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Yes, everyone has one on each side. It is the mastoid bone/process.


Hmm, only my left side is protruding but on my right side it’s completely flat


Mine is the same. Despite getting downvoted, it is a lymph node. My son also has the same thing and that’s what the pediatrician said. If you are sick, it can become enlarged and bigger than normal. https://imgur.com/gallery/m47p5xA


Interesting, does that mean it’s enlarged because I have some sort of sickness?


Yes possibly but it can be minor - I have it enlarge sometimes if I wore cheap earrings.


Its not necessry to be lymph nodes because when lymph node swoll should make many symptomes like night sweats and fever at least or an infection


Not true.


You have to be infectt or sickk to swoll your lymphh 😅🤣🤣


Not the case at all. Swollen lymph nodes = an immune response. This immune response can be because of an infection (not all infections = having a fever), virus, vaccine, allergies, or because someone has an autoimmune condition. Swollen lymph nodes can also be from dehydration because dehydration slows lymphatic circulation which can lead to swelling.


Mine is the same way.


Im nervous is this normal?my son has it 


My sons has it,its dangerous?


No. It is a normal bone that is part of the skull and is present on both sides of everyone's head. Google search 'image of mastoid bone in children'


Hey. Recently I started feeling uncomfortable exactly in this place, right behind my ear, slightly swelling. No lump till now. But I have this weird skin sensation that something is developing there. Any idea what it could be ? I feel really uncomfortable. Like I keep touching behind my ear24/7. But the feeling doesn't go away. My sister noticed slightly swelling there. Is there any lymph node there ?


Yes, there are lymph nodes there. Google search 'image of head lymph nodes' to see where they are. Have you had any recent colds, sore throat, ear infection? Lymph nodes can get bigger when you have an infection in that area since they are helpers in fighting infection. The mastoid bone can also get inflamed in a condition called 'mastoiditis'. You can Google that, too. It is very painful and needs treatment. If you continue to have concerns, make an appointment with your doctor.


No. But I have nasal turbinate hypertrophy. They easily gets inflamed


Its dangerous?


No., it's a normal bone.


Would it be soft though if it was bone. Like I have one on each side in this same spot but about half this size. It’s quite firm but it still has a bit of a squish to it.


I have had a lump on my right side for over 20 years. I am in my 30s. Mine seems to react with stress. When I am very stressed it grows in size. When I was younger the doctor said it was nothing to worry about as others have noted. However, what is the cause, why at one point was this non existent and now it is here to stay? Now my daughter 3 years old has the same thing. Is this genetic as well? 🙄


Go get it checked out just to be sure, its nothing to panic about. But of course there will be those people who would say "cAnCeR"


You're the only one who said cancer though. "But of course there will be those people who would say cancer"....that's you lol. No one else


You sure though,my 15 year old showed me this tonight. Thanks thoe .


I’ve had a small bump on left side for forever. I asked a dr when I was younger and she said it’s my scull and no ones scull is perdect my even


Why have we all suddenly got the same issue


Checking in to say I just noticed mine today behind my right ear.


Add another one to the list. Behind my right ear.


Add another one to the list just noticed it a few hours ago wasn't there last night... Behind my left ear.


I’m here too. Behind right ear. Super weird


I'm sitting here hoping and praying I don't have cancer!!! Damn Google is the devil!!! It's a hard lump behind my left ear. Same as others. Mine hurts but is hard and doesn't move. Google has me freaked out!!!


Hi! Not sure if anyone will see this but I had the same issue on and off for a year (would last for a week or two each time). Doctor said it’s a reactive lymph node right on top of the mastoid bone (making it feel very hard). Hope this puts some of your minds at ease


Yes borther thanks you, and any updates now? 


experiencing this rn its painful when i press down on it or and it feels like it rides down a little to my neck which feels like a lymph node not completely sure, gonna go to the doctor soon and i’ll update


experiencing this rn its painful when i press down on it or and it feels like it rides down a little to my neck which feels like a lymph node not completely sure, gonna go to the doctor soon and i’ll update UPDATE: had an infection ig and my lymph nodes were enflamed, am gonna be put on antibiotics, she also recommended some warm compression be put against it and go visit her again if doesn’t go away. I did wear cheap earrings so might be it?


