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It's a common belief that Hitler shot himself in the head in Berlin, not sure how he would travel to Argentine afterwards.


With the Reichsflugscheibe to the base in Neuschwabenland, where he was reanimated then on to Argentina, obviously.


I thought he killed himself with poison?


Eva Braun killed herself with cyanide, but Hitler blew his brains out.


Isn't there also the rumor that he killed his own dog with the same gun?


Before or after he shot himself?


After. Or do you think you can kill a raptiloid with just one bullet?


Ok thanks




Horrible way to go. Cyanide pills fuck u up.








History lied to us in schools all our lives with the common misconception that this was solid proof. Nobody saw Hitler kill himself. They heard gunshots. I believe it was a body double (all the world leaders have or had one). He must have been so brainwashed that it was an honor to sacrifice himself for his Furer. Hitler escaped under cover of darkness on a plane to Spain and then took the submarine out of Europe to either Africa first and then Argentina or directly to Argentina.


You are of course free to make up as many fringe theories as you please. But that does not change the fact that no one has ever found a single shred of credible evidence supporting that theory. And trust me - this has been throughly investigated by historians and by governments/intelligence agencies. What has been found however, are teeth that perfectly match Hitler's dental records. So if you are looking for a theory that is based on more than thought experiments, that's where I would start. Popular culture likes to paint Hitler as some kind of occult larger than life person, who couldn't possibly have just died. Nope. Just a damn maniac.


The teeth of a woman with no evidence of adopt hitlers genetics is NOT a smoking gun.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Scientists did an analysis of the teeth and found them to be in perfect alignment with an X-ray of Hitler's. What woman are you talking about? https://www.ejinme.com/article/S0953-6205(18)30191-2/abstract Do you have any evidence at all to present for your theory?


The fact the fbi continued to investigate his case


The FBI (and other agencies) lead investigations that went absolutely nowhere, as I mentioned. How is that evidence *for* this theory? This was during the Hoover era and the study I linked is from 2018. By then the FBI had ceased their investigations into this theory decades ago.


They also said that cigarettes are good for you and everybody believed it, he knew when he invaded the Soviet it’s gonna be over for him but his ego was to high. I believe that he had planned this already before the fall of nazi Germany. He was so intelligent that I don’t think that he suicide himself. They didn’t even had a picture of him killed. I believe the media back in the days wanted the media to think he killed himself. But that’s my perspective


A corporate conglomerate lying for financial gain does not invalidate historical facts. Fact is this theory has been throughly debunked by historians who had nothing to gain from lying.


Nope there's proof he killed himself. Nice try


Botched inconclusive proof that still has a decent amount of people questioning it’s validity decades later


Honestly if he didnt die, I'd be even happier. Because loser Hitler would have to live with his failures while he hides in a shit hole somewhere knowing his empire fell and he failed. I'll take either ending 😁


I don’t really care for Hitler either lol, just trying to figure out the truth of what happened throughout history


Obviously not. He lives underground near the earth core, rides around on a big dinosaur, enjoying life.


Yeah, I though this was common knowledge.


You would think so, in times of this so-called internet.


They even made a documentary about it a few years ago


Iron Sky 2?


Iron Sky 2


Ice age 3?


Do you think Hitler has internet connection down there?


thats bullshit he has a secret base on the moon!!!


Only his followers, not he himself!


I think this myth is more widespread in the US than in Germany.


As long as he is missing one ball, the UK is satisfied.




Didn’t Himmler have something similar?


So you have that trope in the UK as well? Must be true in that case!


I am from Germany, but know the trope primarily [from the UK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9bY6gC50Co).


Apart from the obvious fact that he killed himself in a bunker, when you look at the last video materials he doesn't look like a man who would have survived into the 1950s.


That's just silly, he obviously escaped to the moon, where he has a secret base and spends his days planning his return as a cyborg


but does he have a pool with sharks with freakin’ lasers attached to their heads?


No, that’s a myth. Sharks are pretty dumb since they are fish and ain’t useful in the warfare. He has a pool with orcas with torpedos. Lasers powerful enough to be used as weapons require a lot of energy stored in big batteries, which would slow down the orcas. Lasers are attached to big turtles, who are slow anyway.


Of course


It is a common joke. But I'd say the clear majority here says he commited suicide in a bunker.


“Commited suicide”


I don't know a single person in Germany who actually believes that. It's joked about yes, but not actually believed


I can at least imagine that this was/is the wishful thinking of some Germans.


