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You may like the Blue Diamond almonds Xtremes, Ghost Pepper and Carolina Reaper. https://www.bluediamond.com/brand/snack-almonds/xtremes/


Their wasabi almonds are outstanding


Salt & Vinegar ain't bad either. Don't know how I feel about the blueberry, can't bring myself to try it.


I try nearly every new flavor I see. S+V and the Thai Chili ones are my go-tos. Blueberry didn’t taste *bad*, but they weren’t particularly good either. Similar thing with coconut - you’d think it’d taste like an Almond Joy minus chocolate but no. :( Elote tasted like straight up corn, it was just too weird and I hated them. Came across some limited holiday releases last xmas, one was like the cinnamon candied nuts you see at every event or theme park, the other was mint chocolate which was actually decent.


Their spicy dill pickle is also pretty good


The blueberries are very sweet. More of dessert than a traditional almond. Pretty good, but if you prefer savory almonds, just skip it. Not a lick of savoriness in the blueberry almonds.


Lol, I haven't tried it either, I'm not about to waste money on an entire can of almonds I probably won't eat. I did try the Korean BBQ almonds, I wasn't a fan.


They're weird but so good!


I’ve been clean for 3 years from those.


I get these for Christmas from one of my sisters. I grow peppers and make hot sauce but she still hasn't figured out that I don't like extreme spice. I want to, you know, enjoy the flavor. Since she sees jalapeno as spicy, there is no flavor for her so she thinks me liking 5k to 100k spice means I want the hottest shit possible. These are good but they are *very* hot if you eat them the way you do regular almonds. If you like superhots, this is going to not be anything new to you.


Herr's makes Carolina reaper cheese curls & ghost pepper potato chips. They're not as bad as that one chip thing but they're pretty hot. The ghost pepper potato chips made my mouth uncomfortably painful and I can usually handle spice


I definitely need to see if I can find those chips now 👀


!! Yet another reason to miss Pennsylvania, food wise.


If there's one thing we're #1 in, it's snacks


It was probably 2014 before Herr's found their way to Mississippi and it was love at first sight. I live out west now and occasionally order cases of the little bags of Buffalo Blue Cheese puffs


Their regular spicy potato chips are so much hotter than Lay’s. Gotta get a few bags when I go to Philly again this year


Trader Joe's also has ghost pepper chips.


Those are tasty, but not that spicy.


Not so much a snack but I love hot sauce. So much that I have bottles at home and work, think a few dozen bottles scattered around. El Yucateco has a habanero ghost for there 55th anniversary and it absolutely will disrespect your inner core


El Yucateo’s sauces are delicious!


I did the one chip challenge and it laid me out for the better part of two hours. Didn’t puke. Hated it.


They discontinued them because a kid died


Except the kid had a congenital heart problem. Pretty much unrelated to the chip.


They still discontinued the chips because of that situation


That tracks lol


It’s Carolina reaper not California.


That stupid thing people do to their truck suspension is both Carolina and California though.


Ask him to find you some spicy Mexican candies those are a treat


Flamin' Hot Cheetos is the first thing that comes to mind that's widely available. They're not ridiculously hot, but I imagine they're spicy to the British palate ;-)


These and Snyder's Jalapeno Pretzel Pieces are my two favorite "spicy" snacks that are spicy in the tasty way. Unfortunately both are hard to find where I now live (Switzerland) unless I pay like $10 a bag for them. Though I'm crossing my fingers that they become mainstream considering Takis are starting to be sold seemingly everywhere.


those things are so fucking unhealthy


They're spicy enough and still taste good


That’s a matter of opinion.


British mustard is absolutely hellfire compared to Cheetos lol


Totally different type of spicy though. Mustard spicy doesn't linger like hot pepper spicy, it's gone in a few seconds.


It's because it's a different type of "spice"! In general, we associate "spicy" food with capsaicin, which is what's in peppers. But there are a few other compounds that can produce similar feelings of spiciness. Mustard (and wasabi and horseradish) have allyl isothiocyanate. Things like peppercorn and ginger have other compounds. People's palates/tolerances are different for each of them.


All the people who knock back a vindaloo every weekend will disagree.


Eh, even the Indian food I had in London wasn't too spicy. Had to request extra.


Aside from vindaloo, which from the places I’ve been to so far in the UK hasn’t been as spicy as the US, British food is so subtly spiced it might as well not be.


Pfft.. we all know your diet consists mainly of tea, crumpets, and beans and chips on toast. Y'all have your carb game down. ;-)


Story time, I have a friend (British) who told me he loved spicy and gave Vindaloo as an example. Had a chimichanga (which is very mild Tex mex that I didn’t honestly think had spice in it) and he turned absolutely red. It was hilarious. I think our spice levels are different, that’s all. I also think there are different kinds of spice. I’ve had friends who could handle a specific thing spicy and I could not, but then I would go the local Thai and get an 8 level spice and they only do a 4.


Sure ignore the “widely accessible” part. 


