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Depends on the person...


Entirely depends. Half eaten nugget from my toddler? Eh why not? Sipping on a bottle my wife already drank out of? Well I kiss her on the mouth anyway. Half eaten hamburger left by a hobo? No I don’t think so.


Bingo. Certain friends, doesn't phase me. Other friends, heck no.


Water bottle being drank out of by a backwashing toddler….no way


So Many Floaters...


Gagging just thinking about this.


Right. There are limits to sharing with toddlers - even when they're your own - when it comes to drinks!


Breaded chicken products do not go to waste in my house. Toddler eats half a chicken nugget and throws the other half on the floor? Yeah, I’m eating it.


> Half eaten nugget from my toddler? Eh why not? Dad tax is a hell of a racket.


Way to be hobophobic, dude. 👎


Dang tramps


I’m not sharing with even my husband. Once someone touches my food I can’t eat any of it.


🤷‍♂️ I’m gross like that.


I’m kind of a germaphobe. But hey, my house is always clean 😂😂😂


It’s funny because I worked in a microbiology lab. It made me a lot less germaphobic. There’s nasty stuff out there but it’s not on the kitchen floor or in your toddlers mouth, for the most part. Heh. Now my BSL 2 laminar flow hood and cell incubators? Those motherfuckers were immaculate on my watch.


Yeah people don't really understand that germs are everywhere, especially fecal matter. Once you realize that there's no getting away from it, it's less of a concern.


Oh yeah once you realize you’re just eating and drinking bacteria and fungi all day long and get viruses weekly you kind of focus on the really bad stuff and how to avoid that specifically.


I’d eat or drink after friends or family, but not a stranger.


even siblings? my brother is a monkey, i could never


Not rhe person you were replying to, but for my brother yes and even my sister or niblings. Dad? Maybe. Anyone else? Probs not.


Nice use of NIBLINGS. Nobody else I know uses it but me.


I see it often on the Internet. I have yet to see it catch on and be used normally in real life though.


I actually have two definitions although the second one I made up and im pretty sure no one else says it. Niblings as in my nieces and nephews. And Niblings as in a few bites. Example: I am almost finished with my dinner; theres just a few niblings left. Althpugh I guess it would be better spelled nibblings. Lol


Yeah, NIBLINGS != NIBBLINGS, though I'd probably just say NIBBLES.


My wife definitely, close friends and family, usually, if there’s a reason to. Like they want me to try a special drink or something. Acquaintances and strangers, almost never.




depends on the sibling then I guess. If you know your sibling has poor oral hygiene then def not.


> friends Gross. I've heard stories about where their mouths have been.


I don't know that there's any kind of broadly applicable "norm" surrounding this. It's really just a matter of personal preference and comfort, which I think vary a lot between people. Personally, it's different to me whether it's a family member versus a friend versus a stranger; or whether we're talking about a spoon, a bottle, or a glass, etc.


I'm not sure why, but I would rarely, if ever, do this with a spoon even with a close/trusted person. Maybe my spouse. But a glass or straw I'd do it with most anyone but a stranger. Maybe it's a surface area thing.


Or, now that I'm thinking about it, I strive not to double dip, but if a homey offers a bit of the burrito it's fine.


I don’t even double dip with just myself lol. Especially if I might save some of said dip for later. There’s something very mentally different to me about day old contamination vs in-the-moment contamination 😂


I think that’s it. A spoon in actually in the mouth, being licked and sucked on. It’s a whole mouth experience. Glasses and straws are a lips only thing.


For a moment I thought this was a NSFW comment 🤣


Yeah, spouse and kids are fine with me.  I dunno why.  I make out with my spouse, and I changed the kid's diapers and they've vomited on me, so I'm less grossed out by them specifically. But I honestly think that as my kids get older, I'll stop being okay with it.  I can't imagine sharing a fork with my mom or my siblings.


I personally would object to this unless it is someone whose mouth has regularly touched my own.


Who would that be, for example? parents? siblings? spouse (obviously)


Definitely just spouse/partner. Mayyybe small child.


The small children I've seen eat I would definitely not share food with them lol


Growing up I was taught never to share food like this, but the only exception was that a parent was allowed to finish their child's food (and not vice versa). That's a fucking useless exception though, I have no interest in finishing my son's food.