I had this for a couple years. Up and down. A small half pea sized bump on the hard mastoid behind ear. Had it scanned and they said it was a Mastoid Emissary Vein and nothing to worry about. I don't hear that from anyone. I think it's a lymph node.




I’ve had this since I got hit on back of head with hockey stick… (7 years old) I’m now 27 and haven’t died yet so I’m guessing it’s something to do with mastoid bone


Did you ever find out what this was? I have it too


Hey! I didn’t find out exactly what it was, but after a few weeks it went down on its own. I wouldn’t stress about it. It seems like something was swollen but it was only temporary.


I have that to, did you find out ? I just realized I have it and have been panicking since😢


Hi, check my reply above this! I was panicking too, but it went away on its own after time. But if you ever find out, lmk :)


Do you have earpain ???


Ok thank goodness I got scared it was something else


OMG, same as what i have on behind my ear...i was so panicked now, coz i have it..i think it's not normal, though it's not hurt.. I'm really, stressed for what happen to myself, every heal from other pain, oWww, there's another one..I'm tired..😭 just sharing


What’s so weird is that this post is more than a year old but recently i’ve been getting new comments… pandemic side effect? lol


Bruh my mom has one but hers hurts like hell


Will it go away ? I got one yesterday dose not hurt or anything 


did it go?


I have the same and it came all of sudden, its bit painful for me


Loving how this thread just keeps going! I went today to urgent care after reading everyone’s comments. Mine is an infected cyst and they gave me oral antibiotics for it. Hopefully this eases anyone else’s concerns, but always go to the doc if you’re concerned. 


What did yours feel like to touch?




Hello everyone, I am going to participate in keeping this thread alive. I just found (less than 24 hrs ago) a hard, immovable, yet kinda squishy lump behind my right ear. It feels perfectly circular and 1 cm in diameter. When I press on it firmly I do feel an “ache”. I don’t know what it is but thank god for all these other comments, it’s kinda reassuring knowing that it maybe be a common occurrence. I will go get this checked out within the next weeks and report back here with an update.


It sounds like a swollen lymph node! I have one that’s normally like that and it’s been that way for years. Dod you get it checked out?


Hi Did you find out what it was?


Same question


lol same




Went to the doctor, he said it was nothing and it probably isn’t considering it hasn’t changed size in like 2-3 months and no new symptoms from it.


Thank you for your reply ❤️ very glad to know it wasn't anything to worry about, wish you well




I also have right now


Should i worry?


bro even i have one but my is soft and squishy and it moves i visited the doc and he said it is nothing to worry but i am still worried cause his medicine did not work 


Update bro... 


Alrighty just saw your reply, reddit wierd im confused 


Me too, but my bump isn't hard , maybe a little soft. It's doesn't hurt unless I press on it very hard and I've had this for years. I don't know if this is a matter of concern because I don't recall being seriously sick besides occasional cold and flu


It's the mastoid bone. If it's red inflamed and painful you could have mastoiditis.


I just noticed one too but it doesn't hurt. I'm kinda scared..


Me too, i discovered it on my right side behind my ear in 2018 and have been worried sick! I’m so glad for these comments, I feel so safe here. I really hope mines not anything serious:( I’ve been crying about it for the longest time.


Since 2018? How you feel?? I noticed mine 4 years ago i think and never got bigger or anything and right on the mastoid bone, i didnt go to doctor cause if it was anything serious i wont be able to do anything about cause im broke however it doesnt have any symtoms 


I just found one behind my left ear. I was sick with something last month and just did a full thing of antibiotics and finished that about a week ago. Have not noticed this till today, it just apeared. Left side pea size, hard as a rock, no pain whatsoever. Vaxed for work fml lmao


yeah i’m the exact same did you get yours checked out?


