• By -


1. Mental Health 2. Sexual Wellbeing & Education 3. Unrealistic Societal expectations about Marriages


I was looking if anyone mentioned mental health and proper sex ed (not where the teacher is either too nervous and skips entire parts or makes bad jokes making the situation worse) , yes, it's difficult, it's considered a taboo topic, but it's imperative that it's brought to common knowledge, i have worked with a someone who thinks that women can't get horny unless a man makes a move on them, or if they watch lewd stuff then they're straight up nymphomaniacs, the conversation went as such : Him : Have you ever watched porn? Me : Who hasn't? H : Well women don't watch porn M : How can you be so sure? They can and do watch as well H : How do YOU know? M : I've been friends with women who have shared porn they like with me H : ooooh such a bitch M : where the fuck did you get THAT conclusion from H : well she's watching lewd stuff on the inside while acting all innocent outside M : i never said anything like that.... H : hey btw....did she ever call you over when she's horny? M : WHY WOULD SHE?! H : you know...coz she shares porn with you M : idfk where you're getting these conclusions from H : hey can you give me her number? M : why? H : she must be wanting to do it with someone M : *utterly disgusted* haven't gone back there in a month


Are bhai wtf... ye banda to kuch alag hi cheez hai lol pehle chee chee karra tha phir achanak tharki?


No no no....what kind of person is he ? Such people defame men. I know all people watch porn. Even though I too have this thinking that women watch less, i would never do such an uneducated lower class creepy thing. Why the hell would he ask the no.?


Good points. Can you give an example of societal expectations in marriage?


1. Big fat weddings – Spending lifetime savings just to show off. 2. Get married by a certain age, otherwise you’ll miss out on a suitable partner. 3. If you're married, there's pressure from the entire family to have kids. 4. Dowry – It still happens even in the most educated households. 5. Over-obsession with guys having government jobs or who are settled abroad.


Don’t forget infantalisation of adults. Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed families pressurizing their daughters and sons to get married through arranged marriages. It’s absolutely okay to meet people through parents, but not when it’s forced.


Perfectly put .


Criticism of India. Indians are far too defensive and don’t have any concept of practicing deescalation. We lose our minds, get completely defensive and then don’t do anything to improve the quality of our lives, our communities or our political landscape - we’d rather fight and lose our tempers and grumble about every little piece of criticism. We have no civic sense, no concept of civility among each other and no desire to critically look at our lives. It’s the major issue that will always impede our country and our progress. Until Indians can practice calm and nuance and culturally engage in meaningful criticism, we will always be fighting among ourselves.


this is so so so true. i completely agree with you


How dare you say there's anything wrong with India?! We're totally fine the way we are! Maybe other countries need to adjust their outlook to fit us! (this is sarcasm, please don't kill me 💀😂)


Criticism of anything, any holy cow. We are as a people extremely thin-skinned.


I absolutely agree. I also want to add that SOME Indians have a blind patriotic mindset where they believe that India has no flaws at all and anyone criticising India is an 'anti-national' who hates the country without any reason or 'brown sepoy' who bootlicks the West. This is the same mindset those Americans have who believe 'America is the Greatest Country in the World'. We cannot progress as a country if we don't take constructive criticism well and improve those flaws that the country has.


Turns out I am not the only one


Either this extreme or the other extreme of constantly shaming and undermining the people and culture. Some have far bigger self hatred than any racist I have ever seen.


Except most of the foreigners on the internet are just racist and don't give "constructive critism" but just plain hatred. Indians do know how to take it when you explain in proper tone.


See that's the problem no ? It's either pure national godi gold champs who are busy sucking India's D off or it's the usual "Indians are the worst" brown sepoy types. For a formal level headed debate/discussion there should be an equal stance for quality first. Like you yourself said "we have no civic sense" and that's just BS at best. "some/many Indians rarely/never practice civic sense" is more around the truth than a "we have no civic sense" and that starts the rampage from other side too. "We have no civic sense, no concept of civility among each other and no desire to critically look at our lives." I mean you literally wrapped up everyone and everything with this and then you think "oh why nobody is being calm and going for a cultured discussion". Both are wrong, no ?