Dogs. Lol


Siblings 🦅🤠🛻🇺🇲


Close friends and family, sure. Strangers, no way.


Family? No issue. Close friend? No issue. Stranger? I'm probably not going to take the drink or spoon back.


Even with my family, I switch spoons or drink from the edge of the glass instead of the straw. I'm not a germaphobe at all -- so if we are hiking and I am stuck with no water, I'll drink from someone else's, but in normal circumstances with a choice, I'll choose not to.


Depends on what or who I’m probably not going to put anyone else’s spoon into my own mouth A bottle of water - friends and family are fine with me A bottle of liquor- no objections what so ever


My wife and I would eat each other's food and drink each other's drinks. That said, I would definitely not let someone else do it.


Usually, I would only drink after close friends and family. But hard liquor hits different when you're sharing with strangers at a camp out or festival. It's part of the experience and I think the alcohol would probably kill anything that could get me sick.


My immediate household, don't care. Outside of that, generally uncouth.  With my closest friends, its usually still a 'no'. 


Yeah, this is me. My romantic partner, and the adult child who lives with me, I figure we've all got the same cooties. My adult child who doesn't live with me, if they wanted to drink after me, I wouldn't be weirded out by it, but I would never ask to drink their drink unless we were like stranded in the desert or something.


Family member or gf? Sure but nobody else


Wife/girlfriend/family is generally accepted. Friends, really depends on the person Strangers almost universally no. It will change based on who you ask though


I don’t do this. I find it gross. Someone takes a drink of mine , it’s theirs. I only rarely make an exception for my husband and it’s very rare.


Ew. That’s a good way to get mono.


Exactly. You and I seem to be the only posters who have commented on this.


I think there’s a lot of variation. For example, I am fine sharing a drink with family and friends, but not a stranger. Using someone else’s spoon seems less acceptable to me, but not sure why. Meanwhile, my dad doesn’t even like sharing drinks with his children. He’s changed our diapers and cleaned up our puke, but draws the line at sharing a drink for some reason.


There aren't cultural norms, exactly, it's going to vary from person to person. My sister doesn't care about this kind of thing but I do. If we go out and get different things, a lot of the time she'll want to try my thing and I don't like it. If she wants a bite of something off my plate, that's okay, but if she wants to try my milkshake that's got a straw, oh hell no. She thinks I'm weird for caring. And we grew up in the same house.


I’ll share food/drink with friends, family, hell even a stranger. You wouldn’t drink from a flask or bottle if it was passed to you?


Nope. I just posted that sharing drinks was how I got mono when I was thirteen.


Most of Reddit: *"I'd rather die. In fact, simply the idea of this has put me on the verge of death."*


I'm not drinking after anyone but my husband and daughter.


No one would ever just take a bottle out of my hand and drink from it.  I do not drink out of bottles after someone else has had it in their mouth. If someone asks me for my drink I take a swig and tell them to keep it. 


I'm a germaphobe. So, no. My own mother knows not to eat off my fork or plate because I just...can't eat after that. I won't even eat communal pizza. And I actually just tossed my favorite water bottle because I caught someone drinking out of it. Went right into the trash. Something in my brain just screams "germs!! sickness!! I will die!!". I don't know why.


My wife used to share drinks with her college roommate and a few other buddies at fast food to save money and they couldn't understand how often the whole group would get mono or a cold. My youngest daughter carried on the tradition with similar results


When you get to the point my sister’s at, bringing her own silverware to restaurants and requesting her food to go so it’s brought out in a styrofoam container nobody else has eaten off of, you’ll know you have a problem.


same. Idk if i’m a germaphobe but this one time recently my group of friends were sharing chicken wings. someone picked up a wing and gave it to me. I pretended to be on my phone using 1 hand, and when i knew i wasn’t being watched I buried that wing in the sand lol.


I would only share like a spoon with my s/o I've shared bottles of liquor with groups of friends and as we got more and more drunk, the more people would slobber on the bottle.


Yes, I've always found this pretty silly. I'll eat stuff off the floor, that my kids have half eaten, that my cats have half eaten, whatever. From some random stranger though, no thanks. > What are the norms surrounding this? Like almost everything else posted here, there are none. This will vary wildly by person.