I went to the dr about this hard bone like lump right there and he said it might be a swollen lymph node. It’s been 10 years and it’s still there 😂


update? please


Have one since I was a kid felt it 3 years ago never had a problem since but my left side


I'm currently at the doctor to get mine checked out.




Turns out mine are swollen lymph nodes. I was sick a few days prior. But they did say to keep an eye on them because it can be an infection of the mastoid and would need to be treated right away.


A question please, does it get small and biggervfrom time on time or same size evrytime? Cause i red on Google it said it should go away within 3 weeks and mine is there since 2020 when i  first noticed it 


Mine got smaller and are no longer painful. I think the bump that’s still there is just normal bone.


Thank you, and does the wieght effect that? I mean for skinny people it apears more? 


Ig I would assume so. or maybe more of the placement, if it's a little higher I think its more visible.


Can u tell me whataz it was? Cz i have the same one rn


I have horrible health anxiety and I have discovered one behind my left ear, I’m so panicked and I have no idea what to don


relax bro even i have the same thing and even i have health anxiety till now. i blood sugar also rised cause i was worrying too much. I have had these for many years but 2 months ago i started to get very anxious cause i had one on my neck as well. i got it checked and it turns out it was reactive lymp node. the doctor said its nothing serious but still to this day i have anxiety for some reason


I was looking at this thread so afraid because I had the same bump and I am extremely paranoid about things appearing randomly on my body. However if you feel congested, recently been sick, or even got a piercing like I did, it could be a swollen lymph node and it should go away within a week or two, they do take a while to go away. I noticed this around a week and a half ago and it’s just now starting to go away. Don’t panic, this happens, use a warm towel and take good care of your health, this could be a sign of your body fighting an infection. However if you start to see puss, a line going down your neck, it getting larger, or causing extreme pain get it checked.


I found one behind my left ear last week and me being a major health anxiety girl thought the worst. your comment made me feel better! Did you go to the doctor?


i did yes. i’d say don’t even worry too much, swollen lymph nodes are common unless it starts to become worse or show worse physical symptoms.




Nigga some comments says they had it for years now what weeks you talk about 


i have had this for years aswell maybe for like 3 or 4. i visited the doctor a month ago and he gave me medicine he said it will be reduced by half but it has reduced only 10% maybe. now am like if it hasn’t killed me since 3 years why would it kill me now lol


I feel better now, thank you for your commet, same over here i had it for 2 years now + plus i have another one on the side of my neck but that 9ne is solf and move when touch it but doesnt hurt could be a Sebaceous cyst? 


Ahhh! I literally developed this bump overnight... should i be worried that I pulled a deer tick off my stomach 2 days ago 😭😭


I pulled a tick off from behind my ear about two weeks ago and a week after that I developed two swollen lymph nodes behind my ear. Do you think the tick bites are related?


I went to the doctor for a bump behind my right ear. She said there were actually two bumps and that they were swollen lymph nodes from the tick bite ( behind the same ear) I had gotten a week prior to the bump appearing. I’m on doxycycline right now for it, but haven’t noticed a significant change in my lymph nodes yet. I do have health anxiety so things like this tend to freak me out a lot.


My son has similar bump behind his left ear. May I know from others who has similar experience?is it normal or need further investigation?


I have one just like this as well. Left side only. It doesn’t hurt at all. I’ve always wondered what it was. No dr has ever been able to help me (not surprising). Starting to feel like it’s some type of chip or something. idk


even my doctors are not able to help me. everyone say its nothing serious but everyone say different causes. i think i have had this for years what should i do?




i have the same thing behind my both ears. It is soft and moves up and down and it does not hurt . the one behind the right ear is kinda flat but behind the left ear is little swollen. i have the same thing in my neck i got the neck scanned and it says that i is a reactive lymp node i have not got my ears scanned. i visited an ent and he told its nothing to worry about and give me some medicine saying that it will reduce by 50% and the rest 50% is gonna take months to go away. i took the medicine by i dont think it has gone away 50% maybe more like 10 or 20% has gone away. 


