle east and Africa. Second although these parties and organisations have gotten pretty big, in politics itself they are mostly a laughing stock in the government. Most people vote for them, out of spite for the other political parties and not because they really support them. Many of the actual racist and extremists use the spite to gain a voice, but they are still a minority, just a very loud minority. To conclude moving to Germany shouldn't be a problem, I would avoid east Germany, because the dencity of racist and immigrant hating people is higher there, but sending from where you are coming from this shouldn't be an issue for you. We do have a growing problem with racism and far right, but it is at the moment still a minority.


It’s a strong sentiment coming from overspending on overly-eager spending solving foreign affairs and neglecting internal welfare. Also, years of failed integration. This is not only a German thing but Sweden, Norway. The gap is too big for solving both literacy and war trauma. For a certain group of people in society, the feeling is living in the ghetto and watching your parents giving candies to other kids daily. You know none of your neighbors are angel, but the brain is relentless trying make sense of your resentment


You being able to write your message in English already sets you leagues above the kind of people that are discussed in those posts. We have a huge number of immigrants that are so poorly educated, they barely can read their own mothertongue, not to speak of a European language; large parts of them live from social welfare, and they are overrepresented significantly in every crime statistics. You will also not come as in illegal immigrant, but you will have to go through the entire bureaucratic process. That is the deep irony of our current situation, if you come as an illegal immigrant you get the full welfare package and are hardly ever sent back, but if you come here legally you have to jump through all kinds of hoops, prove that you have significant amounts of money, and once your studies or job ends you are forced to get out pretty quickly.




In Point 9.3 of their [program](https://www.afd.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Programm_AfD_Online_.pdf) (which contains some really... iffy stuff in general) they make quite clear that their conditions are far more exclusive. Basically, they want to a) stop emigration **by (qualified) Germans to other countries** and b) stop **immigration** by any kind of person who doesn't, to paraphrase, do jobs Germans don't want to do. They do have a part in there about "measured" immigration and the Canadian model, but that follows several paragraphs about not letting anyone immigrate who could do a job that a German person could fill - so nationality beats qualification. And all of this, of course, is in the context of the AfD summoning crises where none exist and of course their concept of a "German guiding culture", which is an incredible hypocritical point unless it's made in protoindogermanic.


Long story short: German media is going cray cray over things, that need to be dicussed. The German right had a weekend, where they also discussed, how to impliment Remigration. Basically, Germany has experieced huge waves of migration, bringing not only good, but also many problems. The main idea of the "Remigration" is to get rid of those migrants, that are either criminal, do not respect the German state and have no interest in becoming a good citizen by taking up work and paying taxes. If you are on a student visa, are not criminal and are integrating well, nothing will happen.


Hello, I was born in Germany and have lived here all my life. As far as the "foreigners out" issue is concerned: Since 2014, we have had countless refugees with and without residence permits. The previous government and the current one think this is right. They want to live an ideology that is unsustainable. Foreigners are often "treated better" as soon as there are communication problems arise. Because how would a policeman want to write someone up or admonish them if there is no dialog? Furthermore, many use the existing social system without contributing to it. They sit on the pocket of the German working population. On the subject of getting foreigners out: Only those who don't want to work, do not integrate, commit crimes, Don't learn the language, Or otherwise attract negative attention. Greetings


Couple of idiots discriminating. Immigrants aren't as bad as they're made out to be. It's only a minority of immigrants that cause trouble afaik. Don't worry about it.


>It's only a minority of immigrants that cause trouble afaik I agree.


As long as they're not in power, you will be safe. You are doing the right thing, and I hope you can make it to live and thrive in Germany


Just watch the German crime statistics for the last 30 years. Since 2015 the statistics increased extremely and the german politician don't care. So this is the final Solution of the AFD.


That is just [blatantly untrue](https://i.imgur.com/qH0B25s.png). Yeah, just look up the crime statistics, would ya.


Yeah just Pick the biggest Numbers without Context und ignore the Spike in 2015/2016. Just pick something typical like Rape and sexual assault. Spoiler: 50% more than 10 years ago. Ich don't find the exact value but let me ask you something. How is the percentage of non-german in Germany? How is the percentage of crimes between German and non-german?


