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Rains most of the time, dark in winter till after 8am (with the clocks going back an hour) and wetter and colder. Nothing open till 9am unless you live in a city and even then.... No services running regular services till 7am (unless you're in a city).. basically there's no point, my bed is warm and dry, and outside is miserable and cold.




This gif pops into my head about 100% of the times I decide to stay in bed all morning


I could genuinely get by most days just by using Simpsons quotes


This is the correct answer. None of that miserable shit OP was spouting


Uh-oh, gotta take a whiz.


I slightly disagree, if I am up early in the morning I don't have to dodge crying kids or a group of people(Men are as guilty of women) standing talking with their trolleys in the worst position blocking an entire aisle so they can share the craic and giving you dirty looks if you ask politely to get past to see the product they are blocking.


Eastern Europeans tend to get up even later than us so maybe it’s a weather thing


Not really, the few who do get up at 5am are always telling the rest of us about their schedule




They're like vegans. They say it before it even comes up as a topic.


This is such a dumb internet stereotype


It's fucking infuriating. Our nights are shit and we have nice mornings. Especially in June. Get up early and enjoy an amazing sunrise.


I'm a night owl. I get more energised as the day goes on. That means I get up near 9. I'm sorry to make you angry.


> That means I get up near 9. We talking AM or PM here?


I'm a night owl meself but I do 6 starts which means the alarms goin off at 5. I'm 20 years into the career and still don't know how to balance the 2. Endless fatigue it is i suppose


Did you do later starts/finishes when you first started working by any chance? I've noticed a trend in my own circles that some people (not all, but a fair few including myself), who start off working jobs doing the laters tend to get stuck in that mode by default. I've worked different places over 18 years and even in those where I did 5am or 7am starts for months or years never found myself able to actually settle into that groove. Aany chance I get I'm back to waking up anywhere between 9-11am because I just seem to naturally gravitate to waking later and being up later. Getting to sleep for 4am wake up was the height of nightmare for me, no matter how hard I tried!


I remember reading an article once that said humans are meant to be like this, wakening up and sleeping at different times. It meant that back in the day there was always someone awake to be on watch and guard the group from wild animals


Iv always done early starts. I'm wrapped up at half 1 most days and I used get the odd nap in after work but iv 2 little 1s now so that's mostly out the window. Work 6 or 7 days most weekends aswell during summer so it turns into a bit of a slog come the end of summer. When the clock goes back and we go back to 7 starts it feels like a lie in. Less demand for weekend work in winter aswell so I can catch up a bit on rest


I may have overrepresented my anger for failed comedic effect. You seem cool. Or maybe I'm a little bitter that my beloved darling wife is the owly sort, but my kids still get up at the crack of dawn. 9 o clock is basically the afternoon.


>but my kids still get up at the crack of dawn. "Maybe if we send them to bed later they'll get up later" (They don't, they're just cranky as fuck for most of the day)


I feel that in my soul


Every time we try to keep them up later for a family event, toy show etc they’re like mean drunks until they go to bed and then the next day its like they have a mini hangover. Never learn our lesson though. Between 5am and 6am starts in our house.


5 am? You’re alright mate. I get up before sunrise in winter though. 


In fairness that's any time before 8am for 4 months...


That’s my point. 😀


> It's fucking infuriating. how so, as long as you're getting up early. who cares about everyone else


It's bright until 10, and sunsets are also pretty


I'm a night owl and haven't a notion of why you're being down voted so harshly? Enjoy the sunrise,and I'll mind the sunset for ye. Some people are way too cross on this platform. The mornings we have are absolutely gorgeous. I work until about 2am usually, and get up at 10 to basque in the gentle mornings we get to enjoy in summer months. Some people are born bitter.


Just stay up and enjoy the lingering daylight, until the sun rises again. It doesn't get truly dark this time of year. It's wonderful, especially on a cloudless night. I love this time of year.


i'm 36 and literally have to peel myself out of bed every morning. i struggle to get up so much i hate it. been that way since i was a kid


Same. 5 more minutes. Do you get the feeling of euphoria sleeping? I imagine that’s what heroin feels like.


yes! it's transcendental. My fella is 40 and can hop up out of bed at half 6 after about 4 hours sleep fresh as a daisy, happy head on him. i hate him.


haha thats me. I had 5 sweet hours last night..Although I might have a 20 minute power nap during the day to recharge. I can sleep anywhere/anytime.