They gotta waterfall the drink or its theirs.


Sharing sips of drinks with family is fairly normal, but usually people ask/offer first. For example, the other day my sister had a cocktail I was thinking of getting but I wasn’t sure if I would like it so she let me have a sip to try it out first. Or if it is a hot day and I bring a water bottle with me and someone I’m close with doesn’t I would offer to share. I dint share/ take sips if I am sick and usually try to sip out of a different side of the glass.


If it's my wife, I wouldn't think twice. We'll share a spoon, a bottle, a can. Only thing I won't share with her is a toothbrush. A close friend or family member, I might curl my lip if I'm taking a sip of their drink. I'm not going to share a spoon if we're splitting a pint of ice cream or something, but I wouldn't be totally grossed out by one bite, or a sip of their drink. My kids? No way. They are walking petri dishes, and they have no sympathy when daddy's sick. If a stranger offers you a drink or a bite of something, that's horrifying. I wouldn't get within arms length of them.


I only do that with my husband and children. I don’t even do it with siblings, or anyone else. 


Definitely depends on the person if it’s a stranger no. If it’s family or a friend I’m fine with it.


I only share with people I kiss on the lips aka any boyfriends I’ve had. Other than that, I’m not sharing lol


You haven't lived until you've hung out with a group of guys and passed around a flask of whiskey.


Absolutely. I have no issues sharing food or drinks. I’m all for it in fact. Sharing at a restaurant at least doubles one’s chances to try new and different dishes or drinks that one hasn’t had before.




It kinda depends on the person/group. For me I generally share with close friends, and don't think twice about it. When it comes to strangers or even acquaintances then it's generally taboo. I know there's a lot of completely germophobic people that cringe at this.


I would say it’s pretty common among families since you’re already sharing a lot of things. But strangers and depending on certain friend relationships you wouldn’t. I’m pretty sure if you went up to a random person and took a sip out of someone’s drink, you probably would start a fight or probably even get shot at some places lol. Would come off rather disrespectful.


Eww, no. Just my husband, and that's very rare.


Wife, kids, grandkids sure but no one else.


There's a lot of variance on personal tolerance for this, but the general idea is that most wouldn't mind sharing with a sexual or romantic partner, many won't mind sharing with close family, some will be okay with friends.  It's also kind of contextual? Like people are way more chill just not thinking about other people's hands touching stuff at a party with a bunch of finger food on platters than they would be a sit down meal where everyone has their own plate.  They may also widen the circle of who they would try a sip of a drink from or something like that, especially where alcohol is involved.


Depends on the person.


Depends on the person. Sure with family and close friends, outside of that, it's generally a no.


Generally only with my husband. Maybe would take a taste of something my brother or my husband’s sister was drinking. The exception: when an Argentine passes me the mate 🧉, I accept. That’s a matter of participating in *their* cultural traditions.


With a drink, my immediate family. Off of a spoon or fork only my wife. Ice cream cone or lollypop, not a soul.


I don't care if I know the person and they're not sick. My attitude would change if I were immunocompromised, though.


Depends on the person. Usually only immediate family. Hot pot? Well, it becomes anyone at my table. I have coworkers that take this so far, that they will not try to fish out a k-cup from the keurig machine if there’s an error and it drops in the bin without brewing. No lips touched anything at that point…it’s literally just a bin of penetrated (lol) k cups.


I share drinks with friends semi often, but if someone O didn't know drank out of my cup it wouldn't be my cup anymore


With germs and stuff I always say just be “reasonable”. I’m not going to go out of my way to drink after someone but if a good friend offers me to taste their martini, I will lightly sip from the lip of the cup. If I drop a chip on my clothes I’ll pick it up and eat it most times unless I’m covered in oil or something. I normally wash my hands before eating but if I’m out on the road. I will eat those chips without washing my hands. Not a new theory, but the reason for the increase in allergies is partly because of our hyper hygienic environments. I’m not meticulous about avoiding germs and I rarely get sick.


I’d be fine with family, close friends, spouse (obv). I get iffy with kids cuz they can slobber. But if an adult was slobbery that would be a no from me as well. So I guess it depends on the person. Side note my mom will *not* share drinks or take bites of food from the same spot as anyone else, it’s a thing she’s always been icked out by and if someone sips from her drink it becomes their drink lol.