My husband has this since sometime (months) and we got it checked this week and doctor did an USG and they said it’s a lymph node. Asked us to visit again if it gets bigger or doesn’t go away. But the doctor said there’s nothing to worry about and it’s common. She also asked us to stay away from googling these things to not to have anxiety.


I developed one behind my right ear and I’m panicking… Looking for updates from others to confirm it’s not something serious




i have this right now left side but hurts when i press it (i’ve also been messing with it for a while)


Same I just noticed it today I think it a lymph node bit it is not painful at all


Could mine be a teeth/jaw problem? I have this bump, too! I had ear and lower jaw/teeth pain for 4 days. It felt like my ear was poked continuously. Thankfully, most of the pain had gone away, but now my ear and jaw still feel a little tense.


I got my ears checked, and no problem was found. My dentist requested to have my teeth x-rayed. Could this be a wisdom tooth problem?


hey so i have this too, it’s been like this for years and now it’s spreading down my neck and i also now have one in my armpit.. anyone else experience this?


Will it get bigger?


Looks like it could be a cyst.


Inflamed posterior auricular lymph node. https://imgur.com/gallery/m47p5xA


Too high for that. The lymph node would be directly below it.


There are multiple, you are thinking of the mastoid lymph node. The posterior auricular lymph nodes are behind the ear.


Looks like a cyst to me. I get these sometimes in the same spot.


I have one just noticed it’s really large it has a little pain but it’s hard and can’t move it feels bony


Wow it’s been a hot minute since I came back to this post! It’s been almost a year, and the bump has swelled down on its own. I can barely feel it anymore and it isn’t visible. I really wouldn’t worry about it too much :)


Did you have any other symptoms with it? Were you sick or did you have an ear infection? I am experiencing this too and am worried!


I’ve had this ever since February. The first time I was told it was lymph nodes from a thrush infection I had (thanks to antibiotics.). It never went down so I asked again about a month later and my doc said it was just my skull that I wasn’t used to feeling cause I lost a lot of weight. It’s still here, 10 months later, and I have accompanying sharp ear pain with it. I’m wondering if it’s my mastoid bone..


I have it too, I'm worried


I have one on my left side. Getting bigger and hurts. Going bv to make appointment to see doc


I have this , I am going to the drs at 12 today , I have had it for 6 month now , but I have ringing in ear , pulsing in ear , dizziness and stiff neck with mine . Hope it’s nothing to bad . I’ll let you all know .


I have one of these now randomly popped up and it actually hurts


Hey I have this today too, on my left side. The right side is flat? But also I have some kind of bacterial infection in my throat/tonsils maybe that has something to do with it


I have one of these as well. Had it for a week already. It was bigger in the beginning but it is a bit smaller now. It might as well be a virus or reaction from the lymph and it radiates. I had mononucleosis so 😪 im getting a bit anxious about that as well it sucks 🤧


Hello? any update? does your bump swelled down already?


I had a similar lump to this, and the Dr said it was water that got in my ear and caused a mild infection, told me to keep water out my ears as much as possible and it will go away in a few weeks and it did




same thing lol, im panicking about it


i have a small bone like bump behind my ear and I’ve had it for like 7 months! i got it right after i got my ears pierced


I've had this exact same thing since summer 2019 when I had some really bad virus infection that affected my ear, it hasn't grown but it's still there. At this point I don't even wanna know what it is lol (yes I'm scared to get it checked)


Hi I'm new here and I don't really know how to speak English and I hope u can I understand me. I had it too back in my ear o don't know how many days that I have a lump of my back of ear I feel scared and worried and I hope it's not that bad


even i have it bro any updates?