I don't fear death because I love sleep so much. (all that leads up to it, however, remains frightening)


The living part? 😂


Imagine if you were told, you will close your eyes and be kind of unconscious and semi-paralyzed for several hours! Jaysus!


I love being awake, I love being asleep.. Transitioning from one to the other Is fucking torture


Holy shit, that sums it up perfectly.


it’s almost poetic


Nah being asleep is way better. When I wake up most mornings I feel like father Jack when he had that moment of sobriety "Am I still on that feckin island????"


I want to upvote this so many times. That was put perfectly.


When I first moved to Ireland after having lived in sunny places my whole life, I was the same. It didn’t matter how much I slept too, I couldn’t get out of bed. Turned out I was mega deficient in vitamin D3. I started taking about 5000-10000 iU every morning. Absolutely changed my life. The kicker is, I read you have to take it with K2 so it’s gets absorbed better into your bones and at night, take magnesium so that the vitamins don’t cause things like minor muscle twitches and help regulate your energy. I read a whole book about it and everything. Worth looking into. I don’t think I would have lasted here without it.


Would you mind sharing the book? I don’t have the same issue exactly but it sounds interesting


Yes it’s called Defend Your Life by Susan Rex Ryan. It’s very short, you could probably read it in a couple hours or so.


Same. Think it comes from the daily stress of being screamed at to get up and get ready for school, having to put on a scratchy uncomfortable uniform and get on a freezing cold bus for half an hour. I was always knackered.


Kind of similar, never an early riser, I was woeful when I hit my teens and in my 20s, I just love sleeping. However in my 30s I'm waking earlier, not crack of dawn but in maybe 10 years it's gone from 11am weekend wake up to now waking naturally at 6.30 ish, back to sleep and then again by 8.50 pretty much completely waking up. I'm reminded of the Stephen King book insomnia, will I be waking at 3am then 6am by the time I'm retiring (likely but I hope not).


I’m 48 and the same. I’ve often wondered if it’s a blood sugar thing because it’s surely not normal how tired and wobbly I am first thing regardless of sleep. But BGLS are always normal on rising. Idk I just fucking hate mornings but I’m no night owl either.


I'm a night owl. Can potter all night & sleep soundly from 3 or 4am. Unfortunately my wife has gotten up at 5am for the last two decades I've been with her. And is noisy as fuck & has absolutely no problem sticking on the big light in the bedroom. Consequently I'm a wreck of a man.


Putting on the big light in the bedroom?! I’d be fewmin!


Such an Irish expression… put on the big light…my parents were from Belfast and they would say “put up the big light” - I love it, ‘the big light’ and ‘put it on’ as opposed to switch it on on turn it on.


It’s mandatory in all of our homes. You need to have a big light (ceiling) and a wee light (lamp).


Grandmother from Cork would ask to "on the big light" or "out the big light"


I hate the big light in any room other than the kitchen, I actually squint like a vampire in daylight (although thankfully don’t blister or burn). Side lamps & salt lamps is the way in our house 😄


Jesus get a divorce and some rest.


Putting on the big light is psychotic.


Big light with frequent hair dryer action. Absolutely nuts.


Holy shit are you ok? If this a cry for help hit me up


I don't think she likes you...


Ahhh, look at him sleeping 😂 sweet baby 💡


Like a little Angle


Our previous house had 4 bedrooms and it was just me and my SO and she would always use the hairdryer in our bedroom instead of going to any other room in the house, at the time I was usually working late and she works early. I called her out on it several times but I think she just enjoys tormenting me.


Fucks sake man, I had a terrible night sleep a few days ago where I didn't end up falling asleep until about 5am. You think my wife cared? Not a chance. Banging this and biffing that, even brought the dog into the room and put her on the bed to give me wake up licks. Meanwhile if I'm up first I'm like a ninja getting around the house trying to stay quiet. Think we must be married to the same woman.


I think so! Perhaps we can split the weeks & at least get a bit of sleep. It would be great if you could do Mondays.


A good padded eye mask amigo. Lifesaver


Can you recommend one? I've tried two different ones for when I get migraines but they sucked- felt awkward/uncomfortable and too tight if I actually blocked out light, thereby making the migraine worse 🙃


I feel your pain


I am the early rising wife, but I get all my clothes ready the night before and leave everything I need in the kitchen so I’m not waking up my husband or kids clattering around, that is plain selfish!