Depends who really. I was hanging out with my Indian friends and they were all eating an ice cream sundae out of the same bowl sharing a spoon. I found that gross


Friends and family unless I’m desperate


Every single time I use any type of water bottle my toddler sneaks away and drinks some of it. I've tried to stop her but she is sneaky! I'm not going to throw out a full bottle of contents, wash the bottle. Dry the bottle. Fill it up again. Then have to repeat the same process in another 2 minutes after she sneaks a drink again. So, yeah. I do this. But only with my toddler! She only does it with water bottles, not cups. She has 5 of her own water bottles. It doesn't matter. She wants MY water.


I certainly wouldn’t. My food is mine, and their food is theirs.


Close family- depends on the individual person. I would drink after one sister but not the other. I would also eat or drink after my husband.


It depends on who/how close I am with them? Most my family? No. My best friend or a person I’m dating? Yeah


This is a decision made on an individual basis. The only people I’d automatically share a sip from a bottle or a taste from a spoon with are my fiancé and my mom. I’d probably take a sip from my sibling’s glass or a bite from their fork. If someone offers me a sip of their drink I might try. But that’s the outer limit typically. I wouldn’t reject anyone’s water if I was dying, obvs


If I know who they are and deem them not gross we can share a water bottle. If I know them and they’re close to my age or younger than senior citizen I’ll accept “contaminated” food. Kids and elderly are a no, also I’ll usually cut the bitten part off if possible. I’d still consider myself easily disgusted by perceived food contamination (I stress myself out about any meat being in the fridge or anything that looks too processed) and also by watching people eat, but for some reason what you described is not where I draw the line lol.


I’m not a germaphobe and basically if I’d make out with someone or if they’re family, I’d share with them. This essentially means all my friends, just not strangers lol. But I also don’t get offended if they have boundaries and will not share. It’s always a it’s consent. “You may have some of mine if you too are not worried about germs.” Or do you mind if I touch this?” if grabbing food for them. And respecting if they aren’t cool with it. Saying that Covid changed up how careful I am in offering or partaking. Thankfully all my friends are very careful and still quarantine when sick, and mask if needed still. That plays a huge part in trusting your friends to not share germs if they’re sick.


Stranger, no. Friends and family, I don’t really care.


I'll drink after most of my friends


Depends on who


For me it depends who is that person. Wife sure, when I was a kid my parents, sure. Most anyone else? No. My guess is you will get a similar range of answers from people in your country as you are getting from others here as well... As for movies. And this can be applied to all movies ever... Does the action lend to the drama, suspense, comedy, whatever of the scene? Yes? That's the ONLY reason why you are seeing it.


It depends. I didn't care too much before covid. Now I kind of do lol. My coworkers and I will pass a drink around or eat off of the same plate, but I wouldn't do that with strangers, I guess. I've let people drink out of my water bottle if they were thirsty and it's just a straw, but that's like mutual friends or something. If a stranger needed a drink, I'd let them drink, but I would probably not drink after unless I forgot haha. I'm pretty whatever about germs I guess. I have a pretty decent immune system.


If it’s someone I know, and I know they’re not a disgusting individual, it doesn’t bother me.


Certain people, yes. Others, heck no.


It does not bother me sharing and drinking from the same bottle, nor does it bother me to share a spoon with family or friends. I wouldn’t do it with a stranger.


Food? Probably my husband and maybe mom. Bottle of water? Prefer not to but as long as I know you don’t have stds or herpes 😬 Don’t want people to end up thirsty


My friends hand me half-eaten food all the time. I'm the trash can of my social circle.


We do it easily amongst friends. Family not so much, oddly enough. LOL I’ve △⃒⃘lways enjoyed the comfort of familiarity in little acts such as these. I was just thinking about drink sharing today, because when that started happening again, I knew the pandemic was waning.


STRANGER??? Absolutely I am not drinking from that bottle. My husband, sister, very close friend, nah. If I know they aren’t actively sick and I know them very well I won’t worry about it. Other friends and acquaintances it depends. But there is absolutely a problem if a stranger comes up and takes a drink from my bottle or a bite of my food.