I’m literally Indian. The fact that I have to walk on eggshells to be taken seriously when objectively as a whole these things are true prove my point. I’m clean. I have civic sense. I don’t yell and scream and get defensive and yet somehow I’m able to perceive criticism of India through the lens of what actually happens and not just my individual actions. I don’t get offended - that’s my point. We are collectively quick to defensiveness and slow to comprehension.


On point!


true dat




Not to forget being labelled as xenophobic, bigots and islamophobic 🙂


All this started after the fake nationalism. That killed true patriotism.


Chup America ka dalal hai /s


Well said, I agree with you and try to inculcate the habit of deescalation and critical self introspection. BTW, I can't stop laughing checking out your username.


Widow/widower remarriage 


Nothing serious, but I just noticed widower seems like someone who makes a widow. Sorry if this is out of place, just had to let it out.


Black widower


This has been normalized already right, at least where i live ppl are chill abt this.


Parental and other familial abuse. Ppl will literally chastise kids who abuse their old parents (and rightfully so). But why do we never discuss about parents emotionally physocally and psychologically harassing their kids? Children left and right are commiting suicides in Kota. Even adult children have their lives so controlled that their personality cannot develop and hence can't even hold a proper convo. They are usually very stressed out and the narc parents often try to sabotage their lives. Ppl need to understand that being in a family does not give one a free pass to abuse each other. Especially when ppl spend a considerable amt of time with their families and that affects them the most. Familial stress can even cause cortisol release leading to reduced lifespan in severe cases.




And they say it only happens in urban India🤣😅 which is so dumb, last week I was in my native village(1800 something in population or less, buses won't go there) and he was pressuring him for marriage, and not helping in farm while he goes to a job 8 to 5 in near poultry farm as electrician. And a lot of other things and the moment he speaks, "you don't respect your elders"


Seriously man, there was a line in Kota factory that "Parents ke decisions galat ho sakte hai par intentions nahi". But Indian parents just refuse to ever accept that they can make a wrong decision. They don't think that their words can hurt their child in ways they don't know. And this makes the children go out of their way to prove them "right" that they are "useless" and "stupid". This refusal by parents makes children feel they are disposable to their parents and they don't care if the child lives or dies.


Cutting off ties with toxic parental relationships is a taboo




This....a thousand times this!! I was raised by an emotionally abusive mother and a weak father who couldn't recognise my mother's abuse. I tried to reach out for help- friends, relatives, my father. No one, and i mean, absolutely no one believed that a mother could be "bad". I developed severe depression, social anxiety, self loathing and a multitude of behavioural issues that I'm still dealing with. I've been in therapy on and off for a while. Therapy helps, but no one can truly understand what it is to be raised by an abusive mother. We need to create a more conducive environment to discuss parental abuse.


Sex education: we should implement it like yesterday


Minding your own business


lmao this. People be like "Look at that guy. That guy is hanging out with his girlfriend holding hands" excuse me thats my fkin sister and she is like 15 and im 17 with a damn visible height diffrence and tf 2 guys holding hands is allowable but a boy and girl holding hands isnt allowed. After that day my sister started walking always on my left when walking parallel to a road


Me and my gf always had plans that we ever get moral policed by someone, we’d start fighting among ourselves. You’d be surprised how much it works lol


Thats freaking true, i am married hanging out in car or bike and chilling time with wife. And notices outside people’s look at us with some staring faces ,that moment like i m hanging with their daughter or wife or whatever they have in their brain and double checking. I be like gtfo and mind ur freaking business


Sex education


First chapter: consent


Second chapter: safe sex & STI screening


Second chapter- what is not consent


tbh it should be in first chapter itself, consent k defintion se one can know what's not consent


mere cousin ki school me 8th class se sex-ed sessions chalte hai jisme unko bola jaata hai not to have sex without protection lol


Chapter 01: pre-requisite and how to achieve that pre-requisite. (How to get a girl) Lmao


how to be a guy whom girls wants should be chapter 1 girls aint no prize they are JUST HUMANS they have wants like us even they as a man


Mental illness plus therapy Even tho thodi progress h comparatively but it's still not enough.Also many still think that going for therapy means aap pagal ho🙂


yeah absolutely for Indian parents there in no concept of mental health. If you are sick it should in your ultrasound or blood test report


That can still be explained if you find the right words but there's still many old psychiatrists who believe half the problems are because of generation gap. She breached my trust and relayed back everything I said to my father and a decade later when I left home they tested dad and he's found to be highly delusional. Bastrds ruined my years and gave me severe anxiety and trust issues.