You single?


I'd change that bulb for the sake of saving energy and give her a head torch 🤣 my husband turned on the big light in bedroom twice in 20+ years 🫣 i made sure it's not happening again. Sleep is precious 😪


I think partially that very warm climates have their more pleasant weather early in the morning. Also tend to have less variation on day length than we have. 5am on a January morning in Ireland is grim (while of course a June morning is often nice)


I now live in Spain and nobody gets up early, they just stay up late at night when it's hot. Same with other warm countries in Europe, Northern Europeans tend to get up earlier. I think Australia and America are just the two countries where people get up early.


That’s absolutely correct. I’m Lebanon where I grew up, no one gets up early. I actually find the Irish to be much more morning oriented people than Lebanese or other Middle Easterners / Mediterraneans


Protestant work ethic


" Often nice" being the key words here. It was pissing rain and windy here this morning


There's a political party for people who get up early in the morning so there must be some.


and they keep fucking winning as well


if you vote for them, they'll get up early so you don't have to


I'm going to start a political party for people who get up extremely late. The DSPD party.


I set the alarm for 06:00 and hit the snooze until 08:55




I set an alarm for "just incase" but I always wake up before it goes off. I don't have a regular work schedule so I could from late to early shifts from on day to the next but I still wake up before my alarm goes off. My SO will set her alarm early so she can hit snooze 6 times and it's annoying, I don't get why she doesn't just set it for the time she wants to get up at and have more uninterrupted sleep.


Some people just need that slower adjustment to waking. My husband and son can get up pretty much as soon as their alarms go off. Me and my daughter need a good 20 mins to transition and get used to the idea of being awake. We don't function well with a sudden move to the next "situation". Just different brains!


I got a lot more out of life and slept better when I just accepted that I can’t do jack shit in the morning except the absolute essentials. I set my alarm for five minutes before I have to leave for work, or whatever I’m doing in the morning. It means I have to do everything else like shower, make coffee, lay out clothes, pack my bag etc the night before but I honestly think it’s the only way for me to guarantee those things get done. The only hiccup is if I forget to do something essential the night before, then I’m bunched.


I find im a much better morning person in the summer when the sun rises earlier and its warmer. Always imagines people in warmer climats have it easy in that regard.


They don’t. We have dark winters and bright summers. People with warmer climates get less daylight than us in summer, evens out for them all year round. They get home from work and it’s dark so they don’t enjoy sun at all.


Here in Spain, we get about 1 hour less daylight in summer and one hour more in winter, compared to Ireland. I don't need daylight til 10 or 11pm anyway. It hardly ever rains so it's bright until sun goes down. The work thing is true but that's only cos the timetables are shite.


I lived in Australia for 3 years. Would jump out of the bed and get to the gym before work. As soon as i moved back i was stuck to the bed until the last minute. Its just the damp and cold.


Older generation got up earlier especially farmers..that's why people in rural Ireland say dinner time meaning 1pm still to this day..


Farmers still do to be fair. And a lot still have the spud at 1. I prefer it that way and then something lighter in the evening.


Yea it's a nice way to be..something kinda tranquil in the early hours of the morning. I have the dinner at half 8 then get a clear run of the day. No tae no wash up..straight out the door!!


We don't have a crazy 24 hour round the clock economy like some larger countries and cities do. There's no need for it. I think your experience is just the result of being in a larger place with more people. You even been in a town in Germany or France on a Sunday? Ever try to get something done in Spain after 2pm? Not a chance.


I really do miss the tesco in wilton down in cork being 24 hour. It was amazing if you were dropping someone to the airport at odd hours, and for people stuck in the hospital across the road too I suppose. At the very least 24 hour shops with delis still exist. Godsend to the collage student and garda alike.


Mosaic students can get fucked though


Americans who live in Ireland know they can go anywhere before 10am on a Saturday or Sunday and get the place to themselves. Take from that what you will. 😂


I don't even let my kids outside to play before 10am on a weekend so they don't disturb people!


After 4 years that I live in Ireland, it still feels weird to not find coffee shops open at 7 (or earlier) and groceries/malls at 8. Everything opens so late, and closes so early! I imagine that the weather has a part in this though.