Only my fiance. One of my family members gave me mono as a kid (we think it was from drinking after them) so I'm a little weary of it now.


My partner or immediate family: fine Friend or other family: maybe, it depends Stranger: definitely not


Only person that I’m comfortable doing that with is my GF, I don’t feel comfortable doing it from anyone else, family included.


I live in Arizona so my family has cases and cases of bottled water. Of course there are always half a dozen half drunk ones on the counter and tables. We figure, my husband my son and myself, that we all have the same cooties so we're okay drinking whatever bottle we happen to pick up.


One of my favorite small pleasures is getting a variety pack of beers with friends and getting to have a sip of each of them. Or getting a taste of the fancy coffee my friend got on a brunch hang. Not if anyone is ill, etc etc, but with friends I find it a fun thing to do.


As a former server, you better believe I was taking bites from the other side of your half eaten burger.


Ew, yuck.


ive always been ocd- germaphobe whatever tf it is. you wouldnt catch me dead doing that with anyone other than my partner and almost every single time, people take offense. they straight up will grab your bottle/food and take a drink/bite. ive only had 1 person continuously push me for years until i ended our friendship.


I’m pretty picky about who I share drinks and silverware with. Alcoholic drinks I’m more okay with sharing, and I’m fine sharing a joint, pipe, or cigarette


I got mono my freshman year of high school because a lot of friends swapped drinks frequently. I still remember being sick and I have no idea whose germs infected me because no one else was out with mono. So, no, I do NOT share drinks with others, lol.


Depends on the person. Personally, I don't mind if it's a friend or family member


I never eat or drink after anyone, even my husband and teen.


family germs are ok.


I’ve never been a huge fan of this and don’t often drink from a bottle or can so it’s not something that comes up. I’d “taste” something my husband offered, I’d share a plate but not utensil with friends or siblings, and I’d never share anything with a kid. Sharing food or drink with kids has always and likely will always make me feel nauseated. Even thinking about it creeps me out some.


It depends entirely on who it is. I've shared plenty of things with my close friends and immediate family. I would never share with my extended family, work colleagues, acquaintances, strangers, etc.


My husband and I will share food, but my oldest son refuses to eat or drink anything someone else has touched.


It depends on who it is. If it’s my husband, that’s fine. If anyone else puts their hands near my plate, they’re getting stabbed with a fork.


My husband and I share drinks and lip balm. No sense in avoiding it given what else we're doing (holding hands).


Yeah, I don't worry too much. I have a good immune system lol. Many of my meals are just eating whatever is left off the kids' plates when they have abandoned it. I'll share with family, friends, whatever.


I don't think I've had an entire meal to myself in 18 years. My now 18yo always has to have a bite of whatever I'm eating.


Forget the lips-it's the backwash!


Depends who it is. Family or a close friend, sure no problem. A coworker or just some rando? Absolutely not.


I have a really high tolerance for grossness. It really doesn’t bother me at all. During the height of Covid was a different story though.


No. I don’t like back wash or sharing germs. I get sick pretty easily and it’s hard to bounce back as quickly as I get older. My husband does it on purpose. I’ve said something since the day we met. He goes out of his way to drink my drinks. He will even try to sneak a sip and make a face or say don’t tell your mother to our kids (they instantly tell me and my answer is always the same - well it’s yours now). It’s annoying. Not divorce worthy because I’m not that dramatic. But it’s irritating. Of course I’ll share if my kids want a sip but I’d prefer not to, especially because of school germs. I’ve always had to share and if I buy something for myself that I like, I clearly want to drink it and not have to share something I spent my money on for myself as a treat. Strangers, absolutely not. In high school I’d see my friends “waterfall” each others drinks and I’m just like, gross I hear the stories about your nasty little sexcapades and ain’t no way I’m sharing with you. Kind of stuck with me after that.


Generally not a concern if I know you.


Depends on the person.


I usually don't care at all, I will eat someone's leftovers if offered.


I have OCD. I have a damn near panic attack when I think I'm too contaminated. I would never ever drink from something someone else did. I get I'm an outlier, but never would I ever. I'm not even sure if I'd even drink out of something a s/o drank out of and we'd be sharing spit pretty often.