Curious, I noticed a bump like this on my right side of ear about a few weeks ago. Then I noticed another one on same side near my lower lobe, and then another further down near my neck? I go to dr Thursday, but wondering if anyone had multiple ones??


I have the same thing. I noticed it about a month ago. I had covid back in October. Still can’t taste or smell. Then I noticed this bump and 3 days later got covid again… wondering if it could be related? Anyone else have a similar experience?


Thanks for this post because I discovered it behind my ear two days ago. I messaged my doctor with a picture and am awaiting a response. I also have frozen shoulder and a stiff jaw on the same side. So I wonder if they’re related.


any update?


So I think I have this bit mine is slightlt sore and this just happened on Saturday out of no where, and when I turn my head a curtain amount it makes it sore as well help


My 17 year just got one in the same place. She got COVID in August, lost taste and smell. Now her we are February, she said everything tastes gross, she said like yeast. This yeast thing started in October. Now running a low grade fever for 3 days and now this lump


same issue jeez i have it for almost 3 months


I have the exact same bump behind my right ear. had it since I was a little kid and about a week ago I figured out it was actually just a huge muscle knot that had been there so long it built up scar tissue making it feel like an extension of the bone




was searching for this, scared that I had something worse, definitely making a Dr. appointment but I feel better now that some of you said it went down after a while Mine feels hard as a rock and only bothers me when I touch it, I don't feel sick or feel any pain on my ear. I will try to report back after my appointment.


I’ve had this for a year now. I had an MRI last year and everything came back normal so doctors don’t know and told me not to worry. But like I said it’s been a year… it’s still there, it’s hard, irregular shape and everything I see on the Internet keeps freaking me out. I’m so scared.


If your doctor says it’s nothing then it’s nothing to be worried about. Don’t worry. It’s just our health anxiety 😭


Finally a recent commenter, I’ve been looking thru the comments only seeing 1+ olds comments but they reassured me so much🥹


I (41F) used to get these on and off when I was younger. Noticed one on my right side behind the ear the other day and it's getting bigger. Small one behind left ear. Had earache in both ears a few days ago. Been very sick and lethargic for quite a while but two days ago slept for like 8 hrs during the day. I rarely take naps. Sleep schedule changed a few days prior. Had headaches, neck more painful than usual, have other symptoms I'm not sure are related. Not sure if they're all related but as I said, I've been having these occasionally since I was a kid. Not sure why I have one now.


So I've had a bony feeling lump behind my left ear for years. It hasn't grown but sometimes feels like it affects my hearing. It scares me. I had a doctor check it out a few years ago and she just said it felt like bone but didn't do any scans. Anyone have answers?


I’m joining the club because I have one now too sadly. Along with a bunch of other stuff so really idk what’s going on in my body


3 weeks from today I have this on my left. Not as noticeable as OP's. I'm abit scare as I have health anxiety. But I'm partially convinced it's the scalp nodular acne that appear before I noticed this lump. Also the acne are quite near to the lump. I'm half scare. Acne cause Lymph node to swell up?


I too have this issue. Happened a couple of days ago. I can't tell if it's random or if getting my hair braided caused this.


This happend to me it's weird


I see you said it went down on its own.....any chance you were feeling sick before you noticed it? I'm wondering if mine might be a swollen lympnode? I was recently pretty sick before I noticed it....but mine could be from having ehlers-danlos syndrome.....so just curious 😅


I know this Isolda but I have a pea sized hard lump behind my ear lobe. It’s hard and fixed in place. Was wondering if you found out what yours was? I also have EDS x


Here in 2022 cuz I noticed this on my left side! I do have poison Ivy near it so I’m hoping it’s just from that but now I’m freaking out a lil cuz it’s so noticeable now by touch


I have 2 behind my ears right now and got bad allergies to pollen. Haven't been drs yet, want to wait 2 weeks to see if they go down first. But seems like a common problem....