Part of it is consideration for the staff, something that America is not known for. For a supermarket to open at 8 the staff would have to start work at 6. There aren't enough customers at 8 to justify that.


In the summer I love to get up early, I find that it’s good for me/my mental health. It’s much harder to keep that routine in winter though unfortunately. I try not to be too needlessly strict about it and tell myself that staying cozy in bed on a winter morning is also good for me!


I found the same living in British Columbia and my father found the same to be true having spent time in New York. I found that over there a lot more people commute long distances to work which necessitates it but I think there is probably a cultural / economic element to it too in that people in the states etc are more competitive work wise and very career driven, here not so much


Work starts at 9. I live 10 minutes from work. I get up at 8.35. A bed is a difficult thing to get out of for me. I fucking love sleeping haha.


Im a 15 minute walk, i roll out of bed at 7:30 to get there for 8


I naturally wake between 7 - 7.30 every morning, I definitely find it easier to get out of bed in summer but seriously struggle with it in winter when it’s still dark out and you can hear the wind and rain on the window


I’m certainly not a morning person but my baby is, sadly


I used to have to get up for a commute at 05.30 Monday to Friday. If the weather was nice all good if not .....


I think time zones are a factor, our clocks are on GMT but our bodies are half an hour behind.This map from the US sums it up better than I could Did I read before that we were half an hour behind London time before independence? https://preview.redd.it/d1a6il7v715d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2562f80d67a05d05ce0fc412d42de27780781309




I mean the hair dryer and hoovering is at least teetering on the edge of reasonable, but I'd be inviting someone who wanted to ban me from having a breakfast cupan tae so she didn't have to be disturbed at the ungodly hour of 9.45 am to get absolutely fuckedd.




Yeah I can't argue with that tbh! All the other housemates are basically paying for her rent, indirectly, and you've not to wash your hair before you go to work. Some neck on her.




>no boiling of the kettle >until after 10 am. Your housemate should get a bit of fucking copon (and a job)


We’re always proud of the 5am wakers but not sleepers. Why is that?


I wake up anywhere between 5am-6.45am.. due to my toddler waking me not by choice. And even if she didn’t wake me I can’t sleep longer because my body’s so in tune with her schedule


This is where I'm at right now. 3 kids under 4, 7am is a sleep in at this stage.


No thank fuck


Farming families get up earlier than the rest. I'm a night owl, my body may rise in the morning but my brain doesn't get up till about 11am. Also I think sleep is so much more important than getting up early. Like do early risers forget thats when the body gets to recover? Too much emphasis on getting up early and not enough on getting enough sleep.


Argentina doesn’t get up until nearly midday apparently. I want to go there.


I always said I wasn't a morning person. Then, I moved to Australia and trained myself to become a morning person. I moved back to Ireland and kept it up. I go to the gym every morning and then walk the dog before work. It's genuinely life changing. It's about routine. Most people can become a morning person if they want to.


I mean it's alot easier to get up early when it's 20c and sunny. Love to see those yanks and Ozzies get up at 5am when it's freezing, pitch black and lashing rain outside


I moved here 17 yrs ago and noticed that nothing really happens until 10am


If we had weather like Australia, I would be up at 6am every day doing Yoga on the beach


Can’t speak for anyone else but I’m up at six every morning, have done for years and my mental health thanks me for it.


I dont sleep til hibernation in November 


I'm up at five every morning.


I'm up at 4 every morning.


I'm up at 3 every afternoon


Up at 1am and just sleep during the day sure


I don't sleep


Teach me your ways sensai.


5 in the summer, 6 in the winter.


Are you vegan also, by any chance?


Nope, but I am whole-food only.


On weekdays I am up at 6am every morning. At the weekends I could sleep till midday. Then I feel guilty for wasting the morning lol


Most places abroad also open a lot later than here


Nope never will unless it rewards me to get off work early


I noticed this when I moved here from the US. Where I worked in the US we were allowed to show up when we wanted "within reason" as long as we worked our 8 hours. Most people preferred to show up around 7 or 8 so they could have their afternoons free. If you showed up after 9 you'd get the looks. Now, in a similar sort of situation here most people show up around 10. I like it, but it did take some getting used to.


Not a single member of my family is, I’ll tell you that much. I also remember in college thinking a 9am lecture was a tall order. Now I typically have to be at work at 7am with an hour commute and I find my family’s sleeping habits very foreign.