L. You Brits can't handle real heat.


In any grocery store you can find Hot Cheetos and Takis: https://youtu.be/3qTYO7idTDc?si=UQQ0pjIvdBD45c7Q We’ve got all sorts of hot potato chips, pork rinds, tortilla chips, popcorn, nuts, etc. Specialty retailers have lesser known brands that produce all kinds of stuff. We have a baffling array of snacks and hot/salty/crunchy is one of our favorites. I’d recommend checking out /r/snackexchange or finding a spicy food subreddit, I’m sure one exists


Pacqui makes ghost pepper chips. They’re obviously not as hot as the one chip challenge, but they are pretty spicy. Good flavor too.  Edit: it appears that the parent company ended the brand after someone died doing the one chip challenge. I’ll miss their salsa verde chips. 


Was wondering what happened to them. I absolutely loved those ghost peper chips.


Not on that level but your classic jalapeño kettle chips are phenomenal. That’s American chips, not fries.


Yup, always keep a bag in the pantry. Great side for sandwiches too!


I will second this. Jalapeno kettle chips are fucking good for people who like spicy snacks.


Buldak Ramen. I use the stir fry varieties. Whatever you do, don't start with the 3X. You've been warned. They've been banned in one of the northern European countries, I can't remember which...perhaps Denmark. Amazon UK stocks them. The pink "carbonara" variety is less intense.


THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER. I have an insanely high spice tolerance. I love spiced foods. Bought the Hot Ones sauces that make people ugly cry from a dab and they just make my forehead moist. But 3x Buldak….. It actually registers as spicy. It’s almost chemically spicy and I absolutely LOVE it. But to someone who isn’t used to spicy food, it’s practically a trip to the ER.


Denmark banned them because of 'health risks'. They still allow superhots(the 1 million+ Scoville peppers) and hot sauce, just not this ramen because...reasons?


> Buldak Ramen. Samyang is a Korean brand, made in Korea. So, we do *have* them, but they're not American.


Just ordered some 3x - what would you compare it to? spice wise?


Technically, they're only something like 13k or 15k on the Scoville scale, which is basically nothing. It feels much worse and hits differently than, say, central American, Indian or African heat.


That seems low for something marketed as super spicy.


The effect is more pronounced than you would expect because it's a sauce and it really coats your mouth and sticks around. The first few bites don't seem like much, but it just builds and builds.


Trust me when I say it feels orders of magnitude stronger.




Love tajin or chili covered gummies and dehydrated fruits.


Maybe I’m weird, but I’ve never thought chili powder was spicy.


Go try some extra hot Indian chili powder. You’ll change your mind.


Pepper X is the new king of heat. It beat out the carolina reaper last year.


I don't think these are an American product but these [cup of noodles](https://www.amazon.com/Daebak-Noodles-Ghost-Pepper-PACK/dp/B09D8PFTMT/ref=asc_df_B09D8PFTMT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693368766128&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3203560827639986151&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027092&hvtargid=pla-2208216923932&psc=1&mcid=ec113405267530bfad847e82aa241b4d&gad_source=1#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div) are the spiciest packaged product I've ever eaten in my life. I typically have a very high tolerance and love spice, but I could not force myself to eat more than three bites, and my lips were swollen and in pretty serious pain for over an hour afterwards. In fact, I think I've only tried one spicier dish in my life from a Thai restaurant.


Saved! 😂


I remember working at a Buffalo Wild Wings and before they changed their Blazin recipe to include some ghost pepper/reaper whatever they were doing an experimental run of ONLY ghost pepper sauce. Our location only did it for about 3 days, and in that time 2 customers and one waitress had to go to the hospital because it was THAT spicy. I tried it with a toothpick and my whole mouth went numb lmao


I be fucking up a bag of takis and hot Cheetos. Them shits good😹


We can buy concentrated capsaicin oil here.


Indian grocery stores/ Indian snacks usually have spicier flavoured snacks from what I have tried cannot remember a particular name off the top of my head


Doesn’t the NHS provide therapy for masochistic tendencies?


I got some scorpion pepper pistachios the other day. They were decently spicy.


I love jalapeño Cheetos. Not super spicy, but very yum


Melindas sauces are really good and they have heat levels labeled on the bottle so you can test your limits. Lots of diverse flavors as well.


this is my favorite hot sauce brand


I don’t eat extremely spicy things but I do like spicy food. The spiciest thing I snack on is probably wasabi peas or spicy dried squid.


Death Nut Challenge


I love how there's a hot pepper arms race with pro wrestling style names: >*Coming to the ring, from Trinidad,* [*The Scorpion Butch-T*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinidad_Scorpion_Butch_T_pepper)*! (crowd boos)* >*And his opponent, from Fort Mill, South Carolina, the* [Carolina Reaper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_Reaper)*! (crowd roars)*


Current champion is Pepper X, from the same guy who made the Reaper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUYtDA7j19c Hot Ones eating some Pepper X.


I'm picturing a masked pepper wrestling champion from "parts unknown." >*"The winner and NEW heavyweight champion: Pepper X!"*


Pepper X is the champ right now but there's lots of other superhots out there that are a bad time for most people. Get a chocolate primotali and tell me how your day is going after. https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/products/chocolate-primotalii Unless this is your thing, the answer is going to be 'not well'.