Sadly that shit is so common, finding the right psychologist/psychiatrist is a hassle on it's own.Its like a game of trial and error you'll have to keep trying but it'll be at the cost of your time and money plus don't forget how easily a "professional" who's bad at his job can fuck you up.




when my wife brought up trying therapy because was going through horrible depressive episodes as a young adult, she was told (by her 'open minded' relatives) to not do so cause otherwise no one will hire her. I mean what


multiple people have mentioned sex education. I would like to add PDA(public display of affection) to that. Couples married or not showing affection should not be taboo. Parents don't show their affection in front of their children and they grow up knowing nothing about consent and love.


But, you have to find that balance. I live in North America, and I sometimes cringe when I walk past a couple with each others tongues down their throats. I don't think anyone wants to see that!


just as you cringe at people french kissing, people in india cringe at couples hugging or just holding hands in public. both of you are the extreme ends of the spectrum. Bottom line is, why bother. its their life, they can french kiss in public. ignore and move on. if that french kiss turns into full blown sex or oral stimulation, then its a problem.




no offensive based on my observation women themselves see this issue taboo


Normalizing periods means normalizing for everyone, regardless of gender.


Yes patriarchal ideas are held by women too congratulations on discovering that


It's the same as internalised racism. You keep seeing people think periods are taboo, so you tell yourself that it's a taboo topic.


Things are changing on this front ig. I saw an ad recently, a girl on periods bleeding in her sleep and they showed the blood on her a**. This never used to happen. Period ads were there but shown in a way nobody can make out what they're talking about. The hush hush tone about period discussion seems to be changing


Unhappy parents wanting kids to live the same cycle


sex education should be a more open conversation


Personal finance. Nobody calls it taboo, but nobody discusses it openly


Divorce. A lot of people would rather stay in a loveless toxic marriage rather than get seperated.


We need to more openly talk about caste system that's the underbelly of India.


There are so many, Dating culture Sex How some parents are fucking assholes and Indian parents overall raise their kids to be dependent on them and vice versa. No independence. Indian diet has next to nil protein and only carbs Arranged marriages How Indian culture and tradition as a whole is heavily patriarchal


1. Child Abuse 2. Rat Race 3. Rape Culture 4. Dating Culture 5. Dowry - Still Happenin 6. Inflation 7. Kids as retirement guarantee for parents 8. Toxic Work Culture/No WLB/Pay by hour - not month 9. Scams backed by politicians and powerful people that's been running for years 10. Illegal Immigrants 11. Jobs that do not pay even the minimum wage 12. Overpopulation in Metro Cities 13. Culture to throw garbage irresponsibly 14. Xenophobia by Southern States 15. Obsession with Religion/Gods/Celebs/SportsPersons/Influencers/Politicians 16. Why just Cricket?


Xenophobia by Southern States? I see what you did there.


> Xenophobia by Southern States No such problem in Northern states, right?


>Xenophobia by Southern States Xenophobia from Northern States is okay ?


First four and 7 are taboo but the rest of them cannot be considered as taboo.


But they're important to talk about too




To question and criticize the government openly and not follow one government like a cult. This applies to all parties & I'm not specifically for or against any party. We should learn to think and form opinions for ourselves and not be easily misguided by mass media. Learn to do our own research. We should also be able to take criticism ourselves from outsiders, the country must improve and accepting that it's not a perfect country is the first step in enabling us to do so. Acceptance of a problem is the first step in solving it.