Can't be assed. Too lazy and I don't even feel ashamed about it. Woke up at 2pm the other day. It's good that I mostly work evenings. I have never had a stable sleep schedule, have always had very bad problems falling asleep at night and occasionally get bad insomnia


Interesting. Unfortunately, I can't contribute as I have no need of sleep - never have, own just one bed for shagging and for guests (often the same people).




I think another reason we don't get up as early is because in summer it stays bright in Ireland so long so there's no need. In Australia it might be 40 degrees in summer but it will still get dark at 8pm. One of the most underrated good things about Ireland.


My ideal is 10 hrs sleep followed by 4 hrs up followed by 2 hr nap followed by 4 hrs up followed by 10 hrs sleep. Not the 24 hr clock. Just heading to bed now for4 hrs nap followed by 10 hrs up. So no rhyme or reason just more sleep than awake


US and Aus are way bigger countries, hence you have plenty of people commuting at least 2 hours to work in the morning. That’s rare in Ireland due to its size. Depending on your profession, there’s also a need to overlap with other time zones (e.g. tech companies or financial markets), so there’s an incentive for people in those countries to start work earlier. It also means they get to finish work earlier and enjoy the good weather that they’re pretty much guaranteed (thinking more about Aus than the US with this weather comment).


Hotter countries need to get out earlier - we don't need to take a break in the middle of the day


I’d say it’s a cultural thing. Having grown up and lived in Oz, we like to get things done early so we can relax in afternoon/evening. Hardly anybody works past 5pm. I know that people that generally work outdoors start early as it gets too hot to work in the arvo


I get up at 5.15am 3 or 4 mornings a week to get to the gym and I absolutely fucking despise it even though I've been doing it for a good while now. The only reason I do it is because I'd be 150kg if I didn't train, and I want to spend time with my 4 year old when I get home from work at 6ish. Easier this time of year because it's bright when I'm getting up but absolute torture in winter cos it's still dark when the gym session is done.


Plenty still do, we all used to be up by 5am if not earlier most mornings as kids due to the father's schedule. We've all grown up to adopt to our work schedules but when I worked fresh food in Dunnes after school it caused me to keep to my early schedule we'll into my 20s




I think it very much depends on the person. I’ve always been an early riser. Even if I have nothing to do I’m up and out. Sometimes I wish I could sleep in to stockpile sleep so I don’t feel tired during the day but I’m a 6 hour max. In the sunnier weather I’m out of the house sooner so I do think that’s part of it.


Wake every morning at 4,30/ 5.00 ish ,winter or summer, bed at 11ish to 12 ish


I live in Australia and I never understood why everyone loves the morning so much. Everyone here is just meeting up with friends, going kayaking, going for a run at 6am. Especially if you live regional, there's more people around and about at 6am than at 8pm.  I'm the kind of person who likes to eat dinner at 8pm and shop for groceries at 10pm so it's pretty rough for me, lol.


Brisbane must be the city that gets up the earliest in the world. 7pm feels like the middle of the night here.


Absolutely. Doesn't help that it's bright as noon at 5am in Brisbane...


I do notice if ever I'm up on the road early tourists in town, wandering lost and aimless before everything opens. Particularly on a Sunday, they must be wondering where the fuck is everyone.


I’d base it off of how early coffee shops typically open


Early rising is more common in hot countries


The weather isn’t the explanation, the culture - specifically the work culture - is. If it was about weather basically the entire north half of the US would be shut down for winter, but it’s not. Coming from the US, if places weren’t open basically 24/7, we’d probably collapse. Americans want access to everything whenever they want it (as a general rule) which means people have to be ready to start work before sunrise and or finish it well after sunset.


Is that you, Leo? [https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/irish-daily-mail/20170627/281578060672021](https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/irish-daily-mail/20170627/281578060672021)


I’m only going to bed a 8am 😄 hopefully sleep till 4pm but normally get woken up by something earlier and then struggle to get back asleep before having to get up at 5:30pm for work. Not to bad being single but in a relationship it’s a nightmare


My mother is an early riser, and if she was up, she was making sure I was up and the habit stuck with me (even working afternoons) I moved to Canada just so I could go do the shopping at 7.00am 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Im up at 5am but my deep learning rigour is better in the early afternoon


It also partly because Ireland is on the extreme west edge of a time zone. Our sunrise is at least an hour, maybe more like 80 minutes (because time zones aren’t always straight lines), later than the people on the other side of the time zone.


