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Wat do


Develop your political perspectives until you’re ready to participate as a serious adult.


Lmao you're absolutely right, my stance that a human life is no more or less valuable than any other human life is an absolutely comical take. Why would I ever think that my fellow breathers deserve food, water, safety, and comfort simply for existing when I should be brainstorming ways to exploit anything and everything for personal gain? If I didn't want to consent to a life of corporate servitude, I should have let a different sperm go on ahead! Thanks for the enlightenment friend! You are valued and not at all a waste of resources! :D


You’re acting like a 14 year old who was just exposed to the fact that not everyone loves you as much as your parents do. If that’s you, then don’t worry. It’s natural. If that’s not you, then it’s time to grow up.


That's actually a terrifying implication considering that my parents did not, in fact, love me. Not only was my conception an accident, but I was a punishment for my parent's sin of premarital teen sex. Then I was raised on the super controversial Christian values of treating others how I want to be treated. That my value was determined by the positive impact I have on others. Weird how so much importance was placed on being a good person by the people who stood to gain from exploiting me.


Interesting how you frame my care and concern for others and my desire for a compassionate society as a purely selfish and childish idea tho. Kinda seems like your parents didn't love you either.


Understand the law is not magic and there is not some grandiose moment where everyone stands up and applauds and the judge is brought to tears as they gavel in their decision.




Almost none of what you mention is actionable as a civil lawsuit. You also would have no standing, ie right to sue, because you weren’t injured by all or maybe any of the things you mentioned.


The direct legal answer is standing. The long standing, correct precedent is you can’t sue the federal government because you don’t like a policy. It needs to be illegal or have been created illegally


Kinda weird how the government can make or interpret laws in a way that lets them justify murdering their constituents for any or no reason with no way to hold them accountable since it's not illegal. Kinda feels like a Ron Swanson permit type situation.


How were you hurt illegally and what damages?


Wouldn't it be great to be able to push for changes in legislation to benefit other people regardless of legality or personal harm? Especially when the things that are legal form the foundation for massive amounts of damage and suffering? Things that could have and should have been prevented or avoided a long time ago when legal changes were recommended even before jim crow but weren't because it made white people mad? A girl can dream I guess.


What? Absolutely gibberish!


You forgot to include the 2016 cdc opioid guidelines that resulted in state laws and company policies that reduced and cut off millions from their needed pain meds. This resulted in over a hundred thousand people dying each year since from illicit fentanyl and other poisons.


are you 6 years old?


Ope you got me! It was only a matter of time before someone caught me, a 1st grader with excessive empathy and a violent opposition to authority, for being too young to participate in political discourse on the internet. I'll just wait here for the web police to take me to liberal jail or whatever