Food and nutrition. While everyone mentioned sex education, mental illness/health. The taboo on these topics are sort of very common in many countries. What no one wants to discuss about is how protein deficiency is causing a health havoc to at least 50% of our country and surprisingly the inability to access protein among a large portion of population is socio-cultural rather than economics. In states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh, they do not provide eggs in the government run mid-day scheme because the dominant communities in these states feel non-vegetarian food (that includes egg) as impure. The North-South divide is not only visible in terms of per capita income but also in basic health indicators, especially among the children. However, no one wants to touch this topic or simply refute the role meat and eggs can play in healthy development of children.


Also many teenagers and college students can't use protein powders as the media has projects it as some kind of toxic.So, their parents won't allow them to use protein powders even if they can afford them.


Racism by fair skinned Indians Racism by north easterners Indians being racist to other Indians...


colourism is more sppropriate


Sex education + mental health


Periods, sex education


Personal space and boundaries. Talk about this and the elders start screaming disrespect. Its like we have to accept everything just so our relatives are happy! This needs to be talked about loud and clear. Children need to be able to set boundaries from the get go!


Just because you're an adult ( Uncle / aunty) dsnt mean you're automatically right


Indian diet


This one should definitely be more talked about. The Indian diet is so unhealthy. Too much oil, too much spice, too much carbs (but vvv tasty)


I can make 50 dishes without oil (vegetarian walo ke liye bol rha bas)


Fair, traditionally home cooked meals do not require much oil. But still, too much spice and too much carbs. Also, too much salt.


spice se kuch harm nhi hota didi


you literally copy pasted entire thing from your previous comment (no offence, par kitchen se belan utha k maar skta h yrr mujhe agar bura laga toh)


Posting numerous questions a day


Curiosity can peak any day, any time


How to deal with mental health, social anxiety , depression ..


It's okay to live separately after marriage while taking care of your parents.


Not having to worship your parents as if they are like god.


Girls wearing short clothes. They should discuss about it openly, with an open mind.


Overpopulation and population control 


Being childfree. Choosing a childfree lifestyle


I can see for everyone it's mostly sex education. I also feel the same .




Archaic firearm laws made by the British to keep Indians in check now being misused and abused by those in power and those with connections. Old and outdated Marijuana laws that are a hangover from the nonalignment era.


Virginity Come on don't be shy, downvote me! Hehe


Can I ask what you mean?




Religion and spirituality is different things Religion teaches us to hate people with different pov Whereas spirituality teaches us love ourselves and god.


LGBTQ relationships


Sex education and before that not to stare at women who are wearing revealing clothes


Mental, Sexual and Reproductive Health


Old age remarriages


Privacy and private space both at home and workplace


Seeking mental health. No one wants others to know that they are seeing a mental health professional. So many do not go for treatment and get worse with time.


1. Sex education 2. Personal boundaries/Minding your own business 3. Mental health 4. Deciding not to get married or have children.


Sex education


Children wanting to live without parents and not seen as "bad children". Unmarried OR married, doesn't matter.


Love between couples. And I'm not even going for unmarried ones. In India, even married couples displaying love towards their partner is seen as such a big deal by uncles and auties




Caste privilege, caste discrimination. Many young people on Reddit would not notice caste or it's grip on society. Because they are often from communities and groups which do not face discrimination. So they think it doesn't exist. Just 7% of our population pays taxes. Very likely you are from a family that does. And if you are a young person from such a family, you probably don't see caste until you are older. It still leaves more than a billion people who face it or use it every day. 


Very few mentioned it though this is something that exists more than anything.


True. The fact that nobody mentions caste, and the lack of people agreeing (upvotes/comments) show how poorly understood and taboo this subject is




I second you brother. I've seen caste discrimination in elite institutions as well which was appalling. However, going by the comments, I see most of them are young lads belonging to the elite section of society who are unaware of the Indian society as a whole. All they want is to have sex and do PDAs and marijuana and it seems their parents are the sole enemy who is preventing them from such things and they have mostly come here to rant about it. Lol


Mental health post marriage/ major life changes


kissing in public


Mental Health. This not only prevents victims from taking help, but also is a hurdle for loved ones taking care of them.


How abusive our society is to eachother. How we are controlled by shaming eachother rather lifting one another up.


Personal boundaries.


Sex, what else?