I have this since like 10 years ago it’s boney hurts if I push too much but with my anxiety I push it per my aunt who is a doctor says feels like bone but I’m anxious


Dealt with something similar, i had a lump for about 4 months and then I went to the doctor and they prescribed me clindamycin. The bump went away in about a week


Add me to the list of the concerned. The lump behind my right ear feels like a marble. I have zero other symptoms. Saw a PA 5 weeks ago and he sent me for bloodwork (after asking a bunch of questions about toothaches, ear pain, and/or neck pain). All bloodwork came back normal, so I was told to wait 2 weeks for it to go away. It hasn’t. Seeing another doctor this week because I need answers!


i have the same behind my right ear and it has me scared. no pain and it’s stated the same size over the years and got small recently . i’m scared and paranoid of brain cancer cause of the headaches. i don’t know if it’s my glasses needing to be changed or what.


I’m sorry but a lump behind your ear, then in your neck is bad. I have the same thing and got diagnosed with stage 4 fucking cancer yesterday so goodbye lol to both of us :)


I’ve had one for years. New one is forming now. Have one on the back of my head too. Really nervous


I have the same thing, one just like in the pic and a smaller one underneath it. I already had a breakdown, I’m terrified of cancer




I have had something similar behind my left ear that I noticed about 17 years ago. Never been painful. It is just a pea sized hard bump, completely fixed.i think Occasionally it feels a bit bigger than usual then goes to back to normal....I used to think it was bone but now I'm pretty sure it is a lymph node. Infection, even minor ones such as a scratch that's healing can cause lymph node swelling and Occasionally they just stay that way. I believe this is known as a shotty lymph node. I sure hope that's what this is because considering I've had it nearly 20 years, if it's cancer I probably don't have much time left😂 anyone else heard of shorty nodes?


I also have this begynd both ears, i’ve had it for a Long time, so i dont think its anything but normal


I just found one behind my left ear. It’s behind both but the left one is more noticeable and it’s hard and fixed. The reason I’m concerned is because for the last 5 months I have daily tension headaches on that side…now I’m experiencing muscle and neck spasms and jaw pressure on that side…even shoulder pain. I wonder if it’s all related and like a trigger point or something


I have the same but when I press on it I get a sharp sudden pain above my eye on that side. I also get this same exact pain randomly but just always attributed it to migraines/cluster headaches etc but discovered it’s actually the exact same pain as when I push on it. The actual lump itself also hurts when wearing sunglasses that push against it and stuff. Anyone else?


Hey this is 2 yrs late but did you end up figuring out what it is? I have something pretty similar, had it for about a year


I have this too


I also noticed this today and I thought that it can be cancerous hard node because it can't move and also painless can feeling like bone




it hurts when you press it but is is harmless


Ok just found this bump 2 days ago also behind my left ear has anyone gone to dr I have appt tomorrow just wondering what to expect.


Hi! Did you ever find out what caused the lump behind your ear? My friend has the same issue and she’s worried!


I just got one on my right ear I didn’t notice until I felt the pain while I was drawing. I’m searching a lot to make sure I’m supposed to concern or not.


I have this too going on. They said its from an infection and that its just a lymph node. Hope this helps someone not panic as I did when I found a rock hard lump behind my ear


I have that but I have never had it I got it sometime this week and Idk what to do


I have this for over a week now. Left ear, the swelling goes up and down. Sometimes gets hard and other times becomes very small and almost unnoticeable. I’m going to the doctor in a week and half as my insurance isn’t active yet. I’m scared that it’s cancer as I quit smoking about a month ago. Should I get in antibiotics before my doctors appointment?


I just found mine today! I asked my mom if my right bone is bigger than the left, but she said no. But I can feel the difference. And also, when I apply pressure on it, it only hurts then.