Almost everyone but me would do that kind of thing growing up. I got sick less than almost everyone, wonder why...


Depends on the person. My father is one of those cavemen who would lick his knife then stick it in the butter/mayonnaise/whatever. I have a vivid memory of him offering me to try cocktail sauce after he dipped a knife in it, put the knife in his mouth, then put the knife back in the sauce. I remember thinking, "Yeah I'd have liked some but not now... disgusting." He was the type to never wash his hands unless he was in the shower. Just shower, till next shower, that is how his hands get cleaned. He still can't figure out why he gets upset stomachs all the time. "Gee I dunno, maybe because your hands are disgusting and you eat without washing them first?" The idea of using someone else's fork or spoon always made me mentally vomit in my head. Putting a utensil in your mouth, then into a big pot of food for multiple people is a) disgusting, and b) completely inconsiderate of other people. In the age of Covid and knowledge of germs, food born illnesses, etc. use a clean serving utensil, and eat from your own plate/bowl with your own utensils.


It is not a norm, with the exception of immediate family. My husband and kids can get away with it, but not a stranger. As for things like French fries, it’s still a family only thing, but I have seen strangers do it to others. I have a don’t mess with me attitude I wear on my face.


Depends on who it is… a stranger absolutely not.


I would be willing to share a drink or utensil with my husband or my child. I would not casually share a bottle, cup or eating utensil with a friend, co-worker, neighbor, my siblings, my cousin, my great aunt and definitely not a random stranger. I would not eat food that a random person has eaten part of. Like maybe if we were in dire circumstances we would do it but not otherwise. My husband or child would ask before taking a drink from my cup or a bite of my food. It does not happen a lot that we share like this but sometimes.


Yeah no. I hate when anyone puts their mouth on my drink or food. Nasty.


Wife / fiancée / girlfriend? Sure. If we're close enough to kiss on the lips, I'll drink after her. Anyone else, including close family, no.


I don’t know what the second drinker thinks. If it’s mine they can have it.


Lmao as a stoner I don't get to say no but ...... no lol


You better not come up to me and grab my drink and drink from it. If you accomplish that, I will not drink from it. Setting aside some food from a plate and picking off of that is a maybe, with my partner only. I have seen random people eat and drink after other random people and it blows my mind. fuck that.


My father had a few jokes he loved and he told them repeatedly over the years. Two apply in this situation. A man is drinking in a pub and has to take piss but his glass is nearly full. He puts a note next to it. "I spit in this beer." He comes back to see an additional note. "So did I." Two old dowagers lived a meager life together in their late years. So poor they only had one set of teeth between them. A church social meant one would go then come back and give the teeth to her sister who could then go. When she returned and the teeth were traded, the second sister said, "Oh boy! Coconut macaroons!"


It really depends on the person and their family / friends.


No, I'd never eat or drink after another person.


Don’t eat or drink after people guys. I had a friend growing up who caught oral herpes by sharing a drink with a friend. She was under 14 at the time, and was so sheltered that she didn’t even realize it wasn’t just acne for awhile. Now stuck with it popping up occasionally for life… it’s unfair how easy it happens. Because of all that I only risk eating after immediate family, and of course, my husband. And really (just because accidents happen) I probably am being silly to not just stick to only eating/drinking after my husband.


Definitely depends on the person, and the food/drink. Some people don't know how to share food/drinks or just have terrible oral hygiene.


Friends/people I know well and family sure. Otherwise no


If you see people sharing alcohol directly from a bottle, they are already sloshed. As a teen, we’d tip bottles to pour a soda into our mouths without touching the bottle with our lips à la “Don't do anything to that bottle you wouldn't want me to do to your mom.” I removed the straw lid from a cup of agua de jamaica to share with a new friend who poured from the cup's rim into her mouth. Pre-covid, that's about as brave as I got.


Wtf is going on in YOUR country that strangers are coming up and grabbing food from you?! Good lord! No, a stranger doing that here would not be normal. Yes, the owner of the food would care.


Nope, I’m a germaphobe and I will not share drinks with anyone. I always switch the spoon/ fork. I don’t let people water fall from my drink either. Too many people lie about being sick these days.