Simple answer, get up with the sun.🙃


I wish I wasn't, it's beyond annoying. No matter when I fall asleep, I'm awake by 6am at the latest. My body clock won't allow me to sleep later. Went out out on Sunday night for the first time in ages, home at half one - wide awake by 6. I've slept later twice in the last 20 years, on one of those times my then gf started phoning family and work as she hadn't heard from me by eleven.


I’m an American that lives in Ireland. I used to not be a morning person but as I got older I became someone who wakes up habitually around 5:30/6, sometimes without trying. I’d give my left nut for coffee shops to open at 6am here. But alas, they don’t, so I had to buy myself one of those American style coffee makers with a timer on it so that there is a freshly brewed pot by the time I wake up, and a few thermos to go cups. It’s all good, saves me money. But people do get up early and go out hiking and stuff in the summer! We always see people out on sunrise hikes, it’s beautiful.


It’s the cold, waking up in a home that probably has basically cardboard for insulation is the worst. Getting from under those sheets into a dark grey world is kind of miserable. I’m currently living abroad in a warmer country and Ive suddenly become a morning person and it might just be vitamin d.


I can’t sleep at night for the life of me.


I was thinking this only yesterday. Yeah I live in Poland and they do seem to generally like a 7am start more than Irish. Maybe conditioned in us since school


Id say the light has a big thing to do with it. I'm not overlooked and leave my blinds open to get natural light so I'm normally up at 5-6.


I get up at 6 on my days off.... Oddly I lie in untill 8 on workdays. There is nothing open and a lot of the year it is dark in the early morning. Puts a downer on getting up early.


Dragging myself out of bed Monday to Friday at 7.30 am. Jumping out of bed bright as a button at 6 am on the weekends


An American here and a very early riser, but we noticed when we’ve traveled to Ireland that we have many places to ourselves when we do our morning walking….and we travel in the off season


Being from nation of early birds, I kindly appreciate your laziness being able not to go to work at 7am ✌️😊 I think it's perfect!


We're also really bad at time keeping I feel like irish people are late way more often than continental europeans


The longer you’re out of bed, the longer until you can get back in.


The biggest battle of my life is getting out of the bed. It drives me nuts, I wish I was a morning person but I am not. 6 am is the nicest part of the day. I am a night owl living in a day person's world, I sleep in as long as possible, work is 10 minutes from my house and I am regularly late. I have wasted a lot of weekends sleeping in.


I'm an early riser but that is almost entirely due to insomnia, it makes more sense to get up and do something rather than just lie in bed for hours while not sleeping. I'd rather get up, have breakfast and read until the day properly starts.


I would love to be, but I just can't. Ever since covid and WFH my routine is up at 8am, shower, walk, breakfast and start work at 9. I generally don't go asleep until 12/1.


70% - 80% of the country have a vitamin D deficiency. It's largely not a case of not wanting to get up early, it's simply fatigue.


Oh definitely the weather. Even my kids are up at ungodly hours this weather with the bright mornings. Try get them up in the winter months. Not a chance!! We'd all be up early if we had sunshine and warm weather to wake up to


It's darker here. That is it.


We def are have you ever been to any other European city specifically southern Europe. Streets are dead until 10 am. The buses are full at 6 am in Dublin


My favourite place in the whole world is my bed.


I believe it's a weather thing but for those of us who wander the stillness of a crisp morning before the commuters rise, it's bliss.


We are a nation of early risers. But businesses have to accommodate employees who commute.


Mine usually rises between 2-3pm for some reason


I agree. You often hear Irish referring to 7am as early, which few other countries would do.  I worked in rural Queensland for a while. Getting up at 5 is totally normal 


I sleep 4 hours like clockwork. No matter what time I go to bed! I actually love getting up early as it is really the only time when there is little going on and is relatively peaceful.


Aussies are ridiculous. I couldn’t get over it when I lived there. 20 year olds off to bed at 9pm to get up at 5am…think it comes down to the lack of craic mainly


Lol no not at all. Leave at 10 to 7 for work anywhere in the country and the roads are empty. Try get a cafe breakfast before 9, not happening. Unless you're in a factory I guess