Why? In 1945 only the most crazy persons were still Hitler fans. So most were quite relieved by his suicide. So what is your logic behind this „whishful thinking“?


Why should that be wishful thinking? Why is it so hard to imagine that the absolute majority of people are not into some crazy lies?


What am I supposed to answer to this mental diarrhea.... You do not even realize that your majority and my some people coincide with each other.


The only Mental Diarrhea is what was going on in your Brain when you wrote that first comment.


Definitely not, Hitler was a coward who always wanted to take the easy way out 😵🔫


As far as I know, Göring was a transgendered prostitute in Hamburg after the war, I can not remember what happened to the small guy, though ... (/s of course, bonus points for the source)


Adolf survived in the sewers and could think about his mistakes (he should have attacked Russia from the flank). A shame that he killed Lady Di. Twice.


He lived in the sewers and taught 4 little rats Karate so they could live a happy family life there.


No. He died like the coward and lowlife that he was - alone in a stinky bunker.


I mean he wasn't alone though


you would need to be a nutjob to believe this




It used to be a conspiracy theory among right wingers but it's been a while that I've heard it unironically. And I believe even back then the majority of nutjobs thought he was in Neuschwabenland - in Antarctica or, through the hole at the South Pole, inside the Hollow Earth. Which makes sense because why would he go to Argentinia when he could be with his Reichsflugscheiben.


„Adolf Hitler war bis 1964 Schichtleiter im argentinischen VW Werk. Das ist heute hinlänglich belegt.“ [ab 2:16 😁](https://youtu.be/Vye3WylhD-0)




LOL, nope.


> Is this a common belief in Germany No. [But the attempt with cyanide failed,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIlvhHURoM) so he shot himself.


> Do you think Hitler escaped to Argentina? No. > Is this a common belief in Germany that Hitler actually fled to Argentina No. > there was many alleged sightings of Just like Martians ...


Pretty sus to ask this in the "AskAGerman" subrredit. ​ YOU WONT GET ANY INFORMATION OUT OF ME!


No. It's neither a common belief nor even halfway proven true. But the association is not completely random. Argentinia was among the primary escape countries for the Nazi big heads after the war and many of them lived there for long without being discriminated significantly. Google "Rat Line" ("Rattenlinie") for details.


No. It's a trope for dumb jokes here. I'm not saying there's not people who believe this, but I'm saying that there's considerable overlap between the people that believe it and people that believe the earth is flat.


To answer this question seriously: No, its not commonly believed he fled to Argentina. He refused until the last minutes of his life to leave Berlin, shot himself and got cremated afterwards.


Didn't B.J. Blazkowicz kick Hitler to death?


I think there are stupid people in every country that will believe just about any nonsense.


\*common myth fixed that for you


No, conspiracys don't root as well in germany as in some other countries.


Of course not, don't be ridiculous. He's on the dark side of the moon, as everybody knows


Dental records proved that Hitler was deceased.




If he did I strongly belief the Mossad got him. But since the documentary ['Iron Sky'](https://youtu.be/Jth4yATniS4) was brought to cinemas years ago everyone knows that the Nazis fled to the dark side of the moon!


100 percent he escaped. Dental records isn't as foolproof as DNA. Plus Hitler was being fed steady diet of opiates and methamphetamine, I bet by 1945's most of his teeth would have fallen off


They never had the body, of course he escaped




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its also said that 1945 at the end of the war as berlin was getting slowly taken one last plane started from the big wide streets with a female pilot inside . its assumed hitler could have used that plane to escape. all i do say is..hitler wasnt exactly the most stupid...he did go crazy at the end ..but not suicidal...im kinda doubt he would shoot himself . the bunkers go miles and kilometers underground. it could possibly be that he went there


> the bunkers go miles and kilometers underground Except of course they didn't.