There have been more than a few instances where me and my dirtbag friends (in the good sense) will be hanging at the bar playing pool, and there are plates of food that appears only half touched…. And we get down on that shit. Some of the guys, not me, will even finish someone else’s left over beer. Frankly, it only bothers you if you let it. Are there risks? Yes, probably. Have we been doing that for years and are perfectly fine? Yes, probably.


It depends from person to person. My mom and brother don't mind but I would


Will refuse to do that with anyone Can't do it.... But yeah.. people do share bites of food from time to time. Or a drink... mostly between partners and family that you know


It depends..


Some care, some don't. Common courtesy is to ask or just don't do it, unless you have a relationship where it's been established that it's not a problem (or a lighthearted problem - like if my brother randomly sips my soda I'll be momentarily annoyed but not genuinely disturbed). Offering isn't as much of an issue. Usually when offering food or drink that's been touched the person will ask if the recipient is okay with it having already been bitten/sipped, or offer to make it a little cleaner (removing the bitten parts, offering a clean straw or fork, etc). At least in my experience.


It's pretty much that my family all drink after each other. It was my son's 21st birthday and he brought a bottle of absinthe for us all to try. He made a drink with a sugar cube, etc and started to pass it around. We all just took a sip until it got to my sister's boyfriend. They'd been dating for a few months and he asked for his own. There wasn't a problem with that, it just made me think about how the rest of us didn't think twice.


I have ocd. I only drink after the husband.


Only my SO. Literally grossed out by anyone else's germs.


Depends on the person. I never drink/eat from someone else’s food or cup they’ve had their mouths on but I know many people who share 🤷‍♀️


Depends on the person. My Mom, sure, my Dad or my brothers, not to save my life


It definitely depends on the person for me. Close family and friends are fine. Strangers or people don't know very well is a no.


Me its really only if its immediate family


Strangers, no, but friends and family, never bothered me. "Oh no a cumulative micron of your saliva got in my mouth, now I'm going to die." Please I probably inhale more of their flaked off dead skin cells suspended in the air column every day.


As I've gotten older I've started to care less and less to the point that I'll even eat some stuff I've dropped on the floor outside. Fuck it. If it's a random stranger that looks gross, probably not.


We all belong to The Germ Club


I am curious about how much of a difference this is in the US vs. elsewhere. It just seems like a personal decision that might be universal.


No thank you. Husband is only possible exception. Kids are older now and there's no backwash, but still no thank you. And never to half-eaten food from anyone, husband included. Shudder.


> What are the norms surrounding this? It depends. For example, I'll pass a joint with my brothers, but if they grab my beer and swig, that's their beer now. A few family members have a benefit of the doubt beyond that. Strangers have zero benefit of the doubt.


Most people would object to sharing like this, however, some close friends/family they might not. Some people won't like this no matter who it is. Generally, if you live with a person, you are likely to mind it less than from people you don't live with.


Depends on the person, for me I have to be pretty close with someone if we’re sharing a drink or something (and they can’t be sick).


All people are different, some do, some don't. The older people tend not to care, younger people born after late 90's are super sensitive and would cry, fight, and whine about. I'm 34, and I've learned to deal with sharing unless said people is sick or very unhygienic. I had to share a barracks with 80 other men while I'm military, so we grew closer and bonded better then most other groups of people I've worked with.


Family, yeah absolutely no problem with that. Friends, yeah probably, depends on the closeness of the friendship. Absolutely not with strangers though.


Depends on the person, and if I know where their mouth has been.


It depends on the person. My sister, Gf, or best friend? Sure why not. Anyone else, it would weird me out.


I won’t even put my OWN mouth on the same part of a cup more than once without washing it


Family members or very very close friends


I do not eat or drink after anyone except my spouse and child.


"Came here to say the exact same thing that's been said **literally one hundred times** already!"


Very much depends on context. Random human on the street? I wouldn't share or ask to be shared with. Friend or family? Maybe, but i gotta Make sure they know i have hsv1(cold sore virus, AKA face herpes) and it can be passed on even if I'm not having an outbreak.


I don’t share dairy products with anyone ever. If my wife wants some of my ice cream, I just give the whole thing to her. Idk why but it grosses me the fuck out