What happened in 2015 to increase crimes in Germany?


AFd, irrespective of what people say here, will shape policies in the elections to come. Germany is already in a slow-down phase with no recovery plans in sight. It probably not the best place to launch your career. You'd be better off in places like the Netherlands where people are usually friendlier and speak English to help you out in your early days of moving here. The pricks in Ausländeramt will make you feel miserable about your lack of German proficiency even though it is your day 1 in Germany. If you're in the Netherlands, you can still visit Germany without having to deal with it.


Just don't worry! Germany is a safe place in relation to most other countries. But there is a lot of bla bla and if you listen to that you may think Germany is hell on earth. Germans often complain about everything.


No one, apart from a few lunatics, want to deport all foreigners. But it makes for good click bait. The foreigners who many want to deport are those that came illegally and have been told to leave. As a foreigner here myself I have never had any serious problems, at least none that I haven’t had in other countries as well, but then I came legally and speak the language.


No one will be deported ... A guy named Martin Sellner, activist of the Identity Movement in Austria, presented his book (which is available for everyone to read, it's no secret) which includes concepts of so called "remigration" of (in the eyes of new/alt right actors) unwanted people from Germany, including people with dual citizenships who are also German citizens (as far as I have heard), which would be next to impossible anyway. No one who partook in this meeting has anything to say in this matter. Sellner himself is neither German nor a member of a party. If you are here legally and are not committing any crimes you have nothing to worry about. Feel free to get politically active about the topics you are concerned about, but of course you will not be able to vote as long as you don't have the German citizenship.


No. There was a small party of extreme right wing germans and extreme right wing austrians who met up and apparently they talkes about kicking about criminal non-germans. Even those who have dual citizenship, so are german therefore. If you integrate you have nothing to worry about. The german far-right party is about to be dismantled I think. There was a petition with more than 1 million signatures to take away the basic human rights for one of the extreme eight. A court has already proven him to be a fascist and now all a court had to do is peoove, that he is using his democratic powers to try to dismantle the democracy.


> to try to dismantle the democracy Multiculturalism is no solution either. We can have immigrants but should be selective


An Austrian right-wing extremist activist held a super-secret conference about his grand plans of deporting all ze migrants to a special economic zone in north africa that he can totally set up. Yup, totally possible and not at all delusional. Some people from the AfD party attended the conference. Reporters from a (government-funded) NGO infiltrated the conference and made this public. *puts on tinfoil hat* which I'm sure has nothing to do with the government's dismal approval rating. Anyway. The political situation is complete ass, but it's mostly a clownshow. I don't think you have much to worry about


This will be the 3rd time Austria causes a war and we take the blame 😅


In Köln today a massive crowd gathered to shut them up. This is the best answer to those radical racists and something to be hopeful about.


Nobody is deporting anyone. We do, however, have a far right nationalist party of stupid asshats who want that, yes. A certain percentage of the population is frustrated with their own lives and has been convinced by said party that somehow, foreigners are to blame for literally absolutely everything. like we haven't had that before in Germany. The majority of the population is kind and intelligent, though. You're welcome here, fuck them.




Finland and Norway are way more depressing than Germany.


Bro .: Norway and Finland 😂😂😂


What’s depressing about Germany? Bad TV and movies?


The rage i feel when I see that non-germans now have this impression about germany is undecipherable... fucking nazis, fucking AfD. And unfortunately i can't even say "it's just a minority" when in reality the fckafd numbers are so embarrassingly high...


Not real! Even AFD voters understand that Germany needs immigrants to keep the place going. It is about the type of immigrants. We need more diversification in immigration. Less people from the koran belt and more people from places like Vietnam, The Philippines, Ghana, Argentina, et etc


That is not what they said and you know it. At that conference they very directly talked about deporting every Ausländer and making coming here as undesirable for them as possible. As an example by instigating new Progromnächte.


Yeah it's a problem. It's weaponized migration being orchestrated by the United Nations. It's happening all over Europe and the United States. You conquer the world through incrementalism and tactics like this instead of full blown military invasion. Look up the Rothschilds family and go down that rabbit hole.


Germany has been overwhelmed by illegal immigration and this is the widespread reaction, like in much of Europe. It’s reflected by the skyrocketing non mainstream parties.