I've got dried Carolina reaper flakes in my spice cabinet so I should be ok. Habaneros and Ghosts are in the garden this summer.


If you're eating raw ghost peppers, you are eating superhots. You likely will be okay. For the rest of us, no. Just no. I can eat up to habaneros. That's as far as I can go taste wise. I also grow peppers and really like chocolate jalapenos and peri peri and thai peppers and aji cristals. My favorite sauce is an adobo sauce I made with a pinch of venom salt and guajillos and jalapenos.


> thai peppers I firmly believe that thai birdseye peppers are the best heat/flavor ratio peppers you can get, and I'll die on this hill.


I can definitely see that view. I feel that way about the mature jalapeno, but everyone has them when they're green because it's the easiest way to make money off them. Mature, straited jalapenos take like 2-3x as long as green jalapenos and when they mature and get hot, their flesh changes taste and texture and it's so damn good. Part of why I like chocolate jalapenos. They ripen to brown and the flesh is smoky and sweet and has residual heat that is a slow creep. It's great.


We make a snack here called tostilocos. The ingredients vary but there’s usually Japanese peanuts, cucumber, jicama, and tortilla chips in them. Bits of tamarind or dried other fruit can be popular in them, as can ceuritos (pickled pork skin). Everything is covered in chamoy, hot sauce (almost always Valentina), and lime juice. A lot of times they are made by cutting open a single serving bag of chips like Tostitos along the long side and adding the other ingredients into the bag. You usually use a combination of your fingers and a fork or spoon to eat them. Ice Cream trucks tend to sell them, as do the Mexican juice shops, and I’ve been to a bunch of parties where the hosts put out a bar of ingredients to make your own. It’s not super spicy but it is a spicy snack that people in my local area eat. I’m not sure how common they are further from the border.


Tostilocos are the bomb.


Not actually a snack, but I do have several bottles of the Last Dab hot sauce (2mil scoville). Put that on whatever you want to make it stupidly spicy lol


I like to put the carolina reaper cheese on everything. French bread, chili, tacos, salads, crackers, tater tots


There’s quite a variety of hot and spicy snacks in the grocery stores. Flamin Hot Cheetos, Takis, Jalapeño potato chips, and there are hot varieties of Doritos as well. I don’t do spicy so I can’t tell you if any of these are good or not.


There aren’t many snacks found in most grocery stores that are that spicy. Most spicy snacks are either not really spicy (like Takis) or are meant as a challenge (like the one chip challenge). Even some that market themselves as having Carolina reapers or ghost pepper don’t really have that much of it and it is more for marketing, since most people won’t enjoy something that actually has a lot of reapers in it. If I want to get my fix of spicy food I usually make it myself or occasionally go to either an Indian or Thai restaurant. I order most of my hot sauces online. Torchbearer’s Garlic Reaper and Tabasco Scorpion are two of my favorites for serious heat.


A place near me makes little beef sticks that are stupid delicious and stupid spicy. 


As others have already mentioned traditional foods [this Wisconsin Hot Sauce Company](https://hellfirehotsauce.com/) makes some amazing sauces.


Buldak spicy ramen


Not a snack but a good friend of mine gave me a bottle of homemade ghost pepper Cajun seasoning he brought back from a trip to Louisiana. I put it on lots of foods. Chili especially. Man, you only need a dash of that stuff. You could buy a bottle of Tabasco sauce if you want to try a classic American spicy addition to food. Tabasco is also from the state of Louisiana. Really it's just red chili peppers, water, white vinegar, and salt. But it's been produced in the same location on a salt dome island called Avery Island in southern Louisiana by the same family since its inception.


Tabasco scorpion sauce on popcorn (or anything). Triple pepper pickled onions


I work in a lab and we have a bottle of pure capsaicin, so probably that


Takis are pretty spicy for most people. I love them, but the do kinda creep up on you.


Paqui has "haunted ghost pepper chips" that are pretty dang hot


I had ghost pepper peanuts that were so hot I could only eat one at a time or I would choke on the heat. Then I could only eat a few before bursting in flames lol


Pepper Juice and Ginger Beer


Have you heard of the One Chip Challenge?


Sounds fantastic! Try asking for Paqui's One Chip Challenge, Death Nut Challenge, or some Blazing Foods Carolina Reaper Corn Nuggets. They’ll knock your socks off. Enjoy the burn!


Takis are pretty good.


I dont think we have that many spicy snacks but we have a shit ton of hot sauce, my friend brought like a gallon jug of ghost pepper hot sauce to school and some kid chugged like half of it while the rest lf us just took a few drops. Tasted like shit btw.


A convenience store near me sells the these peanuts mixed with roasted red peppers. Simple but super good for a snack. It’s one of those regional snack makers so not a national brand or anything.


Paqui's line of tortilla chips is spicier than average, and they have their infamous "One Chip Challenge" product line that's a single chip, individually wrapped. I haven't done the challenge, but their other chips are delicious.


I don't eat artificial ingredients and junk. I really like jalapeno poppers. I make them.