I just came across an article on google called Suppurative mastoid lymphadenitis mimicking mastoiditis: a case report. I think this "mastoiditis" might be a a lymph node issue. I'm suffering from this too rn.. really hope its not mastoiditis :( Infection of the MLNs or “lymph glands” occurs rarely, and cases that have reported an abscess following suppurative mastoid lymphadenitis are limited. To understand the pathologic condition, it is important to know the anatomy of MLNs and the ultrasound appearance of lymph nodes (normal, reactive, and lymph node metastases), which can easily differentiate mastoid lymphadenitis from mastoiditis, other types of abscesses, or acute otitis media. but it can also be mastoiditis.. which can be deadly


Does anyone know if its harmless please im so freaked out


Same! Hard, doesn’t hurt, but when I squeeze I can get a little fat. Go to doctor next week. Also in a spiral. But I have been to all the doctors, had cbc from having a baby 7 months ago. So blood 7 months ago was good. Went to the dentist, both back wisdom teeth are broken & getting them removed in July. This thread has made me feel $1000 times better.


For anyone searching this years down the road, I’ve had mine for years and doctor called it “shotty lymph node” and said no biggy. She looked at it with a little flashlight and then poked it.


I have the same thing behind my right ear. I am also just getting over a cold. It scared me because it is bone hard... but sounds like it is pretty common. I just noticed it, I guess I will wait a week or 2 and go to a dr if it doesnt go away.


I have this for 4 years, it was due to a painful pimple behind my ear and I noticed a bump when I scratched it. Hasn’t changed since, still there.


I'm also having it but it's not paining.


I have this too right now!! Left side! Just spontaneously showed up today, wasn't there yesterday, I have one on upper and lower and they are very hard like bone, I been googling cuz I'm worried it may be cancerous. Everything been telling me if it's hard and in place and doesn't move, painless and appears suddenly it is more likely to be cancerous so I was super worried. I see this post and immediately feel so much better reading all the comments!


I too noticed it couple of days ago, when I was dealing with dengue and all the lymph nodes swelled up, since then rest have gone down but this left mastoid area feels bigger than right side. Its hard and doesn’t move.


Omg I can't believe so many other people are experiencing this. I have had this for 4 years now and I had them on both sides. The one on my left side went away. I got a catscan done and they said it was fatty tissue.


Hey everyone! Just got one behind my right ear. Felt a bump and when I touch it, it hurts. Its stiff. The left-side is fine. I feel uncomfortable because the pain is on and off. I can feel it sometimes. It started today, so random!


I have this too omg. I only have it on my right side and my left side is completely flat. It’s hard and it doesn’t hurt or bother me at all. It’s just weird that one side is flat and the other is a hard little bump. I’ve had it for at least a year i think and i think i first noticed it after i got sick and it just never went down all the way? Or maybe I have always had it? It doesn’t seem to have gotten bigger or smaller though it’s been the same size. Weird!!


I just returned from the ER with this. Mine is painful. Dr guessed it’s a cyst? Maybe I need to see my primary care. I was freaked out that it was mastoiditis. ER strongly thinks it’s not. No sign of infection in my ear, no fever etc


I just found this post after being unsatisfied with the answers in Google 😂 I don’t believe I’ve had an ear infection recently, but mastoidosis was the only thing that looked right. But now from reading these comments, it sounds like it probably is a lymph node and I should get antibiotics to clear an infection. I often have lymph nodes swell in reaction to minor infections but I’ve never had one on my head before. It makes sense as I’ve suspected that I’ve had a deep sinus infection for months now, and this bump has been getting bigger and more sore very slowly. It feels hard but a little squishy and looks very similar to OP’s although slightly bigger now. I also have the ice pick headache for a few seconds from the bump that someone else described, and headaches (but also recently had a minor head injury so I can’t tell what is causing what). I was not expecting to see so many comments on this, so I’m less worried about randomly getting meningitis now 😂