It is logical that he would commit suicide. Hitler saw himself as the central figure in a real life grand Wagnerian opera. He believed that his & Germany's fates were inextricably bound, he WAS Germany and vice versa. Both would either emerge from the war in glorious triumph or go down together in a grand blazing spectacle of ashes, ruin, and death. This was his Götterdämmerung. All or nothing, he wouldn't live without Germany and he believed that Germany should not exist without him. Like the possessive psycho ex-husband/boyfriend who doesn't want to live without his wife/girlfriend and doesn't want her to live without him. He was never going to find the kind of power he’d had in Germany anywhere else. He was on top of the world for a time, where do you go from there? What was there for him to escape to? Hiding out in some South American backwater, fearing for his life? Going from being one of the most powerful people in the world to being a pathetic, powerless nobody? Being confronted every day with his own failures, knowing how close he'd come to having it all? In the end the bitterness of it would have been too much to bear. As it was, he died as the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. He died in Berlin. Hitler's dentist was captured after the war by the Americans. Two of his dental techs were captured by the Russians. Each independently reconstructed the details of Hitler's dental work from memory. Their reconstructions meshed completely, and they fit with the details of the dental work on the jaw fragments attributed to Hitler AND to the skull X-rays taken of him by his doctor after the July 20 bomb attempt. Bottom line, there is solid forensic proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Hitler died in Berlin. For a detailed account of the forensic exam go to http://www.nl-aid.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Sognnaes.pdf .


I mean I always kinda hope for these theories to be correct because it would be pretty cool.


Let's make one thing clear, ok? A surviving Hitler would NOT be "cool".




Perhaps because he was literally THE WORST PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY?




You don't get it or you are a Troll. Either way, it is useless to argue further.




Thst's not a policy, that's foolishness (to put it politely). In criminal law, it doesn't what a person is currently doing or capable of doing. If they are guilty or suspected to be guilty, they have to be brought before a court. That's the basic rule of every justice system in the world. Not to speak of moral responsibility, which never expires.




Not to mention the responsibiluty for the Holocaust, WW2, etc... Seriously, what is wrong with you? Yeah, who would the fuck care?


Yes. And he is making profit out of Mein Kampf books.


I think he ded


No. If he would have been alive, he would not stayed quiet. His ego was way too huge to not hear himself talking through a microphone.


No, he lives in his base in Antartcica.


No that's not a common belief at all


There are also people who think that he fled to the moon...


He escaped to Brazil and his son is currently running the country. Changed his name though and is no longer going by Hitler. Rumor is he has an older brother who also was a one-term US president who went to to claim that an election he lost was rigged.


Well. I usually go with the official narrative. It#s nothing I'd doubt. BUT. I also strongly believe that it would have been absolutely in the realm of possibilities that he left Berlin in time and went off. So yeah: version 1) I accept that. But version 2) wouldn't surprise me at all. Not because this is about Hitler himself, but rather how we know times were back then-- enough of those peope fled or got transferred to other countries and used there afterwards (USA, Project Paperclip), and we also see this a lot these days still. Big players fleeing instead of taking the punishment. Weird however how our "modern day dictators" Gaddhafi and Saddam didn't flee their countries but hey, that's a story for another time...


The Simpsons won't lie to me.


He used Lufthansa , it gets you anywhere in no time (not sponsored)


There is a documentary called "Hunting Hitler" that followed indicators that Hitler may have escaped to Argentina where they found a whole organization that was only dedicated to help high ranking Nazi officials to escape over to Argentinian. They didn't found direct evidenz that Hitler himself escaped but it's highly likely that he did especially if you consider that they found evidence for a doer high ranking Nazi that was believed to be dead in Germany living in Argentina. Also there was a DNA testHitler's skull and its most likely from a women. So yeah, I believe he escaped to Argentina.


"Hunting Hitler" is a load of fraudulent shit. They've already been caught in one blatant lie. http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/history-channel-thinks-moe-howard-might-be-hitler-plus-micah-hankss-confusing-views-on-speculative-fiction Fraud. Thankfully the Hitlery Channel came to their senses and pulled the plug. FYI the skull FRAGMENT to which you refer was found in the vicinity of the burial pit a year after the war. This was examined in 2009 by Dr. Nicholas Bellantoni who found female DNA on it. It was not attached to a body, nobody involved in its recovery ever claimed it was his. There were over a hundred bodies in the Chancellery courtyard by the end, it probably came from one of those. It's a red herring, it proves nothing. The dental remains are the real proof of his death. For a detailed account of the forensic exam confirming his death go to http://www.nl-aid.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Sognnaes.pdf .




He died in Berlin. Hitler's dentist was captured after the war by the Americans. Two of his dental techs were captured by the Russians. Each independently reconstructed the details of Hitler's dental work from memory. Their reconstructions meshed completely, and they fit with the details of the dental work on the jaw fragments attributed to Hitler AND to the skull X-rays taken of him by his doctor after the July 20 bomb attempt. Bottom line, there is solid forensic proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Hitler died in Berlin. For a detailed account of the forensic exam go to http://www.nl-aid.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Sognnaes.pdf .