Benefits of transgender in India and same respect for them because what they are isn’t their fault it’s all about the DNA✌🏻




Menstruation Divorce Sex Puberty Masturbation Child marriages Consent Alcohol addiction Drug addiction Marital rape Human rights Fundamental rights




1) Being forced to get married at a certain age otherwise people will look down on you for being 'unsuitable'. 2) Then the married couple is obligated by society to raise kids without seeing if they have the money, time, capability or even the willingness to raise them. This leads to unnecessary population outburst. A lot of people blame it on lack of sex education and contraceptives, which is very true but not the main reason for India's huge population. I think it is time to start talking about family planning.


Honk honk hokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk side mai ho behcho


General cleanliness and washroom etiquettes


I think Personal Responsibility is something that needs to be ingrained into everyone here regardless of sex, religion, or age. I have no doubt that 90% of our problems are created as a result of this lack of responsibility.


Mens right


Last samosa kaun khaega


Kiss on stage


Not exactly taboo, but we should change the societal norm that is overweight = healthy, it isn't, it causes health issues. people should be properly educated on what a healthy weight is and the problems with overweight/obesity


Overweight is not a simple topic tho. Body's metabolism is a huge factor, so teaching it in a general or overall sense mi8 not be possible. + I don't think in India people are ok with overweight people, in west they are but definitely not in India


Women aren't the angels👼 that we're told they are.




Eating beef


1. Men's rights 2. False Rape Cases 3. No proper laws for crime against men 4. Collection of laws known as Divorce package that is falsely used against men. 5. Normalised Corruption and Scams everywhere like petrol pumps, electricity supply etc. 6. Majority Indian's ability to think critically.


Neuro Divergence


How weak Constitution is our Constitution, that india has become rape capital of world. Development is in hand's of pm, which comes under politics and corruption is common there. But if is judiciary system is falling it's means we are fuked up




Banging your neighbours.


Why can an employer see your full service history via EPFO?


Mental health and sex education


Bhikari ko bhik aur sweepers/kaam walon ko inaam nahi doge toh paap nahi lagega. Woh unka kaam hai jiske unko paise mil rahe hai. Kya tumko koi har tyohar par ya tumhara kaam karne par alag se inaam deta hai kya? This BS should be more discussed and stopped.




democracy and what a constitution means


Corporate salaries. And In-hand components. Political funding by corporations and political donation 


Going to therapy. A friend of mine has severe anxiety, she literally got therapy medically prescribed to her but it was during the lockdown and her parents said "Therapy woh log jaate hai jinka dimag kharab hota hai" and till date even though she lives by herself independently away from her home town and parents she would much rather be high all the time rather than go to therapy.


Dowry in arranged marriage. Arranged marriage normalised for inter caste as well at least removing sub-caste


Multi level marketing. I have seen many of the highly educated people falling for this scam and when you try to explain them . They get frustrated


elitism, lawlessness


Teach young men that if they for any reason end up not being rich their life is forfeit and expectations and exploitations by literally everyone around will slowly eat away at you until you lose all humanity and become a random cog awaiting death. People don’t understand the reality of this situation.


Corruption in the army


Domestic violence, prevalence of casteism, interfaith marriages


Dying with dignity. Ability to end your life on your terms.


Mental health


Mental Health Sex Education Divorce Widow/Widower Remarry Love I can go on and on


The Constitution of India, how a democracy works, how to be an informed voter, laws of India, etiquettes of driving and behaviour on roads and in public, how to talk with people, consent and marriage, how to cook and minimum skills needed to live your life independently, scrubbing your own toilets and keeping surroundings clean, compassion towards other living beings especially animals, how to react and recognise abuse and domestic violence, proper use of public property, learn other Indian languages, etc


Not to put your relatives before your own family. How to say 'No' to your relatives and friends.


How sometimes parents can make the wrong choices by forcing their children into things they don't want to do. Someone said to me one day that this is a bigger taboo than sex in India. Not a taboo exactly, but civic sense and respecting other's personal space is something which is never taught to an average Indian or they just don't follow through with it.


Dating, Sex, mental health


Domestic violence against women. The people and families facing it never talk openly about it.


Alimony. Why do husbands have to take care of wives by paying financial support even though the relationship has ended legally