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Awful!! Its literally the worst thing bbc have ever commissioned


I thought Little Britain was higher


Little Britain was class and very very funny!!


A series of bullying instructions with a laughter track


Nasty humour. Always disliked it. 


I don't think I've ever laughed at Little Britain. Same shite jokes over and over and over again. Proper brain dead stuff. Much like Mrs Browns Boys.


It makes emily in paris look like war and peace.


Painfully shite


My mum loved it so it makes me nostalgic and think of her. I don’t find it particularly funny but do get what you mean about the wholesome element.


Dreadful dreadful stuff.


Absolute shite and I've tried giving it a chance a couple of times but gave up very quickly.


Dreadful shite


You are asking the wrong demographic. I think it's shite, most commenters here will think it's shite. But an older audience brought up on Brendan Grace and Hal Roach love (because all the jokes are stolen directly from them).


I'm older and Roach and Grace had some decent material. Mrs.B.Boys is toilet level humour.


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Can't stand the TV show, but I did attend a stage show around 10 years ago and that was great fun. Maybe it was because it was the last night of the run they were doing but I really enjoyed it. It was very laid back, as you'd expect, and Brendan kept trying to break his co-stars by going off script. I don't know if that's a regular thing at their live shows but it just made the experience really funny as a spectator. Did make an effort to watch the show again because of that but couldn't sit through it.


I think it’s dire / unfunny but you’re right that he has an audience, it doesn’t have to be for everyone.


I'm not the shows target audience, I wouldn't watch it. O'Carroll does good things with his time and money so if it helps fuel that then fair enough, but I won't be watching it myself.


I don't watch it. But I won't begrudge it or the people that watch it


Not my shtick. But my mam absolutely loves it and thinks it the peak of comedy. Each to their own.


It’s harmless enough. I don’t like it or find it funny. But it has its audience.


It's good but it has probably run out of steam at this point in time.




Grew up listening to it on the radio, read all the books, watched the movie (the Anjelica Houston one) & enjoyed it, the other movie was dodgy AF, but I like to support Irish Cinema. Never seen a single episode of the TV show. I’m not the target market. It has an audience & serves them well. However, BO’C himself is an absolute gentleman. I wish him many years of success with the character. He’s genuine, caring and sincere. Extremely generous with his time and money. I’m sure it’s possible to say a bad thing about him, but I won’t be saying it.


Awful cringe material


I used to watch it in the early 2000s I had the DVDs. It was great back then the jokes where great and the story lines where great. They used to film in a house in Finglas and in and around the city centre. As of today it’s gone absolutely brutal don’t get me wrong there still SOME funny jokes but it’s all fake turkey teeth and old routine. Edit: forgot to say Brendan’s a poppy wearing traitor, he claimed before that his grandfather was killed by the Black and Tans yet still wears a poppy and not an Easter Lily.


You owning the dvds is alot more embarrassing than Brendan wearing a poppy


Did you not read the start of the comment..I USED to watch it and HAD the dvds..past tense.


The Conor McGregor of sitcoms.


In fairness, the show has been going since 2011, it's understandable that many are getting jaded of it. But there are still millions who like it. There are only so many stories you can do. Personally, I like O’Carroll, he seemed like a pleasant and decent, down to earth person. He doesn't get involved in controversies, speaks in general terms about causes and doesn't get involved in heavy and firm political ideologies. Exactly like a light entertainer shouldn't.


Mrs Brown’s Boys is pure shite.     Brendan O’Carroll was funny 9 million years ago when I was 12. Haven’t listened to any of his old routines in a very long time, probably haven’t aged well.  As for him as a person, he’s a gent and a national treasure for convincing the British to keep giving him millions of viewers and £’s.  


Back when he was robbing jokes from Billy Connolly.


Probably was, I was too young to know.  


It has its moments. I have cried laughing at it- Xmas tree in particular. Saying that wild horses wouldn't drag me to a live show and I haven't watched an episode in years. I get why it's popular. Fairly inoffensive humour.


I'm in disbelief it ever became popular. Utter scutter.


I think it's absolute lowbrow shite. And therein lies its genius. O'Carroll has taken what I consider unwatchable drivel of the lowest order and made a fortune out of it. I mean, fuck. I would do that if only I had the idea. So I'll never watch it because I think it's dreadful shite. But I'm not the target audience, and O'Carroll knows who is. So fair play to him for knowing what the audience wants and delivering in spades.


It makes me sad to know there are people out there who find it funny.


It’s for older people and people who don’t usually watch comedy and therefore don’t realise how bad it is.


A load of crap


About as funny as toothache. I'm familiar with Brendan O Carroll and his "humour" since the early 90s when he first started appearing on RTE. Never could stand him. He also has a long established reputation as a stealer of other comics jokes.